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Fisher House INC

7323 W US Highway 90 Ste 107,
San Antonio TX 78227-3561,

| EIN: 74-2603325

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$2,350 raised via 29 donations

Our Mission

To support military members, veterans, and their families staying at Fisher Houses and those who are eligible to utilize Fisher Houses but staying at other appropriate points of care venues while they receive medical treatment, care or support.

How Your Donations Help

  • $10 provides 1 meal in San Antonio, TX
  • $200 provides 1 meals for the whole house in SAN ANTONIO, TX
  • $500 provides 1 shopping trip to stock the pantry in SAN ANTONIO, TX

Our Impact

Fisher House INC posted an impact story
JBSA Lackland Fisher House

When Brayden and Deklin were born they weighed 2 ½ pounds combined. In fact, the doctors weighed them in grams on day two: Brayden at just 400 grams and Deklin only a little bit heavier. The twins were born January 26, 2011, and for the next 4 ½ months, Frank and Canndice lived a daily, and sometimes hourly, emotional roller coaster, never knowing if their boys would survive and then – if they did – would they ever be able to play baseball, read a book or dance? “The doctors warned us from the beginning that we might have to say goodbye, at least to Brayden,” said Canndice. “What helped more than anything was being able to stay at the Fisher House. Having other people to talk to. We were all struggling. One person had cancer, one had hepatitis, and another had a baby in NICU like us. It didn’t matter, we were there for each other. I can’t tell you what that means – to know you are not alone.” Brayden and Deklin are thriving, active, vibrant little boys. Determination, the miracle of modern medicine, and the love of their NICU and Fisher House families, have all coalesced to help create a happy, delightful American family.

Fisher House INC posted an impact story
San Antonio VA Fisher House

Since our son’s accident in April, our family has spent over 150 nights in Fisher Houses. Without the Fisher House Foundation, I don’t know how we could have possibly been there for our son when he needed us the most. The value of their support to military and veteran families cannot be overstated. When Seth was flown to San Antonio in mid-May to continue his treatment and recovery at the Audie L. Murphy VA Medical Center, Doug Dickson and his team at the San Antonio VA Fisher House were there to support us. Over the next two months of Seth’s recovery, therapy, and rehabilitation, Laurie and I found respite in the Fisher House and comfort in the care and compassion from the staff and fellow guests.

Fisher House INC posted an impact story

Robert was already on his way to his unit headquarters. “I’m backing out of the driveway. I see my mom calling on the cell phone. I knew something was wrong. I answered the phone. She was crying. She wasn’t screaming and yelling, but she was freaking out and saying, ‘Something’s happened to August. I don’t know what’s going on. Nobody’s telling me anything.’ Which is not how the process is supposed to work. And I just said, ‘Stop. I’m going into work. Those people will be able to get answers. I’ll call you when I know something.’” Robert was able to get news that his brother was alive, but it was bad. His unit immediately got him a flight to Landstuhl, Germany for him to be with August. “So I packed a 36-hour bag. I had two children, and my wife was pregnant at the time. So I told her, ‘Hey, I’m going to meet Augie.’ And you know, my wife was fully supportive. And I got on a plane.” As a pararescueman, he had some medical knowledge and, when he saw the leg wounds, knew that August was in for a tough recovery. He sent news back to the family and, exhausted, settled into the hospital room to be close to his brother. He even presided over August’s re-enlistment in the hospital. He stayed there for about two days, sleeping in the chair before being told about Fisher House. “I’m sitting there, concerned about what August’s life is going be like after this. When I initially heard Fisher House, I didn’t know what that was. I honestly initially just thought ‘We’re going to the barracks. Fine.’” Instead, Robert was ushered into the Landstuhl Fisher House where he was able to get food as he went to and from the hospital, a safe place to stay near August, and comfort. “I felt like I was surrounded by family because everyone else in there was dealing with something like this. Right? So when I passed someone in the hall, the conversation felt very natural. It wasn’t like talking to a random stranger. I knew the person that I was engaging with in the hall that day or at the kitchen, or who was offering me some dinner that they had just made, I knew that they were there for the same purpose that I was, that there was an injured family member in the hospital.” He was only the first member of the family to stay at a Fisher House and find comfort with the other families staying there. August’s injuries were bad enough that he spent three years attempting to rehabilitate his leg before opting for an amputation. Through about 20 surgeries, his mother, sisters, father, and stepfather all came to support him at hospitals in D.C. and Texas, usually staying at a nearby Fisher House. “So August went through this, he got shot in 2011,” Debbie, August’s mom, said. “They didn’t take the leg till 2014. August used the Fisher House multiple times. It supported his whole family, depending on who he needed for which operation the Fisher House supported us.” August even got to join them in a Texas Fisher House. Knowing that his family was taken care of helped him focus on healing. “It’s comforting knowing that you are not a burden on people because that’s the initial thought, right?” August said. “You’re used to being the savior, not the person that everybody’s trying to fix.” “Them being [at Fisher House] where there were constantly people coming in and bringing food, there was constantly that community there, where they were able to talk to other family members that had been there a while. And then on top of that, be there for me when I needed them to be, that was just, it’s irreplaceable.” “I could literally see the Fisher House right outside of my window,” August said. “And so there were multiple times when I’d say bye, and I’d see them turning around and waving, even though they couldn’t tell which room or window was mine, but they’d wave at the hospital and I’d wave.” August remains on active duty and continues to serve as an Air Force pararescue jumper. He also is an adaptive athlete.

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