Celebrate my 60th Birthday!

$1,900 of $2,000 goal

raised by 9 people


About This Fundraiser

The non-profit organization, Worth of Love, brings the joy of celebration to the homeless youth of Los Angelas and Houston by providing a monthly birthday party! I am excited to donate my own birthday to others who might not otherwise be able to have a special day celebrating their life. Please help me raise $2000 to sponsor one party! I will be matching funds, so together we can sponsor two full parties!!!! 

$1,900 of $2,000 goal

raised by 9 people



The fundraiser organizer hasn't posted any updates.
  • Anonymous donated $790
  • Anonymous donated $1,000
  • Makers Challenge Central donated $100
  • Raechal Petris donated $10
  • Jacob Haynes donated $10
  • Corey Haynes donated $10
  • Corey Haynes donated $10
  • Anonymous donated $20
  • Karen Haynes donated $50
  • Anonymous donated $1,000
  • Anonymous donated $790
  • Makers Challenge Central donated $100
  • Karen Haynes donated $50
  • Anonymous donated $20
  • Jacob Haynes donated $10
  • Raechal Petris donated $10
  • Corey Haynes donated $10
  • Corey Haynes donated $10