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Displaying 193–204 of 280

Globe Smart Kids Inc

Globe Smart Kids uses technology to help children grow up feeling safe, happy and excited about interacting with diverse people and in diverse contexts. Our mission is to tackle prejudice before it begins. We make One Globe Kids: engaging, evidence-based education materials designed to encourage cross-group friendship while meeting standards in Language and Social Studies (English, History, Geography, Citizenship) for children 4 - 10 years.

Child S Voice School

The mission of Child's Voice is to empower children with hearing loss to be successful in all educational and social settings by optimizing their listening, speaking and academic skills. Child's Voice programs serve the greater metropolitan Chicago area and surrounding communities. Currently, over 30 different school districts are supported. At our two locations in Wood Dale and Roscoe Village, Chicago, families are offered services with the end goal of preparing children with hearing loss to be successful in their home, neighborhood schools.

Alabama Waldorf Association The Redmont School Inc

The mission of Alabama Waldorf School is to cultivate healthy, confident, compassionate learners who excel academically, socially, and civically. Alabama Waldorf School is a non-denominational, private school community dedicated to educating responsible world citizens. We offer tuition adjustment to families who qualify. We serve Nursery-age through 8th grade students. By understanding the connection between academics and the arts, our goal is to educate not only the minds of our students but their hearts and hands as well.

Academy For Precision Learning

The Academy for Precision Learning is a K-12 school dedicated to the success of all students – including typically developing and those across the autism spectrum – learning within an academically challenging and socially vibrant environment. APL looks to apply data-informed practices to help each student achieve their greatest potential. APL uses high quality, data driven approaches – including Direct Instruction, Applied Behavior Analysis and Precision Teaching - to create individualized learning plans specifically designed for each student.

Abraham Joshua Heschel School

The Abraham Joshua Heschel School is an independent Jewish day school named in memory of one of the great Jewish leaders, teachers, and activists of the 20th century and dedicated to the values that characterized Rabbi Heschel’s life:  intellectual exploration, integrity, love of the Jewish people and tradition, and a commitment to social justice. The Heschel School is a pluralistic, egalitarian community that includes families from a wide range of Jewish backgrounds, practices and beliefs.  Boys and girls, men and women participate equally in all aspects of the school’s religious, intellectual, and communal life.

Saint Martin De Porres Academy

Saint Martin de Porres Academy is a faith-based, NativityMiguel middle school that provides a tuition-free, extended-day education for underserved girls and boys from low-income families in the New Haven area. We are an independent Catholic school committed to a belief in the dignity and worth of every person. We strive to provide each child with a promising start in life and to equip them to fulfill their academic potential while achieving spiritual and social maturity. We welcome children of all faiths, races, and cultures.

Pardada Pardadi Educational Society

Pardada Pardadi is a non-profit organization that has established a sustainable model for rural development through education, employment and empowerment of girls and women. Our mission is to impart "value-based education" to the girls, which facilitates them to become economically and socially enlightened women. This in turn will create a society where all children will have an opportunity to grow to their fullest potential. A unique approach of education through academic, value-based, and skill-based education allows PPES to address the interrelated issues of poverty, gender-bias, and education in India.

New Canaan Country School

The fundamental goal of the school is to stimulate and guide each student toward understanding and attaining his or her intellectual, creative, moral, and physical potential. Working in partnership with families, NCCS is committed to nurturing human relationships, developing personal and social responsibility, embracing diversity in all its forms, and encouraging community service. The school values childhood as an integral part of life, to be lived fully and happily, and believes that each child should develop a lifelong curiosity for knowledge, a rich creative imagination, and sound habits of concentration and study.

Stuyvesant High School Alumni Association

The purpose of the Stuyvesant High School Alumni Association is: (a) to award scholarships and other grants to deserving students of Stuyvesant High School ("the School"), (b) to maintain the relationship of alumni to the School and to each other through written and other communications, and social, academic and other events, (c) to render aid and cooperation to the School in order to facilitate academic and extracurricular programs and other student activities, and (d) to raise funds, by dues, contributions, events and otherwise, in order to support those activities which result in the furtherance of items (a) through (c) above.

Children's Literacy Initiative

Children's Literacy Initiative works with pre-kindergarten through third grade teachers to transform instruction so that children can become powerful readers, writers and thinkers. CLI's focus on improving literacy instruction in the early grades is grounded in research: we know that reading proficiently by the end of third grade is key for future success, and that teaching quality has a greater effect on student achievement than any other in-school factor. In partnership with teachers, principals, and district leaders, CLI provides educators with training and coaching in the most effective practices for early literacy instruction, extends these services with online professional development resources, and stocks classrooms with learning materials and collections of high-quality children’s literature. To support sustainable change in under-resourced and underperforming schools, we establish CLI Model Classrooms™, concrete examples of expert literacy instruction in action. Model Classrooms are eye-openers: by showing what is possible in a real classroom, it raises teachers' expectations for their students and for themselves.

Global Partners for Development

Global Partners for Development's core belief is that people can achieve the greatest success when they are recognized as capable, responsible, and committed. Partnership is the key to our work. Working closely with grassroots African leaders, Global Partners supports communities that have the drive and initiative to tackle the basic problems of chronic hunger and poverty, but lack access to training and outside resources. Our aim is not to just fix things today, but to help craft solutions that bring self-reliance and positive change for future generations. From the beginning, Global Partners has worked in direct partnership with African community leaders and organizations. Together, we take to the next level the adage, ?It?s better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish.? Once a person learns to fish, their obligation is to teach someone else. This is the spirit of Global Partners in action. We work with village and organization leaders that want not only to improve their own lives, but also to create educated, healthy communities and thriving economies to spread benefits worldwide.

Compass Academy

Educate youth to be well prepared for post-secondary education, workforce training, and civic participation. Compass Academy will enable its students to realize their unique talents, while mastering core academic skills. In addition, students will develop social-emotional strengths as well as learner and leader competencies that are required for success in the 21st century. Compass Academy will deploy a team of diverse City Year – AmeriCorps members, combined with advances in the learning sciences, to create a personalized learning environment where all members of the school community passionately pursue deeper learning.