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Big Thought

Big Thought's mission is to make imagination a part of everyday learning.

Big Shoulders

The mission of the Big Shoulders Fund is to provide support to the Catholic schools in the neediest areas of inner-city Chicago. 100% of the funds raised by the Big Shoulders Fund are used to support children through scholarships, special education programs, instructional equipment, much needed school facility improvements, faculty support, and operating grants.  The Big Shoulders Fund is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

Big Cat Rescue

Big Cat Rescue, one of the world’s largest accredited sanctuaries for exotic cats, is a leading advocate in ending the abuse of captive big cats and saving wild cats from extinction. Care of our cats. The narrow mission of Big Cat Rescue is to provide the best permanent home we can for the abused, abandoned and retired cats in our care. We do this by building enclosures in a very natural habitat with foliage and shelter on our 67 acre site, by providing the best nutritional and medical care possible, and by having active operant conditioning and enrichment programs to provide for their physical and psychological well being. Education. The broader mission of the sanctuary is to reduce the number of cats that suffer the fate of abandonment and/or abuse and to encourage preservation of habitat and wildlife. We urge people to behave in a way that will support these goals by teaching people about the plight of the cats, both in the wild and in captivity. We accomplish this through educational guided tours, educational programs for young people, and by maintaining a website that is the world's largest and best resource for information about exotic cats.

Big Picture Foundation

Big Picture Foundation empowers children around the world to use the arts for local, national, and global community building initiatives.

Big Sur Land Trust

Big Sur Land Trust is a non-profit organization with a mission to inspire love of land across generations, conservation of our unique Monterey County landscapes, and access to outdoor experiences for all. We see a future where natural landscapes, working lands, urban open spaces and healthy communities are cared for by people who share a love of nature and a deep appreciation for the richness of their diverse cultures. Since 1978, our generous donors and partners have conserved over 40,000 acres throughout Monterey County. As an accredited land trust, our work promotes: 1. HEALTHY LANDS: Conserving and caring for the magnificent natural landscapes, habitats and waterways of our region to ensure a sustainable future. 2. HEALTHY PEOPLE: Providing opportunities for all who live in and visit Monterey County to experience the healthful benefits associated with access to parks and open spaces, fresh food, clean air and water, and a deep connection to nature. 3. HEALTHY COMMUNITIES: Engaging in partnerships where conservation and civic participation increase community vitality, economic prosperity and social equity. Big Sur Land Trust is a private non-profit 501(c)(3) governed by a board of trustees, operated by a professional staff and supported by hundreds of members and volunteers. Our work is funded by generous private donations and public conservation funding. We are proud to be accredited by the Land Trust Accreditation Commission, an independent program of the Land Trust Alliance. The accreditation seal is awarded to land trusts meeting the highest national standards for excellence and conservation permanence.

We Think Big Inc

WeThinkBig is an independent not-for-profit organization that brings innovators across the education, business and public/private sectors to collaborate, learn and advance excellence in education and student learning. WeThinkBig is dedicated to improving educational experiences for K-12 students in greater Dane county by providing educators the inspiration, tools and partnerships they need to advance educational innovation in our region.

Peace Sisters

Peace Sisters assists over 470 underprivileged girls to access educational opportunities in Togo, West Africa. Peace Sisters was founded by Tina Kampor, a Togolese American woman who moved to California in 2003 and worked hard so she would be able to send money back to Togo to help girls who might otherwise have dropped out of school. School fee payments, solar study lamps, ID Cards, menstrual pads, and basic health insurance are some of the ways that Peace Sisters helps girls to succeed in their education. In 2021, Peace Sisters celebrated the first college graduation by a girl in our program!

Benedictine Sisters Of Florida

The Benedictine Sisters of Florida seek God in monastic community, prayer and ministry. Nourished by the Word of God and our life together, we and our supporters and volunteers respond with the compassion of Christ to feed the hungers of the people of God.