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Displaying 253–264 of 14,798

Association for the Local Product Development WINDMILLS OF MASURY

The association was founded by people for whom local development on the basis of local resources, respecting nature, but also, and perhaps above all, based on community activities, is important. At the beginning, the development of local products and services, including tourist ones, was important to us. Currently, our activities focus on adult education (including senior citizens), youth education (through civic lessons) and volunteer development. We also carry out activities contributing to building social bonds, respect for tradition and strengthening of local identity. The main area of the association's activities is the Masury region, especially Ek.

Association For The Preservation Of The Presidential Yacht Potomac

To preserve and protect the Presidential Yacht Potomac for use as a classroom and museum dedicated to imparting to present and future generations the continuing impact of the Franklin Delano Roosevelt era.

The Center For Asian Pacific American Women (CAPAW)

The Center for Asian Pacific American Women (CAPAW) is a national, nonprofit organization dedicated to the enhancement and enrichment of leadership skills for Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) women through education, networking, and mentorship. For over 20 years, CAPAW has provided a variety of professional development programs – from intensive training institutes to national leadership summits to one day regional seminars and workshops – to address the specific needs of AAPI women across the country. CAPAW’s vision is to develop ethical and compassionate AAPI women to take on leadership roles in the private and public sectors.

Arizona Trail Association

The Arizona Trail Association's mission is to protect, maintain, enhance, promote and sustain the Arizona Trail as a unique encounter with the land.

Housatonic Valley Association

The mission of the Housatonic Valley Association (HVA) is to protect the natural character and environmental health of the entire Housatonic Watershed for this and future generations

Association Voix Libres

Voix libres is working in Bolivia to : - Prevent and eradicate child labour in mines, garbage dumps and streets - Fight against domestic violence - Serve human rights through integral development (education, training, micro-credits at zero interest, food autonomy) - Create a solidarity economy, in which the populations are entirely responsible for their own development, that corresponds to their real needs and a modernity rooted in the values of the communities. - Above all, to listen to the most forgotten, to encourage the expression of their talents and the development of their deepest identity

Beaver Brook Association

Beaver Brook Association's mission is to promote an understanding of interrelationships in the natural world and to encourage conservation of natural resources through education and natural resource stewardship.

Vaga Lume Association

Vaga Lume Association is a Brazilian non-profit organization founded in 2001 grounded in the belief that investing in people is the best way to transform a reality. Its mission is to create opportunities for cultural exchange by reading, writing and orality, valuing the empowerment of people and rural communities of the Brazilian Legal Amazon region. Vaga Lume works in 160 rural communities (indigenous, riverside, roadside, rural settlement people or quilombolas - Brazilian with African descent) of 23 municipalities in the Brazilian Legal Amazon region, which encompasses nine federal states (Acre, Amapa, Amazonas, Maranhao, Mato Grosso, Para, Rondonia, Roraima and Tocantins), occupies 59% of the Brazilian territory and has 20 million people (12% of the Brazilian population). Despite the fact that education and culture are basic social rights, protected by the Brazilian Constitution and under human rights international treaties ratified by Brazil, its access and implementation in the Amazon region are very limited. It is one of the poverty zones in Brazil - with a GDP per capita 30% lower than the national value - where 42% of the population survives with less than US$ 5.00 a day. Due to the outstanding impact of Vaga Lume's work in the region, the organization is recognized by many international and national awards such as the Juscelino Kubitschek Award of Merit for Regional Development in Latin America and the Caribbean given by the Inter-American Development Bank (2009); the Millennium Development Goals Award, conferred by the United Nations and the Brazilian government (2005); the Vivaleitura Award, from the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Education (2008); and the Chico Mendes Environment Award, given by the Ministry of Environment (2006 and 2008). In 2011, Vaga Lume received its most important recognition: the 4th place at the Intercultural Innovation Award, conferred by United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) and the BMW Group. As an awardee, in 2012, Vaga Lume was welcomed to the World Intercultural Facility for Innovation (WIFI), a network formed by the UNAOC, the BMW Group and the ten 2011 winners. Through this network, the UNAOC and the BMW Group challenged all winners to replicate and scale up their actions to promote intercultural dialogue and offered training, consultancy and institutional support to assist organizations to accomplish such results.

Association Montessori Internationale

Educateurs sans Frontieres (EsF), a division of the Association Montessori Internationale (AMI), is a network of Montessori practitioners, working with communities, governments and other partners to advance human development from the prenatal stage to early childhood care and education, continuing through to elementary, adolescence, adulthood and the elderly.

Better Government Association

Founded in 1923, the Better Government Association is an independent, non-partisan government watchdog groufraud and corruption in government by conducting investigative research and litigation to expose problems; researching policy solutions promoting transparency and accountability in government; and using internship programs to train the next generation of investigators and public interest lawyers.

Association Cameleon France

Founded in 1998 by Laurence LIGIER, CAMELEON France is an association of international solidarity, with a mission of apolitical, non-denominational charity and assistance. For more than 20 years, CAMELEON has been working in the Philippines and around the world, taking a holistic approach to addressing the causes and effects of sexual violence against children and adolescents. Its mission revolves around programs aiming at: rebuilding victims, schooling, local development, awareness and advocacy. To date, more than 7600 children and families have been supported and more than 1200 are sponsors worldwide. The association works in the Philippines with its local partner, CAMELEON Association Philippines, but also in France and in Europe with the support of its partners, its country offices and its sponsors. Our Goals per year: To protect, rehabilitate and reintegrate 110 children, victims of sexual abuse, as well as social support and education to their families. To provide education, health, professional instruction, and independence to 310 disadvantaged youths and their families. To raise awareness among the general public and in the media on Children's Rights and prevent mistreatment and sexual abuse. To advocate and lobby decision-makers and politicians.


Social Guidance Association has been at the forefront of making a difference in the lives of children since 2005. A Lebanese-registered organization, SGA works among the most vulnerable in the Middle East and North African region. Through all that we do, we seek to improve the quality of life and impact the hearts of children and youth in Lebanon and the greater MENA region.