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Humane Farming Association

The Humane Farming Association (HFA) - now over 200,000 members strong - is the nation's largest and most effective organization dedicated to the protection of farm animals. Founded in 1985, HFA has gained national recognition and respect through its hard work and its highly-visible, highly-successful campaigns.HFA's goals are: 1) to protect farm animals from cruelty; 2) to protect the public from the dangerous misuse of antibiotics, hormones, and other chemicals used on factory farms; 3) to protect the environment from the impacts of industrialized animal factories.HFA's comprehensive programs include: anti-cruelty investigations and exposs, national media and ad campaigns, direct hands-on emergency care and refuge for abused farm animals, consumer boycotts, legislation, and youth humane education. HFA's National Veal Boycott continues to be the single most successful campaign ever conducted against factory farming. Achieving an unprecedented drop of nearly 70% in the sale of drugged, anemic, and tortured baby calves, HFA's groundbreaking investigations have just resulted in the first-ever felony convictions of veal industry leaders. HFA's efforts against Bovine Growth Hormones have been pivotal in mobilizing the public against this cruel and dangerous dairy hormone. And HFA's campaigns to stop the abuse of millions of pigs, chickens, and other victims of factory farming continue to turn the tide against the abusive factory farm industry. The outstanding work of the Humane Farming Association is regularly featured on network television and nationally-broadcast radio programs such as ABC's PrimeTIME Live, Good Morning America, World News This Morning and CBS' 60 Minutes. HFA's hard-hitting expos?s have appeared in Time, Newsweek, People, U.S. News and World Report, the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and dozens of other major publications across the country.As HFA makes headlines for its landmark victories and hard-hitting anti-cruelty campaigns, there is another equally meaningful aspect to our work - and that is HFA's Farm Animal Refuge. HFA's Farm Animal Refuge is the largest farm animal rescue facility in the world. Over seven square miles, HFA's Refuge offers hands-on emergency care, rehabilitation, and refuge for abused farm animals. HFA is the only national farm animal protection organization with a shelter that has never turned away farm animals seized as a result of a cruelty case.In 1991, HFA established its political and legislative arm - the Humane Farming Action Fund (HFAF). HFAF is the nation's only political lobbying organization founded exclusively to protect animals raised on farms. HFAF enacts strong and enforceable legislation to outlaw animal abuse and works to ensure that existing anti-cruelty laws are not undermined or weakened by inhumane and unethical meat industry-backed legislation. All combined, HFA's programs and activities represent the greatest hopes of those seeking to create a better world for all of earth's creatures.

Chahinkapa Zoo Association


Humane Society of The United States

The HSUS seeks a humane and sustainable world for all animals; a world that will also benefit people. We are America's mainstream force against cruelty, exploitation, and neglect, and also the nation's most trusted voice extolling the human-animal bond. Our mission statement: Celebrating Animals, Confronting Cruelty.

World Wildlife Fund

WWF's mission is the conservation of nature. Using the best available scientific knowledge and advancing that knowledge where we can, we work to preserve the diversity and abundance of life on Earth and the health of ecological systems by protecting natural areas and wild populations of plants and animals, including endangered species; promoting sustainable approaches to the use of renewable natural resources; and promoting more efficient use of resources and energy and the maximum reduction of pollution. We are committed to reversing the degradation of our planet's natural environment and to building a future in which human needs are met in harmony with nature. We recognize the critical relevance of human numbers, poverty and consumption patterns to meeting these goals.