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The J Irwin Miller Commnity Center (JIMCC) will attend Cummins and all its business units social program needs
The Youth Sport Trust is an independent charity devoted to building a brighter future for young people. We are passionate about helping all young people achieve their full potential by delivering high quality physical education (PE) and sport opportunities. Through 20 years of experience, we have developed a unique way of maximising the power of sport to grow young people, schools and communities. We believe in the power of sport to change young people's lives for the better. Our programmes focus on using sport as a vehicle to improve young people's: Wellbeing: Our work develops children's fundamental movement skills, equipping them with the confidence, competence and enjoyment of sport needed for a lifetime of activity, as well as good physical and emotional health. Leadership: Our work supports the personal development of young people and their progress at school, as well as preparing them for the challenges of life ahead. We support young people to develop a range of positive character qualities, such as: creativity, aspiration, resilience and empathy. Achievement: PE and sport delivered well is proven to impact positively on attainment and academic achievement. It can engage young people in learning and support the development of skills needed for success in the classroom, including: communication, teamwork and self-management.
Assist children, adolescents and adults in situations of social vulnerability in Barueri, facilitating access to rights through the development of autonomy, fostering culture and professional qualification.
At Fundacion Entrepreneur, we work every day to "be the social actor that leads Learning by Playing in Latin America". "We seek to develop the competencies in our children and young people, that will become the best version of themselves and develop in the 21st century" Eight years ago there were three troublesome problems that were in our heads: What would happen if all people learned to undertake and be an entrepreneur?, What would happen if we were all financially literate, balancing our well-being and money?, What if we had fewer social myths and a mayor sense of citizenship and belonging? Common problems, which are in everyone's life, but which are not all carrying burden. Thus, in 2012, the chilean company Momento Cero (Mo.0), who has spent 15 years making learning and innovating always entertaining, through the creation of various tools to carry out the Learning by Playing methodology, saw the need to generate social impact initiatives, thus giving rise to our Entrepreneur Foundation, an independent, non-profit organization. We felt in love with the challenges linked to this specific problems, because we believe they are the individual mobilizing motors of freedom and necessary to create, finance and implement dreams and projects that are a contribution to the common good. How do we put this into practice? We develop, implement and evaluate school programs that promote the use of educational board games in the classroom, focusing on students between 12 and 18 years old. We address relevant topics for current challenges: entrepreneurial talent, financial literacy, social sense and citizenship. Along with this, we co-developed the book "Playful mindset: to create, educate, undertake and innovate", where we share our know-how. Why Learn by Playing? Because if there are emotions, there is learning. And if that learning has an educational intention to provide tools to our young people, even better! We know that the Learning by Playing methodology generates emotions, fosters self-confidence, develops divergent thinking and reduces stress, which increases learning, thus developing in children and young people the skills that will allow them to become the best version of themselves in this century. We know that our challenge is not easy and we have a long way to go, but we are committed to enhancing the talent of each person, contributing to the formation of integral human beings, according to the challenges of the 21st century.
The Maecenata Foundation is an independent Think Tank founded in 2010 and based in Munich. It addresses issues of civil society, civic engagement, philanthropy, and foundations. Since 2011 it comprises all of Maecenata's activities. The foundation directs the activities of its programmes to represent carefully considered positions. It is heavily engaged in the transnational strengthening and development of an open society in Europe and beyond through civil society.
Défendre les intérêts du développement durable, participer à l'élaboration de politiques pour créer les conditions cadres pour une contribution effective des entreprises au développement durable, développer et promouvoir des arguments commerciaux en faveur du développement durable, démontrer la contribution apportée par les entreprises au développement durable et partager une pratique de pointe parmis les membres, contribuer à un avenir durable pour toutes les nations (cf. statuts pour but complet).
Clown Me In, known as Awrad Association, was created for the purpose of spreading laughter, providing relief to disadvantaged communities, addressing trauma, discrimination and environmental problems and abuses through clowning, laughter and social therapy workshops. We also aim to take the arts outside of the capital, giving disadvantaged and/or rural communities access to arts and culture. Clown Me In has worked around the world, in Mexican, Lebanese, Palestinian, Indian, Brazilian, Moroccan, Jordanian, Syrian, Greek and British communities.
We develop our activities in the cities of Guaira, Orlandia, Miguelopolis and Ipua, contributing directly to the integral development of children and teenagers, aiming at the improvement of social indicators, especially those related to low professional qualification, drug addiction, early pregnancy and school dropout. We believe that articulated, transdisciplinary and inclusive actions, embracing family and community, enable the strengthening of values such as ethics, responsibility, self confidence, self esteem, character, discipline, social awareness, collaboration, respect, pacifism and socialization.
Compassiva's mission is to create opportunities for transforming the lives of people in vulnerable situations.
to mobilise its members to reintroduce sustainable Sport for All and physical activity practices into everyday lives, using the Designed to Move physical activity platform.
to provide support to the most vulnerable children and youth - through sports and values - with the goal to contributing to a more egualitarian and inclusive society