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World Marrow Donor Association

We work with our members to ensure reliable provision of life-saving cells while promoting patient and donor care and safety

Fundacion Entre Tribus

Mission: Improve the quality of life in Africa, according to the specific needs of each place, focusing especially on education, health and nutrition problems, while promoting cultural exchange between communities. Vision: To be seen as a model non-profit organization that supports African community development, helping these communities to be self-sustaining through the good use of their resources. OUR VALUES: Commitment/Passion/Empathy/Service Explanation. Entre Tribus was founded by a group of Chilean professionals who lived a common experience: being volunteers in Africa, contributing and helping with all their knowledge in different communities. Their experiences were the foundation of the dream of creating Entre Tribus, a non-profit organization that brings together professionals with experience in different areas (doctors, dentist, nutritionists, teachers, etc.), in order to contribute in a multidisciplinary way to the development of the African communities they want to empower. That is why Entre Tribus seeks to improve the quality-of-life in Africa according to the needs of each one, focusing mainly on health, food, and education problems. At the same time, Entre Tribus seeks to promote cultural exchange between Chile and the different African communities, so that both learning and teaching are reciprocal. We send volunteers from Latin America to Africa for a year, allowing volunteers and the communities themselves to learn from the different cultures and what each one has to contribute. Trying to bring this life-changing experience to more people. Hence, Entre Tribus seeks to be seen as a model organization that supports African community development, allowing them to, eventually, be self-sustaining through the proper use of their resources but at the same time becoming a model in integration and cultural exchange, especially in a globalized world like the one we live in today.

Fundacion Ana Bella para la Ayuda a Mujeres Maltratadas y Madres Separadas

Mission: Co-Create a society free from violence against women. Vision: Women survivors acting as social change-maker. Values: Empathy, Sisterhood, co-creation, love, empowerment and positive testimonies . Ana Bella Foundation's objective is to represent, defend and support women victims and survivors of gender violence and their sons and daughters, to achieve their personal empowerment towards a dignified life in equality.

Futebol da Forca Foundation

Futebol da forca [football gives strength] is an independent international foundation, educational platform and community for purpose-driven football coaches. The organisation was founded in Mozambique in 2012 to work within football to empower girls with agency to make informed decisions and live a life they value. Futebol da forca engages, trains and supports voluntary football coaches to empower girls within football, while changing attitudes and norms that today prevent girls from reaching their full potential, in order for girls to thrive far outside the football field.


Transform the lives of prison inmates for their social and labor integration, through the practice of rugby, spirituality and education.


Fundacion Iguales mission consists of working together for inclusion of sexual diversity in Chile. This mission involves participation of all stages of the government to include new legislation, education for those in university and elementary to high school, fighting for quality for work in both the public and private sector, sending our message to media platforms, including social media, and research, reflection and discussion of all issues of sexual diversity.

Fundacion Plastic Oceans Chile

Through education, activism, advocacy, and science programs, we work to inspire changes in consumer habits, corporate practices, and public policy, with the goal of ending plastic pollution and fostering sustainable communities around the world.


The mission of Ayúdame3D is to create and provide 3D-printed prosthetic devices to people with limb differences, regardless of their socioeconomic status. The organization aims to promote a culture of inclusion, empowerment, and innovation, by leveraging technology, education, and community engagement. Ayúdame3D envisions a world where every person with a disability has access to affordable and functional assistive devices that enable them to live with dignity, independence, and full participation in society.

Fundacion Basura

To fight the climate crisis through waste to protect planetary health

Fundacion Plan21

"To protect natural resources and improve the quality of life in our communities, making posible participatory processes and promoting the implementation of better public and private practices, within the framework of Sustainable Human Development"

Asociacion Civil Contribuir Al Desarrollo Local

Mayma is a program in its 17th year of operation, organized by Argentinian NGO Contribuir al Desarrollo Local, in alliance with other partner organizations in Latin America. Mayma's mission is to foster a new regenerative economy, based on collaboration and care of people and planet through the strengthening of social and environmental impact-driven entrepreneurs and businesses. Mayma boosted more than 3,600 triple impact businesses in the past 17 years in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Uruguay, supported by a network of 400 mentors and using methodologies based on peer learning, mentoring, commercial links, education and access to financing and investment opportunities. As of 2020 Mayma also started working with agriculture and aquaculture farmers, and entrepreneurs from the Green and Blue Economy, helping them to transition to sustainable, clean and regenerative practices.

YFU Bulgaria

YFU Bulgaria's mission and aims can be enlisted as follows (non-extensive list): - promoting the development and affirmation of spiritual values, education, and culture; - supporting social integration and personal fulfilment - nurturing the traits for a new system of values and consciousness of world citizens in young people; - providing assistance in overcoming barriers to communication and helping quality professional realization; - expanding the opportunity for young people to rediscover the importance of family and homeland and its spiritual values and national traditions; - developing in young people the ability for initiative, civic and social responsibility; - promoting the development of a sense of belonging.