Pledge to make a difference, together.

Blue Ribbon Coalition, Inc./ Share Trails.Org

PO Box 5449,
Pocatello ID 83202-0003,

| EIN: 82-0413981

Our Mission

The BlueRibbon Coalition champions multiple use of public lands for the benefit of motorized and other recreationists by educating and empowering its members to: Secure, protect, and expand shared outdoor recreation access and use of public lands. Work collaboratively with land managers and other recreationists. Educate the general public, media, elected officials and other decision makers on land-use issues. Promote responsible use of public lands. Promote equitable and responsible land management by government agencies. Affect the legislative and administrative process to protect and expand public access to public lands. Initiate or intervene in lawsuits to secure, protect and expand responsible recreation opportunities on public lands.

BlueRibbon serves outdoor recreationists in all 50 of the United States.

Our Impact

What Can You Do to Help?

Fundraising for an organization will help them help the world.

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