On January 8th, Avery's local community was struck by the devastating Eaton Canyon Fire, which led to the destruction of many schools, including her own. This fundraiser aims to restore normalcy for the teenage victims affected by this unfortunate event.
The mission of the Altadena Girls Fire Recovery is simple yet profound: to help young girls regain their sense of self and confidence. Avery, witnessing the profound impact on her friends and schoolmates, has embarked on this mission to provide essentials that are crucial for them to feel like themselves again. We are focusing on gathering clothes, personal items, beauty and hair care products – the everyday items that allow these teenagers to thrive and carry on amidst challenging circumstances. By contributing, you help us fund the necessary items that bring smiles back to our teenagers’ faces and a sense of normalcy back to their lives. More importantly, you are helping us build towards long-term support.
Please consider sharing or contributing to this fundraiser. Thank you for your continued kindness and support.