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Students Helping Honduras, Inc.

Communities tell us what they need. Volunteers are confident they are traveling responsibly and with great impact. Our donors can be proud that 100% of their donations support on the ground programs. Our mission is to end extreme poverty and violence through education and youth empowerment. Honduras has the worst gang epidemic on the planet. Each year, thousands of children join gangs like MS-13 and Mara 18. Honduras is also the 2nd poorest nation in the western hemisphere, where 66.2% of its people live in poverty. With access to a quality education and jobs the Honduran people can fight back. What began as a small penny drive in 2006 grew and grew, eventually raising hundreds of thousands of dollars together through small fundraisers.

Children's Hunger Fund

Our mission is to deliver hope to suffering children by equipping local churches for gospel-centered mercy ministry. Children's Hunger Fund is a publicly funded, non-profit organization, which exists to alleviate children's suffering. To accomplish this, CHF solicits donations of food, clothing, hygiene items, toys and medicines from U.S. companies. These products are delivered through a monitored food distribution network in cities and countries around the world. CHF relies heavily on monetary contributions from concerned citizens across America. We realize our donors have many options for their charitable giving and every effort is made to effectively utilize their investment. CHF remains one of the most cost-effective charities in the nation, less than one percent goes to cover overhead costs.

Isha Foundation

Isha Foundation is a non-profit corporation established in the USA and a charitable trust founded by Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev in India in 1992. The foundation serves as an educator, catalyst and resource for yoga science and natural health. Isha Foundation conducts various public welfare programs to advance physical, mental and spiritual development through the intergration of body mind and spirit. The foundation improves the quality of life for the impoverished through humanitarian and social outreach programs such as "Action for Rural Rejuvination," medical and disaster relief for the poor, student scholarships for destitute children and prison yoga programs entitled "Inner Freedom for the Imprisoned". A significant amount of the foundation's efforts involve Mobile Health Clinics for rural villages in India and facilitating Yoga Programs to help individuals regain health, find peace within and become responsible to the world around them. Through humanitarian programs and other advanced yoga programs, Isha Foundation provides the potential and process for individual transformation, helping to establish a peaceful and prosperous global society.

Embrace Relief Foundation

Embrace Relief is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded in 2008. We originally started as a disaster relief organization, but in 2014 we began our humanitarian aid projects in vulnerable communities around the world. Our current projects include sponsoring an orphan, building water wells, supporting cataract surgeries, Syrian refugee blanket and coat drives, school supply drives, creating a work cooperative for families in Haiti, and many more. In accordance with United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, our teams offer relief in the form of financial, emotional and physical support, in order to meet the needs of people ravaged by disaster and other misfortune. The foundation collects and distributes supplies to families, individuals and institutions.Our goals are to aid those in need, while also finding ways to create life long self sustaining jobs and education for individuals and communities.

Pack Away Hunger

Pack Away Hunger's mission is to eliminate hunger in Indiana and around the world through nutritious food, education and service. Nutritious Food. In the United States, our Nutri-Plenty Meals help stock the shelves of local food banks and pantries. In developing nations, our meals are used to offset chronic malnutrition in children, and to nourish communities suffering from hunger. Education. Each year, through community partnerships and meal packing events, we educate more than 8,000 people about the toll hunger takes on individuals and communities. Our hope is that this information will inspire people to advocate and care for the hungry in their own communities and around the world. Service. Meal packing events are a powerful and hands-on way for organizations and individuals to make a meaningful difference in someone’s life. Appropriate for all ages and all abilities, our events allow diverse groups to serve together, build camaraderie and promote team building.

AECalifornia (Asociacion Ecuatoriana de California / Ecuadorian Association of California)

The primary purpose to join and organize Ecuadorians, their families and friends or other nations that live in California so that jointly we can carry on projects of assistance to those in need in Ecuador and in the United States. AECalifornia carries on its objectives by social activities, intellectual, cultural, sports and events of service to the community. The organization is open to the public at large and welcomes anyone who shares our ideas and not for profit activities, our mission and objectives. We share friendship, typical Ecuadorian food and that of other countries. Together we plan projects to help our brothers and sisters in need in Ecuador and in the United States. We share our friendship, culture, music, singing and dancing and organize activities to raise funds to carry on our charitable activities in support of hospitals, nursing homes, emergency relief, medical missions, for children and the needy. We support the medical missions from American doctors going to Ecuador to perform surgeries on Ecuadorian children and the poor.

Overseas Volunteer for a Better India Inc

Overseas Volunteer for a Better India (OVBI) launched in May 2013, is driven by a group of inspired NRIS ready to support initiatives in India and tackle issues the Indian community faces in the U.S. Our movement’s roots are grounded in the Volunteer for a Better India (VBI) movement. On February 3rd, 2013 more than 100,000 concerned citizens united at Ramlila Maidan in New Delhi in response to rampant corruption, violence towards women, suicides and water shortages. On that day, in unison the group pledged to give 1 hour a day for the nation and to inspire millions of others to do so. And volunteer for a better India was born. OVBI is the overseas arm of Volunteer for Better India. We believe that every individual can make a meaningful impact and play a role in the betterment of the global Indian community. Together we can transform the world in a way that would make great leaders like Mahatma Ghandhi proud. We invite you to get involved.

Mavi Kalem Association

Mavi Kalem was formed at the aftermath of the 1999 earthquake, and founded in 2000, to respond the needs of the earthquake affected and migrated communities in particular of the disadvantageous groups of women and children in health and education. Since then, it has been implementing projects mainly assisting women and children since its establishment. Projects involving the empowerment, skill development, health services and information sharing have been implemented throughout 2000-2002 in Düzce area, mainly assisting women and children after the earthquake. Since 2002, Mavi Kalem has been implementing projects and activities concerning; educational support, awareness raising on health standards, awareness raising on domestic violence, psychological support, consultancy on health and legal issues for both local and migrated women and children in Fener/ Balat district in Fatih, Istanbul, addressing the needs of children, women and girls of the local community migrated from all regions of Turkey and since 2014 the Syrian children and women in Fener-Balat were included in its beneficiary group. Activities such as Turkish language courses, socialization activities with local population, help in admissions to schools and other official and administrative actions, and psychological support were provided to Syrian children and women. Mavi Kalem has worked toward the Syrian refugee influx related issues since 2011, by conducting needs assessments and gap analysis in Hatay, Gaziantep and Sanliurfa without-camp populations. Also on the national and international level; women' rights and health rights, children's rights, wide spreading of minimum standards in humanitarian aid, youth exchange programs are included in Mavi Kalem's actions. Dissemination and advocacy for humanitarian assistance standards and principles in disasters, emergencies and migration situations is one of Mavi Kalem's work areas. Since 2001 it has been part of Sphere Project, since 2009 INEE Workgroups and for 2 years now part of CHS Alliance. MAVİ KALEM has held the adaptation of Sphere handbook in Turkish successfully and been in cooperation with Ministry of Health, TRC, municipality health departments for its wide spreading, and implementing training programs. Similarly INEE and CHS basic humanitarian aid principal books have been adapted to Turkish and disseminated at national level by Mavi Kalem. It is one of the founding members of SITAP (Civil Society Disaster Platform, national). Mavi Kalem has organized Women in Disasters and Emergencies Workshop hosting women experts, academics, experienced NGO field workers from humanitarian organizations, NGOs, and women right based organizations in 2016. Gender specific issues, needs, and rights in emergency settings were discussed; field experiences and suggestions for improvement were exchanged toward strengthening and mainstreaming the gender perspective in disaster and emergency response. Mavi Kalem, has also delivered its services and expertise to disaster and emergency or poverty affected locations other than its primary implementation area through partnership with other local organizations, in other districts of Istanbul and other provinces such as during the Van earthquake response. Overall organizational strength and capacity lies within the Mavi Kalem's 17 years of implementation experience with focus on public health and education, disaster, emergency and migration specialization, advocacy of women and girls health rights, mainstreaming gender equality perspective in its implementation, developing and designing projects and programs based on the needs and participation and feedback mechanisms of its beneficiaries, volunteers, and supporters, measuring quality and monitoring and evaluation of impact in action rather than quantity focus, integrity and commitment of Mavi Kalem, at all levels to organization's policies in regards to work ethics, preceding women and girls, and children protection, non-discriminatory approach, preservation of confidentiality and respect for dignity, transparency and accountability, anti-fraud and corruption. Since its foundation Mavi Kalem has been working with international donors and experienced in project budget management, and reporting accordingly. Mavi Kalem's administrative and financial system and its management are executed as per Turkey's finance law and associations' law and regulations. Grant agreements, contracts and partnership agreements are also reflected in its implementation and management. Annually Mavi Kalem goes through financial and administrative auditing of relevant governmental body and also independent financial auditing. Mavi Kalem prioritizes gender equality in the implementation and decision making steps of projects and decides and acts with accountability, transparency, participation and approaches differences equal as principal. Mavi Kalem, being a non-profit civil society organization for which 97% of employees are women, applies positive discrimination to women when recruiting, selecting and determining beneficiaries and target groups to promote gender equality. To eliminate social discrimination during stages of project content, project design and project implementation, working with women is prioritized in determination of the project team and selection of financial experts procured from the affiliated participant organization. In addition to being sensitive to gender discrimination in works and studies, Mavi Kalem acts responsibly and is in favor of vulnerable groups avoiding discirimination based on ethnicity, political views, religious beliefs, sexual identity and race in terms of target groups, beneficiaries and employees. Mavi Kalem does not define itself in politic, religious or ethnical personalities. Freedom, human rights, democratic rights, health rights, public gender equality, women rights, LGBT rights, children's rights and prevention of discrimination are supported. ) In addition to all, Mavi Kalem has started a process of institutionalization at 2015 to improve on its experience in project development and implementation it has built last 18 years and aims to develop and improve its policies based on its long experience.


All it takes is one storm. PLAN!T NOW was formed in 2004 after Hurricane Ivan, a Category 5 storm, struck the island nation of Grenada, reducing its rain forest to shrubs, removing roofs from 90 percent of homes, and killing dozens–including children. Originally formed as the Grenada Relief Fund, we assisted in recovery projects in the country, furthering the understanding that appropriate preparedness measures can have a significant positive impact on how a community fares during a storm. Through our work we learned this important lesson: Disaster happens when preparation doesn’t. Today PLAN!T NOW advocates for the power of preparedness as we educate, engage and connect people and organizations preparing for and dealing with natural and human-made disasters. Through a range of programs and resources–including funding emergency kits and planning tools for families in need in Mexico and the U.S.–we’re working to expand our reach to make more communities safer, now and for the future.


About Us: Our Bridgeport club was founded in 1992, and is part of Soroptimist International of the Americas which was founded in 1921. Soroptimist is an international volunteer organization for business and professional women who work to improve the lives of women and girls, in local communities and throughout the world. A 501(c)(3) organization, Soroptimist relies on charitable contributions to fund its programs. Local members join with almost 100,000 Soroptimists in more than120 countries and territories to contribute time and financial support to community-based projects benefiting women. Soroptimist International has consultative status with the United Nations’ Economic and Social Council, which oversees U.N. activities promoting human rights. In addition to sponsoring the awards programs, our club has participated in community programs focused on various health and human service issues for women and girls, such as the Center for Women and Families, Mi Casa/My Home, Women and Men’s Health Project, Project Courage, and Local Soup Kitchens. For more information about our mission and programs, please visit our website

World Bicycle Relief

World Bicycle Relief’s mission is to provide people in need with access to independence and livelihood through The Power of Bicycles. People in developing nations suffer every day due to lack of transportation: without access to education and economic opportunity, people live in poverty; without access to healthcare, people die of preventable diseases and minor injuries.  Bicycles are a simple, sustainable way to bridge the transportation gap between needs and resources. Compared to walking, the only transporation available to many people in developing countries, bicycles represent an enormous leap in productivity and access to healthcare, education and economic development opportunities. We accomplish our mission by designing, sourcing and manufacturing bicycles designed to withstand African terrain and conditions while meeting the needs of students, healthcare workers, farmers and entrepreneurs. We encourage local economies and promote long-term sustainability by locally assembling bicycles, training mechanics, strengthening the spare parts supply chain, and providing high-quality, affordable bicycles to people in need of transportation.

Fruit Tree Planting Foundation

MISSIONThe Fruit Tree Planting Foundation is a nonprofit charity dedicated to planting edible, fruitful trees and plants to benefit the environment and all its inhabitants. Our primary mission is to plant and help others plant a collective total of 18 billion fruit trees across the world (approximately 3 for every person alive) and encourage their growth under organic standards.FTPF provides support, resources, and guidance for those interested in planting fruit trees and spearheads a variety of planting programs. These programs are aimed at enriching the environment, providing nutritious food sources for wild and rescued animals, and improving human health by bringing delicious, fresh, locally grown raw fruits and vegetables of the highest quality into the lives of all people.VISIONWe envision a place where one can have a summer picnic under the shade of a fruit tree, breathe the clean air it generates, and not have to bring anything other than an appetite for the healthy fruits growing overhead. A world where one can take a walk in the park during a lunch break, pick and eat a variety of delicious fruits, plant the seeds so others can eventually do the same and provide an alternative to buying environmentally-destructive, illness-causing, chemically-laden products.Simply put, our goal is to encourage and inspire the planting of 18 billion fruit trees around the world. 18 billion fruit trees can spring out of the soul of one human being — we believe in thinking big, and loving even more