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Nabe Foundation Of The National Association For Business Economics


American Friends of Un Techo para mi Pais (UTPMP)

VISION: A fair and poverty free society, where everyone has the opportunities needed to develop their capacities and fully exercise their rights MISSION: Work Tirelessly to overcome extreme poverty in slums, through training and joint action of families and youth volunteers. Furthermore, to promote community development, denouncing the situation in which the most excluded communities live. And lastly, to advocate for social policies with other actors in society. VALUES: Solidarity. It is an empathy with the most excluded families, which moves us to want to be and work alongside with them. Sharing their hardships and desires, to learn from their skills and perseverance, and to advocate against everything that excludes them and that does not recognize their rights as human beings. Conviction. To overcome poverty and injustice in our continent is possible. This certainty gives us the determination to work tirelessly and together with others to accomplish it. Placing challenging and high goals, as well as taking the necessary risks to go beyond all the fatalisms that surround us. Excellence. All of our work must be of high quality, given that it is intended for those less fortunate. Our work is rigorous, punctual, always creative and innovative. It is respectful of the commitments, perseverant in the face of difficulties, intelligent to recognize mistakes and correct them, and proactive in the search for solutions to the problems that arise along the way. Diversity. At TECHO, all young people are welcome, regardless of ethnic or social backgrounds, religious belief, political choices or sexual orientation. We are sure that our differences are an asset in joining forces for that which unites us: the fight against extreme poverty in our continent. Optimism. We look at the future with hope, without being naive, because we believe that it is possible to defeat the injustice that we see today. We move forward towards this future working with joy, because as young people we recognize what a privilege it is to dedicate our lives to make our world a more human and equal place for everyone.

Saharo Foundation

Saharo Foundation is a non partisan, non political, not for profit foundation based in the World with it's headquarters in United States. This Foundation is not based on religion, race, color or origin.

Bigkid Foundation

BIGKID Foundation is a multi-award-winning youth and community charity established in 2008; our mission is to end social exclusion and youth violence. We work with over 2,000 young people annually and are experts in youth engagement. We equip young people to take control of their lives, find, develop and act on their own potential. We do this through three core programmes: delivered across seven London boroughs: Community engagement - sports sessions including football, American flag football, boxing, basketball and tennis; youth club, music, visual arts and social action projects. Mentoring - both peer mentoring and with adult mentors. Breaking Barriers - our in-school leadership programme for young people at risk of exclusion, or otherwise vulnerable due to concerns around mental health or well-being.

Evrika Foundation

EVRIKA Foundation is a classical type foundation. It is a non-governmental, non-religious and non-political organization, legal entity according to the Bulgarian legislation. It is registered in the Central Register of the Ministry of Justice for the performance to the benefit of society. EVRIKA Foundation was established in 1990 by a number of state and public organizations with the aim to support talented children and young people in the implementation of projects in the field of science, engineering and management; to support young innovators and entrepreneurs; to disseminate scientific and engineering knowledge and knowledge in the field of economics; to help for the improvement of the material base for scientific and engineering work; to render support in education and specialization, as well as to promote international cooperation in the fields of science and engineering etc.

TAHUDE Foundation

TANZANIA HUMAN DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION (TAHUDE Foundation) under the Reg. No. ooNGO/00005851 is a non-profit making organization founded by Tanzanian individuals whose ambition is to utilize different talents of men and women who wish to effect positive changes in the lives of people. We serve as a BRIDGE between our partners and the needy community. For detailed information please kindly visit various pages of our website:

Amitabha Foundation

The Amitabha Foundation in the United States was incorporated in 1986 as a Public Benefit corporation and has been recognized as a bona fide non-profit organization since 1988. The mission of the Amitabha Foundation is two-fold: (1) to provide places to worship, practice and receive teachings on the unique religious tradition of Tibetan Buddhism; and (2) to support the preservation of Tibetan culture, and to promote the health, education and economic development of the Tibetan people worldwide.