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Displaying 25–36 of 10,891

Fulfillment Fund

Established in 1977, Fulfillment Fund works to make college a reality for students growing up in educationally and economically under-resourced communities. Together, we build pathways to college, navigate educational barriers, create support networks, and empower future leaders.

Malala Fund

Malala Fund breaks down the barriers preventing more than 130 million girls around the world from going to school. Malala is fighting to give back to girls what poverty, war and discrimination tried to take away. Donate today to help us give all girls the opportunity to learn and lead.

Treehouse Fund

Treehouse gives foster children a childhood and a future.

HERA (Her Equality Rights and Autonomy)

Her Equality Rights and Autonomy's (HERA) overall aims are: (1) to prevent trafficking and re-trafficking of young women; (2) to assist trafficked and other women survivors of violence, conflict, and exploitation build on the resilience they have demonstrated to achieve their ambitions for a better life; and (3) to engage the business community in countering trafficking and support women's entrepreneurship.

Women's Global Education Project

Women's Global Education Project (WGEP) believes that universal education, gender equality and empowerment of women are critical to a society's development. Our mission is to empower women and girls in rural regions of Sub-Saharan Africa through education to build better lives and foster more equitable communities

Military Child Education Coalition

Our Vision: Every military-connected child is college, workforce, and life-ready.Our Mission: To support all military-connected children by educating, advocating, and collaborating to resolve education challenges associated with the military lifestyle.Our Goals:The enduring strategic goals that the Military Child Education Coalition seeks are:- Military-connected children's academic, social and emotional needs are recognized, supported and appropriate responses provided.- Parents, and other supporting adults, are empowered with the knowledge to ensure military-connected children are college, workforce and life ready.- A strong community of partners is committed to support an environment where military-connected children thrive.

Council for Economic Education

The Council for Economic Education (CEE) is the leading organization in the United States that focuses on the economic and financial education of students from kindergarten through high school. For the past 60 years, of our mission has been to instill in young people the fourth “R”—a real-world understanding of economics and personal finance. We carry out our mission by providing professional development to teachers, teaching resources across the curriculum and nationally-normed assessment tools. We deliver our programs through in-person local workshops, partner organizations and online. It is only by acquiring economic and financial literacy that children can learn that there are better options for a life well lived, will be able to see opportunity on their horizon line and, ultimately, can grow into successful and productive adults capable of making informed and responsible decisions.

Youth Renewal Fund

Youth Renewal Fund is the philanthropic and strategic funding partner to Darca schools in Israel, investing in an innovative education across Israel's most under-served communities as a means of improving social mobility.

DOMINE - Organization for Promotion of Women's Rights

DOMINE is feminist, non-governmental, non-profitable organization, established in 2002 with a purpose of promoting women's rights and encouraging development of civil society. Organization's basic activities are education, video production, publishing, public campaigns and direct counseling and support. Domine acts regularly on: economical and political women's empowerment, advocacy of gender mainstreaming policies implementation and politics of equal opportunities, prevention of violence against women in all forms, promoting prevention of sexual and reproductive women's rights, direct legal, psychological and medical support to women, raising awareness of media responsibility regarding women's rights promotion, researching women's past/history of Split and Dalmatia, cooperation and networking with feminist and civil society organizations on local, national and international level, publishing and development of the first feminist library in Split and Dalmatia, media visibility of civil society, capacity strengthening of civil society organizations, cooperation of civil society organizations and local government units with a common goal of democracy promotion and the quality of life in society, stimulating of social entrepreneurship and self-financing.