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Displaying 37–48 of 538

Wolf Conservation Center Foundation

The Wolf Conservation Center teaches people about wolves, their relationship to the environment and the human role in protecting their future. Founded by Hélène Grimaud in 1999, the Wolf Conservation Center (WCC) is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit environmental education organization working to protect and preserve wolves in North America through science-based education, advocacy, and participation in the federal recovery and release programs for two critically endangered wolf species - the Mexican gray wolf and red wolf. The WCC's three 'ambassador wolves' reside on exhibit where they help teach the public about wolves and their vital role in the environment. Through wolves, the WCC teaches the broader message of conservation, ecological balance, and personal responsibility for improved human stewardship of our World.

Marine Mammal Stranding Center

The Marine Mammal Stranding Center (which has the privilege of housing the only marine mammal stranding facility in New Jersey) is dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation and release of stranded or otherwise distressed marine mammals and sea turtles along the 1,800 mile New Jersey coast and inter-coastal waterways. MMSC is further committed to the preservation of our oceans and the education of the next generation through public information and internship programs.

Blue Ridge Wildlife Center

Blue Ridge Wildlife Center (BRWC) embraces the compelling mission of caring for native wildlife by integrating veterinary medicine, rehabilitation, education, and research. We are a full-service wildlife teaching hospital and rehabilitation facility that cares for native wildlife by treating animals in need and by educating citizens on how to protect animals and their habitat in perpetuity. With these two goals, we aim for greater native biodiversity and healthy ecosystems for the benefit of all living things.

Serenity Springs Wildlife Center

Serenity Springs Wildlife Center is dedicated to providing a safe, stable and permanent home for non-domestic felines and other exotic wildlife. Through educational programs and community outreach, we strive to raise public awareness of the existence of the large numbers of captive wildlife and the continuing need for sanctuary from exploitation, abuse and neglect. Through introduction to, and education about these magnificent creatures, we promote compassion and respect for all animals while fostering recovery for endangered species.

Center for Biological Diversity

At the Center for Biological Diversity, we believe that the welfare of human beings is deeply linked to nature — to the existence in our world of a vast diversity of wild animals and plants. Because diversity has intrinsic value, and because its loss impoverishes society, we work to secure a future for all species, great and small, hovering on the brink of extinction. We do so through science, law and creative media, with a focus on protecting the lands, waters and climate that species need to survive. We want those who come after us to inherit a world where the wild is still alive.

Impact Metrics and Stories
Northern Colorado Wildlife Center

We are a nonprofit that operates a wildlife hospital and education center. In 2023, we utilized our hospital space to accept hundreds of wild animals that had become sick, injured, or orphaned. Our team of wildlife rehabilitators and volunteers worked together to provide field rescue, rehabilitation, and release services to a wide range of wild birds, mammals, reptiles, and amphibians. In fact, our team provided expert care to over 70 different species of wild animals. However, saving lives comes at a cost. With $3,500 a month in hospital rent alone, we need all the help we can get to fund our important wildlife conservation efforts!

Wolf Conservation Center Inc

The mission of the Wolf Conservation Center is to advance the survival of wolves by inspiring a global community through education, advocacy, research, and recovery We are driven by our values of respect, community, and passion. Respect - We respect wolves, their complex ecological role, the landscapes they shape, the people who care about them, and the people who live among them. Community - We are inspired by the pack. We bring people together, we nurture, we educate, we aid, we protect, we organize, and we defend. We are always stronger together. Passion - We have a passion for wolves, for the landscapes we share, and for the work of protecting them. Our passion drives us to learn, see the big picture, and be diligent and tenacious in the long-term work of saving wolves.

Noah's Ark Rehabilitation Center

To provide a home for abused, unwanted, and orphaned children and animals. To provide an education for a culturally diverse group of children: school, improved social skills, and emotional stability are part of our plan to help break the cycle of poverty and destructive behavior. To provide an awareness through our rehab/education programs which emphasizes that all living things have value no matter how small or seemingly insignificant. When we as a society can recognize this fact we will begin to win the battles for conservation and preservation. To provide God's unconditional love and care for humans and animals who have special needs in their lives, whether mental, physical, or emotional.

Bluff Lake Nature Center

Our mission is to share our unique urban natural area and inspire environmental connectedness and stewardship through experiential education, environmental engagement, and natural area preservation and restoration.

Loggerhead Marinelife Center Inc.

We are a non-profit sea turtle hospital that promotes conservation of ocean ecosystems with a special focus on threatened and endangered sea turtles.

Center For Wildlife Studies

To provide accessible environmental education and promote wildlife conservation through science.

South Florida Wildlife Center

Protecting Wildlife through Rescue, Rehabilitation, Release, and Education