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Displaying 337–348 of 407

Creators Association

Creators Association is an organization of professionals dedicated to using art for personal growth and social change. It works with children, youth, adults, professional artists, people with disabilities and marginalized groups. Association of Creators creates an author's system for teaching emotional culture and leadership skills through the arts. Association of Creators is a non-profit organization aimed at people who develop in the arts and artistic psycho-social activities, practice them as a profession or hobby, want to develop as individuals and professionals and pass on knowledge to others.

Hearts of Epilepsy Foundation

Hearts of Epilepsy Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to providing effective tools and programs to improve the quality of life for children and families living with epilepsy. As your Advocate, we developed a deep appreciation for the need for further ongoing collaboration to address epilepsy and specific needs within our community. We've learned that many who are living with epilepsy, lives are impacted by various aspects; involving the fear of seizures, the dangerous side effects, which can lead a person to abandon normal activities; such as, cooking, cleaning, or pursuing long-term goals. Use of life-management, such as living day-to-day life is always a journey. Learning to live a normal life with epilepsy can be a struggle, but with the right treatments and care, it doesn't have to control your life. Epilepsy affects more than three million Americans directly, and sixty-five million worldwide.

Coopera - Jovenes para la cooperacion internacional al desarrollo

Coopera's MISSION is to carry out projects that improve the quality of life of our beneficiaries and contribute to reducing poverty and injustice in the world. We are committed to Education as the engine of progress. Access to education at any of its levels, education and professional training are the objective of our projects and are always present in them, whether they are educational or from other areas. We work in Development Cooperation Projects in African and South American countries in areas of education, training and professional training; in agricultural, environmental and food sovereignty projects. We work with communities and mainly with women. In Spain and Europe we mainly work on social awareness through Education for Development projects. For this we have our own Development Education Strategy. A third pillar of our activity is the Social Projects with which we try to promote people, especially women in long-term unemployment, from our immediate environment. We also work in health protection programs for children in Africa

Hope Health Action

Hope Health Action is a Christian charity passionate about facilitating sustainable, life-saving health and disability care to the world's most vulnerable, without any discrimination. We seek to put the call of Jesus into reality, loving others, as we would wish to be loved ourselves; bringing hope, health and action to the world's poorest. We equip local health systems in the most fragile states, empowering national staff and facilities to fulfill their vision, ensuring the world's poorest receive accessible, dignified and compassionate healthcare.

Averroes High School

Averroes High School is a community marked by collaboration, self-discovery, critical thinking, compassion, spirituality, and impassioned learning. Our goal is to transform the high school experience for the American teenager through providing a space that not only focuses on academic discipline, but prepares students for life. We believe that learning should be active and at Averroes we constantly strive to challenge students to discover their own potential. Academic excellence is demonstrated through rigorous engagement, comprehensive assessment and thoughtful self-evaluation. We honor the uniqueness of each individual and embrace diverse backgrounds to build a strong, inclusive community and to prepare students for lives in a multicultural society. Learning extends beyond the classroom to instill in students a sense of mission and purpose as citizens of the larger community and world. Students best grow in personal responsibility and self-worth in a school characterized by trust, honesty, mutual respect and more conduct. We are committed to reflection, evaluation, and innovation as a means to improve teaching and learning constantly.

Inclusion and Support Aprocor Foundation

Inclusion and Support Aprocor Foundation is a non-profit organization created in 1989. We support people with intellectual disabilities and their families. Our mission is to contribute to improve their quality of life, supporting their life plan and promoting a social inclusion model in all areas. We believe in each person, in their strengths, abilities and in their valuable contribution to society. We accompany them to exercise their rights to full citizenship. Our strategy is to inquire about their dreams, goals and their needs, so we can search for opportunities and offer the best support. Our aim is to be a fully centered person organization.

OneWorld Now

Oneworld now! was founded in Seattle, Washington in 2002. At that time, we launched a pilot program at Ingraham High School in North Seattle with just 12 students. Since then, own expanded to include students from every high school in the Seattle public school district and has served over 1,500 youth, most of whom are low-income and youth of color in the Seattle area. In addition, own expanded its full program to James Campbell high school, the largest public high school in Hawai‘i, in 2010. an innovative model underserved youth have historically had the least access to international learning opportunities. Oneworld now! Is making a significant difference in our students’ lives. Own was a pioneer when it was founded in a post-9/11 climate, yet our mission and vision seem just as critical today as it was back then! Own has been recognized as “one of the nation’s most innovative after school programs” by the jack kent cooke foundation, and the own founder, kristin hayden, was elected as an ashoka fellow for recognizing “innovative solutions and the potential to change patterns across society. ” own’s award-winning program model in seattle and hawai‘i offers a new and integrated approach to developing the next generation of global leaders. oneworld now! Is an award-winning and innovative social venture that exists to develop the next generation of global leaders. Own is committed to providing critical language skills, leadership training, and study abroad opportunities to underserved youth. We are innovative in that we are one of the only programs in the nation that spends at least one year preparing youth by providing language and leadership training to ensure their success abroad focuses on providing access to study abroad opportunities to mostly low-income youth and students of color teaches arabic, chinese and korean, three strategically important languages that are not typically offered in american public schools offer an integrated and holistic program of language, leadership, and study abroad increased access to critical language learning during and after school increased access to study abroad opportunities, especially to underserved youth promoting the “gap year” for all american youth to consider spending a year abroad volunteering and studying languages between high school and college oneworld now! Is developing global leaders by supporting our youth in being successful in all areas of their lives. Beyond the language, leadership, and study abroad program, own supports youth through mentorship, college prep, and networking for scholarships, internships, and career opportunities. Our passionate and committed staff, teachers, and volunteers reflect the oneworld now! Students, who inspire us every day. Together we are all working towards creating a world that acknowledges how we are all connected and all responsible for each other’s well-being. We are…oneworld…and the time to contribute positively is now! . oneworld now! ‘s vision is to increase access to international opportunities, namely critical language studies, leadership development, and study abroad to all american youth. Our award-winning program in seattle, washington demonstrates the successful implementation of our innovative program model of language, leadership, and study abroad for underserved youth, who have historically had the least access to these life-changing opportunities. Own works with students, teachers, parents, school districts, college and universities, and communities nationwide to support this vision.

Writers Without Margins

Our mission is to connect the rich literary traditions and resources of Greater Boston, building relationships among its artists and authors, by empowering, enabling, and amplifying the voices of unheard and underserved populations through free collaborative workshops, public readings, literary journals, video publications, and public exhibits that showcase their work and encourage personal reflection and re-vision, by both author and audience, while sharing their stories with the world. Our workshops are intended to expand access to literary arts for everyone, including those marginalized, stigmatized, or isolated by the challenges of addiction recovery, disability, trauma, sickness, injury, poverty, and mental illness.

PLAY International

PLAY International is a charity founded in 1999 on a conviction: sport is a source of solutions to our societal challenges. Its mission is to cocreate and implement education and inclusion projects for children and youth in vulnerable situations, using sport and sport games as educational tools. The NGO works in particular on issues such as access to and retention in school, gender equalitý, community reconciliation, health prevention, environmental education, living together, changing the way we look at disability... Since its creation, it has implemented educational and humanitarian projects, in France and internationally in 20 countries, for the benefit of nearly one million children.

St. George's Society of New York

One of the oldest charitable organizations in New York, St. George's Society (named after the patron saint of England) was founded by Englishmen living in New York in 1770 to celebrate St. George's Day and to assist fellow countrymen in need or distress. Over the years, SGS's assistance has taken a variety of forms: a bag of coal or a voucher to a woodpile to keep a family warm during the winter months; free ship passage on the White Star line back to England when the "American dream" did not work out for a spinster in 1898; a free hospital bed at St. Luke's Hospital for the ill (the average stay in 1927 was one month); a pawn ticket paid to retrieve a winter coat in 1904; assistance for "British War Brides" who found themselves in need upon their arrival in the United States in the 1940s and 1950s. Today, SGS has two main areas of philanthropic endeavor, a Beneficiary Program to assist disadvantaged New Yorkers of British and Commonwealth heritage, specifically the elderly, disabled and others in crisis; and a Scholarship Program for promising students enrolled at Lehman College, part of City University of New York (CUNY), in the Bronx. While the assistance SGS provides has changed over time, the purpose has remained the same - to help those who cannot help themselves. Since its founding 242 years ago, we have aided thousands of British and Commonwealth persons while striving to fulfill our mission statement: "Let mercy be our boast and shame our only fear." As a result of this unique record of charity, SGS has a close working relationship with the British Consulate-General in New York and for over a century each serving Consul-General has been SGS's Honorary President. His Royal Highness The Duke of Gloucester became SGS's Royal Patron in 2000. He takes an active interest in our work and has met several SGS scholars and beneficiaries on official visits to New York. SGS was also honored in 2000 with armorial bearings by the College of Arms in London, acting under the authority of the British Crown, to recognize the charity's long and respected history of aiding British and Commonwealth subjects in New York.

Fundacion Andres- Bello

Provide the necessary care and support for people with disabilities in a state of vulnerability, focused on preventive dental care, as well as on the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of oral and maxillofacial pathologies of children, youth, adolescents and adults with limitations, to improve their quality of life, and integration social. Brindar la atencion y el apoyo necesario para personas con discapacidad en estado de vulnerabilidad, enfocados en la asistencia odontologica preventiva, asi como tambien en el diagnostico, tratamiento y seguimiento de patologias bucales y maxilofaciales de ninos, jovenes , adolescentes y adultos con limitaciones, para mejorar su calidad de vida, e integracion social.

Charity Centre for Children and Youth Development

Charity Centre for Children and Youth Development exists to supporting HIV/AIDS education, Persons living with disabilities, orphans and vulnerable children, youth and women in Solwezi district of Zambia by providing them with, educational support (provision of school requisites and literacy materials), health and life skills and vocational Training. These enables disadvantaged members of our society live life of independence and contribute to the national economy. We envision a society that will work towards eradication of vulnerability and illiteracy among Orphans and vulnerable children, youths and women. The Organization's mission is to promote and enhance the capabilities of children, youth and women in Solwezi district and beyond to effect positive social change that would necessitate the development of their lives, communities and the nation at large.