raised by 1,368 people
Welcome to our "No-Shave November" fundraiser in support of the American Cancer Fund! This is your chance to make a difference by simply putting down your razor and letting your hair grow wild for an entire month. Join thousands of participants across the nation in this unique journey to evoke conversation and raise awareness about cancer.
The American Cancer Fund has been a beacon of hope and support for nearly 60 years. Our mission is to educate, support, and empower those diagnosed with cancer. We provide independent information and research to enable patients and their families to make smarter choices for treatment, focusing on cure, functionality, and dignity. By participating in No—Shave November, you’ll help us work towards our ultimate goal: to save more lives. Educate. Navigate. Research. Empowerment.
Did you know that 92 cents of every dollar donated allows us to support those fighting cancer? Your generous donation, whether to honor the living or remember someone who passed or as a general contribution, will support patient research, cancer education, prevention, and disease navigation. Make your tax-deductible donation today, and together, we can make a real impact in the fight against cancer.
Wondering how you can get involved? What are the No-Shave November Rules? It’s simple! Commit to not shaving or grooming for the entirety of November to spark conversations about the importance of cancer awareness. Share your progress, inspire others to participate, and, most importantly, raise funds for the American Cancer Fund, one of the official participants in the only legally registered No-Shave November fundraiser.
Ready to get hairy and make a difference? Join us today and be a part of a movement that saves lives.
raised by 1,368 people
Hey everyone! November 30th is here, which means our No-Shave November beard contest and fundraiser is officially wrapping up! It's been an amazing month, but alas, the beards are coming off tomorrow for many of you. 😢Before you shave, make sure to send in your beard pics so we can feature them on our socials — we’d love to see them! A HUGE thank you to everyone who participated and helped support this great cause. 🎉We know many teams are still collecting donations and rounding up those last few stragglers. No worries — we're happy to accept donations for the next few weeks! Last year, we were still receiving contributions all the way through January, so take your time if you need to. What matters most is that we're all raising awareness about men's health, and the importance of prevention and early detection. We’ll be doing some semi-final tallies soon, followed by the final count to share how much we raised together. You’ve all done an incredible job, and we can’t thank you enough for your enthusiasm and support! Don’t forget if you’re having any trouble with your donation page or making the donations, please refer to yesterday’s email from Andeidra Timm. She’s here to help you. And once again, here’s the general donation page: https://www.pledge.to/no-shave-november Stay tuned for the results, and thanks again for being awesome! 😊💙
Only 4 more days of No-Shave November!
Thanksgiving! Does it conjure up an assortment of good thoughts, good meals, and family? We hope you are also thinking about giving thanks for all you have. We at the American Cancer Fund certainly are, and we wish to take this time to thank our donors and supporters. We love you! Thank you. Thank you.
The 2024 No-Shave November campaign has been doing exceptionally well and we are glad to have so many teams and individuals participating in a variety of ways. With only 4 days to go, and as of today 11/26 we have raised online, over $77,000 from 1158 donors and 132 teams. Plus, there are external fundraisers and pledges coming in that nearly double that amount. We are definitely on pace to meet or exceed our fundraising goals thanks to all of you. We have teams holding auctions, teams running events, and lots of individuals enlisting their friends and family, all for this great cause.
Don’t forget the emphasis this month is on men’s health and especially early detection and prevention. So, a special nod goes out to all the police and firefighters (mostly men) who have participated not only this year but for many years. If you are an individual who signed up but has not yet donated, the donation link is: https://www.pledge.to/no-shave-november
Now we know many, many of you have been working hard this month to raise the most money you can, and we know that the 30th is a Saturday. So, you can make those final or semi-final donations whenever it’s convenient. In fact, last year we were still receiving donations in January. The website donation page is actually open year-round and for those of you who prefer to mail a check, the address is:
American Cancer Fund
PO Box 7262
Hillsborough, NJ 08844-7262
Wishing you and yours a very happy and ‘hairy’ Thanksgiving.
Mid month update.
Woo Hoo!
We’ve made it halfway through the month of No-Shave November. Growing your hair and being ‘hairy’ is making a mark in communities all around the world and especially here in the US. Folks are discussing men’s health and preventative health screenings. Way to go! Please keep spreading the word. Tell everyone why you’re ‘hairy’. And… don’t forget to send your group or personal fundraiser page info to your circle of friends for their donations. Let’s have some fun doing this folks. Get creative and share your news.
OK, here's our first contest - the first police department, fire department, or company team that sends us 3 pictures of their mustaches/beards will be featured as Team of the week on all of our social media platforms. @americancancerfund
As of today, 11/15 our fantastic individual donors and teams have raised $62,000 on our main online campaign platform as well as another $7,837 on a subset of campaigns and individual peer to peer campaigns in our name. Yes, there’s a lot of ‘hairy’ out there as we have also received dozens of checks in the mail too! Our main campaign alone covers over 900+ donors and more than 120 teams. We can also thank our international donors from Germany, France, the UK, Mexico, Denmark, and Portugal. Just to keep you all on your toes and competing, Coral Gables PD is still leading the main campaign with $3,800 donated and the leading peer to peer team of the Summit PBA Local #55 has donated $1,600.
With the involvement of so many dedicated participants we
are hoping to exceed our initial goal of $250,000. These funds will be used to
support cancer patients and their families, cancer education, patient research,
and early detection methods via preventative health screenings.
Stay ‘hairy’! Show your stubble success (or progress perhaps). Don’t forget
to send us your no-shave pix and tag us on social media. @americancancerfund
American Cancer Fund Staff
PS – Don’t like the way your name is displayed in the fundraiser? The organizer can go right into their profile and change the display name to whatever they need it to be. If it now says John Smith (for example) they can change it to the ‘xyz’ Police department or the ‘abc’ business, right in their profile. Still need help? Email us and give us a phone number so that we can help you through it.
Well, what a fabulous full week of No-Shave November. It’s already one third of the way through the month and the response has been terrific. There are now 111 teams raising nearly $40,000 from fire departments, police, and multiple businesses along with 80 individuals that created peer to peer campaigns nearly doubling that amount to support the cause. We Love You! We are excited to see what those individual teams have raised. And we love all the beard pix.
Keep ‘hairy’ now and keep spreading the word. Yes, ladies can certainly participate too. Forgo the haircut or other grooming expense and use the dollars you save to help us fight this battle against cancer.
Remember, you can send your donations in at any time or wait until the end of the campaign. And to answer the questions about accepting checks, for those who prefer to mail a check, the secure mailing address is:
American Cancer Fund
PO Box 7262
Hillsborough, NJ 08844-7262
Until next week’s update, we remain…. HAIRY
The No-Shave November campaign has NOT ended!
Dear supporters and participants:
A software glitch at about 2pm today Tuesday 11/5 indicated that the No-Shave November campaign had ended. IT HAS NOT! The software was fixed and we are back!
We are proud to note that as of 3:30pm (eastern time) on 11/5 we have raised nearly $28,000 from nearly 600 donors and 96 teams. So please keep the campaign and the beards going.
We truly appreciate your ongoing support and wish you a 'hairy' month.
American Cancer Fund
It’s officially No-Shave November and we warmly welcome all
the No Shavers out there.
As November starts, we wanted to give you an update on the
campaign beginning. Online we have received over $20,000 in donations and the
external donations (checks and pledges) are nearly double that. Woo Hoo! 61
teams were signed up to participate (and many more are coming guys) and there
are over 350 donors. Our donors are located all over the USA and we have also
received donations from Germany, the UK, Mexico, Denmark, and Portugal. What a
great way to start!
Have an update on your team or group you’d like to see
posted? Email us at admin@americancancerfund.org
and we’ll make sure you get noticed.
Keep up the great work. And a special shout out to the first
place Coral Gables Police for leading the campaign fund raising.