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Green land Group

The program mission is well dedicating to the well community informed, community with free from poverty and community with green climate. The project which is named as the forest restoration and food production is the mission which is investing in poverty alleviation in the community and food production through restoration of both forest landscape and agricutural lands which belonging to the small holder farmers in the community of Lushoto district. Due to the presence of deference deforestation activities in the community of Lushoto district especially at the one among of forest reserve which is known as the Magamba forest reserve which is the reserve that has been degradated and received massive deforestation due to the presence of huge charcoal burning, presence of lumbering industry at the forest has resulted to the degradation of the Magamba forest reserve which more than 12 Hector's each year is loosing due to these activities. These has therefore affected the agricutural activities in the community of Lushoto district where by 25% of agriculture activities has been decreasing since 2017. The problem has seems to cause poverty and hunger due to the reductions of soil fertility and reductions of the land productivity at the farmers plots. Through this problem has caused hard difficult to more than 1000 woman's at the community of Lushoto district where by 55% of woman's at three villages are widows and adults who are suffering from this poverty and hunger which has been caused by these actions of soil degradation and deforestation of forest landscape and agricutural lands. Due to these problems the program has been invest the energy to remove this action such as: The project has decided to combat these activities through production of fruits tree and hard woods trees to the farmers especially more woman's who are widows and adults where we are going to produce more than 50000 native trees .The 30000 trees will be produced and planted to the Magamba forest reserve which has been degradated to restore it's biordevesty and allow proper soil strength. Also 20000 is going to be produced as fruits trees such as avocados fruits, apples, macadamia nuts, peaches, which is going to be supplied to the more than 1000 woman's at the Lushoto district community to increase the soil fertility of their agricutural land and to increase land productivity for the purpose of develop their agricutural harvesting and generate their income. Also this program is going to engage establishment of organic food gardens to the 500 disability woman's at their farms land such as spinach, carrots, tomatoes to increase the nutrition and to develop their economic situation due to the fact that the gardens are economic favorite to the community nutrition. Since the project is aiming to reduce poverty and allow the food production we are also going to develop irrigation system at the farmers land to those who we will develop the vegetables gardens to enable them access easy irrigation system through trapping of flowing water and collection of dams which are around the farmers plots. The project is also going to make sure that it's develop the mission through the training and awerness rising to the farmers where by farmers are going to be trained on: Well crop rotation Well crop diversity Well crop management Agroforestry development Water harvesting and animals husbandry Through this it will provide education and learning to the farmers who will turn there behavior and applied these well method of farming without destroy the natural resources. Also through this program the project is engaging the groups like youths, local schools,land owners. Through engagement of school students the project is going to engage more than 10 schools which will touch more than 500 students to train them on how to produce seedlings and how to maintain then. The project will opening different micro nursery trees in the 10 schools for more education and learning to increase the restoration knowledge to the students and their teachers where by 1000 trees are expected to be produced in each school for more Plantations at their school surrounding and some will be taken to their home for more agroforestry plantations. Also the program is going to use 4 workshop annually and opening 10 environment and food production clubs at school and frequently debates to increase the skills and scaling up the idea of forest landscape restoration and food production. The project is also using conference with land owners, government authorities and other stakeholders who we are discussing on how to cover the problem which is covering our community. Also this is dealing with discussion with land owners on how to practice sustainable use of land during their land consumption. Also water resources conservation is the project mission where by the project is generate and contribute to the 3 water resources which has been degradated and which are dependable by farmers for their plots irrigation and their vegetables irrigation through this fact the project through the partnership with global giving is going to conserve 7 water resources which has been degradated by different calamities including allowing of livestock passing and cutting down of the natives trees that surrounding the water resources . This will be through removing of invasive speceis and plastic materials and bags at the farmers water resources to develop the irrigation system to their agricutural plots and the whole community. Through the population engagement in this project activities such as tree planting, awarness and education provision will help to alleviate the poverty and develop the agricutural activities through empowerment of woman's in agroforestry empowerment.

Rural Urban Partnership for Africa, RUPFA in accronym

1.0 MISSION AND VISION 1.1 MISSION To alleviate poverty, reverse rural urban migration and promote self-reliance among the people. 1.2 VISSION Ensuring partnership of rural communities with the urban cities to reverse rural urban drift; by organizing income generation activities, community infrastructional development and community mobilization concept. 1.2 GOAL To promote environment promote and livelihood development for the relief of socio-economic problems and mismanagement of resources with the focus on women and children. 2.0 ORGANISATIONAL PROFILE 2.1 BRIEF HISTORY Rural Urban Partnership for Africa (RUPFA) is a Non-Governmental Organization in Africa headquartered in Accra, Ghana. It main aim is to fight poverty in our society especially at the rural communities and to be sure that well-being is for all. RUPFA Headquarter started in 2009 and took effect from 2010 with a management staff of four (4) and increased to twenty six (26) with volunteers at present, including ten (10) regional coordinators. Nos in the World, more than 360 management staff, volunteers, regional coordinators and others. We depend on individuals, business entities, corporate bodies, government, foundations, international donors, etc. For our work. We also operate in some countries : Malawi, Netherland, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Benin, Burkina Faso, Liberia, Tanzania, Cote d'Ivoire, Nigeria and Sierra Leone. Our major areas of operations are : 1) Community Development 2) WASH 3) Education 4) Food security 5) Climate change mitigation/Environmental Protection 6) Mission and Outreaches 7) Centre for Policy Integration and Resource Management (CPIRM) 8) General Health (nutrition, mental health, reproductive health, etc. 9) Shelters 10) General protection (child, GBV, PSEA, ...) RUPFA is registered with the number G-28, 582 of Registrar General of Ghana on 26th June 2009 under Companies Codes, 1963(Act 179) and the new number is CG172072015 of July 27, 2015 as well as our donars and/or as a member of World Association of Non-Governmental Organization-WANGO (USA), Institute of Cultural Diplomacy-ICD (Berlin, Germany) and World Water Council/Forum (Paris, France), Action Solidarite pour le Developpement Humain (ASODH France), Japan Water Forum (JWF), Global Cluster Protection, Human Rights Team (UNHCR as lead), UN Agencies with some of their clusters and work groups, Sun24 USA and more since 2012. It is particularly concerned with women, children, youths and the grassroots communities. The organization over the past Nine (12) years have been embarking on community development, climate change actions, WASH (water supply), Human Rights, educational and sensitization campaigns in communities, institutions and social groups throughout the ten (10) regions of Ghana, Malawi, DRC, Nigeria, etc. We have been organizing campaigns on Protection of Forest and Biodiversity, Protection of Rivers and Water Bodies, Climate Change Education and Bush fires, Desertification and Drought related issues to the general public, Agricultural, GBV and PSEA activities that we are currently working on the report. However, a paper presentation was made on an international platform on March 10th, 2013 at an economic congress put together by Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD) in Berlin (Germany) and another presentation at International City and Civil Society Organisation at Istanbul (Turkey). Planted economic trees in some second cycle schools in the Greater Accra, Eastern, Northern and Volta Regions and have constructed community pipe stands in the North Tongu District to prevent people from drinking polluted water that is being shared with the livestock in the area and also developed small skill enterprise and income generation activities with small loans of GHc200.00-GHc1,500.00 covering over 200 people with women being 95%. Again we have been observing United Nations World Environment Day, World Water Day and World Forest Day on our own platform. We also engage Forestry Commission (FC), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in our campaigns such as Protection of Forest and Biodiversity/Climate Change, Protection of Rivers and Water Bodies across the country. We have involved the Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies on different projects including Environmental Sanitation. We have strategically involved the youth in our environment protection through the establishment of RUPFA GREEN CLUBS (RGC) in Senior High Schools (SHS) and RUPFA GREEN FORUM (RGF) in the Universities. We have being partnering with Ministry of Food and Agriculture on projects on Agribusiness and Farming and also Electoral Commission on a project dubbed: The role of the Youth in Ensuring Peace before, during and after Elections, all towards our Good Governance and Human Right Campaign. As of today, RUPFA has been able to form partnership with various institutions and traditional rulers in its operations. RUPFA has regional coordinators across the nation and beyond. Today, RUPFA is working under those countries listed below and the headquarter is in Accra/Ghana.

Collectif des Femmes, Nonprofit

Created in 1979, the Collectif des Femmes is a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote the emancipation of women and men, particularly women from immigration and/or precarious women. We are work mainly in Belgium, but we have extended collaborations with women's organizations in the Developing countries in order to share experience in the field of Equality between women and men and to promote inclusive development. The association aims to empower its target audience and reinforce their autonomy of thought and action. The involvement of women and men at all levels of the association creates an upward dynamic that promotes their ability to take their destiny into their own hands, and free themselves from their multiple shackles. The social purpose of the association is therefore the social and professional integration of women migrants in Belgium (although some of our target beneficiaries are unemployed men in search of work). The association's vision is to promote equal opportunities, fight against discrimination, combat gender inequalities and promote access to employment for women and men, migrants and of foreign origin. Article 3 of the Statute of the "Collective des Femmes" stipulates that the purpose of the Association is: - Training and supervision of migrant, refugees and asylum seekers, and immigrant women, with a view to better socio-professional (re)integration,... - Facilitate the adaptation of foreign women and that of their families in Belgium, particularly in the field of the practice of the French language, health, food, the education of children and their personal autonomy. - Reflection on the role and status of women, in relation to development issues; - Etc. The Association is approved by the Wallonia-Brussels Federation to fight against Intimate partners and all forms of Gender-Based (Violence against women and girls). The achievements of this first period are the foundation of professional relations between migrants and respond to the concern to give back to women the power over their own history. It was also in those years that the fruitful encounter between these women from elsewhere took place, some progressives in search of professional prospects and new conceptual tools to improve their status. Although we began in 1979, the 1990s constitute an important period in the life of Collectif des Femmes as it laid "the first stones" with regard to structured professional integration, psychomedico-social support for an allochthonous or indigenous public, the strengthening of the capacities of women in the countries of the South... Hence, in 1997 the Collectif des Femmes obtained its official agreement in the Wallon Region and the Wallonia-Brussels Federation. Alongside the desire to promote the development of our center, our objectives are to promote the evolution of factors influencing the wellbeing of this precarious population and participation in any action aimed at favorably modifying these factors. And finally, in the longer term, we participate in the development of an equal opportunities policy based on our experiences and in the promotion of gender mainstreaming. It is since that time that we have been subsidized in a more structural way and that we have been approved for a certain number of our missions; a real public-private partnership. Our growing center demonstrates the relevance of all our goals even more today than in the past. The paths to success in terms of emancipation, socio-professional integration, lifelong education are a demonstration of this that is both relevant and convincing. Today, in the position that the Women Collective occupies, everyone benefits from this mixing of ideas which leads each of us towards the path of individual progress. Over the past 40 years, the thinking of the Collective has deepened and broadened in several directions. First of all, it was necessary to understand and take into account the profound changes in society. We have developed over time a more complex and more complete vision of the situation of migrants, of front-line proximity work, of poverty, of emancipatory pedagogy, of work in popular education, of socio-professional integration. The question of gender equality, civic and permanent education is the common thread of our various approaches. Another opening given to our horizon, we have sought and built bridges between the fields of integration, training, education, social action and we have given the issue of empowerment a transversal dimension. In terms of pedagogy, we have promoted pedagogy by project, our toolbox is currently more extensive, we have produced several publications, including a cultural imagery tool. It is a real militant journey, a social commitment of each one, of each one which has enabled various political questions during our international conferences: whether in the field of plural violence, female entrepreneurship, poverty, situation of women in the labour market, in relation to new information technologies, in relation to HIV/AIDS, in the face of radicalization always by crossing gazes South/North North/South South/South. Since 1979, several thousand adults have passed through the Centre. This means that every year since 1979, more than 22,000 people have knocked on our door and started training or requested intervention, psychosocial support, or even participated in our focus groups. As a result, several thousands agents of change scattered here in Belgium or in the countries of the South are in non-profit or international organizations in the sectors of continuing education, education, health, social work or community. Over the past 3 years, evaluation work has been carried out, which combines several interests. First, an interest in more refined knowledge of our public, its origins, its trajectories, its motivations, its commitments, the effects of the intervention of the Collective, whether in terms of social or professional integration. A second interest was to compare the aims, objectives and values of the Centre. Confrontation which, managed with a view to constructive criticism of work, has made it possible to strengthen our dynamism. Let us cite for example the professional integration rate of more than 90%. A relevant analysis of the pedagogical procedures, of the observations and evaluations of the people... has made it possible to identify practices and objectives that must be modified or pursued in another way. This has stimulated collective work in several essential directions for an organization like ours, namely the development of the culture of evaluation and constructive criticism. A rigorous analysis, still in progress, of our corporate culture, was also essential for the dynamics of our center and the pleasure of working in the field of people empowerment. This approach allowed a lucid look at our organization; while showing the shortcomings and the limits, it has valued the quality and induces a search for an increased quality which makes it possible to develop a self-reflective and formative work on our own practices and our organizational pedagogical processes. These are quickly outlined the various philosophical and political challenges of our center.

South Sudan Grassroots Initiative for Development(SSGID)

South Sudan Grassroots Initiative for Development (SSGID) is a National non-profit, Humanitarian and Development community organization established in the year 2013 and registered with the Ministry of Justice (Registration Number 1921) and the Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (Registration Number 350). SSGID was founded by a group of women and youth of South Sudan with the aim of responding to the ever increasing social, economic, and health challenges affecting the predominantly rural / pastoral population of the Country. SSGID philosophy is based on the principle of Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) where target communities are viewed as ASSETS with lots of opportunities, resources and ability to influence their desired outcomes other than as Problem Centres for humanitarian actions. SSGID, therefore, supports communities through a wide range of programmes that are community-driven with a niche on community innovation and problem solving. SSGID's programmes are focussed on vulnerable women and girls because SSGID subscribes to the belief that "if you educate a woman, you educate a nation." In addition women and girls are the worst affected categories of people in South Sudan as far as poverty, education attainment, human rights violation besides being marginalized in development programmes. SSGID also believes that youths play a very key role in transforming societies and are regarded to be having proactive minds towards development as well as being enthusiastic members of the society. SSGID provides Livelihood skills training and capacity building programmes to empower the young women and men in the communities so that they could contribute to their own development and build a resilient and sustainable community Vision Statement: Just, educated, healthy, equitable, peace loving and self-sustaining communities. Mission Statement: Dynamic partnership with communities to promote peace, reduce inequality, hunger, ignorance, poverty and diseases. Our MOTTO: To improve the health status and wellbeing of the vulnerable women and girls in communities through community driven: Livelihoods improvement, Girl Child Education, Promotion of health and sanitation, progressive culture, gender and protection programmes. Objectives: SSGID is driven by the following core objectives in its programme design and interaction with various Promotion and strengthening of sustainable agriculture among women and youth. Improvement of health and solidification of communities' response to emerging health issues. Women and youth empowerment through education and human rights advocacy. Promotion of peaceful co-existence among citizens and proactive participation in good governance stakeholders. Equity Promoting equitable and equal opportunities for all the beneficiaries and in employment in SSGID. Integrity A very high sense of moral and ethical standards in all SSGID dealings with all stakeholders and the public. Transparency and Accountability A very high level of openness and responsibility to all its stakeholders Respect Holding SSGID stakeholders with a high level of esteem and appreciation. Teamwork Always promoting teamwork spirit among its employees. The objectives for which SSGID operates are to ultimately give dignity to the people of South Sudan and to make them realise and enjoy a peaceful coexistence from within South Sudan and with the wider world community. Specifically, this will be achieved through the following objectives: i. Advocate for the large communities' social and development interests. ii. Mobilize local resources and other sources of incomes from individuals, international organisations, State governments and groups in furthering its mission. iii. Promote and carry out research, in furthering of its activities. iv. Promote community activities through singular or join workshops, exhibitions, meetings, lecture classes, seminars and training courses. v. Collect and disseminate information and exchange such information with other bodies having similar objects whether in South Sudan or overseas. vi. To acquire any moveable or immovable property and any buildings or things whatsoever and sell, dispose of Mortgage, lease or otherwise deal with all or any part of the property or rights of the Organization. vii. To enter into any arrangement with any governments or authorities that may seem conducive to the Organization's objects or any of them, and to obtain from such government or authority any rights, privileges and concessions which the Organization may think desirable to obtain. viii. To promote or assist in the promotion of any organization or company or other body having objects similar to those of the Organization. ix. Undertake, execute, manage and/or assist in any charitable work that may be lawfully undertaken, managed or assisted by other organisations. x. Write, publish, print or otherwise reproduce, circulate, gratuitously or otherwise distribute such documents, papers, books, newsletters, periodic, pamphlets or other documents, films and/or record tapes, (whether audio or visual or both) as shall be permitted by the laws of Publication and Access to Information Act of the Republic of South Sudan. xi. Carry out any such other lawful thing as may be necessary for the said objectives. SSGID supports vulnerable communities of South Sudan by acting in the following areas i. Rescue, provide emergency care, rehabilitate and resettle women and children and other IDPs. ii. Promote community health. iii. Improve community water, sanitation and hygiene. iv. Advocate and work for gender empowerment. v. Promote Education in emergency and peace situations. vi. Engage in Peace Building and Human Rights promotion at community level. vii. Promote Youth and women Enterprise and Vocational Skills Development. viii. Carry out Humanitarian Emergencies. ix. Engage in Research and Development. x. Promote vocational trainings for children, youth, women and adults. xi. Carry out life skills education children, youth and adults. Field Offices S/No. Location Role 1. Juba Headquarters 2. Wau Field Programs Office 3. Kuajok Field Programs Office 4. Aweil Field Programs Office 5. Tonj South Field Programs Office 6 Torit Field Programs Office 7 Malakal Field Programs Office 8 Rumbek Field Programs Office Management and staff of SSGID i. Board of Directors constituted by 7 members that decides on SSGID policies, supervises Senior Management, approves work plans, budget and auditors. ii. Senior Management comprising of 53 staffs that include Executive Director, Programs Manager and Finance Manager, Gender Youth and Development Manager and among other posts iii. Program Implementation and administration Staff comprising of the following but not limited to the following: Program Officers, Gender and Protection Officers, Logistics Officers, Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, Human Resource Officers and Support Staff.

Instituto Revoar

Revoar was born in 2017 from a dream of working with the power of socially vulnerable youth, starting from the perception that youth is an important phase of a human being's life, during which young people are in full development and in a moment of great doubts, pressures and conflicts. However, they have few opportunities, people and places that are safe and adequate for them to develop fully and reflect on and share anxieties and concerns about their decisions about the future. This absence of specific conditions and support to look at oneself and develop in an integral way, whether in the current school system, in families or in places and groups frequented by youth, leads today to a frequent number of young people with depression, with fear and few prospects for the future, and suffering from anxiety and psychosomatic illnesses. The power and vitality of youth, as well as their potential for mobilizing change, both in relation to their role in the economically active population of the coming decades, and for their strong presence and transformative power, have been underdeveloped and got little attention, due to the way in which the education system is considered in the country. Education today remains focused on the enhancement of cognitive skills, with a focus on the obligation to teach content and a more technical vision of education, which is geared towards preparing people for the professional market. Traditional education still uses models designed to answer old demands, without being able to clearly meet the demands of the new century and reflect new discoveries about human complexity. This policy option for education excludes from the process of development of human beings, which are complex and multidimensional beings, the learning of social and emotional skills. Young people, the adults of tomorrow, end up going through school and the youth phase without having the opportunity to know and improve a human dimension relevant to their integral development, which in turn generates human beings with limited, and little explored potential. Today, schools are unable to fulfill the mission of developing all the skills that human beings need to face the challenges of the 21st century. And that does not mean that cognitive skills (interpreting, reflecting, thinking abstractly, generalizing learning, etc.) should be left aside, but rather calls for the integration of the development of socio-emotional skills into the teaching/learning process, since the two are related and complement each other, and together they allow for the integral development of human beings. Therefore, the development of a full education, which considers the human being in its entirety and fullness, is, in general, not being achieved. Currently, there are many terms that refer to socio-emotional skills, such as education for life, 21st century skills, soft skills, emotional and social intelligence, among others. Regardless of the term used, studies have demonstrated the importance and benefits - individual and social - of developing such skills, such as increased creativity, overcoming losses and difficulties, improving teamwork, reducing bullying, decreasing anxiety and depression and better awareness of talents and strengths. With the lack of an integral education that is concerned with the development of these skills, young people miss the opportunity to improve the way they relate to themselves and to others, they do not know how to deal with their feelings and emotions, they do not learn to make decisions in a responsible manner, they don't learn to deal with problems and difficulties, they don't develop empathy, self-confidence and they don't learn to be collaborative people. In view of all these situations and realities, Revoar was created with the proposal to design and implement educational processes for young people in situations of social vulnerability, in public and private schools in Rio de Janeiro, working to contribute to the socio-emotional development of these young people. The organization's mission is to promote a new education, which values a more humane and integral education, in order to enable better personal and socio-emotional development, through a focus on four pillars: self-knowledge, collaboration, empathy and autonomy. To fulfill these objectives, a novel educational path was created, based on practical and dynamic experiences, combined with deep and provocative reflections and meditations, based on several collaborative and innovative methodologies, which was named Pedagogy of Reconnection. The entire methodological process proposed is participatory, respecting listening and dialogue between participants. Knowledge is sought through pleasure and the desire to be in Revoar. And, for this, the methodology is based on participative, cooperative and playful actions that recognize the individuality of each one and, at the same time, the strength and importance of the collective. Revoar's methodology is inspired by innovative and collaborative methodologies such as: Pedagogy of Cooperation, Cooperative Games, Dragon Dreaming, mindfulness, Art education, among others, for the development of socio-emotional skills. Instituto Revoar, in its four years of activity, has held courses with middle and high school students from public schools in Rio de Janeiro, as well as with young people under age who have committed crimes and serve socio-educational measures at the Novo Degase institution. Based on the monitoring and evaluation of its actions, Revoar verified positive and important results, such as, for example: greater ability among participants to identify their own feelings and emotions and greater confidence in expressing them; greater capacity for listening and empathy, and improvement in sociality and working in groups; increased self-esteem through the identification of skills and strengths; improvement in life prospects with the awakening of dreams and greater capacity for choice and decision making with the elaboration of life projects. After two years of working with young people, in 2019, Instituto Revoar began to share its experience and knowledge with educators from the municipal education network in the city of Rio de Janeiro through the "Connected Educators" project. Connected Educators is a process of experiential training, from the perspective of integral education, which aims to deepen the knowledge of educators about socio-emotional skills, so that they can more intentionally develop them in the classroom. The Connected Educators course focuses on connecting educators with themselves, with their "I-educator", with their studies and with the school and, from there, developing a more direct and deeper knowledge about socio-emotional skills, and about ways to develop them intentionally in the classroom. The feedback from the participating educators was very positive, having seen results in the educators' self-esteem and motivation, as well as their practical experience of socio-emotional education in the classroom. Instituto Revoar, therefore, currently creates learning experiences to strengthen and connect educators and students, with a focus on the development of socio-emotional skills and the promotion of integral education.

Real School Goris Foundation

Real School in Goris is founded to create an informal education in Goris which will give the students the opportunity to get both theoretical and practical knowledge and skills, which will be enough to enter the job market easier. Our main goal is to create a techno-park based on that educational platform. To reach this goal, we took the Real School concept and programs and we are implementing the school in Goris as a separate institution. The main mission is like the Real School mission, which can be found below: The REAL SCHOOL is providing its graduates with knowledge (theoretical and practical) and skills (professional, personal and social) to succeed in high-tech innovative industry. REAL SCHOOL is a four year collage level program that combines liberal arts in-class education and vocational off-site trainings in R&D organizations, resulting in a level of knowledge comparable to today's Bachelor level graduates of Armenian universities combined with practical skills and CV of a 1-year junior developer in modern IT/High-tech company. The main difference from classical Bachelors program is targeting professional career in the industry, rather than academic career. However it doesn't mean that the applicants are low-level technicians. Modern high-tech industry requires everyday effort in self-education (lifelong learning) due to constantly changing technologies, innovation, new fields, spheres, opportunities. The modern life is not divided into "learn" and "work" segments anymore, but is combining the work & learning process till the last day of the professional career. As a consequence, the classical approach to education (learn only) and to professional career (work only) is failing in XXI century. Our vision of XXI century high-tech organization is a combination of Research, Production and Education formats. An organization that lacks any one of these 3 components, will loose in competition to those who are doing their own innovation, that is close to their own production, and are educating their own staff by maintaining the internship logistics. Our mission is to implement such program in partnership with IT organizations in neighborhood of each RealSchool site. It includes expansion to rural areas of developing countries, helping local industry to upgrade to meet the challenges of innovative high-tech economy. The liberal arts program is following classical approach to education of a "free citizen" of a republic, i.e. provide understanding of the structure of the world, universe, civilization, economy, which is sufficient for the person to discover their mission for their life or at least for the next 7-12 years, and to develop their skills and knowledge towards fulfillment of that mission. The liberal arts program itself is built in a project-based approach. The projects used in this section of the curriculum are also real-life projects, i.e. they are not invented by professors for educational purposes but are chosen from the infrastructure projects and issues faced by the region/country/world. Examples of such projects for I and II grade students include: 1) Forest recovery, in cooperation with the Armenian Forestry Committee. Green industry projects. Reuse of materials. Effective ovens development. Effective usage of forests/wood in the industry and household. Biodegradable materials development and use in the small scale high-end production. 2) Study of ancient Armenian literature, classical Armenian language, terminology, in cooperation with prominent researchers in the field. Creation of fonts, spell-checkers, translators for modern dialects (western/eastern) of Armenian and classical Armenian. Localization of the GNU SW (Firefox, Thunderbird, OpenOffice, Xfce4, Gimp, Inkscape, etc). 3) Study of ancient musical notation systems and body movement (dance) notation systems, development of SW for musical and ethnographic studies, in cooperation with researches from Armenian Conservatory, institute of Komitas and Armenian song and dance academy. 4) Study of environmental health control and monitoring, development of measurement kits for air, water, soil and ether (electromagnetic) pollution, performance of the measurements and publication/awareness promotion projects 5) Study of information management systems, information security challenges, development of national standards for information age, upgrade of national institutions, ministries to reduce paperwork and use modern IT solutions 6) Study of macroeconomic and microeconomic field, legislation. Development of promotion programs and lobbying for making legislation more friendly towards innovation, startup, family-business and small/medium enterprises. 7) Study of pedagogical and epistemological issues in high-tech post-modern reality, development of extracurricular and curricular studies for middle-school and high-school students. Support and further development of Armath curriculum, in cooperation with original authors of Armath curicula. Augmenting Armath with radio-frequency, electronics, mechatronics and biochemical kits. In the fields of pedagogy and epistemology - the mission is to reconsider foundations of personal training, establishment, attachment and feeling of heartbeat of the civilization, world, universe for a modern human being. From our perspective the history of the epistemology and thought is split into segments of before XIV century (primarily descriptive science), followed by the birth of analytical methods and decomposition, until hitting the ground (subatom, genome, lexical elements) in the mid XX century, and starting the third phase - the age of synthetic science (syntetic materials, synthetic life forms, synthetic languages). At the same time this switch from analytical to synthetical coincided with demographic supernova burst: for ages the population on earth was < 1B, and in XX it jumped to 7B and continues growing. As in the case of supernova - and in general - any bifurcation point - it is hard to predict what will be the next state: the dwarf, black hole, or new star. It is easier to choose desired outcome and invest resources in achieving that outcome, rather than investing in analytical efforts to predict the outcome. Fundamental reconsideration of human beings attitude towards self, towards their planet, their civilization and the universe is due to protect new generation from storm of information they are facing from their birth time, and give them instruments to categorize, prioritize and filter that information, in order to extract the core values, build goals and obtain attachment to life that was "given" in in the past to a person by the life style, and now has became a major problem for new generation, which has hard time finding challenges outside the virtual world of social networks and network games. Parents cannot solve this problem alone. The system needs to be built by the state to help them. Our goal is to provide B2G consulting and active participation in building the new formats and curricula for different age groups. Our consortium has created the Armath program under this mission, is building the Real School program, and has started building the Academic Research Hub for the academic (fundamental research) field as well. Among these, the RealSchool in mid-term has the highest impact on our future.

Fundacion Oir es Vivir

The Fundacion Oir es Vivir was founded in 2008 to serve as a bridge for the hearing impaired population who are seeking a solution for their disability and lack the knowledge, resources, and financial means. The Foundation has done strong advocacy for early hearing detection and intervention program in the newborn and hearing screening test in preschool and school children. In the older population the Foundation also educates the importance of quality of life through the ability to hear and understand the sounds of life, and the importance to remain connected socially and environmentally.

DCWC Nepal - Development of Children and Women Center

DCWC NEPAL is a non-governmental, non-political, non-religious and non-profit making organization registered under the charity act of the government of Nepal in the year 2000. Their mission is to bring education and healthcare to the rural poor of Nepal who have no access to government services available to the urban population.

Indian Futures

Indian Futures carries out fundraising activities in the area of Brighton and Hove in order to support projects run by Laia Foundation and other charities in Tamil Nadu with the aim to improve the standards of living of the population. These activities include taking part in local festivals, organising events, raising awareness in educational establishments and applying for funds through crowdfunding and trusts.

Mad Factory

THE MAD* FACTORY IS A THEATRE ARTS ORGANIZATION IN LORAIN COUNTY THAT PROVIDES YOUNG PEOPLE WITH EDUCATION AND PERFORMANCE EXPERIENCE IN *MUSIC, ART, AND DRAMA. THE MAD* FACTORY IS COMMITTED TO: • Building self esteem and mutual respect • Developing the creative process • Serving under-served populations • Focusing on cultural diversity • Developing excellence in the arts and • Collaborating with other community organizations

California Diabetes Foundation

California Diabetes Foundation is a Southern California based non-profit organization, established with the aims of creating awareness of the emerging national epidemic of the new millennium - Diabetes among the general population. It is rightly said,“ the diabetic who knows most lives longest”. Diabetes Mellitus has taken epidemic proportions in USA in the last decade. Our mission is to educate Americans about Diabetes to create awareness and help in the prevention of this disease.

Global Change Project Inc.

Mission Statement Global Change Project is an innovative advocacy organization dedicated to implementing high-impact campaigns that catalyze positive change on multiple fronts to turn the tide on the global epidemic of sexual violence. As a strategically-focused organization, Global Change Project pursues pin-pointed, eloquently-designed project solutions that have a compounding influence -- just as a stone dropped into a pond triggers ripples in all directions. Our timely and trackable campaigns, programs, and philanthropic products are based in strategic partnerships and local/international coalition building. We harness the power of cutting-edge multi-media communication, design, and technology, along with the viral potential of global social media networks, to confront the pandemic crisis of sexual violence in formidable ways. Key Objectives Developing Networks Strengthening existing networks and catalyzing and incubating new sexual abuse and assault prevention, support, and recovery networks in communities and for populations where need exists worldwide. Helping at-risk and victimized populations across the globe to find and access local, culturally-appropriate prevention, support, and recovery services and resources. Creating an international "best practices" forum which can serve as an open-source centralized professional development hub for professionals around the world working in the fields of sexual abuse and assault prevention, support, and recovery. Facilitating the connection of philanthropically-motivated individuals and organization with the local organizations around the world that are doing good work in this arena. Building Capacity Raising the global public awareness and comprehension of the worldwide epidemic of sexual violence and the ubiquitous issues surrounding this problem. Empowering victims of sexual violence with educational information and resources. Providing victims of sexual violence a chance to share their personal stories and have their stories count for change. Spearheading Leading-Edge Research Garnering data from effected populations, service organizations, and local municipalities around the globe to cultivate new understanding, make publicly visible what has previously been undocumented and unseen, encourage further multi-disciplinary study, better serve at-risk and effected populations, and provide valuable information for policy makers. Influencing Culture and Policy Bringing communities together, united behind the common cause of exposing, confronting, and stemming the sexual violence embedded within every culture. Encouraging policy makers to take notice and pursue positive action as a result of highly-impactful global grassroots campaigns.