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Carpe Diem was established with the aim of improving the quality of life, contributing to the general well-being of the community and stimulating and developing the creative and social potential of children, youth and adults. Through active community roles, we encourage positive social changes using common values such as teamwork, professionalism and equal opportunities. Areas of activity of the Organization in accordance with the objectives are democratic political culture, human rights, international cooperation, culture and art, education, science and research, social activities, technical education, health protection and social entrepreneurship. Carpe Diem builds a sustainable society through non-formal education, strengthening of human resources, development of community capacity, fostering tolerance and justice. The values of our organization are teamwork, togetherness and networking; expertise, responsibility and efficiency in work; social inclusion; active citizenship; partnership and cooperation; lifelong learning; innovation and sustainability. Our vision is an active and responsible society with equal opportunities. Our mission is Carpe Diem builds a sustainable society through non-formal education, strengthening of human resources, development of community capacity by nurturing tolerance and justice. Carpe Diem has become an important organization in the social, cultural and civic life of Karlovac to this day. The primary target group is young people, but its programs and projects often include all age and social groups. It has a well-developed organizational structure, competent people who are members of various national councils and committees for social development, and enjoys the reputation of one of the key organizations for improving the quality of life in Karlovac County. Carpe Diem mostly works with young people, covering all areas of young people's lives in order to contribute to the development of better living conditions for young people in Karlovac County. Since its foundation in 2005, the Carpe Diem association has implemented over 110 projects, programs and initiatives, initiated numerous changes in the city. What we consider our greatest success are active young people who have found themselves and meaning in life, who have been organizing various events in Karlovac in recent years. One of the most important projects run by Carpe Diem is the Youth Center in Grabrik since 2008, which has become an example of good practice in Croatia, but also in Europe, through which we inform, educate and empower young people for active participation in society and strengthen their competences for life. Since 2021, the Carpe Diem association has also run a social and cultural center called Prostor(i)ja and is located in the city center of Karlovac. One of the most important areas of the association's activities is the development of volunteerism, and annually, in our activities, about 60 volunteers participate. Also, since 2014, in the Carpe Diem association, every year we host 3 foreign volunteers who come for a year through the program of the European Solidarity Corps. Carpe Diem is a member of national networks in the field of youth information, volunteerism development, civic education and, at the local level, networks for the development of independent culture.
I - Enable the integral promotion of the human person, promoting education and cultural development through action and socio-community education, in activities inherent to the interest of agriculture, especially regarding the sustainable development and social elevation of the family farmer from the spiritual-ethical-ecological, intellectual, technical, health and economic point of view; II - Encourage, through education, entrepreneurial attitudes of rural youth, their families and communities, contributing to the access to the generation of work and income, as well as providing continuous formation processes of Alternation Educators / Monitors of Agricultural and Family Schools and several publics, with a view to contributing to mobilization of popular empowerment and emancipation in the complex sociocultural reality of the Brazilian countryside; III - Ensure that the formation and animation activities of the EFAs are articulated and integrated with the promotion and sustainable development projects in which they are inserted; IV - To promote, as its predominant activity, a contextualized and differentiated education, serving as a maintaining institution to regulate, manage, raise funds, represent and manage the operation of the Santa Cruz do Sul Family Farm School - EFASC, which may offer teaching courses High School and Vocational High School, as well as initial and continuing education, complementary and technical specializations of Rural Professional Learning, following the principles of the CEFFAs Network - Family Centers for Alternating Training in Brazil, with universality of service, scholarships and benefits related to school transportation, uniforms, teaching materials, housing and food; V - Providing, conducting, executing and encouraging initial and ongoing processes of training for Alternating Educators / Family School Teachers and EFA association members; VI - Promote a quality education, contextualized, differentiated and focused on the rural environment, in accordance with the foundations and principles of the CEFFAs Network, with a Pedagogy of Alternation methodology and appropriate to the Law of Guidelines and bases of National Education (LDB No. 9,394) / 1996) and the National Plan of Current Education (PNE), as well as Decree No. 7352, of November 4, 2010 and other normative instruments of field education and relevant legislation; VII - Recognize the knowledge of family farmers and the community, recognize their role as alternative educator, seek and promote the construction of theoretical / practical knowledge from the local reality of youth and the harmful and sustainable development in activities related to agriculture, currently the education and training of young people, families and the community; VIII - Encourage, carry out and promote the organization and mobilization of farmers and the youth of Family Farming in order to gain their rights and access to public policies; IX - Promote moral and ethical values, valuing the spirit of solidarity, respecting the environment, promoting gender equity and analysis, ethnicity and patterns of group types, valuing cultural diversity and any nature; X - Develop the attendance and evaluation of the beneficiaries of the Organic Law of Social Assistance - LAAS, their defense and guarantee of their rights. Promote social assistance - serving all stakeholders, including: children, adolescents, young people, adults, men, women, the elderly, people with disabilities and all minorities in society; XI - Educational institution service to create, integrate, regulate, accredit, administer, covenant, fundraise, use, organize, maintain and use education resources at any level, including higher education - both undergraduate and postgraduate - University graduate. It may be offered or in partnership or cooperation with other universities;
Fundatia Inima de Copil (Heart of a Child Foundation) was established in 1996 by a group of volunteers from Galati, Romania who decided to help the children in need. Today, the foundation has 30 employees and 30-40 volunteers monthly and supported in 23 years over 15.000 children and families. Our mission is to provide a better life for children in Romania.We hope to enhance the life quality of children in Romania, by providing social services and we fight to protect children's rights. All the projects carried out together with our sponsors and contributors are intended to reunite human and community resources, so that every child may benefit from home, a family, and fulfil their potential. Approximately 21,5% of Romanian children live in poverty, according to the Eurostat 2019 statistics, and this ratio is the highest in EU, where the media is 5,9%. Over 32% of children live in extreme poverty, shows a report issued by Save the Children and People's Advocate in 2019. This phenomenon is widely-spread and more worrying in rural areas. For example, almost 30% of the children from the organization's programs live in families with an income of less than 70 USD/month/ person. Another worrying figure is that 150.000 children go to sleep hungry at night, just before the COVID 19 crisis, and the statistics included only the children living in the rural area and it has been calculated on the basis of a study made in 2018 by Save the Children, in which 3% of children said that they are going to sleep hungry every night, and 5% just from time to time. The ones that are more exposed to this risk are the ones who have 2 or more siblings. At the same time, the data from the report indicates that Romania has the highest mortality rate of children from EU (2018 - 6,5.), with a separate chapter of mortality under 1 year old. More than half of the deaths under 1 year are produced in the first month of life (neonatal mortality). During the last years, the rate of school abandonment has remained high and worrying. 19% of the children at the national level and 25% of the ones from rural areas abandon school before finishing high-school. Most of them do this because of material deprivation or work exploitation when they are 12-14 years old. Functional illiteracy is also an alarming consequence of the inadaptation of the educational system to the needs of children. If we take into consideration the non-unified regional economical development of Romania and the high discrepancies between urban and rural areas, the highest number of children and families affected by poverty and its consequences are registered in SE and North and in rural areas. The nowadays COVID 19 crisis has emphasized these problems as people lost their jobs, the high number of children that did not have and still don't have access to digital education (the estimated number is 250.000 children at the national level and approx 12.000 in our area), the limited access to health services and hygienic supplies that translates into higher costs for families. In all these circumstances, our mission as an organisation is far more important. We are one of the most known and appreciated organisations that offer social services in the South East of Romania, having beneficiaries right now from 4 poor counties from Romania (Galati, Vaslui, Vrancea, Tulcea). Moreover, the present focus of the organisation and of future programs is concentrated on the rural area, on communities where we know that the chances for children's evolution are very limited without any support from the outside.
Perched atop the buried pre-classic Maya city of Chocola, the village of Chocola on the back slopes of the volcanoes that form Lake Atitlan, is poverty stricken yet poised to become a model of cultural celebration and self-sufficiency. What it needs most is leadership training and technical support to develop its potential for diversified agriculture, archeological-tourism, health care for its families and education for its children. In its simplest terms, the mission of Seeds for a Future is to help this impoverished community plan and achieve prosperity based on balanced development principles that protect cultural tradition, the natural environment and preserve the Mayan and post-colonial history of the town. Seeds for a Future traces its roots to the period from 2003 through 2006 when many Earthwatch Institute volunteers came to Chocola to work on the archaeological site, which was then being excavated under license from the Guatemalan government. The volunteers embraced being associated with an important archaeological endeavor and learned about the vast pre-Classic Maya city that may hold keys to the early development of Mayan language, system of time and other fundamental cultural practices. At the same time, many of us fell in love with the community, its families and children and the fabulous, healthy mountain environment. As a result, groups of volunteers organized to help a community struggling with terrible poverty and deprivation to find a way to prosperity without destroying their way of life or the delicate balance of their natural environment. A vision emerged among a core of volunteers, Guatemalan visionaries and local leaders in which Chocola is seen as lifting itself into a more healthy and prosperous community based on its historic farming skills, adding value to its coffee, vegetable and cacao producers and through community cooperative action. In the future, there is great promise for the development of Chocola as a tourist destination based on archaeo-tourism; conservation of the natural resources in which the community is embedded and conservation of one of the first and greatest coffee processing plants (beneficios) established during the 1890s. But we also discovered in the early years that before Chocola could begin to realize its potential, the people needed training in identifying their own vision for the future, learning to work together and acquiring the technical skills needed for success. Overcoming 500 years of economic and social servitude is not easily done, but real progress is being made and our program has been recognized as ground-breaking, by the Guatemalan Ministry of Culture and others. Four operating principles guide the work we do: We provide information and technical assistance to the people of Chocola to help them evaluate new opportunities and to plan. We provide direct funding and other forms of support for community requests for assistance on specific projects. These requests must come through Chocola leadership and must demonstrate sustainability and a willingness and capability of the community to provide part of the needed resources. All programs must aim at achieving self-sufficiency. We will help with programs that governmental agencies believe may be of value, provided that they too meet the same test as is noted for the community above. All such requests must be consistent with our mission to help the people and do no harm to either the Maya archaeological site or to the 1890 Coffee Finca site. In all of our programs we try to ensure that the participants become more engaged in the social and civil fabric, that they gain self confidence in their ability to change their own future for the better, and that we provide knowledge and coaching for a sufficient period of time that their activities and new ideas become self-sustaining in the community.
Every day more than 600 people in Bulgaria have a life-saving need for blood and blood products, because of accidents, emergency life-saving procedures, surgical interventions, childbirths, different cancers and many other diseases that need blood for treatment. Their lives are directly dependent on securing the necessary quantities of safe human blood which can be obtained ONLY through DONATION OF BLOOD because BLOOD has NO substitute! Unfortunately, Bulgaria is currently in one of the last places in Europe when it comes to donating blood. Most people donate blood only for relatives or friends who are in need and the true number of genuine voluntary blood donors is less than 25% of all blood donors. Due to the very limited amount of blood donors, hospitals force patients to find donors before they can have a required treatment (the so-called "replacement donor system", which poses significant problems to the patients and their families. Also, this highly questionable practice has led to the growth of an ugly black market for blood donors.). We hope that with our joint efforts we will be able to change this situation. BULGARIAN ORGANIZATION OF VOLUNTARY BLOOD DONATION is a non-profit association operating in public interest done by volunteers. We are the first Bulgarian association working entirely to encourage and promote regular, anonymous, voluntary, non-remunerated blood donation. We believe that blood donation is one of the most humane acts. We also believe that our cause is extremely important for every human being because the shortage of blood could affect everyone. In our daily activities we provide information about blood donation, answer questions and give support; help in cases of an urgent need for blood; organize blood drives and campaigns to educate and inspire people to donate. In 2013 BOVBD launched the first-of-its-kind for Bulgaria long-term project called "Donate Blood", aimed at promoting and facilitating voluntary blood donation and helping those in need of blood for themselves or their relatives. The core of this project lies with the "Donate Blood" system, entirely managed and administrated by BOVBD. The system is a sort of dual registry and has two main functionalities that are interlinked - on one side for the people who are voluntary blood donors or wish to become such and help, and on the other - for everyone who needs blood. The system is extremely useful for finding blood donors on time. It is an innovative and very effective tool to at least partially fulfil the need for blood in Bulgaria and to help when the need is urgent. "Donate blood" can be used completely free through our mobile phone applications for iPhone and Android. Every user has constant access to important and useful information about blood donation, offered through the BOVBD website -, including the prerequisites and contradictions for donating blood, addresses and contact details for blood centres in the country, blood collection campaigns that are ongoing or upcoming, etc. Our ambition is to upgrade the applications with additional functionalities when we have enough funding. By focusing the public attention on the problems that arise from the lack of information on blood donation and its importance, from the insufficient number of voluntary blood donors and the risks of paid donors, we are working together to resolve them. The World Health Organization proclaims voluntary blood donation as the safest method for collecting the necessary quantities of blood and blood products needed in everyday healthcare. We hope and work for so that one day there will be enough voluntary blood donors and we, our kids, our parents and everyone who needs blood or could find himself in need of blood to be sure that there is enough safe blood that would help to save his life.
Young Scientists for Africa (YoSA) is a registered charity supporting young African science students by: - Awarding scholarships to attend the annual London International Youth Science Forum (LIYSF). - Creating a student network in Africa to enable and encourage careers in science. This is necessary because: - Extensive analysis has demonstrated that Africa needs science, not just aid, to address the socio-economic and public health challenges it faces. - Africa needs young African scientists to lead the charge on reshaping the continent and improving and saving African lives. What YoSA offers: YoSA was established to support young African science students who don't typically have access to the same opportunities as those in other parts of the world. A central component of YoSA is a scholarship programme to sponsor African science students to attend the London International Youth Science Forum (LIYSF). Proper representation of African students at this international forum is hugely important and before the creation of YoSA there was no representation of students from countries in Sub-Saharan Africa; a continent that constitutes approximately 20% of the world's youth population. YoSA works with leading scientists and scientific initiatives in Africa to identify the best young African scientific talent. These students are then sponsored to attend the London International Youth Science Forum - an annual event which attracts over 500 of the world's best science students from more than 70 countries, many of whom have won national science competitions - and are given the chance to engage with world leading scientists in a two week programme of lectures, debates and visits to research institutions. At LIYSF, YoSA students have the opportunity to share their perspectives and create lasting relationships with an audience of other young scientists from all over the world. They also raise the profile of African science by introducing other students to the challenges and opportunities for science in Africa. YoSA operates through a network of facilitators and has established links with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (, The Wellcome Trust (, The Alliance for Accelerating Excellence in Science in Africa (AESA) (, Projekt Inspire ( and the Next Einstein Forum ( Through the support of its network of facilitators YoSA sponsors open and fair selection processes to identify talented young African scientists, for whom other financial support would not be available, and who are committed to pursuing science careers in Africa. The facilitators also support scholarship students locally with their visa and passport requirements as they have typically never travelled outside their own country before. Our ambition is to support young African scientists, not just in attending LIYSF, but also in creating a network that can link into other African science initiatives such as Next Einstein Forum ( and Africa Research Excellence Fund ( as they progress in their education and careers. We have directly facilitated introductions for our students with these and other leading science organisations in Africa and we actively monitor and encourage the progress of their scientific development through these connections. Each of our scholarship students has returned to Africa with a determination to succeed in science. They have been very proactive in communicating their experiences at LIYSF within their schools and local communities and inspire others pursue careers in science. They are each required to write a report of their experiences as part of the scholarship we provide and this forms the basis of these presentations. Our students are fantastic ambassadors for science in Africa and it's no exaggeration to say that YoSA and LIYSF have had a life changing effect on them and their ambitions for their future careers as African scientists. What is LIYSF: The London International Youth Science Forum (LIYSF) is a two week residential event held at Imperial College London, with lectures and demonstrations from leading scientists, visits to industrial sites, research centres, scientific institutions and organisations, including world class laboratories and universities. LIYSF attracts over 500 of the world's leading young scientists, aged 16-21 years, from more than 70 countries. This year was the 60th LIYSF and further details can be found at
A John Carroll education is distinguished by respect and care for the whole person (cura personalis), innovative teaching, and integrated learning throughout the entire student experience. A commitment to excellence and academic rigor animates JCU's way of proceeding - graduating individuals of intellect and character who lead and serve by engaging the world. John Carroll University, founded in 1886, is a private, coeducational, Catholic, and Jesuit university. It provides programs in the liberal arts, sciences, education, and business at the undergraduate level, and in selected areas at the master's level. The University also offers its facilities and personnel to the Greater Cleveland community. As a university, John Carroll is committed to the transmission and enrichment of the treasury of human knowledge with the autonomy and freedom appropriate to a university. As a Catholic university, it is further committed to seek and synthesize all knowledge, including the wisdom of Christian revelation. In the pursuit of this integration of knowledge, the University community is enriched by scholarship representing the pluralistic society in which we live. All can participate freely in the intellectual, moral, and spiritual dialog necessary to this pursuit. Within this dialog, in which theological and philosophical questions play a crucial role, students have the opportunity to develop, synthesize, and live a value system based on respect for and critical evaluation of facts; on intellectual, moral, and spiritual principles which enable them to cope with new problems; and on the sensitivity and judgment that prepare them to engage in responsible social action. In a Jesuit university, the presence of Jesuits and colleagues who are inspired by the vision of Saint Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus in 1540, is of paramount importance. This vision, which reflects the value system of the Gospels, is expressed in the Spiritual Exercises, the source of Jesuit life and mission. To education the Jesuit spirit brings a rationality appropriately balanced by human affection, an esteem for the individual as a unique person, training in discerning choice, openness to change, and a quest for God's greater glory in the use of this world's goods. Commitment to the values that inspired the Spiritual Exercises promotes justice by affirming the equal dignity of all persons and seeks balance between reliance on divine assistance and natural capacities. The effort to combine faith and culture takes on different forms at different times in Jesuit colleges and universities. Innovation, experiment, and training for social leadership are essential to the Jesuit tradition. At the same time, John Carroll University welcomes students and faculty from different religious backgrounds and philosophies. Dedicated to the total development of the human, the University offers an environment in which every student, faculty, and staff person may feel welcomed. Within this environment there is concern for the human and spiritual developmental needs of the students and a deep respect for the freedom and dignity of the human person. A faculty not only professionally qualified, but also student oriented, considers excellence in interpersonal relationships as well as academic achievement among its primary goals. The University places primary emphasis on instructional excellence. It recognizes the importance of research in teaching as well as in the development of the teacher. In keeping with its mission, the University especially encourages research that assists the various disciplines in offering solutions to the problems of faith in the modern world, social inequities, and human needs. The commitment to excellence at John Carroll University does not imply limiting admissions to the extremely talented student only. Admission is open to all students who desire and have the potential to profit from an education suited to the student's needs as a person and talents as a member of society. The educational experience at John Carroll University provides opportunities for the students to develop as total human persons. They should be well grounded in liberalizing, humanizing arts and sciences; proficient in the skills that lead to clear, persuasive expression; trained in the intellectual discipline necessary to pursue a subject in depth; aware of the interrelationship of all knowledge and the need for integration and synthesis; able to make a commitment to a tested scale of values and to demonstrate the self-discipline necessary to live by those values; alert to learning as a life-long process; open to change as they mature; respectful of their own culture and that of others; aware of the interdependence of all humanity; and sensitive to the need for social justice in response to current social pressures and problems. Our partner in Honduras is Sociedad Amigos de Los Ninos, whose mission is to: Improve the quality of lives of children, adolescents, mothers, families and communities according to their specific needs, implementing programs that provide protection, education, health, training, financing, spiritual orientation, and housing, involving them in achieving their own development. Enable our supporters and volunteers to join this labor of love where they have the opportunity to fulfill their own dreams in favor of the less fortunate.
Early childhood education. Inclusion. Diversity: FortSchritt is an independent, non-profit organisation for holistic childcare in integrative day nurserys, kindergartens and daycare centres. In our conductive curative education day care centers we provide holistic, loving and individual support for children and young people with disabilities using the method of conductive education according to Dr. Andras Peto. Our mobile specialist service visits people of all ages and institutions on site and offers them psychological and therapeutic help. The focus of our holistic work is always the human being in his uniqueness. Main areas of activity: The FortSchritt-Konduktives Forderzentrum gGmbH was founded in 2001. It is responsible for 36 day nurserys, kindergartens, children's homes, forest playgroups, curative day care centres and after-school care centres for children with and without disabilities. In addition to the day care centres, FortSchritt gGmbH offers day care and large day care centres for children, a baby cafe, a transport service and interdisciplinary, mobile specialist services for parents, children, educators and employees. The facilities of FortSchritt gGmbH are represented in 6 Upper Bavarian administrative districts and the state capital Munich. At present we care for about 1,400 children with about 400 employees. All FortSchritt support services are holistic and inclusive! The personal development of each child and social justice are in the foreground. Therefore, FortSchritt welcomes all children, regardless of which social, religious and national group they belong to. Thus the facilities of the gGmbH form a differentiated, multi-layered, educational and social learning environment. In order to enable optimal support beyond the regular financing, we are dependent on monetary donations and donations in kind. Mission statement FortSchritt gGmbH - step by step to independence Preamble: This mission statement is the result of more than 20 years of lived experience in pedagogical dealing with children, teenagers and young adults. It offers orientation, reminds us of common goals and values and encourages us to think further. 1. The children, teenagers and young adults entrusted to us are at the centre of all our ideas, concepts and measures. We are passionately committed to their well-being and their best possible development and strive to work professionally and successfully every day. 2. We see our work as a diverse range of pedagogical offers, which should enable the optimal compatibility of family and career. We rely on our experience, skills and strengths. 3. FortSchritt has a unique history: We have established the conductive education to Peto in Germany. This tradition is very important to us. At the same time, we integrate various pedagogical approaches into our work and are constantly developing further. 4. The aspects presented under Mission, Vision and Values have emerged from joint workshops and meetings. They are not immutable, they have to prove themselves in practical work every day. 5. This mission statement should therefore be tested in practice and further developed: Share your experiences with the other employees of FortSchritt! At we are happy to take up your experiences, ideas and suggestions and publish them regularly. Mission: In cooperation with the parents, we seek to educate the children, teenagers and young adults entrusted to us to become responsible, compassionate and independent personalities - always in partnership and at eye level. 1. FortSchritt enables individual support: Through our diverse range of services we create the conditions to accept each child as it is: unique and free in its decisions. Our roots lie in the conductive education according to Peto, in addition we take up different pedagogical approaches such as Frobel's teaching, reggio pedagogy or forest pedagogy. This diversity allows us to address individual offers to the individual. The conception of our facilities and the interdisciplinary qualification of our teams reflect this diversity. 2. Joy, security and acceptance with FortSchritt: Children, teenagers and young adults feel completely at home with us, have fun and enjoy themselves. They should keep the time at FortSchritt as a valuable memory. This includes creating an atmosphere of security and acceptance; a protected space in which those entrusted to us can develop and try things out. 3. Our goal: Step by step to independence: We accompany the children, teenagers and young adults individually and step by step on their way to independence and support their strengths. "I can do it!": We make sure that the challenges they face are manageable and that their sense of self-efficacy is strengthened. This also includes setting clear boundaries. Many small steps create a sense of achievement that motivates you to continue. 4. We promote a positive self-esteem: Children, adolescents and young adults should develop at FortSchritt to become self-confident and responsible citizens of society. They learn to be aware of their own needs, to trust their own strengths and to develop skills. This also means taking responsibility for their own actions and standing up for common values. Everyone can achieve something and be proud of it: positive feelings strengthen self-esteem. 5. Inclusion and social competence in all facets: In addition to personal development, the promotion of social skills in all its facets is central to FortSchritt. At the core of this competence is the insight: "It is normal to be different." For us, inclusion refers not only to different physical constitutions or mental abilities, but also to gender, nationality, culture and language. The focus is on support oriented to the individual child and learning from and with each other. FortSchritt creates a space for friendships, for trust and reliable action. Vision: We advocate an open, empathic society in which inclusion is not just a buzzword, but an attitude to life. We take responsibility for this: with our theoretical and practical expertise and our special pedagogical skills, we want to advise parents, communities and other institutions and stimulate social change. 1. Higher social and political appreciation of extracurricular education: In our view, extracurricular education should be given the same importance as school education. This will create better overall conditions in the areas of education, training and support. FortSchritt is committed to a concrete improvement of the working conditions of our pedagogical teams. In addition to higher remuneration, this includes the optimisation of training and further education opportunities. The time for preparation and follow-up work, professional exchange and networking should not be considered a voluntary additional benefit, but a fixed part of regular working hours. 2. Inclusion is more than consideration: Our goal is a society in which inclusion is a matter of course in all respects. This means that not only individual social institutions work on inclusion, but that broad social and political acceptance is achieved. FortSchritt consciously counters social exclusion: We reject the division of people into certain categories such as nationals/foreigners; handicapped/non-handicapped. 3. Living diversity: also in our teams: Against the background of a changing society and increasing demands in the field of extracurricular education, training and support, we want to develop culturally, linguistically and professionally diverse team structures. In order to meet these requirements, we would like to offer our employees a wide range of training and further education. 4. FortSchritt as consultant, supporter and multiplier: We would like to pass on our special curative education and psychological knowledge and our expertise in the areas of management, administration and organization. Parents, representatives of local authorities and other institutions should receive information and support from us in an uncomplicated way in the form of counselling, coaching and further training. Values: The values formulated here give orientation to our thoughts and actions - and they serve as a benchmark in dealing with the children and young people entrusted to us. This also applies to our dealings with parents and all those with whom we work in partnership. The values have proven their worth in the more than 20 years of our existence - and should continue to serve as a guideline for the future. 1. Humanistic, positive image of man: Human dignity, the recognition of the equality of all people and respect for each individual are the basis for our actions. 2. Appreciation: We meet people empathically and at eye level. Our friendliness is expressed in our language and in our actions. Politeness and appropriate manners are therefore a matter of course for us. 3. Respect: We treat ourselves and others with recognition and respect. For us, respect means not only tolerance of other values and lifestyles, but also their acceptance. 4. Trust: A trustful cooperation is the basis of all our relationships. The trust we place in each other creates security and reliability. 5. Fairness: For us, fairness means more than acting in accordance with the rules: Fairness also means decency and honesty in dealing with each other. 6. Together: We achieve our goals through team spirit, cooperation and a strong sense of community. We want to actively set an example against egoism and create a sense of we.
Real School in Goris is founded to create an informal education in Goris which will give the students the opportunity to get both theoretical and practical knowledge and skills, which will be enough to enter the job market easier. Our main goal is to create a techno-park based on that educational platform. To reach this goal, we took the Real School concept and programs and we are implementing the school in Goris as a separate institution. The main mission is like the Real School mission, which can be found below: The REAL SCHOOL is providing its graduates with knowledge (theoretical and practical) and skills (professional, personal and social) to succeed in high-tech innovative industry. REAL SCHOOL is a four year collage level program that combines liberal arts in-class education and vocational off-site trainings in R&D organizations, resulting in a level of knowledge comparable to today's Bachelor level graduates of Armenian universities combined with practical skills and CV of a 1-year junior developer in modern IT/High-tech company. The main difference from classical Bachelors program is targeting professional career in the industry, rather than academic career. However it doesn't mean that the applicants are low-level technicians. Modern high-tech industry requires everyday effort in self-education (lifelong learning) due to constantly changing technologies, innovation, new fields, spheres, opportunities. The modern life is not divided into "learn" and "work" segments anymore, but is combining the work & learning process till the last day of the professional career. As a consequence, the classical approach to education (learn only) and to professional career (work only) is failing in XXI century. Our vision of XXI century high-tech organization is a combination of Research, Production and Education formats. An organization that lacks any one of these 3 components, will loose in competition to those who are doing their own innovation, that is close to their own production, and are educating their own staff by maintaining the internship logistics. Our mission is to implement such program in partnership with IT organizations in neighborhood of each RealSchool site. It includes expansion to rural areas of developing countries, helping local industry to upgrade to meet the challenges of innovative high-tech economy. The liberal arts program is following classical approach to education of a "free citizen" of a republic, i.e. provide understanding of the structure of the world, universe, civilization, economy, which is sufficient for the person to discover their mission for their life or at least for the next 7-12 years, and to develop their skills and knowledge towards fulfillment of that mission. The liberal arts program itself is built in a project-based approach. The projects used in this section of the curriculum are also real-life projects, i.e. they are not invented by professors for educational purposes but are chosen from the infrastructure projects and issues faced by the region/country/world. Examples of such projects for I and II grade students include: 1) Forest recovery, in cooperation with the Armenian Forestry Committee. Green industry projects. Reuse of materials. Effective ovens development. Effective usage of forests/wood in the industry and household. Biodegradable materials development and use in the small scale high-end production. 2) Study of ancient Armenian literature, classical Armenian language, terminology, in cooperation with prominent researchers in the field. Creation of fonts, spell-checkers, translators for modern dialects (western/eastern) of Armenian and classical Armenian. Localization of the GNU SW (Firefox, Thunderbird, OpenOffice, Xfce4, Gimp, Inkscape, etc). 3) Study of ancient musical notation systems and body movement (dance) notation systems, development of SW for musical and ethnographic studies, in cooperation with researches from Armenian Conservatory, institute of Komitas and Armenian song and dance academy. 4) Study of environmental health control and monitoring, development of measurement kits for air, water, soil and ether (electromagnetic) pollution, performance of the measurements and publication/awareness promotion projects 5) Study of information management systems, information security challenges, development of national standards for information age, upgrade of national institutions, ministries to reduce paperwork and use modern IT solutions 6) Study of macroeconomic and microeconomic field, legislation. Development of promotion programs and lobbying for making legislation more friendly towards innovation, startup, family-business and small/medium enterprises. 7) Study of pedagogical and epistemological issues in high-tech post-modern reality, development of extracurricular and curricular studies for middle-school and high-school students. Support and further development of Armath curriculum, in cooperation with original authors of Armath curicula. Augmenting Armath with radio-frequency, electronics, mechatronics and biochemical kits. In the fields of pedagogy and epistemology - the mission is to reconsider foundations of personal training, establishment, attachment and feeling of heartbeat of the civilization, world, universe for a modern human being. From our perspective the history of the epistemology and thought is split into segments of before XIV century (primarily descriptive science), followed by the birth of analytical methods and decomposition, until hitting the ground (subatom, genome, lexical elements) in the mid XX century, and starting the third phase - the age of synthetic science (syntetic materials, synthetic life forms, synthetic languages). At the same time this switch from analytical to synthetical coincided with demographic supernova burst: for ages the population on earth was < 1B, and in XX it jumped to 7B and continues growing. As in the case of supernova - and in general - any bifurcation point - it is hard to predict what will be the next state: the dwarf, black hole, or new star. It is easier to choose desired outcome and invest resources in achieving that outcome, rather than investing in analytical efforts to predict the outcome. Fundamental reconsideration of human beings attitude towards self, towards their planet, their civilization and the universe is due to protect new generation from storm of information they are facing from their birth time, and give them instruments to categorize, prioritize and filter that information, in order to extract the core values, build goals and obtain attachment to life that was "given" in in the past to a person by the life style, and now has became a major problem for new generation, which has hard time finding challenges outside the virtual world of social networks and network games. Parents cannot solve this problem alone. The system needs to be built by the state to help them. Our goal is to provide B2G consulting and active participation in building the new formats and curricula for different age groups. Our consortium has created the Armath program under this mission, is building the Real School program, and has started building the Academic Research Hub for the academic (fundamental research) field as well. Among these, the RealSchool in mid-term has the highest impact on our future.
Enable actions to promote Mental Health and Emotional welbeing to positively impact children, adolescents, youth and adults lives in the school, work environments and in society as a whole.
We are the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) of Virginia. Our mission is to promote recovery and improve the quality of life of Virginians with mental illness through support, education, and advocacy. We envision a world free of stigma and discrimination where all people affected by mental illness get the help, hope, and support they need. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.