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Children Of The Ganges

We provide free education from kindergarten to senior secondary level for children regardless of religion, caste, gender or social status. We promote the qualities of kindness and compassion, ethical behaviour and a sense of universal responsibility. We inspire children with the qualities of leadership and the motivation to bring peace, happiness and well-being to their communities and environment.

A Light For Zimbabwe

The mission of a Light for Zimbabwe is to empower children, specifically orphans, by providing sponsorships for school fees from primary through secondary school. In special cases, college scholarships may be obtained for a few based on merit and need. Donations will also be used to establish sustainable projects for rural villages and individuals to promote independence and self-reliance. Additionally, through the Village Health Worker program, we strive to meet basic screening and health care needs in remote areas as well as early identification of special needs such as children who are not attending school or who are otherwise at risk as well as caregivers in need of support. Compassion, a willingness to serve and a commitment to change are gifts we all can share.

Caring Response Madagascar Foundation

Mission Statement Caring Response Madagascar Foundation (CRMF) is a public charity. Its mission is to respond to the needs of the poor of Madagascar, particularly in the area of Toamasina/Tamatave. Purposes Caring Response Madagascar Foundation supports programs that enable the poor to change their own lives. Our core projects emphasize education and literacy. Through these core programs and in connection with them CRMF strives to impact not only the educational environment, but also the crucial areas of healthcare, sanitation and hygiene, and economic self-development. To those ends, CRMF's purposes are • To support programs that provide educational opportunities for the unschooled or inadequately schooled poor; • To support programs that lead to healthier communities; • To support programs that lead to economic self-sufficiency for the poor.

Good News Nepal

There is really only one main purpose for GNN Reaching the Unreached of Nepal with the Gospel. That is what we do. Yes, from Evangelism comes Discipleship and Church Planting, but it all starts with reaching the unreached. All our radio messages, all of our training, all of our social work comes out of our evangelical purpose.

World Our Parish Inc

Through prayer, Bible study, fellowship, and social service, TWOP’s mission is: To equip the body of Christ to minister the Love of Jesus to a hurting world To go to the unsaved, no matter where in the globe they may be found To baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost To teach them in the ways of God that they may pursue peace with all people and holiness

Cabbagetown Youth Centre Inc.

The Cabbagetown Youth Centre was formed in 1972 by volunteers to provide social and recreational programs for youth in the eastern inner city core of Toronto. The CYC is a private, not-for-profit organization governed by an 11 member board of community residents. The CYC was developed in response to a need for preventative services in a community with one of the highest youth crime rates in Metro Toronto. It has gradually expanded programs from sports to social activities to learning skills, health promotion and vocational development for residents of all ages. In 1996, a site at 240 Wellesley Street East was developed. It includes classrooms for ESL instruction and computor training, child-care facilities and a large auditorium. In 1999, the CYC redeveloped an old YMCA in the sub-basement of a large apartment building in St. James Town. Since then, recreational, community and skill development programs have been offered at 650 Parliament Street. The site operat

Water, Agroforestry, Nutrition and Development Foundation

Empowerment of marginal farmers especially the youth by implementing an integrated program of water, agro-forestry, health and sanitation support, nutrition and community organizing. Capacity-building, local leadership development and gender and development cuts across our initiatives. Our main goal is for these families to live dignified lives, fully participating in the life of the community by improving their overall social and economic situation.

Circle Of Love Foundation

Circle of Love Foundation is a non-profit non-denominational evangelical Christian 501(c)(3) organization that seeks to build the kingdom of God by reaching out in the love of Christ to those who are in need. Offering free medical clinics in impoverished areas is the primary vehicle for ministry. At a free medical clinic, an individual has the opportunity to hear the Gospel, receive quality medical care, prescription medications and a Bible in his/her language. Circle of Love seeks to bring about lasting changes through other programs such as church planting and building churches, orphanages, children's ministry, discipleship, microdevelopment, prison ministry and disaster relief. We have been active in South Africa, Thailand, Viet Nam, Botswana, Guatemala, Uganda, Sudan and Sri Lanka.

Myanmar Foundation for Analytic Education Inc

“The predictatorship cohort of teachers at secondary and higher educational institutions is now long retired. The missing years of higher education reached its nadir after the ‘88 revolt with the periodic, and eventually the complete, closing of major undergraduate institutions. Throughout, the dominant mode of education was rote learning. The Myanmar Foundation for Analytical Education, Inc. is the major funder of a Pre-Collegiate Program in Yangon. This Program seeks to nurture a small cohort of change makers, youth who will become perceptive, empathetic, critical, capable, and proactive in engaging the society around them. After sixteen months of academic work and internships in NGOs these students will gain admission and financing at leading liberal arts colleges abroad. After graduation they will either return home immediately or pursue graduate degrees relevant to the development of Myanmar.”


Helping Spirit Lodge Society is the leading Aboriginal women's organization in the Lower Mainland to alleviate family violence and enhance community wellness through a traditional, holistic approach. The philosophy of Helping Spirit Lodge Society is unique in that it addresses the issues of family violence from a holistic perspective.The cycle of violence need not be passed on to the next generation; it can be stopped here. To interrupt this cycle requires both the intervention and reconstruction phases.Our Organization is active in developing strategies which will confront the issues and determine which direction is to be taken.We can be an instrument of direction and change for the larger community by replacing violent and coercive behaviours with ones of mutual respect and understanding.HSLS is an organization that provides resources for women and their families.Resources include our transition house, second stage housing, third stage/ subsidized housing and an employment program.

The Little Market

A nonprofit founded by women to empower women, The Little Market is an online fair trade shop that offers artisan-made and ethically sourced products. Our curated collection features products that are handmade by artisans around the world. Through our partnerships, we create the opportunity for artisans to have a job that also preserves their cultural traditions. Each purchase helps to combat poverty, empower communities, and create social justice.

Ujyalo Foundation

The core ideas that underpin the mission of Ujyalo Foundation are: Innovation, Gender Inclusive Leadership, and Social Enterprise. Based on these core ideas, Ujyalo Foundation's mission is "to empower communities through technologies, innovation, social enterprise, and gender inclusive leadership, collaboratively locally and globally". We strongly believe that the best way to create sustainable development in any community is by investing in its young women. With initiatives like EmpowHER, and Women Leadership Summit, we provide safe platforms for young women to enhance their leadership skills, explore their unique selves as leaders in their communities, and develop their ideas into potential livelihood opportunities in Nepal. These programs give women a safe space to learn and lead without any social stigma or fear of discrimination. After going through our programs, our women have become confident, independent leading their ideas in different capacities, and creating their own strong collectives of young women. After leading these initiatives for two years and working with 1600 young women, we have discovered just how much such an effort can contribute in the advancement of young women and their causes, especially in a society driven by patriarchy. We want young women in Nepal to believe that a space where young women can lead fearlessly on the basis of their merit and idea, not their gender is possible. Our vision is to create a world where young women can live, learn and lead without any prejudice and discrimination, and have men as the champions to promote women safety and leadership.