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Near East Foundation (NEF)

Founded in 1915, the Near East Foundation's mission is to help build more sustainable, prosperous, and inclusive communities in the Middle East and Africa through education, governance, and economic development initiatives. NEF is an operational NGO with projects in seven countries-Armenia, Sudan, Senegal, Jordan, Lebanon, Mali, Morocco, Palestinian Territories and Egypt-where we work to directly improve the lives of tens of thousands of vulnerable people through programs in peacebuilding, civic engagement, education, sustainable agriculture, and business development. In the field, approximately 50 NEF staff members-all of them from the countries in which they work-partner with local organizations to find homegrown solutions to the development problems of communities throughout the region.

Springs of Hope Foundation

Our mission at Springs of Hope Foundation, Kenya is to care for the Rift Valley region's growing number of families coping with the devastating reality of Sub Sahara Africa's HIV/AIDS pandemic. Our primary objective is to keep the family together whenever possible by providing food and assistance with school expenses. Most often the young children are left with very elderly grandparents who are unable to care for them. These children are cared for in our orphanage located in Molo, Kenya where we provide our children the best opportunity to grow up and thrive in a loving family environment. Through donations we provide homeless Kenyan orphans a nurturing, loving family home environment to grow up in and the knowledge that they will have the opportunity to reach their full potential, have a better chance in life and become productive citizens of the world.

Hearts of Epilepsy Foundation

Hearts of Epilepsy Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to providing effective tools and programs to improve the quality of life for children and families living with epilepsy. As your Advocate, we developed a deep appreciation for the need for further ongoing collaboration to address epilepsy and specific needs within our community. We've learned that many who are living with epilepsy, lives are impacted by various aspects; involving the fear of seizures, the dangerous side effects, which can lead a person to abandon normal activities; such as, cooking, cleaning, or pursuing long-term goals. Use of life-management, such as living day-to-day life is always a journey. Learning to live a normal life with epilepsy can be a struggle, but with the right treatments and care, it doesn't have to control your life. Epilepsy affects more than three million Americans directly, and sixty-five million worldwide.

Fruit Tree Planting Foundation

MISSIONThe Fruit Tree Planting Foundation is a nonprofit charity dedicated to planting edible, fruitful trees and plants to benefit the environment and all its inhabitants. Our primary mission is to plant and help others plant a collective total of 18 billion fruit trees across the world (approximately 3 for every person alive) and encourage their growth under organic standards.FTPF provides support, resources, and guidance for those interested in planting fruit trees and spearheads a variety of planting programs. These programs are aimed at enriching the environment, providing nutritious food sources for wild and rescued animals, and improving human health by bringing delicious, fresh, locally grown raw fruits and vegetables of the highest quality into the lives of all people.VISIONWe envision a place where one can have a summer picnic under the shade of a fruit tree, breathe the clean air it generates, and not have to bring anything other than an appetite for the healthy fruits growing overhead. A world where one can take a walk in the park during a lunch break, pick and eat a variety of delicious fruits, plant the seeds so others can eventually do the same and provide an alternative to buying environmentally-destructive, illness-causing, chemically-laden products.Simply put, our goal is to encourage and inspire the planting of 18 billion fruit trees around the world. 18 billion fruit trees can spring out of the soul of one human being — we believe in thinking big, and loving even more

Real School Goris Foundation

Real School in Goris is founded to create an informal education in Goris which will give the students the opportunity to get both theoretical and practical knowledge and skills, which will be enough to enter the job market easier. Our main goal is to create a techno-park based on that educational platform. To reach this goal, we took the Real School concept and programs and we are implementing the school in Goris as a separate institution. The main mission is like the Real School mission, which can be found below: The REAL SCHOOL is providing its graduates with knowledge (theoretical and practical) and skills (professional, personal and social) to succeed in high-tech innovative industry. REAL SCHOOL is a four year collage level program that combines liberal arts in-class education and vocational off-site trainings in R&D organizations, resulting in a level of knowledge comparable to today's Bachelor level graduates of Armenian universities combined with practical skills and CV of a 1-year junior developer in modern IT/High-tech company. The main difference from classical Bachelors program is targeting professional career in the industry, rather than academic career. However it doesn't mean that the applicants are low-level technicians. Modern high-tech industry requires everyday effort in self-education (lifelong learning) due to constantly changing technologies, innovation, new fields, spheres, opportunities. The modern life is not divided into "learn" and "work" segments anymore, but is combining the work & learning process till the last day of the professional career. As a consequence, the classical approach to education (learn only) and to professional career (work only) is failing in XXI century. Our vision of XXI century high-tech organization is a combination of Research, Production and Education formats. An organization that lacks any one of these 3 components, will loose in competition to those who are doing their own innovation, that is close to their own production, and are educating their own staff by maintaining the internship logistics. Our mission is to implement such program in partnership with IT organizations in neighborhood of each RealSchool site. It includes expansion to rural areas of developing countries, helping local industry to upgrade to meet the challenges of innovative high-tech economy. The liberal arts program is following classical approach to education of a "free citizen" of a republic, i.e. provide understanding of the structure of the world, universe, civilization, economy, which is sufficient for the person to discover their mission for their life or at least for the next 7-12 years, and to develop their skills and knowledge towards fulfillment of that mission. The liberal arts program itself is built in a project-based approach. The projects used in this section of the curriculum are also real-life projects, i.e. they are not invented by professors for educational purposes but are chosen from the infrastructure projects and issues faced by the region/country/world. Examples of such projects for I and II grade students include: 1) Forest recovery, in cooperation with the Armenian Forestry Committee. Green industry projects. Reuse of materials. Effective ovens development. Effective usage of forests/wood in the industry and household. Biodegradable materials development and use in the small scale high-end production. 2) Study of ancient Armenian literature, classical Armenian language, terminology, in cooperation with prominent researchers in the field. Creation of fonts, spell-checkers, translators for modern dialects (western/eastern) of Armenian and classical Armenian. Localization of the GNU SW (Firefox, Thunderbird, OpenOffice, Xfce4, Gimp, Inkscape, etc). 3) Study of ancient musical notation systems and body movement (dance) notation systems, development of SW for musical and ethnographic studies, in cooperation with researches from Armenian Conservatory, institute of Komitas and Armenian song and dance academy. 4) Study of environmental health control and monitoring, development of measurement kits for air, water, soil and ether (electromagnetic) pollution, performance of the measurements and publication/awareness promotion projects 5) Study of information management systems, information security challenges, development of national standards for information age, upgrade of national institutions, ministries to reduce paperwork and use modern IT solutions 6) Study of macroeconomic and microeconomic field, legislation. Development of promotion programs and lobbying for making legislation more friendly towards innovation, startup, family-business and small/medium enterprises. 7) Study of pedagogical and epistemological issues in high-tech post-modern reality, development of extracurricular and curricular studies for middle-school and high-school students. Support and further development of Armath curriculum, in cooperation with original authors of Armath curicula. Augmenting Armath with radio-frequency, electronics, mechatronics and biochemical kits. In the fields of pedagogy and epistemology - the mission is to reconsider foundations of personal training, establishment, attachment and feeling of heartbeat of the civilization, world, universe for a modern human being. From our perspective the history of the epistemology and thought is split into segments of before XIV century (primarily descriptive science), followed by the birth of analytical methods and decomposition, until hitting the ground (subatom, genome, lexical elements) in the mid XX century, and starting the third phase - the age of synthetic science (syntetic materials, synthetic life forms, synthetic languages). At the same time this switch from analytical to synthetical coincided with demographic supernova burst: for ages the population on earth was < 1B, and in XX it jumped to 7B and continues growing. As in the case of supernova - and in general - any bifurcation point - it is hard to predict what will be the next state: the dwarf, black hole, or new star. It is easier to choose desired outcome and invest resources in achieving that outcome, rather than investing in analytical efforts to predict the outcome. Fundamental reconsideration of human beings attitude towards self, towards their planet, their civilization and the universe is due to protect new generation from storm of information they are facing from their birth time, and give them instruments to categorize, prioritize and filter that information, in order to extract the core values, build goals and obtain attachment to life that was "given" in in the past to a person by the life style, and now has became a major problem for new generation, which has hard time finding challenges outside the virtual world of social networks and network games. Parents cannot solve this problem alone. The system needs to be built by the state to help them. Our goal is to provide B2G consulting and active participation in building the new formats and curricula for different age groups. Our consortium has created the Armath program under this mission, is building the Real School program, and has started building the Academic Research Hub for the academic (fundamental research) field as well. Among these, the RealSchool in mid-term has the highest impact on our future.

Campbell Veterans Memorial Foundation

To educate the community as to the history of veterans through construction of a veterans memorial and to support veterans and their families through education scholarships.

China Environmental Protection Foundation

To promote China's environmental protection undertaking by carrying out activities and projects with donation and raised funds from the public. To fund and commend individuals and organizations that have made outstanding contributions to China's environmental protection undertaking.

Down Syndrome Foundation Nigeria

Bridging the gap between people with intellectual disabilities and the rest of society through a support system that seeks to integrate them fully into the community they live.

Bahay Tuluyan Foundation Inc

Bahay Tuluyan is committed to building a world where every child's rights are respected, protected and fulfilled. We are a children's rights organization working to prevent and respond to abuse and exploitation of children and to ensure all chidlren's rights are fulfilled and protected. We work in dynamic collaboration with and empowerment of children, youth, families and the community. Established in 1987 in Manila, we now operate in Manila, Laguna and Quezon. We are licensed and accredited by the Department of Social Welfare and Development. We aim to disrupt the cycle of abuse and exploitation by investing in prevention and working with children at high risk through early intervention. We also seek to provide high quality response services that reduce vulnerability and increase resilience. Children's participation and empowerment are two of our core principles. We currently run the 10 following programs. Street Education & Support - aiming to ensure that children do not need to rely on the street to live or be safe and to ensure that while on the street they are as safe and healthy as possible. Drop In Center - aiming to assist children in street situations to have improved developmental outcomes, improved access to services and to be better equipped with skills to protect themselves from abuse or violence. Bridge & Formal Education - aiming to assist children to achieve their educational potential through access to bridge and formal education. Youth Leadership for Children's Rights - empowering children and youth to defend their own rights and the rights of other children as socially responsible leaders and advocates. Enabling children and youth to enhance BT's work through meaningful participation in program development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. Independent Living Skills Program - empowering youth to have holistic skills and experiences to enable them to lead productive, healthy and happy lives. Social Enterprise & Self Reliance - equipping youth with agricultural or hospitality vocational skills and assisting them to transition into work effectively because they have practical experience and are responsible and discipline. Aiming also to generate at least 30% of BT's operational expenses through social enterprise. Family Support & Reintegration - supporting at-risk families to stay together whenever possible. Assisting children and youth to reintegrated into safe families and supportive environments. Alternative Family Care - providing children without safe family environments with quality, rights-based alternative family care. Providing effective, rights-based rehabilitation for children and youth at risk or in contact with the law. Children's Rights Education - educating children's rights duty-bearers about children's issues and improving their capacity to respect, protect and fulfill children's rights. Children's Rights Advocacy and Research - Ensuring children are protected by helping to put effective policy and legal frameworks in place, holding duty-bearers accountable and making society more aware of social justice issues affecting children.


Raising awareness about preterm birth and possible complication. Partnering with government in terms of improving the situation of mothers and newborn babies in Bulgaria as well as initiating constructive dialog with political leaders. Establishing a network of experts, international and private sector organizations, officials, celebrities, medias, business partners and parents united by the idea of ensuring best start in life for all premature and sick babies. Providing easy-to-understand information and make sure that all families have access to it so that we help them better understand the situation that they are dealing with. Facilitating medical and psychological support for affected families. Face to face or online consultation with psychologists. Direct support from psychologist in the NICUs Charity events and fund-raise donations so that we can ensure best medical equipment for NICUs in Bulgaria Organize conferences, workshops, lectures and other events that gather professionals, experts, NGO representatives, parent organisations, government representatives and other stakeholders work together for constantly improving the care for premature babies.

Mother Child Education Foundation

Since its establishment in 1993, ACEV's mission has been to make a lasting contribution to society by supporting the development of children and their environments through education starting from early years. Spanning early childhood, parenting, and adult literacy, ACEV's training programs have targeted all stages of human development and all members of the family from early childhood to parenthood. Our programs have common goals of reducing disparities and addressing inequalities in various domains: as our preschool programs target equal opportunity, bridging the socioeconomic gap in school readiness and academic success by accessing disadvantaged children; our literacy and parent support programs address gender equality. ACEV serves communities in need with carefully designed early childhood and adult education programs. ACEV believes that equal opportunity in education must be created for all individuals, education must begin in the early years and continue throughout the entire life cycle, both children and their families need to be supported for lasting positive outcomes.

Caster Semenya Foundation NPC

Our mission is to empower the disadvantaged youth of South Africa to enable them to reach their potential. To do this we provide education, life skills training and opportunities for an active lifestyle. We also focus on identifying talented athletes from disadvantaged backgrounds and providing opportunities for them to be mentored to develop the physical and mental skills needed to pursue a career in athletics.