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Displaying 97–105 of 105

Population Council

The Population Council is dedicated to improving the reproductive health and well-being of the most vulnerable individuals in developing countries. Council researchers focus their efforts on three programs: HIV and AIDS; Poverty, Gender, and Youth; and Reproductive Health. Researchers draw on the multidisciplinary knowledge of colleagues from their own program as well as the other two programs to think broadly in developing, implementing, and testing programs that can help improve people's lives. The Council has a network of offices in 18 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East and over 500 staff members who hail from 33 countries. An international board of 15 individuals from 6 countries governs the organization. Council headquarters and biomedical laboratories are located in New York. The Council also has an office in Washington DC.

Diabetes Canada

November is Diabetes Awareness Month. Help us spread our message of diabetes management and prevention. The Canadian Diabetes Association works in communities across the country to promote the health of Canadians and eliminate diabetes through our strong nationwide network of volunteers, employees, healthcare professionals, researchers, partners and supporters. In the struggle against this global epidemic, our expertise is recognized around the world.

College Of Adaptive Arts

To provide an equitable collegiate experience to adults with special needs who historically have not had access to college education. Vision: Empowering the Student Body to Creatively Transform the Way the World Perceives Individuals with Disabilities.Mottos:* Creating successful contributing citizens through the arts, health, & wellness.* Lifelong equitable collegiate experience through exposure, education, & friendship.* Showcase Ability!

Latino Literacy Now

Latino Literacy Now is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that was founded in 1997 and is headquartered in North San Diego County. The mission of the organization is to promote literacy in the community in all forms: reading, educational, financial, health, and community awareness. We strive to achieve this through partnerships with appropriate other organizations as well as with our own programs. To date, over one million people have been involved in some way with the organization’s programs which are divided among two main program areas: Author Programs, and Education and Literacy Programs.

Kentucky Coalition, Inc.

We are working for a day when Kentuckians and all people enjoy a better quality of life. When the lives of people and communities matter before profits. When our communities have good jobs that support our families without doing damage to the water, air and land. When companies and the wealthy pay their share of taxes and can't buy elections. When all people have health care, shelter, food, education, clean water and other basic needs. When children are listened to and valued. When discrimination is wiped out of our laws, habits and hearts. And when the voices of ordinary people are heard and respected in our democracy.

Buck Institute For Research On Aging

At the Buck, we aim to end the threat of age-related diseases for this and future generations. We bring together the most capable and passionate scientists from a broad range of disciplines to study mechanisms of aging and to identify therapeutics that slow down aging. Our goal is to increase human health span, or the healthy years of life. Located just north of San Francisco, we are globally recognized as the pioneer and leader in efforts to target aging, the number one risk factor for serious diseases including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, cancer, macular degeneration, heart disease, and diabetes. The Buck wants to help people live better longer. Our success will ultimately change healthcare.

Grounded Strategies

Founded in 2007, Grounded invests in people and the places they live to improve the social, economic, and environmental health of communities from within. We mobilize residents, policy-makers, and like-minded organizations to ensure communities have the resources, knowledge, tools, and partners to reclaim and activate vacant land in the places they live, work, and play. We envision a region of thriving communities- working together to sustain equitable change. We believe lasting and impactful change happens when people have the tools to work towards creating safe, green, resilient and livable spaces. In order to create these spaces, we believe that community members must have the opportunity to weigh in on the systems that affect them. Formerly known as GTECH Strategies.


Since 1983 Children's Place has offered a wide range of flexible, accessible, FREE early learning & family support programs. Today we serve over 2000 families from 11 different locations in central west Toronto. Programs include: family drop-ins, child development activities focusing on & exploring senses & developing motor skills, occasional childcare, community outreach, family literacy, food & nutrition support, parent & caregiver support & education, peer contact & mutual support, play & recreation, health & safety promotion, information about & referrals to other resources, toy & book lending. Our staff and volunteers are able to communicate in different languages including English, Portuguese, Spanish, Mandarin, Cantonese, Somali, Hindi, Gujarati, Urdu & Italian. Participants include: young children 0 to 6, parents, expectant parents, very young parents, parents/caregivers/children with special needs, grandparents, nannies & home providers, newcomer & immigrant families.

Join the Dance (Canada)

Join the Dance is the Ontario representative for Pierre Dulaine's internationally acclaimed Dancing Classrooms of Mad Hot Ballroom and Take the Lead Fame. A 10 weeks Inter-curricular, Character Education program for children and youth that utilizes ballroom dancing as a vehicle to change the lives of not only the participants, but also the lives of the teachers and families who support them. Academic components of History, Geography, Literacy, Public Speaking and Social Studies are woven intricately into the joy of the dance that provides 50-minutes of good physical fitness and mental health stimulation. Culminating events allow diverse school communities to Join the Dance and Dancing Classrooms are fully endorsed by the Toronto Public and Catholic Boards. $100 will provide 1 student in a classroom with twenty 50-minute sessions for ten weeks. $2,000 sponsorship/donation provides the program to one entire classroom.