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Lan Vwa Inc

Our mission is to provide access to education in rural communities and empower the people of these communities and our students to overcome the cycle of poverty. Lan Vwa, which means "The Voice", is working to give back what poverty steals - a person's voice. By connecting students of all ages with the proper tools and encouraging them to take ownership of their future, we believe the cycle of poverty can be stopped one village at a time. Our organization's mission statement is to connect areas in need with the proper tools required to improve the quality of education being used to teach students, prepare them for higher education, offer continual learning support for educators in these countries, supply access to valuable learning resources directly to each student, create a sustainable resource that will continue to grow indigenously as part of each individual community after we have left, and to help equip them with the necessary tools to achieve their full potential in life while giving back to their community.

Cullen National School (S N Cuilinn Ui Caoimh)

Scoil Naisiunta Chuilinn Ui Chaoimh, a Roman Catholic School (established in connection with the Minister for Education), aims at promoting the full and harmonious development of all aspects of the person and the pupil: intellectual, physical, cultural, moral and spiritual, including a living relationship with God and with other people. The school models and promotes a philosophy of life inspired by belief in God and in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Scoil Naisiunta Chullinn Ui Chaoimh provides Religious Education for the pupils in accordance with the doctrines, practices and tradition of the Roman Catholic Church and promotes the formation of the pupils in the Catholic Faith.

Angkor Buddhist Organization

Angkor Buddhist Organization has the following vision, mission, goal, and objective: Vision: To see Khmer citizens, youth and children have education and morality along with knowledge in daily life to contribute to building a society towards prosperity and peace. Mission: To follow the program plan for poor students, poor children, and the general population to increase opportunities. Goal: To provide free English lessons, basic computer skills, and morality knowledge of Buddhism and social law in accordance with the basics of rights, freedoms, and state laws and to provide professional training for the target groups Objective: To increase pathways of employment through education and raise moral awareness, promote Buddhist values, and the state of law so that a respectful society can reduce social violence and develop the society in order to make the next generation become a strong national pillar for developing the nation.

Afrika Matters Initiative

Africa Matters is a youth-led organisation committed to upskilling and empowering African youth to change the narrative through capacity building and community impact projects. We believe that Africa's large and youthful population is an opportunity for the development and continued growth of Africa. Our why is that we want to see all African youth become change-makers who empower those around them. African youth, "we are the ones we've been waiting for'. We have impacted the lives of over 18 000 African youth and diaspora through our Schools Leadership Development Program (SLDP), Young Leadership Development Program (YLDP), Africa Matters Ambassadors Program (AMAP) and Events. Our events feature, networking evenings, workshops on African leadership and women empowerment, school talks on youth empowerment, annual Summits titled 'Towards a Better Africa', and an active online platform for robust dialogue. We exist to upskill and empower youth to better their communities.

Kardias AC

Kardias was founded in 2000 with the concern to improve the quality of comprehensive care of children with congenital heart disease, led by Dr. Alexis Palacios Macedo, Pediatric Cardiovascular Surgeon. Dr. Palacios Macedo had trained as a Fellow of Dr. Charles Fraser in Texas Children's Hospital, and wanted to replicate the best practices he learned back to Mexico. He started as chief of surgeon in the Pediatric Cardiovascular Surgery Program of the National Institute of Pediatrics (INP). Here he became keenly aware of all the lags and needs that the hospital needed in order to improve the reach and outcomes. This is when Kardias was born, to help fundraise to fill the gap between what was available and what we needed to try and replicate best practices around the world. Understanding the concept of a dedicated team, the same group of specialized doctors working together all the time, was a mayor and disruptive innovation that Dr. Palacios Macedo started to replicate. Along the same line the need for a cardiovascular intensive care unit, against the concept of a pediatric intensive care unit, was also a mayor accomplishment. In 2003, in collaboration with the "Heart Center" of Texas Children's Hospital (TCH) began the Training and Development Program to health professionals of the division of Cardiovascular Surgery of the INP. Over the years, the cardiovascular division of the INP has been strengthened with infrastructure and training. In 2009, the Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit (UCICV) of this institute was inaugurated, significantly improving the care of patients with congenital heart disease who undergo surgery. However the program hit a wall in terms of improvement in outcomes in mortality rates, because of the limitations and bureocracy in INP. Because of this we designed an inovative program with the best Mexican private hospital, ABC. In Mexico it is very difficult, and not comun to have a high speciality division in a private hospital, because the volume of patients can be found only in public sector. It is estimated that only 5%-7% of population has private insurance. This is were Kardias contributes, to channel and pay for patients from a vulnerable population, in the private hospital. The benefits of this collaboration are twofold. Offering patients from without resources the best posible care they can receive. And allowing the ABC hospital have a Heart Center, so that in Mexico we can offer the best care available with world wide standards. The collaboration agreement with the ABC Medical Center, in 2012, it initiated a pediatric cardiovascular surgery program to care for vulnerable patients from the INP and the government hospitals of Mexico City. Today, Kardias has performed a total of 2789 surgeries, of which 396 were carried out in the ABC and 2393 in the INP.


Progeny provides diverse communities with an opportunity to engage with one another. A program of education draws parallels between community cohesion and the environment, by focusing on a large interactive sound installation touring throughout the United States and Europe. Artists, investors, educators and beneficiaries metaphorically become part of a hive community. Modeled after the interior of a Langstroth beehive, 10 partitions clad in acoustic panelling are lifted from the ground and supported by custom-built flooring. By walking through the maze like chambers, each person forms part of a complex sonic landscape, which despite the inherent visual barriers heightens participants' awareness that their own presence can be felt elsewhere. Concurrently, participants are acutely aware that they are not alone. As the numbers increase the space becomes alive. A community is born. Following each exhibition the installation is transported to the next destination. The children and adult arts education program combines academic study and practical workshops with performing and visual arts. The wax that binds this project together, making it truly unique and accessible is provided by another thriving community; honeybees. Core Values Building Communities A community is all about connections - connections between individuals and connections between people and the other species with which we share the planet. We aim to promote social and ecological awareness within these communities and to celebrate the relationships that make life meaningful. Caring for the environment A sustainable society utilizes natural resources in such a way that future generations will benefit. By environmental stewardship and positive action, we can all be part of a solution to maintain an ecological balance and live within the ecological and resource limits of our communities and our planet. Inspiring innovation and creativity The arts have a unique position within our global community. They educate, inspire, challenge and enrich. We promote creativity as a method for education, academic achievement, social and emotional development, civic engagement, and equitable opportunity. After all, we're all part of the progeny.. Background Beekeepers engage in a systematic migratory procession carrying up to 200 hives on flatbed trucks in search of seasonal pollen. Inside each Langstroth Hive lives a colony of 20,000-80,000 European honeybees. When the colonies are placed by the beekeeper in the new ecosystem, the bees begin their procession with the unified goal of feeding and caring for the next generation of their colony. How does a community of bees survive this migratory process? How do these colonies adapt to new and temporary ecosystems? How do they function within the limits of a man-made architectural object? Bees live in extraordinarily complex and cohesive societies. They coordinate virtually all of their activities with other individuals to ensure colony survival. Much can be learned and transferred from bee society to human society, including maintaining public health; organizing efficient information, communication, economic and transport systems while maintaining harmony. Each bee has a specific role in constructing a healthy society - as does each human. Should any segment of the societal body suffer, the whole body suffers. Progeny is a human project exploring a microcosm of human community through interaction inside an architectural space similar to the hive. The artists have figuratively become beekeepers. The hive-based installation is man-made. The structure is disassembled, transported on a flatbed truck to another temporary location where it is reassembled. With each exhibition an opportunity is provided for a new community to evolve, learn, adapt and interact.

Firesticks Alliance Indigenous Corporation

The Firesticks Alliance is an Indigenous not for profit organisation that provides leadership, advocacy and action to protect, conserve and enhance cultural and natural values of people and Country through cultural fire and land management practices. Firesticks values and respects country, local knowledge, protocols of Elders and ancestors and are committed to providing a supportive Indigenous led network that fosters a community of practice to maintain and share Cultural fire knowledge and practice on Country. The Firesticks Alliance partners with diverse communities, landholders, agencies and institutions across the continent. Together Firesticks is identifying pathways to apply cultural fire to landscape, to help heal and care for Country and empowering communities through mentorship and shared understandings that are improving fire management in Australia. At Firesticks, our purpose is to empower the community in supporting the recognition and revitalisation of Cultural fire through the sharing of knowledge and practice across Australia. Firesticks empowers Indigenous leadership, advocacy and action to protect, conserve and enhance cultural fire and land management practices. We apply our methodology showing our connection to Culture, Community and Country

Cagdas Yasami Destekleme Dernegi (Association in Support of Contemporary Living)

CYDD's mission is mainly to contribute to bring Turkey to the level of contemporary civilization by being a modern secular democratic society with due respect to law and commitment to peace. Its aim is to support the modernization of society through progressive education and to contribute to achieving equal opportunity to children and youth in access to schooling and use of modern educational tools. The Association believes that modernization of Turkey can only come about by overcoming ignorance. For this reason the association has been running campaigns to increase enrollment of girls population by utilizing civil and corporate funds toward establishing scholarship programs, building and improving schools, building girls dormitories, libraries, opening classrooms for preschoolers, becoming the voice of civil citizens by staying independent of politics but also voicing opinion when deemed necessary. Special attention is placed to areas in Turkey which are economically underdeveloped and also the areas in the big cities which have received domestic migration. The 100 branches of our organization also run their own projects according to the local needs of the area they functioning mainly on subjects such as gender equality, human rights, community leadership. Activities such as giving scholars to students of low income families, supporting schools by renovating or making boarding facilities for the students or the teachers, building libraries and preschool classrooms , establishing social centers for both the children and adults. At these places activities such as informative seminars , , summer and winter schools,youth gatherings and confronces, organizing various cultural and musical events, seminars and discussion groups.

Instituto Alumna Social

Alumna was founded in 2019 as a community project designed by two mid-career alumni from the University of Brasilia, in Brazil. Back in their alma mater, the cofounders ran a survey with students from underrepresented groups and found out that 70% considered dropping out, 60% lack knowledge and skills to enter the labor market and 50% did not know what to do after graduating. To support the transition from college to enter the labor market, they decided to launch a free-of-cost mentoring program to guide and inspire women in their early career journey by creating a network for professional development and women collaboration. Alumna has built a powerful community of senior professional women who are genuinely interested in supporting young women to succeed in their lives and their careers. The one-to-one mentoring program engages women from different backgrounds to learn from each other and to also exercise empathy. This network has to grow. Young women dream of having a mentor and want the opportunity to engage with a more experienced professional. Alumna speeds up these connections, by matching mentors and mentees and providing a successful methodology, all free of cost, so young women can reach their full potential.

Pachamama Raymi

Our mission is to facilitate integral and sustainable prosperity in rural families and their environment, discovering and strengthening their potential, cooperating with companies, governments and local institutions. We are a non-profit civil association based in the city of Cusco, Peru. We have implemented proven projects to eradicate poverty in more than 280 rural communities in various countries around the world. In Peru, since 2008, in Tanzania since 2015 and in Nepal since 2016. The methodology we use in Pachamama Raymi, is a training system that was developed since 1988 by our president, we implemented it with the same elements in the various projects we promote. Some of these elements are used by other institutions in Latin America, Europe and Africa, such as contests between families. Our main objective is to break the vicious circle of environmental degradation and rural poverty, making communities and rural families improve, substantially and sustainably, the management of their natural resources, achieving prosperity. We don't have political or religious affiliation, we do have concrete goals in the task of eradicating poverty, through the promotion of sustainable practices. Our Objectives are: Break the vicious circle of environmental degradation and rural poverty in 90% of the communities where we work, achieving within three consecutive years that more than 60% of the population change the management of their natural resources for one that generates the recovery of such resources and prosperity. Get 60% of the families of each community to obtain: - Dignified and healthy homes, with food security. - Productive activities that in the short term generate income, almost constant during the year, above the level of the country's minimum wage. - Raise the self-esteem of the farmers with an optimistic vision of their future. - The plantation of 1,000 forest trees per family per year, with a percentage of tree life higher than 80% that will provide them with long-term income.

Protectores de Cuencas Inc

Protectores de Cuencas, Inc. (PDC) is a science and community based nonprofit organization founded with the mission to protect, monitor, and implement best conservation practices for the rehabilitation of natural resources in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (PR) (a tropical group of islands located in the Caribbean). PDC uses watersheds as the geographical management area to identify sources of pollution affecting natural ecosystems and communities. Communities are engaged throughout outreach education and participation in all aspects of our projects. PDC has extensive experience implementing conservation practices to help farmers and forest landowners to implement sustainable and profitable ways to use their land. PDC has a broad base of community support across PR, including the municipality islands of Culebra and Vieques. PDC counts with the support of local and federal governmental agencies that are committed in the sustainable management of our natural resources and wildlife conservation. Since 2015, PDC has a cooperative agreement with the Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources for the co-management of the Guanica State Forest (GSF). The GSF has several national an international recognitions for its valuable an unique ecosystems and biodiversity. One of the main recognitions is the designation of the GSF as a United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) International Biosphere Reserve. The GSF directly satisfies the recreational needs of local communities that include the five near-by municipalities (Guanica, Lajas, Yauco, Guayanilla and Ponce) with a total population of over 300,000 people. Also, it is estimated that the GSF receives over 625,000 people a year looking for outdoor recreation activities more likely related to the coastal areas to enjoy the sandy beaches and for recreation activities such as snorkeling, surfing, boat rides and related aquatic recreation activities. PDC has the mission and responsibility of providing long-lasting sustainable outdoor recreational activities for the benefit of both visitors and wildlife.

AnnieCannons Inc.

AnnieCannons is a registered 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to training survivors of human trafficking in programming and other skills demanded by today's technology companies. We carefully and compassionately assess the aptitude and interest of each survivor in our program and offer literacy, personal finance, and computer literacy training across the student population. We continue by training interested candidates in quality assurance management, web design, and application programming and then helping them practice skills on anti-trafficking technologies as well as, eventually, securing clients on their behalf. Our approach provides the first viable means for directing economic power into the hands of trafficking survivors on a massive scale. That economic power can, in turn, allow survivors to drive necessary economic growth in their own communities and act as change agents by decreasing the vulnerability of communities to trafficking. After a successful proof-of-concept phase in the Bay Area, we will translate and adapt our curriculum for residents at international trafficking rehabilitation shelters, especially in less-developed countries. To that end, we have forged partnerships with NGOs and shelters in Myanmar, India and Romania that are prepared to assist in this translation process. Once we have trained a critical mass of survivors (approximately 26) with in-demand tech skills, we have modeled a means to self-fund: we would handle the branding, marketing, and sale of software development and support services by our trainees on a contractor basis, with the help of US-based sales and marketing teams. The vast majority of contractor fees would go directly into survivors' pockets, but the organization would retain a modest commission that will fund training more survivors and curating a work environment conducive to success. While no graduate would ever be required to work in our organization, we would offer a work environment tailored to be female- and survivor-friendly (for example, with on-site childcare, counseling, nutrition, and security services). We believe that this model can be scaled to cities around the world with high rates of human trafficking and unemployment.