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Many Mansions

Many Mansions' mission is to develop and maintain well-managed affordable housing with on-site supportive and life-enriching services for low- income individuals and families of Ventura County, with a special emphasis on residents who are very-low income, formerly homeless, and disabled.

Croatian Guide Dog and Mobility Association

By realizing its goals, the Association promotes basic human rights and the quality of life of blind and other disabled people, as well as children with developmental difficulties, creating conditions for their social inclusion in the community. The Association's mission is to raise society's awareness of the rights, possibilities and needs of people with disabilities, which contributes to the senzibilization of the community and the increase of the number of independent people, through improving their mobility and quality of everyday life. The association bases its work with individuals, informal groups and non-profit organizations, the business sector, local, regional and state authorities on the principles of empowerment, self-help, education, active involvement, launching positive initiatives, encouraging cooperation, mutual respect and respect for diversity, creating a sustainable model of organizational development civil society. It encourages and develops the self-advocacy role of its members in the promotion of human rights in the context of the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, legal regulations and national strategic documents. It provides mechanisms for the application of prescribed standards and criteria for the work of users with their assigned assistance dogs.

A Better Chance

A Better Chance seeks to increase substantially the number of well-educated young people of color who are capable of assuming positions of responsibility and leadership in American society. This is done by facilitating their entry into independent college preparatory schools. Through its network of member schools, A Better Chance is able to leverage an estimated $20+ million per year in financial aid for talented, economically disadvantaged youth of color. More than 96% of A Better Chance's graduates go on to college directly after high school, a majority entering our country's most selective colleges.

Rytmus Stredni Cechy, o.p.s.

Our mission is to enable people with disabilities actively participate in society and fulfill their rights. To provide everyone with such support that they can work and live in a normal environment. We help children and adults with disabilities. We support anyone who struggles with mental, physical or psychiatric disability. For twenty years we have been helping - individually, to enable them to live independent lives in their communities. We provide support in finding work, help with traveling to work or school, provide legacy support, counseling, training, etc. Recently, we have started helping children with disabilities and their families. Our work is based on the following principles: We promote equality in rights and obligations Our work is based on the belief that people with disabilities are equal citizens and aims to ensure that they have comparable opportunities and conditions with others. We support our users in the active use of rights and responsible fulfillment of obligations. We make available what is common We support users to live a normal way of life, according to their aspirations and dreams. We are sensitive to individuality and look for creative ways Each person is unique in their needs and abilities. We start from his/her ideas and possibilities, from the right to personal lifestyle choice. We tailor services to people, not the other way around. We reflect individual needs and look for ways to fulfill them. We are improving We care about quality. Services are provided by a team of qualified social workers who are supported in further professional development. We encourage active engagement We involve the user, or their immediate surroundings, in active cooperation. We support them in their independence, in making decisions and in accepting their own responsibility. We only provide them with support that compensates for their disadvantage.

Vets With A Mission

Two-fold. First, reconciliation between US and it's former enemy, North Vietnam and ally South Vietnam. This is particularly focused on ARVN (South Vietnamese Army), the Viet Cong/VC and North Vietnamese Army/NVA, as well as between the two countries and its peoples. Two, VWAM's humanitarian programs and projects impact the poor and disadvantaged people of Vietnam through healthcare, medical mission teams, and heart surgeries for children. In addition, Vets With A Mission takes Vietnam veterans back to Vietnam in order to make peace with their past, and honor their service. Finally, VWAM assists and supports the Church and Christians in Vietnam through various ministry programs and projects.

Operation Blankets Of Love

Our mission is to improve the health of homeless animals and increase their chances for survival and adoption. Our ultimate aim is to eliminate animal homelessness and euthanasia. This promotes more humane treatment of animals, increasing their chances of survival and adoption. We:• Provide donated comfort and care items to shelters, rescue groups, pets of the homeless, pets of low-income seniors, pets of veterans, animal transports, fosters and wildlife sanctuaries.• Advocate for animal welfare through service-oriented humane education & public awareness anti-cruelty campaigns.• Raise awareness of the growing population of homeless animals being euthanized in overcrowded shelter systems, promoting adoption as the best option.

Lewisboro Land Trust

Exposure to nature decreases anxiety, depression, and negative rumination; while at the same time increasing well being, and creative thinking. People with disabilities usually don't have the same access to nature and environmental education as the general public. The Lewisboro Land Trust Access Nature Program, reaches out to people with disabilities to enable them to experience the benefits of nature. We design each program to fit the needs of the individual group, sometimes using educational naturalists or nature programs. The goal of Access Nature Programs is to provide a comfortable. safe, enjoyable experience of nature while educating on the benefits gained. The ultimate goal is self reliance, having gained the knowledge and confidence to enjoy nature on their own.

Associacao Pluralis Em Defesa Da Diversidade E Respeito Humano

Insertion of vulnerable people into society. The Pluralis Association is an institution that fights for a society with more respect, equality and social inclusion. The organization is not aimed at profit, but rather to exercise altruism and to make public policy laws specifically aimed at the rights and duties of LGBTQI+, women and people with intellectual or multiple disabilities, are in fact contemplated with regard to them.

Jewish Deaf Congress

Mission Statement: JDC functions as an inclusive and accessible Jewish Deaf national organization, network and resource center, rooted in Judaism and Deaf experiences, cultures and values of lifelong Jewish learning to discover, connect and flourish.Vision Statement: JDC will inspire Jewish Deaf people, families, allies and professionals with full access to the spirituality, traditions, culture and social heritage of Judaism and of the Deaf community.JDC Core Guiding Values1. Inclusive and accessible resource and advocate2. Jewish traditions and values3. Deaf community, culture and values including American Sign Language and/or Israeli Sign Language4. Growth and preservation of spirituality, heritage and fellowship5. Strong support for Israel and Israeli Deaf Community

Sister Song Women Of Color Reproductive Justice Collective

SisterSong’s mission is to amplify and strengthen the collective voices of indigenous women and women of color to achieve Reproductive Justice (RJ) by eradicating reproductive oppression and securing human rights. RJ is the human right to maintain personal bodily autonomy, choose when and how to have children or not, and parent in safety with adequate resources. RJ centers the needs and leadership of the most marginalized and the intersections of oppressions. The first RJ organization founded to build the movement, SisterSong includes and represents Indigenous, African American, Asian and Pacific Islander, Arab and Middle Eastern, Latinx, and queer women and trans people. A top RJ thought leader, trainer, organizer, and collaboration facilitator, our focus is Southern and national.

Mustard Seed Communities, Inc.

Mustard Seed Communities (MSC) is a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to caring for the most vulnerable populations in society. Founded in 1978, MSC provides care to children and adults with physical and mental disabilities, children affected by HIV/AIDS, teenage mothers, impoverished families, and marginalized communities throughout Jamaica, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, and Zimbabwe.

Fundacion Special Olympics de Chile

The mission of Special Olympics is to provide year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes and the community.