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Displaying 25–36 of 388

World Wildlife Fund

WWF's mission is the conservation of nature. Using the best available scientific knowledge and advancing that knowledge where we can, we work to preserve the diversity and abundance of life on Earth and the health of ecological systems by protecting natural areas and wild populations of plants and animals, including endangered species; promoting sustainable approaches to the use of renewable natural resources; and promoting more efficient use of resources and energy and the maximum reduction of pollution. We are committed to reversing the degradation of our planet's natural environment and to building a future in which human needs are met in harmony with nature. We recognize the critical relevance of human numbers, poverty and consumption patterns to meeting these goals.

Impact Metrics and Stories
Kitty Bungalow - Charm School for Wayward Cats

Kitty Bungalow Charm School for Wayward Cats is California's only 100% feral cat rescue and socialization facility. As shelter interventionists, we focus our attention on the most vulnerable of felines -- feral cats and kittens. Our one hundred weekly volunteers, who use force-free socialization techniques, take street cats from 'hiss to home'. Each year, through TNR and Working Cat programs, we place a thousand feral cats in safe locations, and intake hundreds of feral kittens. As a 501c3, we rely on community donations and support. Only through working together can we continue to offer life saving services to LA's abandoned cats and kittens. Change a cat's life, today through a donation. Your contribution to the "students" leads to more charm school graduates each year.

Home Free Animal Rescue

Home Free Animal Rescue goals: 1. Save pets that need rescue the most. 2. Make adoption in NJ easy, affordable and fun.


Our mission is to adopt and save as many as we can. Helping those that are helpless because of who we are and reduce the number of homeless Siberian Huskies while improving the welfare and education of Domestic Animals. Karen Ferreri-Miller founded Free Spirit Siberian Rescue in 1999. It was said that we work to foster Respect, Understanding and Compassion for all creatures, and the belief that all life is valuable and worthy of protection. Since the founding of Free Spirit, it has adopted more than 1070 dogs and counting.