2024 NYC Marathon - YGB

💕 A Message from the organizer, Emilio, Nate, and Harrison:

Emilio: I'm particularly passionate about the work YGB is doing as I spent 3 early years of my life in foster care. I’m compelled to support a cause that helps kids live to their fullest potential and sets them up for success in ways the system often can't. Nate: In my past decade of working in education and now as a therapist, I have worked directly with youth who were adopted and youth who have experienced foster care. Their resilience is inspiring. Harrison: I know the value and power of a loving family firsthand, and how I’ve leaned on them for support through every moment in my life. I want to help kids find the love and stability they deserve and find their forever homes.

Support Team YGB as they take on 26.2 miles to raise awareness for older youth in foster care

You Gotta Believe is a NYC based nonprofit organization focused on finding permanent, loving families for older youth in foster care. We are one of few organizations working to ensure that no child ages out of the foster care system alone.

Campaign Fundraisers

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