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Displaying 361–372 of 494

International Association for Human Values

The International Association for Human Values (IAHV) offers programs to reduce stress and develop leaders so that human values can flourish in people and communities. We foster the daily practice of human values - a sense of connectedness and respect for all people and the natural environment, an attitude of non-violence, and an ethic of social service. Our programs enhance clarity of mind, shift attitudes and behaviours, and develop leaders and communities that are resilient, responsible, and inspired.

Fairfax County Volunteer Fire And Rescue Association

The Fairfax County Volunteer Fire and Rescue Association (FCVFRA) is a partnership of 12 volunteer fire and rescue departments in Fairfax County. Volunteers in the 12 departments are full partners with the career staff of the Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department, providing emergency services in and around Fairfax County. The system has more than 1,500 career firefighters, EMS providers, and support personnel, who staff the County’s 37 fire stations 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. They are joined by more than 300 operational volunteers from the 12 volunteer departments. Volunteers receive the same training and provide the same emergency services as career personnel. The combination career and volunteer fire and rescue system has evolved to meet the changing needs of Fairfax County. It is regarded as one of the nation’s premier emergency service organizations.

Impact Stories
Life for Relief and Development

Life for Relief and Development is a nonprofit organization deeply rooted in the belief that saving lives should be a priority of all mankind. For this reason, we are dedicated to alleviating human suffering regardless of race, color, religion, or cultural background. Life works to provide assistance to people across the globe by offering humanitarian services such as health care and education, as well as catering to casualties of social and economic turmoil, victims of hunger, natural disasters, war, and other catastrophes.

Agora Partnerships

Agora Partnerships accelerates the growth of high-potential, early-stage entrepreneurs across Latin America committed to building purpose-driven businesses that address critical social and environmental challenges. We provide entrepreneurs with accessible, high quality business services and a community of peers. By bringing investors and other like-minded partners into our entrepreneur community, we provide businesses with access to a larger network, accelerate their growth, and dramatically increase their impact on society.

Give Foundation

Mission: To increase access to education, preserve the environment and expand pathways to entrepreneurship around the world.Vision: A global network of empowered, prosperous communities, united by humanity’s shared values and driven towards our common goals.Our Core Values:- Education: Every child deserves their fundamental right to an education.- Environment: When our planet’s ecosystems thrive, so do our people.- Entrepreneurship: Local, social entrepreneurs can unlock their community’s potential.

Return To Haiti Inc

Return 2 Haiti is a nonprofit organization with a mission to create sustainable projects for Haiti in the areas of Health, Education and Environment. The defining difference for Return 2 Haiti from other organizations with similar missions is our conviction to work in a rural region of SE Haiti which is particularly devastated by the forces of nature, economics and social trends. Additionally, our commitment to only sustainable projects which spring from clearly identified local needs and local sustainable commitments.

Greenville Area Parkinson Society

The Greenville Area Parkinson Society (GAPS) began as a social network in the early 1990’s and became an official non-profit organization in 2012. The main goal of co-founders Patrick Sullivan and W. Stanton Smith is to offer support, education, and advocacy to the people of Greenville who are walking with this disease progression. GAPS is not about medication or research but truly focuses on offering support to our members as they learn to cope with the challenges and obstacles of living with Parkinson’s Disease today.

Global Peace Festival Foundation Philippines, Inc.

We aspire to build a world of global peace - a dynamic social environment that uplifts and reinforces the noble qualities of human character; - that honors and affirms our essential interconnections, rooted in family relationships and extended to all humanity as one family; and, - that manifests a culture in which our innate creativity and innovative spirit can be used to create value, solve problems, and build a world where all people have the opportunity and capability to achieve a meaningful and prosperous life

Discovery House Family Violence Prevention Society

Discovery House is a second stage shelter established to address the social issue of family violence in Calgary. We provide long-term shelter, intervention, education and professional counselling for families who are victims of abuse. Our goal is that families have an increased capacity and support for living a safe and harmonious life in the community. We achieve this by restoring self-esteem, teaching strategies for personal safety, and developing problem-solving skills with our residential and outreach clients.

Omnis Foundation

Omnis Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to restoring communities in crises by establishing health and education programs founded on social responsibility. Our goal is to provide resources necessary for sustainable growth. We believe that the best way to unlock one’s potential is through creating an environment that encourages progress. We started our work in Ukraine to address the immediate humanitarian needs of the families and children affected by unrest in the eastern part of the country. Our short-term initiatives focused on supplying emergency medical aid and organizing educational workshops for physicians to set higher standards for the treatment of the wounded. Our long-term initiatives include projects that provide underprivileged children and youth with access to better education and empower them to realize their full potential. As Omnis Foundation continues to grow and establish itself, we are partnering with the global community to develop and implement programs that help societies overcome challenges they face today. We aspire to equip people with necessary supplies and skills, which will prepare them to take on future adversities that current social, political and economic climates might bring.

Global One Foundation

Global One Foundation (Global One) is a non-governmental, international aid organization. Global One is recognized for its unique focus on holistic education, sustainable farming for increased food supply and food security for residents and orphans of Kibera Kenya in Africa's largest urban settlement/slum. Oneness is a term used that depicts both the basis and the goal for human beings living in one community sharing a world system. Oneness includes all living beings and is based on universal transpersonal principles and insights undergirding all the worlds Wisdom traditions. Overcoming ignorance through meditative reflection, study, and the development of compassion and virtue, for the benefit of all beings. Global One aims to provide a developmental support system for those living in extreme poverty, esp. orphans and at risk populations unable to self-direct a future. Global One Schools are fully approved by the Kenyan National Exam Council as examination sites, providing chartered Global One's work contributes to co-create generational change. Global One Schools aim to reduce mental and emotional suffering, through mindfulness and TM Meditation training and PTSD relief to help victims of political and social violence, tribal conflict, and trauma of extreme poverty. Global One Schools work with the Global Oneness Farm as recipients of its own food supply through farming crops for breakfast and lunches to all students. The Global Oneness Farm provides 1,400 meals per day. The Global One Food program is in partnership with Start Somewhere Organization, who provide resources for the food program and cooking materials. Global One advocates for threatened wildlife species such as Elephants and Gorillas. Global One advocates for preserving land in Earth's Biosphere Reserves. Holistic | Sustainability | Integral vision | Altruist Interdependence |

Give to the World

Give to the World helps to stabilize the most conflict-ridden areas of the world by providing families with the humanitarian aid they require for daily survival. Our material and supplies save lives, alleviate suffering, restore dignity, and provide the foundation for further economic, political, and social development. Give to the World is a non-profit organization that delivers critical material overseas to desperate people living in conflict zones through legitimate organizations who partner with the United Nations, United States, and European union.