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Impact Stories
Wisconsin/Nicaragua Partners of the Americas

W/NP is a progressive and viable humanitarian service organization actively implementing programs in both Wisconsin and Nicaragua. W/NP's goals are to promote mutual understanding and establish lasting relationships among citizens and institutions of Wisconsin and Nicaragua; foster volunteerism and self-help attitudes through the implementation of economic and social development projects; leverage development assistance funds from public and private sources.

Love Chloe Foundation

OUr mission is to help central Kansas families that have a child diagnosed with cancer. We also support the Monkey In My Chair program that helps bridge the gap with children and their classmates while they are out receiving cancer treatments. Love, Chloe also works to raise awareness about childhood cancer and also fund ground breaking research to find a "home-run" cure for these children!

Mother and Child Hospital Foundation

Our mission is to partner with maternity hospitals in order to transform the quality of healthcare and patient experience by: Helping the medical staff have access to resources that ensure quality care; Raising funds to meet maternity hospitals' immediate and emerging needs; Increasing access to perinatal care of women, especially those in need through awareness-raising and advocacy campaigns and education classes Providing basic necessities for families in need with newborn babies.

Plateforme HINA

To make HINA a spokesperson the Civil Society of Madagascar by implementing advocacy actions with direct and indirect impacts on nutrition; to coordinate and strengthen the nutrition actions of civil society organizations; to promote the use of reliable and updated information on nutrition through research work; to develop multi-level and multi-sector partnerships in order to: - Contribute to an national ownership of the problem and the multisectoral response to undernutrition; - Increase the funding allocated to this field; - Better valorize local resources and skills in favor of nutrition

Palmetto Literacy Council

Palmetto Literacy Council’s mission is to improve the literacy of youth and adults in our community by teaching/tutoring basic literacy skills for those who struggle with reading, writing, and/or math. They are a volunteer organization dependent on funding from foundations, businesses & private donations. The volunteers are trained to provide quality instruction using research-based materials with evidence-based strategies to adapt as needed. They strive to improve the literacy rates in our community through positive, strength-based instruction & coaching.

Yayasan Asar Humanity

1. Developing and optimizing networks of humanitarian actions based on national and global volunteerism. 2. Developing and optimizing networks of philantrophy on national and global scale. 3. Expanding the reach of our service throught branch offices anf volunteer networks. 4. Utilizing masterpiece programs to contribute and bring solutions to the society problems. 5. Optimizing the philanthropic fundraising and fund management in a trustworthy, transparent and professional manner. 6. Building and optimizing organizational resources and capacity effectively and efficiently.

American Himalayan Foundation

AHF was founded over 30 years ago to help people in the Himalaya who were in need and had no one else, and that principle still guides us every day. What we do is basic: we make change - positive, tangible change - happen. We build and support schools and students; train doctors and fund hospitals; care for children and elders; plant trees and restore sacred sites. We help Tibetans rebuild and sustain their culture both in exile and in Tibet.

Israel Friends of Technion

Israel Friends of Technion mission is to make sure that every capable young person, regardless of social, financial, educational or ethnic background, is given the opportunity to study at the Technion. Through its fund-raising efforts, ITS helps needy graduate students to finance their studies, providing support for post-graduates education and the acquisition of higher degrees, which would pave the way for their becoming part of the Technion's academic or research staff. Through these efforts the ITS contributes to the creation of a significant group of talented researchers in Israel.

Farm Up Jamaica Ltd

Create food security by educating underserved communities on how to use Regenerative Climate Smart Agriculture to replace carbon emitting farming and reforestation practices. Focus on training women and youth on sustainable farming practices to help create long-lasting livelihoods. Reduce the importation of foreign food and increase the export of healthier organically grown food. Collaborate with international corporations to help fund the reduction of carbon through Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) strategies to support underserved farming communities. Reduce crime and poverty by creating opportunities.

K2011127140 trading as PSI Projects

The Paardeberg Sustainability Initiative (PSI) was conceived in 2001, in recognition of threats to the biodiversity and natural resources of the Paardeberg , a privately-owned mountain in the Western Cape, South Africa. A primary threat is economic pressure facing some 50 farmers and landowners of the mountaintop and surrounding areas.Additional and aggravating threats are global climate shifts, poverty, limited statehood. compromised capacity, education and implementation/enforcement of legislation. These challenges must be addressed to fulfill world guidelines (Agenda 21,SDG's, et) for sustainable development. PSI is currently a VAT- registered Non Profit company [NPC] and Public Benefit Organisation with Section 18A tax exempt status. It is aligned with several partners which share its vision and operate in the Paardeberg, and in this sense can be described as collaborative facilitator. Through fundraising for various integrated non-profitable projects, the PSI seeks to promote sustainability in the Paardeberg and in broader Southern African contexts. The PSI also encourages local profitable enterprises to contribute generously and tax-efficiently to a central fund that is managed by the Board of Directors of the PSI. These funds are either 'ring- fenced' for specific projects, or allocated to projects requiring support, through a process that seeks to fulfill both the agenda of the donor and the mandate of the PSI. The PSI houses both enterprises (SMME's) and projects. Projects depend on the PSI for funding, while the enterprises represent potential sources of funds/assets for the PSI. The PSI acts as an umbrella offering core functions of administration, marketing, HR management, accounting, etc to all projects and SMME's based on an economy of scale. It is thus an ideal incubator to develop new businesses while minimizing risk. The vision of the PSI is to create a successful model of sustainable development, promoted by profitable enterprises and non-profitable projects, co-operating in partnerships that oversee responsible management of natural resources and biodiversity , within an economic framework that obviates the plague of poverty and social decay while upholding the law and supportive of good governance. The PSI has housed several projects, including the Paardeberg Fire Project, Paardeberg Environmental Awareness and Response(ongoing), Paardeberg Alternative Energy Solutions, Paardeberg Botanical Surveys, PSI NatReM Project and the Paardeberg Erosion Project. It is also acting as an incubator of SMME's engaged in these and other projects. All finances are conducted through a central bank account, but independently managed and audited for each project/business separately, as per the PSI MOI. The PSI does not prejudice the independence of enterprises or projects falling within its ambit. However, its role in protecting biodiversity and natural resources influences the directives it generates. Participation of all interested and affected parties of any single project or enterprise is key to the application of these directives.

The Advocacy Project

The Advocacy Project - A Voice for the Voiceless The Advocacy Project (AP) helps marginalized communities around the world take action against the root causes of their disempowerment in a way that benefits society as a whole and produces social change. To do this, we partner with community-based advocates who represent these communities and share their problems. Our support for partners is innovative and effective. First, we deploy Peace Fellows (experienced graduate students) to help partners tell their story, launch campaigns, and strengthen their organization: we have deployed 274 Peace Fellows since 2003, and in the process given our Fellows a unique experience. Second, we help partners to raise funds and manage their campaigns: we have raised over $2.5 million for partners, and are currently seeking funds through Global Giving for exciting projects in Nepal, Vietnam and Uganda. Third, we promote the work of partners internationally, using new methods of story-telling such as advocacy quilting: over 300 women have produced embroidered panels for our quilts, which have been shown throughout North America and Europe. AP is a 501(c)3 organization, based in Washington DC. Visit us at

Ikirwa School Project

From Articles of Incorporation "Ikirwa School Project is a non-partisan, non-profit organization committed but not limited to the establishment, operation, and expansion of the Ikirwa English Medium School located in the rural village of Midawe near the town of Arusha, Republic of Tanzania. Activities included but not limited to the following: fund-raising and donation acceptance, recruitment of paid and volunteer labor, capital planning and expenditures, marketing, and maintenance for the benefit of the Ikirwa school." About Ikirwa School: The idea for this project was born during a camp-fire conversation between a Tanzanian guide and a Russian-American tourist. Gasper had a dream to build a school in his home village of Midawe to give local children access to English-language education and significantly improve their future academic and employment opportunities. After spending close to a decade managing World Bank capital, Masha was looking for a way to make a tangible contribution to development. Finally, America Educates, our NGO partner and fiscal sponsor, was looking for an education project in Africa. And so Ikirwa School Project was born. We are taking a multi-phase approach to building and establishing this school, starting with kindergarten classes and organically growing the school into a single-stream education program for up to 300 students. Tanzanian students are taught in Swahili and learn English as a second language. However, English has become a language of both commerce and higher learning, limiting the prospects of government school graduates, especially those who are unable to afford remedial language instruction, which is often needed to become proficient in English. Our project's goal is to provide the option of English language instruction to the children of Midawe and nearby villages. We will leverage resources offered by many volunteer organizations and the NGOs in both providing instruction and education materials to offer world-class quality academic instruction to the students as well as career development opportunities for the teachers. Our goal is to ensure that all our students score in the top quartile of the TOEFL test at the time of graduation and the Tanzanian instructors within 2 years of joining the staff. The seed funds for the project are coming from its founders, with Gasper contributing a plot of family land for school construction and Masha financing Phase I of construction. Students will be charged tuition and boarding fees and those funds are expected to eventually cover the majority of the operating budget. Up to 20% of spots will be allocated for underprivileged children of Midawe. The architectural plan calls for construction of 13 classrooms, 4 dormitories, offices, staff quarters, dining hall and kitchen, library and assembly hall in four phases. We have completed Phase I of the project, consisting of 4 classrooms and 2 offices. On January 7, 2013 Ikirwa School open its doors to 38 kindergarten and 1st grade students and has successfully completed its first semester on March 27th. Based on the feedback we have recevied during Parent's Day, the families are thrilled to have their children in our program and are impressed by the progress they are seeing. Our vision is to build a small school that makes a big difference and stands on its own without depending on outside donors for day to day operations. We intend to grow organically and pragmatically, building a track record and using our success to attract donor funds for capital improvements.