Pledge to make a difference, together.



| ID: 89-6568417RR0001-0000769

Our Mission

At the First Narayever Congregation we participate in a community that is both richly traditional and gender egalitarian. We follow a traditional approach to Jewish prayer, valuing the beauty and depth of ancient prayers in Hebrew. At the same time, we have equal roles for men and women in all aspects of the service. Members of our congregation come from a wide spectrum of Jewish experiences. Some are encountering Judaism for the first time, while others have had years of intensive study. We value including every person in ways that are right for him or her, and we encourage you to participate in ways in which you feel comfortable.

Services: Services are held every Friday night (6 pm), on Shabbat (9:00 am), and Sunday morning (9 am), as well as on Yom Tovim. Congregational members routinely assume the role of leaders for our services, and all are invited to take an active role in our davening. Opportunities to learn the traditional liturgy are provided.

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