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The Movimento de Saude Mental Comunitaria do Bom Jardim (MSMCBJ) was initiated in 1996 as part of the outreach of the Comboni Missionaries in the Northeast of Brazil. MSMCBJ seeks to improve the lives of the people of the economically impoverished peripheral regions of Fortaleza, primarily the area of Grande Bom Jardim. To imagine a mental health project in a peripheral neighborhood like Bom Jardim, where the majority of people live in at-risk circumstances - in which extreme poverty, violence, a lack of housing and basic sanitation, street children, and unemployment predominate - is to believe that, even within pain and suffering, we can harvest flowers. That is, personal and social realities can be transformed. The challenge that MSMCBJ has been overcoming throughout its years of community action has been to demonstrate that, through the Community Systemic Approach, working with people's self-esteem results in greater self-awareness, which empowers people to create paths of liberation, thanks to the sense of participation and co-responsibility that MSMCBJ activities favor. The Movimento de Saude Mental Comunitaria do Bom Jardim welcomes the human being, respecting their bio-psycho-socio-spiritual dimensions, promoting the development of their potential, through the restoration of human rights and cultural values, with the goal of improving the quality their personal, interpersonal, and community relationships, for the promotion of the gift of life. We welcome and accept all people, despite their social class, race, religion, gender, or age; We stimulate the development of quality personal, group, community, social, and ecological relationships; We believe in the diversity of cultural roots as a principle on the strengthening of identity for the liberation and development of the human being; We exist within and are nourished by a loving spirituality in the search for personal and social integration and liberation; We offer a space for affective listening as an essential therapeutic instrument for the awakening and development of life; We participate in the development of human potential with the vision of autonomy and co-responsibility in the construction of the project of life; We value and recognize the talents of the individual, encouraging transparent and affective relationships as an opportunity for personal and professional growth; We believe in a work relationship that encourages the overcoming of conflicts as a form of maturing and growth; We encourage the awakening of a new consciousness that cultivates the essential values of love, peace, and justice; We gladly welcome partnerships that help to realize these life-restoring actions.
Mission To encourage girls of any age of any background to consider and pursue math and science-related studies and careers by introducing them to the world of science in fun and exciting ways Objectives To increase the number of women in math and science occupations (science, math, engineering & technology = STEM) To create a network of girls so that they meet one another and form future friendships that will encourage them to reach their potential To create a link between girls and real scientists and mathematicians so they can explore dreams and possibilities for the future To provide an outlet for professionals, with particular emphasis on females in math, science and technology fields, to work together, meet one another and contribute to this worthy mission To booster self-confidence of girls and women, especially those who may not have positive influences or economic advantages Vision We envision a balanced world where girls from any nation, any background and of any age know they have the possibility and choice to enter the world of math, science and technology and to realise that their future is full of possibilities
The International Blue Cross is one of the world's leading non-governmental organisations, caring for people harmed by or at risk from alcohol or illicit drug use. Our project work in prevention, treatment & counselling and aftercare focuses primarily on young and vulnerable people, and on those in extreme poverty. Through carefully researched and targeted interventions we advocate for evidence-based alcohol policies at the national and international level. In doing so, we seek to draw positive and dignified attention to the issues faced by dependent people and their families. Our Vision: We see a world where all people can knowingly choose and live a life free of harmful addiction; a world where all people harmed by addiction have access to and can benefit from high quality and holistic treatment. Our Mission: We provide healthcare development support and promote holistic well-being; We prevent and reduce the harmful use of alcohol and illicit drugs and help mitigate the associated negative health, social, and economic consequences; We advocate for evidence and best practice-based alcohol policy formulation and implementation on the national and international levels. Alcohol and illicit drug misuse afflicts innumerous individuals and families. It also costs societies around the world billions of dollars in health and socio-economic costs. This growing burden is worthy of everyone's attention. The International Blue Cross constitutes a credible and renowned organisation driven by the values, the sort of professionalism, governance, and local community connections needed to effectively address this global challenge.
The ICPCN promotes palliative care for children globally through advocacy, education, research, networking and communication
An estimated 800,000 children in the European Union are separated from an imprisoned parent on any given day. Yet few people are aware of the impact that a parent's incarceration can have on a child. Children separated from a parent in prison frequently experience multiple emotional and social difficulties associated with their parent's incarceration. They not only have to cope with the parent's absence and the disruption of the child-parent bond, but are also vulnerable to social exclusion, financial hardship, discrimination and shame. Children of Prisoners Europe (COPE) is a pan-European network which encourages innovative perspectives and practice to ensure that the rights of these children (as enshrined in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the European Convention on Human Rights) are fully respected and that action is taken to secure their well-being and healthy development. The network is a membership-based organisation made up of non-governmental organisations and individuals across Europe and beyond, linked by a staff team based at its French headquarters. Raising awareness among child-related agencies, prison services and policymakers to the specific needs of children of prisoners and promoting initiatives that take these needs into account, the organisation is seeking to: - Expand programmes that support the child-parent relationship and help minimise violence for children with an imprisoned parent; - Introduce the child's perspective throughout the criminal justice process, from arrest to resettlement; - Foster cross-sectoral collaboration among public and private agencies involved in supporting and making decisions about children of prisoners; - Obtain better information and greater visibility for prisoners' children and influence policy at the national, European and international level on their behalf; - Promote the exchange of initiatives, expertise and good practice for children with imprisoned parents; - Enhance the competence of professionals within the field. Working to foster the promotion and provision of policies, frameworks and meaningful action on behalf of children affected by parental incarceration to protect their development and well-being, our aim is to ease the burden of the imprisonment of a parent on the child.
To engage the public power and the Brazilian society in the commitment for the effectiveness of the right of children and young people to a quality basic education. To influence in order to achieve by 2022 in Brazil: every child from 4 to 17 years old should be in school. every 8-year-old child should know how to read and write. every student should have the adequate knowledge according to his/her school grade. every youngster should graduate from high school by 19 years old. investment in Education should be increased and well managed.
DTI's mission is to save millions of lives by advancing organ donations and transplantation training. ------ OUR COMMITMENT 1. Raise organ donations around the world 2. Improve society's quality of life 3. Support regenerative medicine ----- AT DTI, we advise and support public and private international entities of the health sector in the creation, development and strengthening of networks, programs, services and / or research in donation and transplantation of organs, tissues and human cells, with the aim of improving the quality of life of the people.
+1Code is a non-profit organization that transforms low-income young people aged 18 to 30 into problem solvers, through technology, providing quality technological education for the social and economic development of young people on the periphery. Our proposal is to recode the favelas of Brazil, socially and economically, by teaching 100% free programming and creating technological solutions, making them protagonists of their own journey, seeking to solve lack of tech talents, diversity in the world of technology companies and unemployment that with the pandemic has only worsened for people from the outskirts.
We offer opportunities professionals for young people, inspired by evolution technology from the era of Radio in Brazil, giving emphasis on the role of region of Sepetiba, West Zone of Rio de Janeiro during this period history, and homage to women radio communicators in front of their time, coming from territories people who influenced new generations of women in the fight for gender equality.
Enable actions to promote Mental Health and Emotional welbeing to positively impact children, adolescents, youth and adults lives in the school, work environments and in society as a whole.
For more than 40 years, we have transformed the lives of adolescents and young people in situations of social vulnerability with the mission of "Promoting social inclusion through socio-educational actions, mediation of access and integration into the world of work". We have already carried out more than 1 million social services and are present throughout the national territory.
Alumna was founded in 2019 as a community project designed by two mid-career alumni from the University of Brasilia, in Brazil. Back in their alma mater, the cofounders ran a survey with students from underrepresented groups and found out that 70% considered dropping out, 60% lack knowledge and skills to enter the labor market and 50% did not know what to do after graduating. To support the transition from college to enter the labor market, they decided to launch a free-of-cost mentoring program to guide and inspire women in their early career journey by creating a network for professional development and women collaboration. Alumna has built a powerful community of senior professional women who are genuinely interested in supporting young women to succeed in their lives and their careers. The one-to-one mentoring program engages women from different backgrounds to learn from each other and to also exercise empathy. This network has to grow. Young women dream of having a mentor and want the opportunity to engage with a more experienced professional. Alumna speeds up these connections, by matching mentors and mentees and providing a successful methodology, all free of cost, so young women can reach their full potential.