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Displaying 205–216 of 255

Oglala Lakota College

The Mission Which Emanates From The Charter Of The Oglala Sioux Tribe Is To Educate Students For Professional And Vocational Employment Opportunities In Lakota Country. The College Will Graduate Well-Rounded Students Grounded In Wolakolkiciyapi-Learning Lakota Ways Of Life In The Community By Teaching Lakota Culture And Language As Part Of Preparing Students To Participate In A Multicultural World. In Achieving The Mission, Oglala Lakota College Has The Following Purposes: Tribal -Provides The Lakota With Outstanding Graduates -Promotes The Study And Practice Of Tribal Sovereignty -Works With Tribal Entities Toward Building Our Nation -Helps Students To Gain Meaningful Employment And Healthy Lifestyles Cultural -Utilizes Lakota Cultural Values In All Learning Frameworks -Celebrates Lakota Culture Including Sacred Songs And Ceremonies -Research, Study, Facilitate, And Disseminate Lakota Language, Culture And Philosophy -Provides Leadership To Maintain And Revitalize Lakota Culture And P

Pacific Lutheran University

Pacific Lutheran University is a comprehensive university with an enrollment of more than 3600 students. A member of the Associated New American Colleges, PLU is committed to the integration of liberal arts studies and professional preparation. A dynamic academic program features five professional schools and selective graduate programs that maintain a strong liberal arts emphasis at their core. PLU is the only Northwest University to be ranked within the top 15 western region universities in every "Best Colleges" survey published annually by the US News & World Report. Founded in 1890 by Scandinavian immigrants, PLU has been closely affiliated with the Lutheran church throughout its history and is now a university of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. PLU cherishes its dedication to educating for lives of service, as well as its distinguished and distinctive academic program that emphasizes curricular integration and active learning.

Bach Beethoven & Brahms Society Of Boston

The Bach, Beethoven, and Brahms (BB&B) Society of Boston was formed in the spring of 2016 by Music Director Steven Lipsitt and the musicians of the former Boston Classical Orchestra. A new Board of Directors, led by Professor Herbert F. Voigt, Ph.D., is determined to continue a beloved and time-honored tradition of great, expertly performed orchestral concerts presented in one of America’s most historic spaces, Boston’s Faneuil Hall. Following debut concerts in March and April of 2016, and thanks to the generosity and loyalty of supporters, BB&B presented a full 2016 – 2017 season of subscription concerts to excited, enthusiastic audiences. Sharing the stunning musical virtuosity of its own professional musicians, world-class guest soloists, and a level of quality that has been the hallmark of concerts in its Faneuil Hall home for many years, BB&B renewed old friendships and developed new ones, laying the groundwork for a bright future as Boston’s newest professional orchestra.

St Olaf College

St. Olaf, a four-year college of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, provides an education committed to the liberal arts, rooted in the Christian gospel, and incorporating a global perspective. In the conviction that life is more than a livelihood, it focuses on what is ultimately worthwhile and fosters the development of the whole person in mind, body, and spirit. Now in its second century, St. Olaf College remains dedicated to the high standards set by its Norwegian immigrant founders. In the spirit of free inquiry and free expression, it offers a distinctive environment that integrates teaching, scholarship , creative activity, and opportunities for encounter with the Christian Gospel and God?s call to faith. The college intends that its graduates combine academic excellence and theological literacy with a commitment to lifelong learning. St. Olaf College strives to be an inclusive community, respecting those of differing backgrounds and beliefs. Through its curriculum, campus life, and off-campus programs, it stimulates students' critical thinking and heightens their moral sensitivity; it encourages them to be seekers of truth, leading lives of unselfish service to others; and it challenges them to be responsible and knowledgeable citizens of the world.

Arcadia University

Arcadia University prepares students for life in a rapidly changing global society.  As a comprehensive, independent institution, Arcadia offers men and women a broad range of undergraduate and graduate programs on its suburban Philadelphia campus and through its College of Global Studies. Arcadia University prides itself on meeting the changing educational, career, and developmental needs of students, alumni, and the local community while emphasizing the strengths of a liberal education. Non-sectarian, Arcadia University is committed to serving students of all ages and cultural backgrounds. A dedicated community of teacher/scholars, administrators, staff, trustees and students work in genuine collegiality to create a climate for learning and personal growth based upon intellectual challenge and nurturing relationships. At Arcadia University, the following qualities define educational excellence: ·         Skill in critical thinking and effective communication ·         Mastery of a major field of knowledge ·         Appreciation of multiple disciplinary perspectives and methods of understanding ·         Proficiency in applying what is learned ·         Ability to work productively in culturally heterogeneous groups ·         Understanding of the integral relationships among the peoples of the world ·         Commitment to ethical decision making and socially responsible community participation

University Of Redlands

The University of Redlands is a private, independent liberal arts university committed to providing a personalized education that frees students to make enlightened choices. Redlands emphasizes academic rigor, curricular diversity and innovative teaching. Redlands fosters a community of scholars and encourages a pluralistic notion of values by challenging assumptions and stereotypes in both classes and activities. A Redlands education goes beyond training to embrace a reflective understanding of our world; it proceeds from information to insight, from knowledge to meaning. Welcoming intellectually curious students of diverse religious, ethnic, national and socioeconomic backgrounds, the University seeks to develop responsible citizenship as part of a complete education. Redlands encourages a community atmosphere with exceptional opportunity for student leadership and interaction. For working adults, the University offers innovative academic programs at convenient locations and times. Redlands blends liberal arts and professional programs, applied and theoretical study, traditional majors and self-designed contracts for graduation. Small classes enable each student to participate in class discussion, to work closely with professors, and to receive extensive individual attention. Redlands remains sensitive to contemporary trends in society and challenges students to commit themselves to a lifetime of learning.

College Of The Holy Cross

The College of the Holy Cross is, by tradition and choice, a Jesuit liberal arts college serving the Catholic community, American society, and the wider world. To participate in the life of Holy Cross is to accept an invitation to join in dialogue about basic human questions: What is the moral character of learning and teaching? How do we find meaning in life and history? What are our obligations to one another? What is our special responsibility to the world's poor and powerless? As a liberal arts college, Holy Cross pursues excellence in teaching, learning, and research. All who share its life are challenged to be open to new ideas, to be patient with ambiguity and uncertainty, to combine a passion for truth with respect for the views of others. Informed by the presence of diverse interpretations of the human experience, Holy Cross seeks to build a community marked by freedom, mutual respect, and civility. Because the search for meaning and value is at the heart of the intellectual life, critical examination of fundamental religious and philosophical questions is integral to liberal arts education. Dialogue about these questions among people from diverse academic disciplines and religious traditions requires everyone to acknowledge and respect differences. Dialogue also requires us to remain open to that sense of the whole which calls us to transcend ourselves and challenges us to seek that which might constitute our common humanity. The faculty and staff of Holy Cross, now primarily lay and religiously and culturally diverse, also affirm the mission of Holy Cross as a Jesuit college. As such, Holy Cross seeks to exemplify the longstanding dedication of the Society of Jesus to the intellectual life and its commitment to the service of faith and promotion of justice. The College is dedicated to forming a community which supports the intellectual growth of all its members while offering them opportunities for spiritual and moral development. In a special way, the College must enable all who choose to do so to encounter the intellectual heritage of Catholicism, to form an active worshipping community, and to become engaged in the life and work of the contemporary church. Since 1843, Holy Cross has sought to educate students who, as leaders in business, professional, and civic life, would live by the highest intellectual and ethical standards. In service of this ideal, Holy Cross endeavors to create an environment in which integrated learning is a shared responsibility, pursued in classroom and laboratory, studio and theater, residence and chapel. Shared responsibility for the life and governance of the College should lead all its members to make the best of their own talents, to work together, to be sensitive to one another, to serve others, and to seek justice within and beyond the Holy Cross community

Los Rios Colleges Foundation

The mission of the Los Rios Foundation is to invest in the students of the Los Rios Community Colleges to help them achieve their aspirations through education. This is achieved by offering an increased level of excellence for students at American River, Cosumnes River, Folsom Lake and Sacramento City colleges by funding student and faculty programs, facilities and activities. The Los Rios Foundation is an auxiliary foundation to the college district. Formed in 1978, it is a 501(c)(3) organization and has 30 board members who represent the community and the colleges. The college foundations are a part of the Los Rios Foundation: American River College Foundation, Sacramento City College Foundation, Cosumnes River College Foundation and Folsom Lake College Foundation. The Los Rios District and Colleges exist to change and improve lives in the Sacramento region by making quality college education and training accessible and affordable to all. The Los Rios Foundation provides the private support necessary to meet this quality of excellence.

John Carroll University

A John Carroll education is distinguished by respect and care for the whole person (cura personalis), innovative teaching, and integrated learning throughout the entire student experience. A commitment to excellence and academic rigor animates JCU's way of proceeding - graduating individuals of intellect and character who lead and serve by engaging the world. John Carroll University, founded in 1886, is a private, coeducational, Catholic, and Jesuit university. It provides programs in the liberal arts, sciences, education, and business at the undergraduate level, and in selected areas at the master's level. The University also offers its facilities and personnel to the Greater Cleveland community. As a university, John Carroll is committed to the transmission and enrichment of the treasury of human knowledge with the autonomy and freedom appropriate to a university. As a Catholic university, it is further committed to seek and synthesize all knowledge, including the wisdom of Christian revelation. In the pursuit of this integration of knowledge, the University community is enriched by scholarship representing the pluralistic society in which we live. All can participate freely in the intellectual, moral, and spiritual dialog necessary to this pursuit. Within this dialog, in which theological and philosophical questions play a crucial role, students have the opportunity to develop, synthesize, and live a value system based on respect for and critical evaluation of facts; on intellectual, moral, and spiritual principles which enable them to cope with new problems; and on the sensitivity and judgment that prepare them to engage in responsible social action. In a Jesuit university, the presence of Jesuits and colleagues who are inspired by the vision of Saint Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus in 1540, is of paramount importance. This vision, which reflects the value system of the Gospels, is expressed in the Spiritual Exercises, the source of Jesuit life and mission. To education the Jesuit spirit brings a rationality appropriately balanced by human affection, an esteem for the individual as a unique person, training in discerning choice, openness to change, and a quest for God's greater glory in the use of this world's goods. Commitment to the values that inspired the Spiritual Exercises promotes justice by affirming the equal dignity of all persons and seeks balance between reliance on divine assistance and natural capacities. The effort to combine faith and culture takes on different forms at different times in Jesuit colleges and universities. Innovation, experiment, and training for social leadership are essential to the Jesuit tradition. At the same time, John Carroll University welcomes students and faculty from different religious backgrounds and philosophies. Dedicated to the total development of the human, the University offers an environment in which every student, faculty, and staff person may feel welcomed. Within this environment there is concern for the human and spiritual developmental needs of the students and a deep respect for the freedom and dignity of the human person. A faculty not only professionally qualified, but also student oriented, considers excellence in interpersonal relationships as well as academic achievement among its primary goals. The University places primary emphasis on instructional excellence. It recognizes the importance of research in teaching as well as in the development of the teacher. In keeping with its mission, the University especially encourages research that assists the various disciplines in offering solutions to the problems of faith in the modern world, social inequities, and human needs. The commitment to excellence at John Carroll University does not imply limiting admissions to the extremely talented student only. Admission is open to all students who desire and have the potential to profit from an education suited to the student's needs as a person and talents as a member of society. The educational experience at John Carroll University provides opportunities for the students to develop as total human persons. They should be well grounded in liberalizing, humanizing arts and sciences; proficient in the skills that lead to clear, persuasive expression; trained in the intellectual discipline necessary to pursue a subject in depth; aware of the interrelationship of all knowledge and the need for integration and synthesis; able to make a commitment to a tested scale of values and to demonstrate the self-discipline necessary to live by those values; alert to learning as a life-long process; open to change as they mature; respectful of their own culture and that of others; aware of the interdependence of all humanity; and sensitive to the need for social justice in response to current social pressures and problems. Our partner in Honduras is Sociedad Amigos de Los Ninos, whose mission is to: Improve the quality of lives of children, adolescents, mothers, families and communities according to their specific needs, implementing programs that provide protection, education, health, training, financing, spiritual orientation, and housing, involving them in achieving their own development. Enable our supporters and volunteers to join this labor of love where they have the opportunity to fulfill their own dreams in favor of the less fortunate.

Bowdoin College

It is the mission of the College to engage students of uncommon promise in an intense full-time education of their minds, exploration of their creative faculties and development of their social and leadership abilities, in a four-year course of study and residence that concludes with a baccalaureate degree in the liberal arts. Two guiding ideas suffuse Bowdoin's mission. The first, from the College of the 18th and 19th centuries, defines education in terms of a social vision. "Literary institutions are founded and endowed for the common good, and not for the private advantage of those who resort to them. . . but that their mental powers may be cultivated and improved for the benefit of society" (President Joseph McKeen's inaugural address, 1802); "To lose yourself in generous enthusiasms and cooperate with others for common ends: this is the offer of the College" (President William DeWitt Hyde, 1903). The second idea stresses the formation of a complete individual for a world in flux: there is an intrinsic value in a liberal arts education of breadth and depth, beyond the acquisition of specific knowledge, that will enable a thinking person, "to be at home in all lands and all ages" (President Hyde). At the root of this mission is selection. First, and regardless of their wealth, Bowdoin selects men and women of varied gifts, diverse social, geographic and racial backgrounds, and exceptional qualities of mind and character. Developed in association with one another, these gifts will enable them to become leaders in many fields of endeavor. Second, it recruits faculty members of high intellectual ability and scholarly accomplishment who have a passion for education both of undergraduates and of themselves, as life-long creators and pursuers of knowledge.

Wabash College

Founded in 1832, Wabash College is an independent, liberal arts college for men with an enrollment of about 875 students. Its mission is excellence in teaching and learning within a community built on close and caring relationships among students, faculty, and staff. Wabash offers qualified young men a superior education, fostering, in particular, independent intellectual inquiry, critical thought, and clear written and oral expression. The College educates its students broadly in the traditional curriculum of the liberal arts, while also requiring them to pursue concentrated study in one or more disciplines. Wabash emphasizes our manifold, but shared cultural heritage. Our students come from diverse economic, social, and cultural backgrounds; the College helps these students engage these differences and live humanely with them. Wabash also challenges its students to appreciate the changing nature of the global society and prepares them for the responsibilities of leadership and service in it. The College carries out its mission in a residential setting in which students take personal and group responsibility for their actions. Wabash provides for its students an unusually informal, egalitarian, and participatory environment which encourages young men to adopt a life of intellectual and creative growth, self-awareness, and physical activity. The College seeks to cultivate qualities of character and leadership in students by developing not only their analytical skills, but also sensitivity to values, and judgment and compassion required of citizens living in a difficult and uncertain world. We expect a Wabash education to bring joy in the life of the mind, to reveal the pleasures in the details of common experience, and to affirm the necessity for and rewards in helping others.

University Of New England

Enabling adaptation to a changing world through education