Join Sri Sathya Sai International Organization USA in meeting a goal of planting a million trees to commemorate our founder Sri Sathya Sai Baba's 100th birthday in 2025. By doing so we are also supporting the Arbor Day Foundation's mission to inspire people to plant, nurture, and celebrate trees!

Sri Sathya Sai Baba said in 1993, “Human life will find fulfillment only when ecological balance is maintained. Balance in human life and balance in nature, both are equally important, but because there is deforestation to an alarming extent, the extent of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has considerably increased. Therefore, the remedy for this situation is intensive afforestation, growing more trees everywhere and protecting the existing trees without destroying them for other purposes.”

To order trees at a discount, visit: with code SATHYA10.

Become an Arbor Day Foundation member here: ADF Membership Registration - SSSIO

You can also help with a widescale reforestation effort where every dollar = one tree! With your pledge below, trees will be planted in Georgia.

Private landowners in Georgia own more than 90% of the state’s forestland. Through the years, this forest canopy has become fragmented, developed, and converted to other land uses. A partnership with the Georgia Forestry Commission and property owners is focused on restoring the land to its natural state. Native loblolly, slash, and longleaf pine will be planted, providing fire-tolerance as well as habitat for endangered and threatened wildlife including the red-cockaded woodpecker, indigo snake, and gopher tortoise. 


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