We’re helping youth to choose JOY over everything!
Thank you for your support this past year. 2022 will be a year for BLHF to highlight our youth in need of mental health services. This is an opportunity for people to come together through generosity in all its forms by sharing acts of kindness and giving their voice, time, money, goods, and advocacy to support our community at Boris Lawrence Henson Foundation (BLHF).
Your Gift Positively Impacts Mental Health Services for Youth. During this year we ask all Boris Lawrence Henson Foundation supporters to join us by donating to Give Youth Joy!________________
Joy is our North Star. In order to achieve the peace we want, the balance we seek, and the wholeness we deserve, we must work as a collective to prioritize our joy. The past few years have been more than a challenge. The images we see of hopelessness through media and even lived experiences, have made it almost impossible to find optimism and hope for the future.
This year, we plan to re-ignite JOY. We get to choose what that joy looks like for ourselves, even in the midst of challenging circumstances. Our joy is inclusive of our peace and our values. Our joy meets us where we are on both an individual and collective level.
As an organization, our mission is to offer our community the tools and resources needed to help break the silence and stigma that keeps so many of us from asking for and receiving the help we need. From who we collaborate with, to how we show up in the community, all the way to the content and programs we create, we want to help every individual discover the pathway to their peace, their freedom, and their wellbeing.
We’re helping our community choose JOY over everything!