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Chikukwa Research Trust

The Chikukwa Research Trust (CRT) is a community-based and community-owned non-profit located in the Eastern Highlands of Zimbabwe. The goal of CRT is to integrate indigenous knowledge systems (IKS) alongside modern tools to generate local solutions in the areas of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), participatory governance, gender equity, environmental sustainability and food security, access to quality education, community health, and cultural preservation and enhancement.

New Empowerment Initiative-Sierra Leone

The Organization's mission is to develop our rural communities and make the rural poor self-reliant and self-sufficient. Introduce simple and easy techniques that will speedily lead our rural communities to a sustainable improvement in education, agriculture, health and sanitation, the social and economic conditions in their respective localities; make them realize that anyone born in a society is by nature obligated to sacrifice and make what his/her society is, for the benefit of all.

Tanzania Development Trust

The Trust Deed of 1975 says "The objects of the Trust shall be to relieve poverty and sickness among the people of Tanzania by means of the development of education, health and other social services, the improvement of water supplies and other communal facilities and the promotion of self- help activities." Interpreting the Trust Deed for the needs of the 21st Century we add: "In making grants, the Trust tries to promote equal opportunities and projects which improve the environment".

Amitabha Foundation

The Amitabha Foundation in the United States was incorporated in 1986 as a Public Benefit corporation and has been recognized as a bona fide non-profit organization since 1988. The mission of the Amitabha Foundation is two-fold: (1) to provide places to worship, practice and receive teachings on the unique religious tradition of Tibetan Buddhism; and (2) to support the preservation of Tibetan culture, and to promote the health, education and economic development of the Tibetan people worldwide.

Women and Children Welfare and Development Organization

Vision: Ethiopia, where every child, youth, and woman SRHR, MNHC, Human Rights, Gender Equality, and Justice fully realized Mission Statement To take the lead in advancing sexual reproductive health, maternal and newborn health care, human rights, gender equality, and justice by leaving no one behind, we are dedicated to ensuring this through: a. Elevating the voice and expertise of young people. b. Building a strong values-driven community. c. Trans-national synergy in our advocacy. d. Trans-National movement building. e. Fully youth-led program setting and Implementation. Purpose: To achieve SRHR, Maternal and Newborn Health Care, Human Rights, Gender Equality, and Justice for Youth by Youth in Ethiopia Core Values: Accountability, Transparency, Stewardship, Equity, Equality, Integrity, Leadership, and Humanity Principle: 1. We courageously challenge social norms. 2. We are committed to the power of youth-led advocacy, accountability, and full agency for all young people. 3. We care about centring the perspective of marginalized and oppressed individuals and Groups and dismantling stigma, discrimination, and hatred. 4. We strive to continuously evaluate, learn, and evolve. 5. We believe in decolonized models of work, equitable collaboration, and participatory decision-making whilst ensuring transparency and accountability. 6. We are compassionate and progressive human rights defenders who are unashamedly prochoice, feminist, and pro LGBTIQ. Strategic Approach: Build and Foster Partnership, Network, Membership, and Volunteerism

The Nasio Trust

The Nasio Trust's mission is to break the cycle of poverty and empower communities in western Kenya to become self-sufficient through education, improved health, and food production. The charity sponsors the education, nutrition, and healthcare of 320 orphaned and vulnerable children (OVC) in an HIV-prone zone of Kakamega County. It also meets the economic needs of the community by running a sustainable agriculture programme training 600 farmers and improving healthcare outcomes by running a Peer Education Programme on Sexual and Reproductive Health. The Nasio Trust aims to keep OVCs within the community and empowers guardians to earn an income. It also runs a medical centre, treating over 19,000 patients in 2022. The charity's ethos ensures that stakeholders are integral to its decision-making. It works closely with schools, local government, health workers, and religious leaders. The mission started in October 2000, when the late Irene Mudenyo found an abandoned baby in a sugarcane plantation on her farm in a small village in western Kenya. Irene's attempts to find the child's parents or relatives proved futile and during the course of her search the extent to which AIDS and HIV related illness had devastated family life in the local community became apparent. Despite being elderly and a grandmother herself, Irene decided to care for the child naming him Moses. These experiences lead to the formation in 2003 of The Nasio Trust by Irene's daughters. From humble beginnings in a roadside kiosk providing one meal a day to fifteen local children, The Nasio Trust has come a long way.

Lotus Flower Community School

To transform and heal the lives of people through education, health, clean water, empowerment, religious, disability, refugee's relief, children and food security and disaster relief. Thereby continue having a healthier society free of illiteracy, Inhuman rights, drugs, poverty, hunger and HIV and AIDS by providing free, relevant, inclusive education and empowerment to a girl child, orphans, streetkids, women, disabled and other needful services to inopportune people.

Sufaraa Mirembe Charity Organisation Limited

Support the marginalised communities in Africa to over come the draw backs in health, education and socioeconomic status they are suffering from, through a community-based and human-centred approach. Depending mainly on income-generating projects from local resources, community members will be capable in the future to solve their own problems. That ensures the sustainability of development. We also raise Awareness about volunteering and create a sense of social responsibility throughout volunteering programs

Dels Foundation

To invest in girls education through mentoring ,counselling ans skill development To bridge the inequality gap between a deprived child and an opportune child promote gender balance, build good self-concept among slum children/youths of the community, and to hasten the rate at which the needs of the youths is advocated enable them impact their communities Advocate for comprehensive sexuality education/ reproductive health and rights Charity for the aged and deprived children.

Mavi Kalem Association

Mavi Kalem was formed at the aftermath of the 1999 earthquake, and founded in 2000, to respond the needs of the earthquake affected and migrated communities in particular of the disadvantageous groups of women and children in health and education. Since then, it has been implementing projects mainly assisting women and children since its establishment. Projects involving the empowerment, skill development, health services and information sharing have been implemented throughout 2000-2002 in Düzce area, mainly assisting women and children after the earthquake. Since 2002, Mavi Kalem has been implementing projects and activities concerning; educational support, awareness raising on health standards, awareness raising on domestic violence, psychological support, consultancy on health and legal issues for both local and migrated women and children in Fener/ Balat district in Fatih, Istanbul, addressing the needs of children, women and girls of the local community migrated from all regions of Turkey and since 2014 the Syrian children and women in Fener-Balat were included in its beneficiary group. Activities such as Turkish language courses, socialization activities with local population, help in admissions to schools and other official and administrative actions, and psychological support were provided to Syrian children and women. Mavi Kalem has worked toward the Syrian refugee influx related issues since 2011, by conducting needs assessments and gap analysis in Hatay, Gaziantep and Sanliurfa without-camp populations. Also on the national and international level; women' rights and health rights, children's rights, wide spreading of minimum standards in humanitarian aid, youth exchange programs are included in Mavi Kalem's actions. Dissemination and advocacy for humanitarian assistance standards and principles in disasters, emergencies and migration situations is one of Mavi Kalem's work areas. Since 2001 it has been part of Sphere Project, since 2009 INEE Workgroups and for 2 years now part of CHS Alliance. MAVİ KALEM has held the adaptation of Sphere handbook in Turkish successfully and been in cooperation with Ministry of Health, TRC, municipality health departments for its wide spreading, and implementing training programs. Similarly INEE and CHS basic humanitarian aid principal books have been adapted to Turkish and disseminated at national level by Mavi Kalem. It is one of the founding members of SITAP (Civil Society Disaster Platform, national). Mavi Kalem has organized Women in Disasters and Emergencies Workshop hosting women experts, academics, experienced NGO field workers from humanitarian organizations, NGOs, and women right based organizations in 2016. Gender specific issues, needs, and rights in emergency settings were discussed; field experiences and suggestions for improvement were exchanged toward strengthening and mainstreaming the gender perspective in disaster and emergency response. Mavi Kalem, has also delivered its services and expertise to disaster and emergency or poverty affected locations other than its primary implementation area through partnership with other local organizations, in other districts of Istanbul and other provinces such as during the Van earthquake response. Overall organizational strength and capacity lies within the Mavi Kalem's 17 years of implementation experience with focus on public health and education, disaster, emergency and migration specialization, advocacy of women and girls health rights, mainstreaming gender equality perspective in its implementation, developing and designing projects and programs based on the needs and participation and feedback mechanisms of its beneficiaries, volunteers, and supporters, measuring quality and monitoring and evaluation of impact in action rather than quantity focus, integrity and commitment of Mavi Kalem, at all levels to organization's policies in regards to work ethics, preceding women and girls, and children protection, non-discriminatory approach, preservation of confidentiality and respect for dignity, transparency and accountability, anti-fraud and corruption. Since its foundation Mavi Kalem has been working with international donors and experienced in project budget management, and reporting accordingly. Mavi Kalem's administrative and financial system and its management are executed as per Turkey's finance law and associations' law and regulations. Grant agreements, contracts and partnership agreements are also reflected in its implementation and management. Annually Mavi Kalem goes through financial and administrative auditing of relevant governmental body and also independent financial auditing. Mavi Kalem prioritizes gender equality in the implementation and decision making steps of projects and decides and acts with accountability, transparency, participation and approaches differences equal as principal. Mavi Kalem, being a non-profit civil society organization for which 97% of employees are women, applies positive discrimination to women when recruiting, selecting and determining beneficiaries and target groups to promote gender equality. To eliminate social discrimination during stages of project content, project design and project implementation, working with women is prioritized in determination of the project team and selection of financial experts procured from the affiliated participant organization. In addition to being sensitive to gender discrimination in works and studies, Mavi Kalem acts responsibly and is in favor of vulnerable groups avoiding discirimination based on ethnicity, political views, religious beliefs, sexual identity and race in terms of target groups, beneficiaries and employees. Mavi Kalem does not define itself in politic, religious or ethnical personalities. Freedom, human rights, democratic rights, health rights, public gender equality, women rights, LGBT rights, children's rights and prevention of discrimination are supported. ) In addition to all, Mavi Kalem has started a process of institutionalization at 2015 to improve on its experience in project development and implementation it has built last 18 years and aims to develop and improve its policies based on its long experience.

Foundation for Development and Relief Africa

Foundation for Development and Relief Africa (FIDRA) is a registered local NGO with Charity Number 5914/9101. FIDRA is a partnership of people, churches and local organizations committed to ending poverty and strengthening health service delivery in Africa. FIDRA's mission is to ignite the ability of girls, youth and young women to create and access opportunities that improve their lives. We ignite the ability of young people to create a society where girls, youth and young women are informed and empowered

International Education & Welfare Society

Every orphan child having access to education, health care and protection. To grow into a role model and catalyst for charities involved in children welfare on national and international levels. To play a vital role in the global development by nurturing orphan children into creative, peaceful, peace loving and conscientious members of the society. Intellectual, moral and physical development of orphan children with respect to all religions, ethnic groups, color and race to eradicate gender discrimination and bring harmony in the society.