Pledge to make a difference, together.

Play Like A Girl!

NASHVILLE TN 37215-2728,

| EIN: 33-1149207

Our Mission

Our mission is to ensure that every girl reaches her full potential by providing girls ages 9-13 an opportunity and in many cases, their only chance to participate in sport and physical activity. We endeavor to harness the natural properties of sport to propel young women into competitive, male-dominated careers especially those at the intersection of science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM) and sports. We offer programs and resources designed to transform girls' motivation into an "I am unstoppable" attitude. It is our goal to help girls everywhere find the courage to do things beyond the field of play that they never thought possible. We believe that girls given the opportunity to play on a team become women who have the confidence to stand on their own

Our Impact

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