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Displaying 193–204 of 324

South American Initiative

South American Initiative is currently addressing the political, health and social crisis in Venezuela by stepping up its efforts to aid and feed starving children and adults across Venezuela and other countries in South America.

Grassroots International

Grassroots International works in partnership with social movements to create a just and sustainable world by advancing the human rights to land, water, and food through global grantmaking, building solidarity across organizations and movements, and advocacy in the US.

Days for Girls International

Days for Girls is turning periods into pathways: We increase access to menstrual care and education by developing global partnerships, cultivating Social Entrepreneurs, mobilizing volunteers and innovating sustainable solutions that shatter stigma and limitations for women and girls.

Denniston International

Denniston International partners with local organizations in underserved communities to bridge the gaps, large and small, that impede youth development. With a focus on collaboration, we enable communities to create educational and social growth opportunities for their own children and young adult members.

Julie Helping Hands Foundation (JHF)

To pragmatically facilitate the provision of quality health, quality education for children, skill acquisition and training for Women and Young Girls, complemented with life-enhancing infrastructures and social amenities towards improved lifestyles for the Less Privileged in sub-urban and Rural Communities.

Fundacion Teresiana En Accion

La Fundacion Teresiana en Accion, tiene como mision vivir nuestro compromiso cristiano desde el carisma Teresiano y ayudar a algunas obras sociales y educativas de la Compania de Santa Teresa de Jesus de Nicaragua y Estados Unidos. A traves de las obras apostolicas-sociales dirigidas por las Hermanas Teresianas en Nicaragua, queremos sembrar justicia, caridad y esperanza ayudando a nuestros hermanos marginados, apoyando economicamente proyectos que contribuyan a su bienestar fisico, mental y espiritual.

Inter-American Restoration Corporation

Vision Statement- To provide social restoration for third-world countries and the US in all phases of social interaction, including: health and medical, spiritual, social, educational, and vocational spheres of human existence. Mission Statement-The Inter-American Restoration Corporation is committed to addressing the needs of impoverished, underprivileged, or traumatized people, both at home and abroad. Established as a 501C3 corporation in 2002, IRC has strategically incorporated first-world resources, business practices, and efficiency with compassion and focus. The result has been to provide necessary and needed relief directly to the people who lack life's essential conveniences. Driven to satisfy the complete spectrum of the individual, IRC is dedicated to facilitating the spiritual, educational, physical, and the community needs of the person. As such, IRC directs projects geared toward the revitalization of the whole person and whole community. VALUES: 1) We Value the strength of community to empower operations, to leverage opportunities, and enhance communication. 2) We Value individual passions. 3) We Value organization that leads to efficient process, purposeful actions, and dynamic results.4) We Value Spiritual leadership as expressed in outward, inward and unseen actions. 5) We Value the necessity of empowering indigenous peoples to take control of their own social destiny. 6)We Value cultures of all kinds 7) We value opportunity.

Cando Compassion Into Action Network Direct Outcome Org

CAN-DO's mission is to revitalize trust, accountability, and ethical interactions throughout the social, private, and public sectors through creating and implementing effective, results-oriented humanitarian initiatives with an integrated global response and diligently documenting the relief process from concept to completion.

African Entrepreneurship Collective

African Entrepreneur Collective was founded in summer 2012 by social entrepreneurs Julienne Oyler and Sara Leedom, whose experience living and working in Africa convinced them that supporting young entrepreneurs was the most sustainable way to move African nations out of poverty. Executive Director Julienne Oyler has an MBA from Yale University and more than 10 years of experience in education and international development. Managing Director Sara Leedom has an MBA for Oxford’s Said Business School and 15 years experience growing and managing social impact organizations. Both have lived and travelled extensively throughout Africa.


Matter is a non-profit organization that believes the simple act of being resourceful can change the world. By seeing a new purpose for what others cast-off, we are able to partner with service organizations to deliver opportunities to those living in scarcity. It’s our calling to create a world where we all matter. Since 2000 - when the organization began operating as "Hope for the City" - we have re-purposed valuable goods and distributed material resources to organizations serving those living in scarcity. Over the next 14 years, we have evolved to become an organization that has helped distribute more than $550 million in wholesale goods to people in need all over the world. And that was just the beginning. We have come to understand that, while the amount of goods donated is great, the number of lives impacted is something far greater and more important. Through the simple act of being resourceful, we are addressing the needs of people living in scarcity while creating a better world. Today, Hope for the City has grown to be called "Matter", a name that stands for not only what we distribute, but also a call to action for us all to matter more. Although our name has changed, we will always be an organization founded at the intersection of faith and opportunity.

Bridge Kids International

Bridge Kids International is a global non-profit organization helping young people of Africa and the African Diaspora, aged 13-25, unleash their social entrepreneurial spirits to solve economic development, education, environmental, girls’ rights, and health challenges and build sustainable communities.

The D. Gary Young, Young Living Foundation

The D. Gary Young, Young Living Foundation is to protect and empower our world's young. We invest in three focused areas, and partner with inspiring thought leaders and change makers around the world who share our vision and are making a huge impact in 1) Championing Education, 2) Developing Enterprise, or 3) Ending Exploitation. The Foundation is the primary philanthropic avenue through which Young Living Essential Oils and its member distributors demonstrate commitment to helping vulnerable individuals and communities worldwide. For more information, visit and follow @younglivingfoundation on Instagram and Facebook.