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Displaying all 12 nonprofits

RAICES (Refugee & Immigrant Center for Education & Legal Services)

We are a nonprofit agency that promotes justice by providing free and low-cost legal services to under served immigrant children, families, and refugees. With legal services, social programs, bond assistance, and an advocacy team focused on changing the narrative around immigration in this country, RAICES is operating on the national front lines of the fight for immigration rights. We defend the rights of immigrants and refugees, empower individuals, families, and communities, and advocate for liberty and justice. Since 2018, our Bond Fund is the largest in the nation with just under $12 million spent to secure the release of more than 1,200 individuals from ICE detention. Our San Antonio Bus Station Project helped more than 9,000 adults and 12,000 children released from detention understand their legal rights. We have a volunteer program with over 5,000 trained volunteers and pro bono lawyers to perform essential tasks such as accompanying people to ICE check-ins and preparing detained clients for credible fear interviews.

Alight (formerly American Refugee Committee)

Alight exists to walk alongside those who – by sheer circumstance – find themselves on the long and arduous journey of displacement. Each year Alight serves 3.5 million people in over 20 countries who have been displaced by climate, conflict, and social and economic exclusion. We listen closely to their voices, gathering insights that allow us to provide innovative human-centered services and programs. By co-creating alongside displaced people we can ensure that we are meeting their needs and moving beyond necessities to build lives that are full of joy, connection, and purpose.

Alliance of Filipinos for Immigrant Rights and Empowerment

AFIRE's mission is to build the capacity of the Filipino American community of Chicago to affect transformative social change through grassroots education, action, research, and services.

Liberty In North Korea

Working with the North Korean people to accelerate change. We believe the North Korean people will achieve their liberty in our lifetime. We exist to empower the North Korean people to bring that day forward.

East Bay Sanctuary Covenant

EBSC provides legal and social services, community organizing, and transformative education to support low-income immigrants and people fleeing violence and persecution.

Miles4 Migrants

Miles4Migrants is a 501(c)(3) charity, dedicated to using donated frequent flyer miles to help people impacted by war, persecution, or disaster start a new beginning in a new home. We partner with other nonprofits to identify refugees, asylees, asylum-seekers, and their immediate family members who have legal approval to travel, but cannot afford airfare. Together, we can transform miles into a life-changing force for good.

International Refugee Assistance Project

The International Refugee Assistance Project (IRAP) organizes law students and lawyers to develop and enforce a set of legal and human rights for refugees and displaced persons. Mobilizing direct legal aid, litigation, and systemic advocacy, IRAP serves the world’s most persecuted individuals and empowers the next generation of human rights leaders. IRAP believes that everyone should have a safe place to live and a safe way to get there. To that end, they value action, accountability, innovation, and candor. They are nimble, collaborative, and nonpartisan. They believe in the power of individuals to change their own circumstances. And they believe in results.

The Survivor Fund

Their mission is to assist individuals and families subjected to torture and war trauma to rebuild healthy, self-sufficient lives and to contribute knowledge and testimony to global efforts to end torture. Since its inception in 1995, the Program has cared for more than 5,000 men, women and children from over 100 countries. The Bellevue Program for Survivors of Torture (PSOT) provides comprehensive, multidisciplinary care addressing the medical, mental health, legal, and social service needs of torture survivors and their families residing in the New York metropolitan area.

RISE (Refugee & Immigrant Services and Empowerment)

Our mission is to promote justice for refugees and immigrants through legal representation, advocacy, and education for the broader community. We opened our doors in June 2016 as the first nonprofit in the United States to focus on refugees and immigrants who are eligible for Social Security disability benefits. We called ourselves Refugee Disability Benefits Oregon (RDBO). Legal representation for disability cases is still a primary focus. Our attorneys work closely with healthcare providers, case managers and counselors to ensure that our refugee and immigrant clients’ cases are presented competently and compassionately. We handle cases at every step of the disability process. We represent refugees and immigrants, including those who have become U.S. citizens.

Jesuit Refugee Service Usa

Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) seeks to accompany, serve and advocate the cause of refugees and other forcibly displaced people, so that they may heal, learn and determine their own future. Jesuit Refugee Service/USA is based in Washington, DC and provides pastoral care for people detained in the US and support for refugees around the world through funding, oversight, monitoring and evaluation of JRS projects and programming. JRS works in 56 countries to meet the educational, health, psycho-social and emergency needs of nearly 750,000 refugees and displaced persons. JRS responds to humanitarian emergencies in places like Syria and Iraq and works in settings of prolonged crises such as South Sudan, Chad and Ethiopia.

Collateral Repair Project

Collateral Repair Project (CRP) was started in 2006 by two American women who worked hard to stop the US invasion of Iraq and grieved over the loss of innocent lives in their name. They wanted to establish an organization that allowed for a direct connection between citizens of coalition countries and innocent Iraqis who suffered from the consequences of war. They decided to set up Collateral Repair Project in Amman, Jordan, where many refugees were relocating. Much of CRP's early work was charity related, but as the organization grew it ran numerous programs focusing on community building, education and emergency aid. Activities have greatly expanded over the years and CRP now serves Jordanians as well as Iraqis and other nationals fleeing their countries' violence, particularly Syrians who are part of the huge refugee influx into Jordan. Our programs seek to restore dignity and community among displaced urban refugees as well as to ensure that their basic food and housing needs are met. CRP provides emergency assistance to hundreds of families through, in-kind aid, information and referral services, and a monthly food voucher program that provides eligible households with coupons to purchase fresh produce and groceries. CRP's Family Resource and Community Center offers many activities and learning opportunities to allow refugees to begin to re-build the communities they lost after fleeing their home countries. CRP's strengths include a wealth of knowledge about the refugee community in East Amman and strong relationships with the beneficiaries we serve. The community center is a place where many refugees, prohibited by Jordanian law from working, spend their days. Because of this, CRP has cultivated strong grassroots support from beneficiaries, many of whom go on to become volunteers, helping to assist their neighbors to access programs and services. CRP is located in Hashemi Shamali in East Amman. It is a registered 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit organization in the United States of America, and registered as an international organization with the Ministry of Social Development in Jordan.