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Displaying 37–48 of 1,736

Center For Social Service International

Center for Social Services (CSSI) supports orphan girls and women in debilitating circumstances in India. The nonprofit organization in India runs an orphanage, school, and a center to assist women in becoming mentally and economically self-reliant and independent.

Center for Disaster Philanthropy Inc

The Center for Disaster Philanthropy mobilizes philanthropy to strengthen the ability of communities to withstand disasters and recover equitably when they occur.

Alaska Avalanche Information Center Inc

Founded in 2008, Alaska Avalanche Information Center's mission is to support and promote avalanche forecasts, education, research, professional development, and networking of practitioners in the pursuit of healthy lifestyles and the reduction of unintentional injury and death.

Center for Mind-Body Medicine

The Center for Mind-Body Medicine (CMBM) is working toward a more effective and compassionate model of healthcare by training healthcare professionals to combine the precision of modern science with the wisdom of the world’s great healing traditions to help people heal themselves, their clients, families, and communities. The Center teaches scientifically-validated mind-body medicine techniques that enhance each person’s capacity for self-awareness and self-care to health professionals around the world, including those in traumatized communities in the greatest need. The Center believes that all of us have a great and largely untapped capacity to improve our own health and well-being through mind-body approaches (such as meditation, guided imagery and biofeedback) and self-expression (such as drawing and movement), as well as nutrition, exercise and group support. We offer 4 training programs where professionals learn these skills: Mind-Body Medicine, CancerGuides®, Food As Medicine and Global Trauma Relief.

Virginia Hospital Center Medical Brigade


Impact Metrics and Stories
Cazale Community And Cultural Center

The Cazale Community and Cultural Center is a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering young people in Haiti to achieve their full potential. We believe that every child deserves access to high-quality education, extracurricular activities, and a safe and supportive community. Our mission is to enhance positive social interactions and build self-esteem and confidence among Haitian youth through a range of programs and services. We provide tutoring and year-round extracurricular activities at our after-school center in Cazale, which serves over 200 students in elementary and middle school every day with the help of 1 director, 1 administrator, 5 teachers, and 2 student aids. Our center is open after-school from 2 pm to 7 pm on weekdays and from 10 am to 5 pm on Saturdays, offering access to a library, English classes (ESL) , music lessons, and a range of other activities, including board games, dance, arts, computer workshops, and sports. We also provide students with access to excursions outside of Cazale. In addition, we collaborate with youth in New York to host summer camps for about 200 Haitian youth every year. This summer camp builds off the topics discussed during the after-school program, including promoting community service, health and hygiene, self-esteem, and the overall goal of loving your neighbor as yourself. We also host a yearly CCCC Genie summer contest on the radio, where contestants compete in a Jeopardy-like game and can receive prizes if they place in the top four. Our long-term goal is to expand our reach and impact by establishing community centers in as many communities as possible throughout Haiti. We envision ourselves as the "YMCA" of Haiti, providing a safe and supportive space for young people to learn, grow, and thrive.

Colibrí Center For Human Rights

The Colibrí Center for Human Rights is a nonprofit, nongovernmental organization with the mission to end disappearance and uphold human dignity along the U.S.-Mexico border. Colibrí works in solidarity with the families of the disappeared to find truth and justice through forensic science, investigation, and community organizing. Colibrí bears witness to this unjust loss of life, accompanying families in their search and holding space for families to build community, share stories, and raise consciousness about this human rights crisis. Through the Missing Migrant Project and DNA Program, Colibrí works with medical examiners to compare information families provide about the missing as well as DNA samples with unidentified remains recovered along the border in the hopes of giving families the answers they so deserve. Beyond the forensic work, Colibrí and impacted families build community and advocate for change through the Family Network, a network of mutual support and solidarity among families and friends of missing migrants across the Americas, and Bring them Back and Historias y Recuerdos, oral history- advocacy projects that center and amplify family voices. Colibrí began in 2006 as the Missing Migrant Project, a small volunteer initiative inside the Pima County Office of the Medical Examiner designed to organize information about people who were missing on the border to help identify the hundreds of individuals being examined by the forensic scientists in that office. In 2013, the Missing Migrant Project became the Colibrí Center for Human Rights to better address the needs of families of the missing and advocate for more structural change.

Pacific Environment And Resources Center

At Pacific Environment, we believe that communities must determine their destinies and that people have a right to meaningfully participate in decisions that affect their lives, their livelihoods and the natural environment. That's why we build people power throughout the Pacific Rim to fight climate change, curb plastic pollution, defend our oceans, protect wildlife and ensure a just transition to a clean energy future for all.

Information Technology Disaster Resource Center

We harness the collective resources of the technology community to provide no cost Information, Communications, and Technology (ICT) solutions that connect survivors and responders in crisis.

HandsOn Shanghai Volunteer Service Center

Founded in 2004 by a group of young professionals who believed people can make a difference, HandsOn Shanghai is an officially registered non-profit organization with the Shanghai Civil Affair Bureau since 2010. Governed by a board of 11 members, the HandsOn Shanghai volunteer platform helps to bridge the divide that exists between individuals who are looking to give back to their community and the organizations that would benefit from the support that volunteers can provide. With a primary objective of providing flexible volunteer opportunities for busy professionals and serving local charities in needs, HOS manages a big group of volunteers and a diverse range of community service projects in Shanghai Currently we engage more than 2500 volunteers each month through more than 150 local service projects. Projects that benefit the young and old through long term, committed, partnerships with more than 75 project partners. With our mission is to promote volunteerism, inspire, equip and mobilize people to take action that changes the world, we envision a world in which individuals, students, and corporate leaders are able to discover (and harness) their power to make a difference, participate as volunteers, and participants in the development of healthy, vibrant, and resilient communities.

Mid West Mission Distribution Center

Hearts and hands transforming the resources of God's people into humanitarian relief.

Impact Metrics
Thirst Project

Thirst Project is a nonprofit organization that works with the support of young people to END the global water crisis by building freshwater wells in developing communities that need safe, clean drinking water, vital to health and sanitation. The Thirst Project seeks to provide health and sanitation. As waterborne diseases kill more children every single year than HIV, Malaria, and all world violence combined. And small children are at significant risk, as they typically do not have strong enough immune systems to fight diseases like cholera, dysentery, or schistosomiasis. By providing a community with safe drinking water, disease rates can drop by up to 88% virtually overnight! Child mortality rates can drop up to 90%- overnight! Likewise, the time children spend collecting water keeps them from going to school and getting an education. Women and children spend on average six to eight hours each day walking to fetch water. The average distance that women and children in developing communities walk to fetch water is 3.75 miles. The Thirst Project makes clean water accessible, lowers health risks and empowers children's education.