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Displaying 361–372 of 394

OBAT Helpers Inc

OBAT Helpers is a 501(c) 3, non-profit organization committed to providing aid, support, education and economic empowerment to the displaced, unfortunate and forgotten population residing in camps in Bangladesh. Commonly known as stranded Pakistanis, Biharis or Urdu speaking people, they have been suffering silently in the countless slums or makeshift camps scattered across Bangladesh, for the past 44 years. Their displaced status and dire living conditions were a consequence of a civil war between Pakistan and Bangladesh and the unresolved political conflict between them. Altogether, there are about 300,000 people languishing in one hundred and sixteen makeshift camps in extremely poor conditions- they live in abject poverty with no access to basic amenities of living.

WIZO USA (Women's International Zionist Organization)

WIZO, founded in 1920, is an international organization of volunteers working to improve the lives of women, children, and the elderly living in Israel. WIZO's members work to support over 800 WIZO programs in Israel, including child care centers, schools, shelters for battered women and girls in distress, and services for the elderly. WIZO USA, established in 1982, is a membership organization whose primary focus is supporting its WIZO projects in Israel. WIZO USA aims to strengthen the bond between Israel and American Jewry by promoting Jewish identity and education. Since 1959, WIZO is recognized by the United Nations as a non-governmental organization with consultative status at the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and the United Nations Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF).

Lifeline Energy

Lifeline Energy is a non-profit social enterprise that provides sustainable information and education access to vulnerable populations. We achieve this by designing, manufacturing and distributing solar and wind-up media players and radios for classroom and group listening. Since 1999, we have distributed more than 500,000 power independent radios to provide on-demand access to information and education, mainly in sub-Saharan Africa. Over the years we have received numerous awards including the Tech Museum of Innovation Award, a World Bank Development Marketplace Award and an Index: Design to Improve Life Award. In addition, our founder and CEO Kristine Pearson was named one of TIME magazine's Heroes of the Environment for 2007 and received the James C. Morgan Global Humanitarian Award in 2005.

Ecuadorian Volunteers Association

EVA is a non-profit organization recognized by the Internal Revenue Service and registered in the State of Illinois. It was created for the purpose of assisting Ecuadorian institutions devoted to educational, social, and health programs for the poor, neglected, and at-risk segments of the population. EVA is run by volunteers, and the various programs are implemented through network of viable, non-profit Ecuadorian institutions previously selected by a careful screening process. EVA requires that all the funds collected and distributed as yearly grants be only used for programmatic objectives of the organization it sponsors. EVA's Community Assistance Grant was instituted in 2008 to improve the quality of life of economically disadvantaged people living in the Chicago Metropolitan area where EVA is located. I Since its inception, we have been giving opportunities to advance educational, health, and human service programs in the local community.

Center for Renewable Energy and Appropriate Technology for the Environment (CREATE!)

The Center for Renewable Energy and Appropriate Technology for the Environment (CREATE!) was established in 2008 to help rural populations in the developing world prepare for water, food, and fuel shortages resulting from the impact of climate change on their communities. CREATE! operates on the principle that all people have a right to water, food, shelter, energy, and the means to earn a living. We work with village populations to meet these needs through a culturally respectful, participatory process grounded in our belief that people must have a stake in their development and contribute towards solving their own problems. The cooperative groups in our beneficiary villages have already demonstrated the validity of this approach. CREATE! currently operates in Senegal. Senegal is representative of many Sub-Saharan African countries that are hardest hit by the increasingly disastrous effects of global climate change. CREATE! responds to the inter-connected crises generated by climate change with strategies that decrease dependence on fossil fuels, conserve natural resources, and increase the use of appropriate technologies. Our programs produce sustainable, human needs-based development at the village level while forging resilient and vibrant communities across rural Senegal. CREATE! seeks to face these challenges and assist rural Senegalese residents with small-scale, accessible, and "appropriate" technologies - technologies that are adapted to, and fit, their local conditions - and with human needs-based strategies that can both better their lives and build their capacity to meet these inter-connected challenges. CREATE! works in six villages in two regions of Senegal. One region is in the rural north of Senegal, centered around Linguere in the Louga Region, where CREATE! implements programs in the village of Ouarkhokh. The other region is in the central-west of Senegal, centered around Gossas in the Fatick Region. CREATE! implements program activities in five villages in this region. The total beneficiary population of the six villages is approximately 12,000 people, comprised of both agricultural and pastoral peoples. The average per capita annual income of the population in these villages is approximately $350 a year. In each of these villages, CREATE! staff work closely with local and traditional authorities, including village chiefs and imams, in addition to other community leaders, families, and public schools. CREATE! values the expertise and input of community members and strives to incorporate their knowledge and participation into each stage of our programs. As a registered NGO in Senegal, CREATE! works with government officials from the regional office of the Department of Water and Forestry. CREATE! also respects the Senegalese government's strategic development goals for rural communities. Although CREATE!'s administrative office is located in the United States, CREATE! relies on local Senegalese staff and volunteers to plan and implement successful development interventions. Barry Wheeler, CREATE! Founder and Executive Director, has spent the past 27 years working to alleviate suffering and to provide basic human needs for rural villagers, displaced persons, and refugees in several countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. After serving in the Peace Corps for six years as an Improved Cook Stove and Appropriate Technology volunteer, trainer, and technical advisor in Togo, Barry earned a Master's degree in International Agriculture and Rural Development from Cornell University. Barry has served as Country Director for the American Refugee Committee's programs in Uganda, Sudan, and Rwanda; as a consultant for UNICEF and UNHCR; and as a team leader and training coordinator in local capacity building, renewable and appropriate technology, and sustainable rural development. CREATE! Chief Operations Officer Louise Ruhr has more than 30 years of private sector and nonprofit management experience and has spent the past eight years working with international NGOs, including the American Refugee Committee, to support women's cooperative groups in Rwanda and Senegal. CREATE! Country Director Omar Ndiaye Seck oversees program activities and conducts site visits in CREATE! communities. He also manages CREATE!'s finances and staff in Senegal. Omar closely collaborates with local and traditional authorities, community volunteers, and CREATE! staff to achieve both organizational and village goals.

P.E.C.E.S. - Programa De Educacion Comunal De Entrega Y Servicio

We appreciate all donations of canned food, medicines and water, and will distribute those to all in need with the help of our allies. But we ask you to consider a monetary donation, which will enable us to tend other needs: buy fuel, contract local construction workers and, specially, implement community development projects P.E.C.E.S. fosters social, economic, educational development of individuals and communities in social disadvantage. The project began in Punta Santiago, Humacao in 1985 and has expanded its services to the eastern region of Puerto Rico. We want to inspire leaders, with special attention to youngsters, so they become champions of their own communities. Our work helps participants insert themselves into community processes and become protagonists of their own transformations. We do this through several programs tied to our three core service areas: education (including an alternative education high school); prevention services for at-risk populations; and entrepreneurship and development training.

Lewis Help Today Foundation

Our mission is to provide educational services to people who are in need in Shelby County. Re-entry reporting is a separate component that we offer to inmates at the Shelby County Government: Divisions of Corrections before exiting the compound. Our goal is to empower and serve the greater good in Shelby County but are not limited to the needs of our city. We are investing in the citizens of Shelby County, City of Memphis and our next generation of youth and adult leaders. Our focus is helping families, the homeless, inmates incarcerated, and newly exiting offender population in need. We provide support, transitional services, staffing, operations, and management for Cooling/Warming Centers, Emergency aid and short term shelter options. Efforts are successful with community partners, sponsors, grants, fundraising, donations, food drives, coat drives, clothing, gently used furniture and so forth. We promote self-sufficiency, health & wellness, educational and advocacy programs. LHTF operates under four key values: Respect, Integrity, Compassion and Excellence.

The American Chestnut Foundation

The American Chestnut Foundation has one simple goal: to restore the American chestnut to its native forests. Destroyed by an imported blight many consider the worst environmental disaster of the twentieth century, the American chestnut was virtually eliminated from the eastern hardwood forest between 1904 and 1940. With its loss, wildlife populations plummeted; never to return to former levels. With recent developments in genetics, there is promise that this critically important wildlife food source and timber tree will again become part of our natural heritage. To make this possibility a reality, a group of prominent scientists, in 1983, established the non-profit research-oriented American Chestnut Foundation (TACF). The Foundation's mission is simple: to restore the American chestnut as an integral part of the eastern forest ecosystem. TACF is employing traditional plant breeding techniques, backed by advanced research methods, to develop a blight resistant American chestnut tree. TACF is restoring a species - and in the process, creating a template for restoration of other tree and plant species.

Un Mundo

Our mission is to promote dignity, community, and self-sufficiency by working with marginalized populations in rural Honduras on a long-term basis, facilitating access to health care, education, and livable wages. Our comprehensive approach to grassroots community development promotes local traditions, encourages community leadership, and emphasizes collective ownership. Un Mundo seeks to improve the present and future socio-economic conditions and the quality of life of the families in rural Honduras who are living in extreme poverty by providing them with tools and resources to be self-sufficient and unified. Our work began from spontaneous relief actions after Hurricane Mitch devastated Honduras in 1998, and we grew to gain 501(c)(3) nonprofit status in 2001. Initially, the organization was sustained by the generosity of international volunteers, but we have gradually evolved such that more and more of our project work is managed by local Honduran leaders. Within a few years, we expect that we will be able to realize our vision of seeing equitable, fruitful, life-giving projects in the Cangrejal River Valley being 100% run by the local communities.

Impact Stories

Yateam is dedicated to serving the world’s most vulnerable populations by providing aid and relief through a variety of programs including education and training, water and sanitation, income generation, orphan support, health and nutrition, and emergency relief. Additionally, this Corporation may engage in any activities that are reasonably related to or in furtherance of its stated charitable purposes, or in any other charitable activities as allowed by law. To maximize our impact on current efforts, we may seek to collaborate with other non-profit organizations that fall under the 501(c)(3) section of the internal revenue code and are operated exclusively for educational and charitable purposes. Find your purpose. Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission. We promote a healthier lifestyle with education, what causes it, and how we can work to diminish poverty. By funding both research and education, we work from two sides to turn the tides in favor of a healthier environment and its people. Together, we can make a difference. 


About Us: Our Bridgeport club was founded in 1992, and is part of Soroptimist International of the Americas which was founded in 1921. Soroptimist is an international volunteer organization for business and professional women who work to improve the lives of women and girls, in local communities and throughout the world. A 501(c)(3) organization, Soroptimist relies on charitable contributions to fund its programs. Local members join with almost 100,000 Soroptimists in more than120 countries and territories to contribute time and financial support to community-based projects benefiting women. Soroptimist International has consultative status with the United Nations’ Economic and Social Council, which oversees U.N. activities promoting human rights. In addition to sponsoring the awards programs, our club has participated in community programs focused on various health and human service issues for women and girls, such as the Center for Women and Families, Mi Casa/My Home, Women and Men’s Health Project, Project Courage, and Local Soup Kitchens. For more information about our mission and programs, please visit our website

Libraries Without Borders

Libraries Without Borders is an international nonprofit that expands access to information, education and cultural resources to vulnerable populations around the world. Our interventions address the structural causes of economic and human underdevelopment, reduce the digital divide, and promote cultural resilience. By focusing on the curation and customization of educational materials, along with the logistics and security involved with delivery, storage and construction of learning spaces, we have been able to develop innovative programs, create and re-envision library spaces and support librarians in over 25 countries. Most recently, we received the Library of Congress' International Literacy Award (2016) and won the Google Impact Challenge (2015). We advocate the idea of the library as a toolbox for communities to disseminate knowledge, promote social harmony, accompany the least fortunate, and ultimately, pursue human and economic development. We work in five areas of intervention: 1. EDUCATION LWB establishes libraries and information resource centers in universities and schools. This support manifests itself in the donation of materials, technical equipment, texts, and multimedia and electronic resources. LWB also provides support to teachers in their education responsibilities by putting in place educational resource centers as well as creating educational digital content. 2. INFORMATION AND CULTURE LWB supports the development of structures providing access to books, information and culture in developing countries. LWB enters into partnerships with libraries to help them develop their textual and digital resources and set up quality cultural programs. LWB also accompanies the creation of cultural projects for specific and disadvantaged groups such as visually impaired persons, prisoners and refugee populations. 3. CAPACITY BUILDING LWB initiates innovative specialized resource projects to reinforce the capacities of specific groups such as professionals from the medical or justice sectors. In facilitating access to verified and quality-controlled information, LWB accompanies their daily work in servicing their communities as well as their scientific research. 4. CONSERVATION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE LWB assists in the conservation and promotion of local written or oral heritage through the creation of specialized structures (libraries, cultural centers) and the training of personnel in these professions. Within the framework of promoting local knowledge and supporting publishers in developing countries, LWB also promotes the diffusion of local literature. 5. CULTURAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP LWB works alongside cultural entrepreneurs to design innovative and sustainable economic models. By setting up income-generating activities and training in management strategies, libraries are re-invented as social and cultural entrepreneurs with major economic benefits for their communities.