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Displaying 265–276 of 3,502

Neighborhood Music School

Mission. The mission of Neighborhood Music School is to create community, spark potential and share joy through the arts.Core Belief. We believe in the power of the arts to transform lives and strengthen communities. Core Values: Diversity: Our school is a vibrant hub for all ages, genders, races, nationalities, and economic backgrounds. Through shared learning and self-expression, we overcome fear of our differences.Relationships: We respond to the individual needs of our students and families, treating them with warmth and care.Teaching Excellence: Our talented and passionate teaching artists inspire students of all levels of ability to discover their unique potential.Responsiveness: Rooted in the classical tradition, we respond to the present-day interests of our community to encourage participation.Lifelong Learning: We provide opportunities for continual growth and development, both in our organization and in those we teach.Welcoming Space: We offer an open and collaborative environment, where individuals feel comfortable and supported.Community Presence: We actively go into the community to share the joy of the arts


The Friends of Algonquin Park was established in 1983 as a non profit registered charity. The Friends operate as a cooperating association under an agreement with the Ontario Parks to enhance the educational and interpretive programs in Algonquin Park. This is accomplished by developing and reprinting Park-related publications, and funding Park projects through the proceeds from sales at The Friends' two bookstores in the Park, private donations, and various fundraising efforts. The activities of The Friends of Algonquin are coordinated by a volunteer Board of Directors who reside in different parts of Ontario. Since its establishment, The Friends has grown to a membership of over 3000 people, and continues to attract support from around the world.


Autism Speaks Canada is the leading autism organization in Canada dedicated to raising money to support autism research, awareness, advocacy and family/community services. Every dollar raised in Canada stays in Canada. Through Walk Now for Autism Speaks Canada Walk program and other events and fund raising activities, Autism Speaks Canada has granted over $6.5 million to the Canadian autism community from coast to coast since 1998. Since 2010, Autism Speaks Canada has granted over $1.5 million to Family/Community Services initiatives including Community Grants program, bilingual Community Services Database and a First 100 Days kit for families who children have just been diagnosed with autism.

Blue Bear School Of Music

Blue Bear School of American Music was founded by a rock band in the early '70's. Why not teach Rock instead of Bach, the Blues instead of Beethoven? Including solid music theory courses along with professional mentoring, electric Band Workshops and Songwriting courses, Blue Bear continues to offer high quality popular music education at affordable prices to music lovers of all ages. Scholarships are awarded annually to promising talent ages 12-22, funded by contributions from individuals, music industry professionals and businesses. Blue Bear has an active outreach programs serving at-risk kids in the Bayview and Tenderloin districts and runs after-school music programs at over 15 sites in San Francisco. Our mission statement is: Empowering people to play the music they love!

PTSD Foundation of America

To combat post traumatic stress; bring healing to our military community (active duty, reserves and national guard, veterans, and their families) through pastoral counseling, and peer mentoring, both on an individual basis, and in group settings. Raise awareness of the increasing needs of the military community through public events, media outlets, social media, service organizations, and churches. Networking government agencies, service organizations, churches and private sector businesses into a united “corps of compassion”, to bring their combined resources together to meet the needs of the military community on a personal and individual/family level. Our brave men and women in uniform understand duty, honor, and sacrifice. Many have returned home with both the visible scars, and the unseen wounds of war. to give back to those who have given of themselves so selflessly PTSD Foundation of America is a non-profit organization dedicated to mentoring to our combat veterans and their families with post traumatic stress. Many warriors are coming home with visible wounds; countless others are coming home with scars we cannot see, wounded souls from witnessing the horrors of war over and over again – PTSD. We feel it is our duty as Americans to help these mighty warriors and their families adjust and find their new normal. It is our turn to step up with other excellent existing community organizations and help those that have fought and sacrificed so much for us. We are faith-based in our approach and have a great history of providing hope and healing to those experiencing the unseen wounds of war. We offer a safe place where no one is judged, everyone is supported, and everything a warrior says or is revealed is confidential within the group. We would like the opportunity to train and/or help form groups within your community for warriors & their families to reach out to. Our teams consist of veterans, active and reserve service members as well as civilians that have a heart for the military and their families. We have active, reserve and/or veterans from every war up to world war ii that are coming to our groups. Warriors that we have worked with have learned how to heal and cope with ptsd to find their “new normal” and are now are reaching out to other warriors to let them know that there is hope in the darkness and they are not alone. please give us the opportunity to show you what we can do to provide hope for the warriors in darkness and the families who love and support them. to increase public awareness of post traumatic stress establishing relationships within the faith based community and secular organizations to facilitate support systems for our military community; locating and identifying churches currently ministering to, or are willing to consider beginning ministries to our military community workshops and counseling manuals are provided for both the warrior and their families. by assisting the spouses, children and other family members, we aid in the healing process of the individual with ptsd. Too often other treatment options fail to appropriately address the impact of ptsd on the family; training is available through regional workshops or through video. training should be undertaken by pastors, staff, counselors and lay-members who might interact in any counseling program; keeping the issue before the media and general public through regular press releases and email newsletters, as well as psa’s, websites and facebook


The Vietnam Education Society was established in 2005 to raise funds to cover the cost of construction for new preschools and primary schools in rural Vietnam. Local authorities manage and operate the facilities, which are inspected by VES and our partner, East Meets West, on a regular basis. VES opened its first school in Vietnam in June 2007, a ten room school that serves close to 400 students in the small community of Cat Ne, Thai Nguyen Province, Vietnam. A multipurpose room and early childhood development centre were added to the school. Since that time, VES has built three other schools and is currently (Spring 2013) working on plans for the fifth facility. VES also works with the Pacific Links Foundation, an organization dedicated to helping stop human trafficking along the border regions in Vietnam. VES provides 40 scholarships for at risk girls and sponsors a summer camp to provide these girls with support and life skills

Lumberyard Contemporary Performing Arts

Lumberyard, one of the nation's leading contemporary performing arts institutions, serves the performing arts community and its audiences by providing multi-faceted opportunities for artists to develop new work. Unwavering in its commitment to assisting artists throughout the creative process, Lumberyard operates with a collaborative and generous spirit, one driven by this support for artists and appreciation for the audiences who value their work. Lumberyard's history goes back to 1999 when, thanks to founder and benefactor Solange MacArthur, it began as American Dance Institute (ADI), a dance school based in Rockville, Maryland. In 2010, after looking closely at the challenges facing the American contemporary dance field, ADI changed course to focus on artist-centered programs that include residency and performance opportunities. This new direction resulted in what is now Lumberyard's stellar reputation for providing this much needed support, with the Incubator residency program, introduced in 2011, especially praised. Lumberyard also serves emerging artists through its Solange MacArthur Award and Future Artists Initiative. In summer 2016, Lumberyard responded to artists' requests for residencies to culminate with a New York City performance season by launching Lumberyard/NYC, an initiative undertaken in collaboration with New York City theater spaces, which, to this day, not only supports artists but also serves audiences who, at affordable ticket prices, have the chance to see a wide range of contemporary dance. Lumberyard will experience more exciting change in 2018 when it opens new facilities in a former lumberyard in Catskill New York, a town approximately two hours from New York City, positioned beautifully between the Hudson River and the Catskill Creek that was once the home of painter Thomas Cole, founder of the renowned Hudson River School. The renovation of the lumberyard, a four-building complex, will produce fabulous studios and housing, allowing Lumberyard to expand its mission of supporting artists throughout the creative process by being able to increase the number of residencies and performance opportunities available to them. The site will also include a state-of-the art performing arts space, certain to become a cultural destination for Catskill residents and for those traveling to the region. By taking ownership of this property, Lumberyard will connect audiences to some of the best and most provocative performances being created today, and the excitement of seeing works in preview before they premier in less intimate venues will extend beyond the stage to include receptions and talk backs with artists. Catskill residents will also benefit by access to a delightful courtyard that will host a farmers' market and other community events.

Boys & Girls Clubs Of Pasadena

We enable children and youth in the community, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, healthy, and responsible citizens.

Center For Leadership Development

The mission of the Center For Leadership Development (CLD) is to foster the advancement of minority youth as future professional, business, and community leaders by providing experiences that encourage personal development and educational attainment. Our youth development programs and services are infused with our five Principles for Success: character development, educational excellence, leadership effectiveness, community service and career achievement. We serve youth from 4th grade through college completion with value-based college readiness programs, counseling and tutoring services.

Academy Of Vocal Arts

The mission of The Academy of Vocal Arts is to be the world’s premier institution for training young artists as international opera singers. Through rigorous instruction and coaching, and by presentations of Resident Artists from around the world in fully staged professional opera productions, as well as concerts, oratorios, public programs, The Academy will train artists with the highest potential for career success while enriching lives in Philadelphia and beyond.

Rock the Vote

Rock the Vote engages young people in our democracy and builds their political power by registering, educating and turning them out to vote, by forcing the candidates to campaign to them, and by making politicians pay attention to youth and the issues they care about once in office. We use music, popular culture, new technologies and old fashioned grassroots organizing to engage and mobilize young people to participate in every election, and provide the information and tools they need to do so.  And we amplify the actions of those young people who step up to claim their voice in the process in order to create political and social change.

Seeds of Peace

We equip exceptional youth and educators with the skills and relationships to work in solidarity across lines of difference to create more just and inclusive societies.