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Africa Schoolhouse

Africa Schoolhouse (ASH) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to bringing quality education, medical care, job training and clean water to rural villages in Northern Tanzania. In order to achieve these goals, ASH works in partnership with communities and the local government to build desperately needed schools, deep wells and medical clinics, creating an environment that enables residents to live full, productive and healthy lives. ASH was founded in 2006 after village elders from Ntyula, Tanzania approached founder Dr. Aimee Bessire with the idea of building a school for their children and a medical clinic for the entire community. Dr. Bessire, who has a decades long relationship with the people of Ntulya, was determined to take action. Within six months, the Africa Schoolhouse board was assembled. ASH broke ground on its first project, the Ntulya Primary School and campus, in July 2008 and completed construction in 2010. President of Tanzania, Jakaya Kikwete, personally inaugurated the new school and declared it a model for all rural schools in the country. The villagers talked about how proud they were that the President came to visit the school they had helped to build. Following the request of the Ntulya elders, the organization completed a modern medical clinic the following year, which now serves approximately 4,500 people. ASH continued working with local communities in the region to identify need and completed the renovation of Mwaniko Secondary School and Shilanona Primary School in 2012 and 2014. Improvements at these locations included building a bio-chemistry lab and the installation of the first solar-powered computer lab in Misungwi District. ASH also trained a local work-force to help with the construction and continued maintenance of these projects. ASH's newest project is to construct an all-girls boarding school-the first in Misungwi District. This exemplary school will provide space for 360 girls in Forms 1-4, with the possibility to expand the campus and add another 80 girls in Forms 5-6 as needed in later years. Currently only 1% of Tanzanian girls complete secondary school education. They face a wide range of obstacles to their education, including everything from families who privilege the education of sons over daughters, to girls being married off at young ages, and unsafe journeys to school. One of the largest issues faced by girls is finding a safe place to live while pursuing their education. In this rural area, many girls travel long distances to reach school. Safe passage to and from school is a critical issue. We want to provide a safe living situation for young women to delight in their education. ASH is partnering with Misungwi District to build a much-needed safe haven for girls, empowering them through education to grow into strong, healthy women. In addition to a standard academic curriculum, the school will also promote leadership, entrepreneurship, social justice and care for the environment. The school will create an essential safe space where young women can successfully complete their studies and grow into empowered, independent adults. As with our other projects ASH is collaborating with the local communities, school committee, and Tanzanian government. We are building this school at the request of the local community, who identified this as their greatest need. The school will be staffed and run by the District once completed. The District has selected Florencia Ndabashe to be the school's head teacher. Ndabashe currently leads a co-ed secondary school in Misungwi and brings great energy to her work. She will be a strong leader for the girls school, inspiring her fellow teachers and serving as an excellent role model for young women.

Phages for Global Health

Phages for Global Health facilitates the development of antibacterial phage products for developing countries. Natural Antibacterial Agents: Bacteriophages (phages) are bacteria-killing viruses that exist in the environment, on our food, and in our bodies, and they can be selected to target only specific bacteria while leaving other, helpful bacteria and human cells unharmed. Phages have been used as a standard component of medical practice in certain parts of the world for over 100 years, and they have exhibited remarkable safety and activity profiles. Most notably, phages are active against both antibiotic-resistant and antibiotic-sensitive bacteria -- a crucial feature in the midst of our global antimicrobial resistance crisis. In addition, phages can be easily isolated from contaminated environments, and they are inherently inexpensive to manufacture. It is also possible to dry powder formulate phages such that the final products do not require refrigeration. Taken together, all of these factors make phages particularly well-suited as antibiotic alternatives for developing countries. How We Work: Phages for Global Health brings together international, multidisciplinary teams to co-develop phage products for specific applications in developing countries. To efficiently implement these projects, we build partnerships between global phage experts and developing world infectious disease specialists (clinicians, food safety scientists, regulatory advisors, and stakeholder engagement professionals). With this mix of specialists, we create teams that have both the technical expertise necessary to develop phage products and also the local scientific and cultural knowledge to deliver products that will be socially accepted and effective. Our growing consortium of project partners includes leaders from non-profit organizations, for-profit companies, and academic and governmental institutions across Africa, Europe and North America. In addition to bringing together these teams, Phages for Global Health helps develop the overall project strategies, advises on product development, supplies project management, and leads fundraising efforts. Together with our partners, we have also created a series of short-term laboratory training programs to teach key essentials of phage biology to scientists in developing countries. Our Current Projects: For our projects we identify bacterial diseases that have significant gaps in prevention or treatment tools and for which there is already strong data indicating that phages can help. And we work in countries where we have partnerships with leading public health scientists who are able to substantively impact standard practices in their countries. Our existing projects are summarized below, and we are in discussions with specialists around the world through which additional projects may soon emerge. (1) Cholera Phages: (Democratic Republic of the Congo / DRC) Developing cholera phage products that can be used both for preventative treatment in people and for water decontamination. Partners: Ministry of Health (DRC), University of Kinshasa (DRC), Yale University (US), University of Alberta (Canada), Queen Astrid Military Hospital (Belgium) (2) Campylobacter Phages: (Kenya & Egypt) Developing Campylobacter phage products to decontaminate retail poultry meat, which is the primary source of Campylobacter infection in people. Partners: Kenya Medical Research Institute, University of Nairobi (Kenya), University of Science and Technology (Egypt), University of Nottingham (UK), University of Alberta (Canada) (3) Laboratory Training Program: (East Africa) Delivering a 2-week, hands-on laboratory training course through which African scientists can learn how to isolate and characterize phages in their own regions. Partners: University of Nairobi (Kenya), Sokoine University of Agriculture (Tanzania), Makerere University (Uganda), Yale University (US), University of Utah (US)

Plant For The Planet USA

Mission statement The mission of Plant-for-the-Planet is to empower children and young people worldwide to engage in global solutions to fight the climate crisis. Our core focus is on the planting of trees as a generation-spanning, peace building activity, providing hope and buying us time to reach net-zero emissions. To that end, Plant-for-the-Planet is supporting global reforestation and ecosystem restoration efforts. Description Our adventures began in 2007, when at the end of a school presentation 9-years-old Felix Finkbeiner called on children of the world to plant a million trees in each country on Earth. This idea soon became an initiative backed by thousands. Plant-for-the-Planet was born! In the following years, Felix attended major conferences and events to invite children from all over the world to join his initiative as Climate Justice Ambassadors and to mobilize people around the globe to plant trees. In 2011, Felix spoke at the United Nations in New York, and called mankind for planting of a trillion trees. Only a few month later, the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) handed over to us their Billion Tree Campaign - and with it the official World Tree Counter. This Billion Tree Campaign we soon expanded to become the Trillion Tree Campaign. Our claim is “Stop talking. Start planting.” In 2015, Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation in collaboration with Plant-for-the-Planet A.C. in Mexico started its own restoration site on the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico. Here we contribute to the global goal by planting the trees donated to us and thus restore degraded forests in one of the most threatened ecosystems of the world. As we embark on the restoration journey ourselves we can also provide all organizations worldwide with adequate support based as well on science and experience. Our vision and goals Plant-for-the-Planet has two central objectives: to support ecosystem restoration efforts globally as well as educate and prepare today’s children and youth to face the challenges of the climate crisis. For the children and young people it is about nothing less than their future on this planet. To support restoration and reforestation, Plant-for-the-Planet has developed different technical tools. One of these is the Plant-for-the-Planet platform, which favors the collaboration of people worldwide by helping restoration organizations throughout the world to get funds to finance the work of restoration in their countries. A spearheading innovation is the TreeMapper App. This App allows restoration organizations throughout the world to document and monitor their work directly on the field. All collected data are matched on the Plant-for-the-Planet platform so that the donors can track the progress of planting just from the sofa. To empower children and youth worldwide to make themselves heard Plant-for-the-Planet supports them in multiple ways. First of all with the Plant-for-the-Planet Academies, one-day-workshops during which children learn from their peers and train to become Climate Justice Ambassadors in their turn. In these academies, the children experience in a vivid way how the climate crisis threatens their future and the lives of people around the world. In working groups, they develop initial ideas for their actions they can take to mobilize for their future.. This is aimed at familiarizing them with social and climate justice, as well as their own civic duty. To date, 1,656 Academies in 75 countries have taken place and 92,837Climate Justice Ambassadors have been trained. The Ambassadors can then further their education and involvement by following online-workshops offered by Plant-for-the-Planet and held by individual experts and coaches or e-learning materials. We also enable our Climate Justice Ambassadors to hold speeches at events to raise awareness about the climate crisis and inform others about the mission of Plant-for-the-Planet. The impact of COVID-19 The global pandemic has had an impact on our activities. While our Plant-for-the-Planet international offices employees were able to work from home - thanks to digital communication tools and well prepared workflows - in Mexico our forest restoration team cannot. However, we are happy to report that we are able to continue working on our planting site and thanks to the implementation of measures ensuring the safety of our workers. Regarding our Academies, we had to move to an online format to ensure the safety of the participants and their family. Transparency and monitoring If you wish to learn more about how our organization operates, you can find our latest reports on our website.

The Solidarity Project

The Solidarity Project supports Honduran leaders who create positive social change for their communities and cultivates transnational partnerships built on trust, equality, and solidarity.

The Chelly Foundation Inc.

The mission of The Chelly Foundation is to help bring about positive changes in people's lives (and especially childrens' lives) through literacy, education and other means.


To bring hope and change to children & families living in extreme poverty in Africa by empowering the golf community to support transformational programs that holistically enhance the families we serve.


Equitarian Initiative prepares volunteer veterinarians worldwide to deliver health care and education to improve the health, nutrition, productivity, and welfare of horses, donkeys and mules, and to empower their care providers for sustainable change.

Global Changemakers Association

Global Changemakers works to an unshakable mission of supporting young people to create a positive change towards a more just, fair and sustainable world. We do this through skills development, capacity building, mentoring and grants.

Yemen Aid

Yemen Aid provides much needed humanitarian assistance and resources to the Yemeni people, regardless of race, political affiliation, ancestry or religion, in a timely and efficient manner in order to positively change lives, and ultimately save lives.
