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U.S. Mission The Netherlands

The American Embassy in The Hague promotes strong bilateral ties between the United States and the Netherlands and works actively to increase cooperation on counter terrorism, enhance U.S. economic prosperity, and fight international crime and drugs. It carries out these tasks by working with the Netherlands as a NATO and coalition partner; by promoting shared goals between the U.S. and the EU, of which the Netherlands is a member; by advocating U.S. trade policy goals and U.S. business and commercial interests; and by working with law enforcement agencies in the Netherlands to fight transnational crime.

Red por los Derechos de la Niñez y la Juventud de Puerto Rico

the Network for the Rights of Children and Youth of Puerto Rico (REDENIJ-PR), previously known under the name of Red Hostels, Institutions and Centers for minors of Puerto Rico (RAICEM-PR). REDENIJ-PR is a non-profit organization and coalition aimed at coordinating, unifying, representing the shelters, institutions and centers for child services in Puerto Rico. Our organization is focused on transforming the living conditions of children and families in contexts of violence in the country, we made this transformation viable through four programmatic strategies: safe and child services strategy, advocacy, training and technical assistance to service providers in the public or private sector alliances.

Protectores de Cuencas Inc

Protectores de Cuencas, Inc. (PDC) is a science and community based nonprofit organization founded with the mission to protect, monitor, and implement best conservation practices for the rehabilitation of natural resources in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (PR) (a tropical group of islands located in the Caribbean). PDC uses watersheds as the geographical management area to identify sources of pollution affecting natural ecosystems and communities. Communities are engaged throughout outreach education and participation in all aspects of our projects. PDC has extensive experience implementing conservation practices to help farmers and forest landowners to implement sustainable and profitable ways to use their land. PDC has a broad base of community support across PR, including the municipality islands of Culebra and Vieques. PDC counts with the support of local and federal governmental agencies that are committed in the sustainable management of our natural resources and wildlife conservation. Since 2015, PDC has a cooperative agreement with the Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources for the co-management of the Guanica State Forest (GSF). The GSF has several national an international recognitions for its valuable an unique ecosystems and biodiversity. One of the main recognitions is the designation of the GSF as a United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) International Biosphere Reserve. The GSF directly satisfies the recreational needs of local communities that include the five near-by municipalities (Guanica, Lajas, Yauco, Guayanilla and Ponce) with a total population of over 300,000 people. Also, it is estimated that the GSF receives over 625,000 people a year looking for outdoor recreation activities more likely related to the coastal areas to enjoy the sandy beaches and for recreation activities such as snorkeling, surfing, boat rides and related aquatic recreation activities. PDC has the mission and responsibility of providing long-lasting sustainable outdoor recreational activities for the benefit of both visitors and wildlife.

Global Change Project Inc.

Mission Statement Global Change Project is an innovative advocacy organization dedicated to implementing high-impact campaigns that catalyze positive change on multiple fronts to turn the tide on the global epidemic of sexual violence. As a strategically-focused organization, Global Change Project pursues pin-pointed, eloquently-designed project solutions that have a compounding influence -- just as a stone dropped into a pond triggers ripples in all directions. Our timely and trackable campaigns, programs, and philanthropic products are based in strategic partnerships and local/international coalition building. We harness the power of cutting-edge multi-media communication, design, and technology, along with the viral potential of global social media networks, to confront the pandemic crisis of sexual violence in formidable ways. Key Objectives Developing Networks Strengthening existing networks and catalyzing and incubating new sexual abuse and assault prevention, support, and recovery networks in communities and for populations where need exists worldwide. Helping at-risk and victimized populations across the globe to find and access local, culturally-appropriate prevention, support, and recovery services and resources. Creating an international "best practices" forum which can serve as an open-source centralized professional development hub for professionals around the world working in the fields of sexual abuse and assault prevention, support, and recovery. Facilitating the connection of philanthropically-motivated individuals and organization with the local organizations around the world that are doing good work in this arena. Building Capacity Raising the global public awareness and comprehension of the worldwide epidemic of sexual violence and the ubiquitous issues surrounding this problem. Empowering victims of sexual violence with educational information and resources. Providing victims of sexual violence a chance to share their personal stories and have their stories count for change. Spearheading Leading-Edge Research Garnering data from effected populations, service organizations, and local municipalities around the globe to cultivate new understanding, make publicly visible what has previously been undocumented and unseen, encourage further multi-disciplinary study, better serve at-risk and effected populations, and provide valuable information for policy makers. Influencing Culture and Policy Bringing communities together, united behind the common cause of exposing, confronting, and stemming the sexual violence embedded within every culture. Encouraging policy makers to take notice and pursue positive action as a result of highly-impactful global grassroots campaigns.