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Displaying 25–36 of 1,285

Health & Hope Foundation

Create sustainable change and impact poverty cycles through the delivery and access to healthcare, education, and economic empowerment for women. Our focus is on vulnerable women and children of Tanzania

Future Kids of America

Future Kids of America is a non profit organization whose mission is to empower our youth through academic, artistic, and athletic development.

America Scores Bay Area

America SCORES Bay Area (SCORES) is the local affiliate of the national organization, America SCORES, that strengthens communities and empowers youth through soccer, voice, and service. SCORES addresses health and educational disparities in underserved public school communities in San Francisco, Hayward, San Rafael, and Oakland by providing 1,600 students with access to programs that help students to establish a lifelong enthusiasm for learning through team-based soccer, literary arts, and civic engagement activities. Now in its 19th year of service in the Bay Area, SCORES offers programs at 72 under-served public elementary and middle school communities and through deep partnerships with area School Districts, Recreation and Parks Departments, and community-based organizations.

Jobs To Move America

Jobs to Move America is a strategic policy center that works to transform public spending and corporate behavior using a comprehensive approach that is rooted in racial and economic justice and community organizing. We seek to advance a fair and prosperous economy with good jobs and healthier communities for all.

Orphan Foundation of America

Founded in 1981, the Orphan Foundation of America (OFA)is the only national organization dedicated solely to helping older foster youth make a successful transition to adulthood. OFA's mission is to provide teens leaving foster care with scholarships, leadership development, mentoring support, and independent living skills that will enable them to become productive, self-reliant adults.

Mid-America Reformed Seminary

Mid-America Reformed Seminary seeks to serve Christ and His church by assisting in the formation and preparation of servants for the Kingdom of God. Our primary purpose is to train men for the gospel ministry of Jesus Christ. Guided by this focus, we are also committed to providing solid theological training for others among God’s people whose life calling may be enhanced by theological education.

PTSD Foundation of America

To combat post traumatic stress; bring healing to our military community (active duty, reserves and national guard, veterans, and their families) through pastoral counseling, and peer mentoring, both on an individual basis, and in group settings. Raise awareness of the increasing needs of the military community through public events, media outlets, social media, service organizations, and churches. Networking government agencies, service organizations, churches and private sector businesses into a united “corps of compassion”, to bring their combined resources together to meet the needs of the military community on a personal and individual/family level. Our brave men and women in uniform understand duty, honor, and sacrifice. Many have returned home with both the visible scars, and the unseen wounds of war. to give back to those who have given of themselves so selflessly PTSD Foundation of America is a non-profit organization dedicated to mentoring to our combat veterans and their families with post traumatic stress. Many warriors are coming home with visible wounds; countless others are coming home with scars we cannot see, wounded souls from witnessing the horrors of war over and over again – PTSD. We feel it is our duty as Americans to help these mighty warriors and their families adjust and find their new normal. It is our turn to step up with other excellent existing community organizations and help those that have fought and sacrificed so much for us. We are faith-based in our approach and have a great history of providing hope and healing to those experiencing the unseen wounds of war. We offer a safe place where no one is judged, everyone is supported, and everything a warrior says or is revealed is confidential within the group. We would like the opportunity to train and/or help form groups within your community for warriors & their families to reach out to. Our teams consist of veterans, active and reserve service members as well as civilians that have a heart for the military and their families. We have active, reserve and/or veterans from every war up to world war ii that are coming to our groups. Warriors that we have worked with have learned how to heal and cope with ptsd to find their “new normal” and are now are reaching out to other warriors to let them know that there is hope in the darkness and they are not alone. please give us the opportunity to show you what we can do to provide hope for the warriors in darkness and the families who love and support them. to increase public awareness of post traumatic stress establishing relationships within the faith based community and secular organizations to facilitate support systems for our military community; locating and identifying churches currently ministering to, or are willing to consider beginning ministries to our military community workshops and counseling manuals are provided for both the warrior and their families. by assisting the spouses, children and other family members, we aid in the healing process of the individual with ptsd. Too often other treatment options fail to appropriately address the impact of ptsd on the family; training is available through regional workshops or through video. training should be undertaken by pastors, staff, counselors and lay-members who might interact in any counseling program; keeping the issue before the media and general public through regular press releases and email newsletters, as well as psa’s, websites and facebook

Missions International Of America

This has been a difficult financial time for so many people in our country and inflation is even worse in Haiti. Not surprisingly, our donations have dropped drastically, threatening the operation of BRS. We are praying that many will step forward to sponsor one of our precious children. $125 covers tuition, books and uniform for a student for a year. $65 feeds him a muffin every school day. We had hoped to start a rice and beans lunch program with the help of an organization in Tennessee but it does not look like we will be able to afford it. Together we have accomplished so much and changed so many lives in a very stressed country. We are grateful. I know most of you hear the awful stories of gang activity in Port au Prince. It has kept us from going for over a year since we have to land in Port. But because you have helped us build Haiti leadership over the years, all projects are going forward even when we are not there. We never even thought that we could change Haiti but Savanette is a very different place than it was when we opened the Brad reddick school in 2006. IT started as a little school K-2 and now it has 400 students K- 11. When we started work there was no clean water and now there is abundant clean water and people come for miles to use our well water stations. There was no medical care, now there is a clinic that has provided care and medicines for hundreds for people. There had never been any opportunities for jobs People now work to grow vegetables, bamboo and raise rabbits. People are being hired as we speak to fix the septic system in the compound and people were hired to unload the container that arrived in November. There was just one church down the road and so much voodoo. Now we have not seen voodoo in years and little churches have cropped up throughout the Savanette area.

Soka University Of America

The mission of Soka University is to foster a steady stream of global citizens committted to living a contributive life.

Movimento de Saude Mental Comunitaria do Bom Jardi

The Movimento de Saude Mental Comunitaria do Bom Jardim (MSMCBJ) was initiated in 1996 as part of the outreach of the Comboni Missionaries in the Northeast of Brazil. MSMCBJ seeks to improve the lives of the people of the economically impoverished peripheral regions of Fortaleza, primarily the area of Grande Bom Jardim. To imagine a mental health project in a peripheral neighborhood like Bom Jardim, where the majority of people live in at-risk circumstances - in which extreme poverty, violence, a lack of housing and basic sanitation, street children, and unemployment predominate - is to believe that, even within pain and suffering, we can harvest flowers. That is, personal and social realities can be transformed. The challenge that MSMCBJ has been overcoming throughout its years of community action has been to demonstrate that, through the Community Systemic Approach, working with people's self-esteem results in greater self-awareness, which empowers people to create paths of liberation, thanks to the sense of participation and co-responsibility that MSMCBJ activities favor. The Movimento de Saude Mental Comunitaria do Bom Jardim welcomes the human being, respecting their bio-psycho-socio-spiritual dimensions, promoting the development of their potential, through the restoration of human rights and cultural values, with the goal of improving the quality their personal, interpersonal, and community relationships, for the promotion of the gift of life. We welcome and accept all people, despite their social class, race, religion, gender, or age; We stimulate the development of quality personal, group, community, social, and ecological relationships; We believe in the diversity of cultural roots as a principle on the strengthening of identity for the liberation and development of the human being; We exist within and are nourished by a loving spirituality in the search for personal and social integration and liberation; We offer a space for affective listening as an essential therapeutic instrument for the awakening and development of life; We participate in the development of human potential with the vision of autonomy and co-responsibility in the construction of the project of life; We value and recognize the talents of the individual, encouraging transparent and affective relationships as an opportunity for personal and professional growth; We believe in a work relationship that encourages the overcoming of conflicts as a form of maturing and growth; We encourage the awakening of a new consciousness that cultivates the essential values of love, peace, and justice; We gladly welcome partnerships that help to realize these life-restoring actions.