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Displaying 37–45 of 45

Leadership Initiatives

Leadership Initiatives (LI) renews democracies on a grassroots level by cultivating self-reliant leadership. We help individuals and communities forge the connections necessary to solve local problems using existing community resources. In the process we train a new generation of innovative, resourceful leaders poised to catapult their neighborhoods, regions, and nations forward.

Music Works Northwest

Our mission is to change lives through accessible music education and experiences.Goals Provide music education to all ages and abilities. Improve self-esteem, communication and social skills. Reach out to underserved populations. Provide a safe, encouraging environment in which to explore music. Provide a nurturing environment to serve people with disabilities. Values We believe that music is an essential part of our lives. We believe that music develops essential life skills. We believe in nurturing creativity. We value the process of exploration and inquiry. We value the diversity of the communities we serve.

The Voter Participation Center

The Voter Participation Center (VPC) works to ensure the New American Majority (NAM): people of color, young people, and unmarried women, engage in democracy equal to their presence in society through voter registration, mobilization, and education. VPC is a civic engagement organization that primarily uses direct mail and digital platforms in metrics driven, targeted programming steeped in research and learning about the populations it serves. VPC is committed to continuous innovation, evolution, experimentation and the development of new approaches to help realize the full voting potential of the NAM, and to working in partnership with local, state and national civic engagement efforts. VPC envisions a democracy where all voices are heard equally in elections and political discourse

Civic Nebraska

Civic Nebraska works to create a more modern and robust democracy for all Nebraskans. While our organization is divided into three program areas, Civic Health, Youth Civic Engagement, and Voting Rights, these programs work in tandem to invest in the lives of Nebraskans. Our core organizational goals include improving the pillars of social and civic health which enable residents to feel more confident in their political institutions, more socially connected to their home and neighbors, increase civic engagement, and help individuals feel empowered to participate politically.

William Penn House

William Penn House - * Is a Quaker center for exploring and making visible the Quaker Testimonies of peace, community, simplicity, equality and truth, * Nurtures and celebrates those who "Speak Truth to Power" in pursuit of peace and social justice * Has a special ministry to youth * Connects visitors from the United States and around the world with the service and witness resources of Washington D.C. * Serves as a communication center for Friends' meetings in the Washington area * Is a hospitality center on Capitol Hill that can provide lodging for up to 30 people, and rooted and grounded in Quaker faith and practice.

CPFQ Palestinian Child Sponsorship Program

The CPFQ Child Sponsorship Program is designed to build bridges between the Canadian community and Palestinian children living under occupation or in refugee camps. Children enrolled in our program live under conditions of extreme poverty and unemployment. Many of them live in densely populated refugee camps. A suitable infrastructure is absent, seriously threatening the physical and mental health of residents. Many children suffer from serious health problems and disabilities. Due to financial hardship, many have to leave school at a very young age to help support their families. The severe restrictions on employment and movement make the future of these children very bleak. In addition to providing much needed financial assistance, the program helps maintain stable and rewarding relationships between each child and their sponsor. This simple message of hope can offset some of the effects of the chaotic and insecure conditions in which they live.

Community Voices Heard

Community Voices Heard is an organization of low income people, mostly women on welfare and public housing residents, working together to improve the lives of our members' families and all poor people in New York City and State. We are directed, run and being built by low-income people. We are a growing grass roots organization that uses public education, public policy research, community organizing, leadership development, voter education & mobilization, and direct action issue organizing to build our membership and to organize around issues that are defined by our membershiwe broadly define "welfare activism" to be multi issue, and thus must include issues such as education, training, jobs, housing, economic development and other community issues. We fill a critical gap in that our organization connects public policy with grass roots organizing and leadership development.

Lumberyard Contemporary Performing Arts

Lumberyard, one of the nation's leading contemporary performing arts institutions, serves the performing arts community and its audiences by providing multi-faceted opportunities for artists to develop new work. Unwavering in its commitment to assisting artists throughout the creative process, Lumberyard operates with a collaborative and generous spirit, one driven by this support for artists and appreciation for the audiences who value their work. Lumberyard's history goes back to 1999 when, thanks to founder and benefactor Solange MacArthur, it began as American Dance Institute (ADI), a dance school based in Rockville, Maryland. In 2010, after looking closely at the challenges facing the American contemporary dance field, ADI changed course to focus on artist-centered programs that include residency and performance opportunities. This new direction resulted in what is now Lumberyard's stellar reputation for providing this much needed support, with the Incubator residency program, introduced in 2011, especially praised. Lumberyard also serves emerging artists through its Solange MacArthur Award and Future Artists Initiative. In summer 2016, Lumberyard responded to artists' requests for residencies to culminate with a New York City performance season by launching Lumberyard/NYC, an initiative undertaken in collaboration with New York City theater spaces, which, to this day, not only supports artists but also serves audiences who, at affordable ticket prices, have the chance to see a wide range of contemporary dance. Lumberyard will experience more exciting change in 2018 when it opens new facilities in a former lumberyard in Catskill New York, a town approximately two hours from New York City, positioned beautifully between the Hudson River and the Catskill Creek that was once the home of painter Thomas Cole, founder of the renowned Hudson River School. The renovation of the lumberyard, a four-building complex, will produce fabulous studios and housing, allowing Lumberyard to expand its mission of supporting artists throughout the creative process by being able to increase the number of residencies and performance opportunities available to them. The site will also include a state-of-the art performing arts space, certain to become a cultural destination for Catskill residents and for those traveling to the region. By taking ownership of this property, Lumberyard will connect audiences to some of the best and most provocative performances being created today, and the excitement of seeing works in preview before they premier in less intimate venues will extend beyond the stage to include receptions and talk backs with artists. Catskill residents will also benefit by access to a delightful courtyard that will host a farmers' market and other community events.

New Georgia Project Incorporated

THE NEW GEORGIA PROJECT IS A NONPARTISAN EFFORT TO REGISTER AND CIVICALLY ENGAGE GEORGIANS. ​Georgia’s population is growing and becoming increasingly diverse. Over the past decade, the population of Georgia increased 18%. The New American Majority – people of color, those 18 to 29 years of age, and unmarried women – is a significant part of that growth. The New American Majority makes up 62% of the voting age population in Georgia, but they are only 53% of registered voters.