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Autistic individuals are characterized by disorders of varying degrees of communication skills, social interactions and limited, stereotyped patterns of behavior. They are a "mosaic" of strengths, deficits and deviations. Sociocommunicative problematic is often combined with intellectual deficit, with delay in language development, with deficit of control on impulses and hyperactivity. Parents are also different resources (emotional, family, support systems) to cope with the social trauma inflicted on them. That's why we chose for ours: Mission: Especially important for people with developmental disabilities is, to have equal opportunities for development, equal chances for a dignified and independent life. Main goal: Bridging deficits through services, developing personal potential, consistent with the individual needs of everyone. A bit of our history: In 2011, parents of autistic individuals, friends and like-minded people, we established the Developmental Disabilities Foundation to improve the quality of life of individuals with developmental disabilities. Everything we do is to overcome the consequences of social trauma for persons with developmental problems and their relatives. By providing social services in the community, we aim to build self-reliance skills that promote social inclusion. We hold licenses for: therapy and rehabilitation; community work; training for the acquisition of work skills; support for the acquisition of work skills; informing and consulting; advocacy and mediation and day care. Each person is unique and has the right to happiness, equal opportunities to achieve it, equal chances for a dignified and independent life. That is why we created and are developing the Center for inclusive and non-formal education "Art and Jump". In the informal space of the Workshop, children and young people learn through experiences while working and having fun in the Wool and Textiles workshop, the Ceramics workshop and the Digital Competences workshop. We implement an innovative program of creative educational modules that develops cognitive skills, promotes personal development and increases motivation to face everyday challenges. As a team, we are clearly aware of social dignity and responsibility. Therefore, we strive for the formation of empathy, tolerance and acceptance of one's own and others' "differences" in the spirit of respect for human dignity and value in society. "Being different is a privilege" Autistic individuals need a variety of appropriate forms of support throughout their lives. Therefore, it is necessary to develop and implement individual projects for independent living for each of them. Our foundation pays the necessary attention to the group dynamics in order to build an interpersonal relationship and at the same time relationships in the social environment. We all know that in Bulgaria there is no network organization of services for people with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) at all ages. Therefore, one of the guiding principles in the management of our organization is to ensure the continuity of services for children, youth and adults. We are currently working with the Autism - Education, Future and Opportunities Association. Combining ideas, resources and tools, we have found an appropriate solution to the problem of the "child with autism in secondary school" challenge. We support the Association in their activities for the introduction of the Competent Learner (CLM) model. In the House we will further develop and upgrade the model "Workshop for the development of cognitive skills and increase the capacity for autonomy", as well as Dance-Motor Therapy for Psychosomatic Development, which we are currently implementing under the Program of Sofia Municipality for Social Innovations. We will apply innovative management, continuously and long-term, so that we can simultaneously meet social needs and create new social relationships and cooperation. Working with parents and siblings is another key moment in our planned activities. The effect of therapies and rehabilitation for people with developmental problems is insufficient if it is not integrated with psycho-social interventions with the whole family. Another important goal of ours is the creation of supported employment, employment support, and social enterprise for our users. We already have a working creative studio in ceramics, Art and Jump Workshop. We plan to develop resilience and create work skills in the field of applied arts for young people with disabilities.

School of arts for unprivileged children Dedal

The aim of Dedal has been to establish an art centre where children from disadvantaged backgrounds can overcome social isolation by developing their skills and talents. Dedal provides free classes in the art and sciences for children from orphanages, single-parent families, and foster families, as well as for children with minor disabilities. In addition to free access, the centre provides the diverse social environment necessary for promoting social integration. During their regular visits to Dedal, children work actively with professional artists and build lasting friendships with kids from diverse family backgrounds. Apart from participating in classes, the children enjoy multiple opportunities to present their achievements at public exhibitions. In addition to the association's prominent role as a diver of cultural and social development, and its political independence, Dedal is made unique by the voluntary service of all of its staff members

Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Puerto Rico Inc.

As a museum, MACPR upholds the highest standards of Collections Stewardship, Education and Interpretation, and Service to Underserved Communities. Exhibitions The Museum's exhibitions and publications program (primarily researched and designed in-house) hosts distinguished artists and important collective and anthological projects. Education MAC serves audiences of all ages through: the Museum/ School (pre -K through 12); Young Leaders: Artists in Action for the Community (young people 13 -16 years old); Independent Studies Program (for university/college students and professional artists); and Workshops for Seniors. The MAC also provides tailored services for people with autism and learning disability. MAC in the Barrio: From Santurce to Puerto Rico This extra mural program has residence in 23 low-income communities in San Juan, Guaynabo, Catano and Loiza, combining work by the Museum, artists, educators, urban community planners and residents aimed at empowering the communities and their causes, through art com missions that facilitate connections with community organizations, private business, and government development authorities.

Pallottine Missionary Foundation

Pallottine Missionary Foundation (Pallotynska Fundacja Misyjna is an NGO, based in Poland. We support social work of missionaries: kindergartens, schools, health centres, hospitals, nutritional centres, we also fund scholarships for Africans, who study in their own countries. We also organize a course for missionary volunteers, who go to the countries of Global South to help and share their experience. We help in Africa: Rwanda, D.R. Congo, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Rwanda, Uganda, Senegal, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Zanzibar; Asia: India, Syria, Lebanon, Sri Lanca; South America: Colombia, Cuba, Uruguay, Venezuela, Argentina. The Foundation was founded in 2008. We have a long story of support different projects like building maternity in Kigali, building schools in Bivouvue, Esse in Cameroon, supporting kindergartens in Rwanda and D.R. Congo, building schools in Brobo and Ahouaukro in Ivory Coast. We organize debates on hot international social topics with famous experts like Carl Wilkens for the USA, the only American who stayed in Rwanda during the genocide, Nagy el-Khouri from Lebanon, Juan Grabois from Papal Counsel Justicia et Pax and many more. We cooperate with business to help to develop entrepreneurship among Africans. What we take care most is the education of children as we know that is an effective way to help children. In the process of helping the faith doesn't matter - we help all the people in need, regardless their faith. In Africa and India we help in education of children of all faiths. We do not ask for it. Some years ago we helped muslim village in Bosnia which suffered during the big flood. So we don't divide people according to their faith.

Taghyeer Organization - We Love Reading

Taghyeer Organization/ We Love Reading Program is an innovative model that provides a practical, cost efficient, sustainable, grassroots approach empowering communities from low and mid income communities around the world to create changemakers through reading. WLR supports the activism of local volunteers to increase reading levels among children 2-10 by focusing on the readaloud experience to instill the love of reading for pleasure among children to become lifelong learners. We aim to create system change. We create changemakers by recruiting and training adults and youth from local communities to provide read-aloud sessions for local children in safe, public spaces. Each year, WLR volunteers read to tens of thousands of children in public parks, community centers, mosques and other faith-based settings, nurseries, refugee camps, and other locales. We serve diverse populations and communities irrespective of gender, religion, social status, disability, literacy level, educational experience, etc. The training is either implemented in face-to-face settings or via our online platform to allow reaching wider audience of people wanting to volunteer and become reading ambassadors.

Seitenwechsel Sportverein fur FrauenLesbenTransInter und Madchen e.V.

There are many sports clubs in Berlin. We are a sports club for women/lesbians, trans*, inter* and girls. SEITENWECHSEL was founded in 1988. Today our club is a queer-feminist learning and movement space, created by full-time staff and many volunteers. We want the participation and self-determination of womenLesbiansTrans*Inter* and girls in sports and otherwise. We fight against any form of discrimination. We reject any form of discrimination. We want to create the safest possible spaces for this. Everyone should feel comfortable with us. - What is especially important to us: - Gender self-definition counts. You decide how you want to be addressed. - You decide your name and your pronoun. We mutually accept how people want to be addressed. Names and pronouns (like other things) can change. - There are many ways people are excluded. For example, there is racism, classism, and disability discrimination. No one form of discrimination is more important than another. Different forms of discrimination can work together. - We would like to see a conscious approach to discrimination in the club. The language in the sports groups should appeal to all people. It should not exclude any people.

Vaga Lume Association

Vaga Lume Association is a Brazilian non-profit organization founded in 2001 grounded in the belief that investing in people is the best way to transform a reality. Its mission is to create opportunities for cultural exchange by reading, writing and orality, valuing the empowerment of people and rural communities of the Brazilian Legal Amazon region. Vaga Lume works in 160 rural communities (indigenous, riverside, roadside, rural settlement people or quilombolas - Brazilian with African descent) of 23 municipalities in the Brazilian Legal Amazon region, which encompasses nine federal states (Acre, Amapa, Amazonas, Maranhao, Mato Grosso, Para, Rondonia, Roraima and Tocantins), occupies 59% of the Brazilian territory and has 20 million people (12% of the Brazilian population). Despite the fact that education and culture are basic social rights, protected by the Brazilian Constitution and under human rights international treaties ratified by Brazil, its access and implementation in the Amazon region are very limited. It is one of the poverty zones in Brazil - with a GDP per capita 30% lower than the national value - where 42% of the population survives with less than US$ 5.00 a day. Due to the outstanding impact of Vaga Lume's work in the region, the organization is recognized by many international and national awards such as the Juscelino Kubitschek Award of Merit for Regional Development in Latin America and the Caribbean given by the Inter-American Development Bank (2009); the Millennium Development Goals Award, conferred by the United Nations and the Brazilian government (2005); the Vivaleitura Award, from the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Education (2008); and the Chico Mendes Environment Award, given by the Ministry of Environment (2006 and 2008). In 2011, Vaga Lume received its most important recognition: the 4th place at the Intercultural Innovation Award, conferred by United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) and the BMW Group. As an awardee, in 2012, Vaga Lume was welcomed to the World Intercultural Facility for Innovation (WIFI), a network formed by the UNAOC, the BMW Group and the ten 2011 winners. Through this network, the UNAOC and the BMW Group challenged all winners to replicate and scale up their actions to promote intercultural dialogue and offered training, consultancy and institutional support to assist organizations to accomplish such results.

International Education Network dba Palliative Care Network

Mission: Palliative Care Network is dedicated to alleviating the suffering of patients who are combating serious illnesses through open access education for professionals worldwide. Vision: Palliative Care for Everyone, Everywhere Chronic diseases are the leading cause of mortality in the world, representing 60% of all deaths. 35 million people died from chronic disease in 2005. These include heart disease, stroke, cancer, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes. 80% of chronic disease deaths occur in low and middle income countries (1). Healthcare professionals lack appropriate training to care for patients as a "whole" and, in particular, fall short in skills to care for patients with diseases with poor prognosis. Quite often, patients receive poor end-of-life care, even in societies with technologically advanced healthcare. Ultimately, patients experience unnecessary pain and suffering during treatment of disease and at the end-of-life. Palliative Care Network (PCN) aims to address pain and suffering more effectively through education. PCN provides a FREE, online, educational platform for palliative care professionals. Registration on the website and access to materials remains free of charge allowing those who have limitations to remain abreast of palliative care trends. Expert interviews, lectures, presentations, posters, etc. are voluntarily shared on the PCN Community. Participants from Harvard share the same platform with palliative care providers from developing countries in Africa, landlocked Nepal and Mongolia, etc. PCN evens out the platform for palliative care professionals worldwide. The multiple projects initiated by PCN not only help the professional community in assisting patients and their families but allow palliative care providers to encourage each other. The PCN Directory lists professionals from around the globe interested in collaborating to exchange knowledge and information. For example, using the PCN Directory, an Indian physician connected with an American social worker to share cultural issues, myths, and norms about palliative care, grief, and loss. Additional success stories include collaborations with a professor of sociology, nurse, and a producer/director.

Garden State Equality Education Fund

Established in 2004, Garden State Equality (GSE) is the largest LGBT education and advocacy organization in New Jersey and one of the most successful statewide civil rights organization for the LGBT community in the nation. Our services include advocacy, policy work, and trainings. Our signature programs are: Map & Expand, Pledge & Protect, and Teach & Affirm. In collaboration with community partners, Garden State Equality led efforts to ensure nondiscrimination for transgender people and gender nonconforming people in New Jersey, we passed the most comprehensive anti-bullying law in the country, ended sexual orientation and gender identity/expression change efforts in New Jersey (sometimes called conversion therapy), and brought marriage equality to the Garden State! All our current work is informed by racial, economic, and disability justice concerns. We are working to address safe environments for youth, improvement of health services that meet LGBT community needs, and respectful treatment of seniors. Beyond that, Garden State Equality supports New Jersey's activist community by bringing an LGBT lens to the shared struggle for justice. Garden State Equality Education Fun, Inc. is a member of the Equality Federation, a non-profit under the IRS Code Section 501(c)(3), and has achieved a platinum seal of transparency from Guidestar (See

Haiti Orphanage Project Espwa Ltd

Our mission is to help ordinary people in crisis. Our experiences of visiting orphanages in Haiti convinced us that we could make a difference and at the very least we should try. Utilizing the wide range of skills of our volunteers in focused and efficient project delivery allows us to directly improve life for Haiti's vulnerable children. We are a non-denominational, non-governmental and non-political organisation. All the work carried out is on a voluntary basis, with the team giving freely of their time and expertise. Fundraising is channeled into project costs including materials, labour costs and equipment. All volunteers pay their own flight and accommodation costs. There are no salaries or administration costs and as a result, 100% of all donations go directly to our projects in Haiti. From August 2011 to Easter 2015 we had been working on an island off the south coast of Haiti called Ill A Vache at the l'Oeuvre St. Francois D'Assises Orphanage. The orphanage is home to 70 children, thirty of whom are severely disabled and upwards of twenty need daily physiotherapy treatment. During our time there, ESPWA planned and completed a number of different projects at the orphanage including an extension to the physiotherapy room, a medical room extension, a washroom, showers and toilets, wheelchair access paths and ramps, and general building works. We also shipped a restored tractor and trailer, plough, harrow and concrete mixer to the island and donated it to the orphanage. All of our projects employ local men and women to help with the work, with the intention of training and also creating employment and income for the local village and surrounding areas. Great friendships have been forged over the years, through broken English, Haitian Creole and French. Since Easter 2015 ,our volunteers have travelled at least twice a year to another Orphanage in Kenscoff, high up in the mountains over Port au Prince, run by Gena Heraty, a Mayo native, and improved the infrastructure within by putting in place 100s of cubic metres of wheelchair access paths and ramps. There are over 300 children and young adults living in the orphanage with more than 40 children with severe disabilities. We have a huge programme of work ongoing for this orphanage and will have for years to come. As part of this programme , as of October 2022, we have sent 40 container loads of much needed humanitarian aid , medical supplies and a wide range of vital equipment to our friends in Haiti and when emptied the containers have been converted into a house, classroom, outreach centre, clinic and storage lockup. The total cost of buying , filling and transporting a container is approximately 10,000 and any help you can give us either as an individual ,employee matching scheme or Corporate support would be most appreciated. Please remember we are all Volunteers , we have no employees , Volunteers pay ALL of their own expenses such as flights and accommodation so every cent you donate goes to those who need it most. For more information on the work we do, and how YOU can help, please visit Facebook page : Project ESPWA (Haiti Orphanage Project Espwa )or (

New Agriculture New Generation Non Profit Civil Law Company

"New Agriculture New Generation" is a non-profit organization, which aims to create career and entrepreneurship opportunities for youth in the Agrifood sector in Greece. The organization was founded in 2018 under the initiative and with the founding support of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) as part of its "Recharging The Youth" program. The initiative started in 2018, led by Rutgers University (the state university of New Jersey), in collaboration with the Agricultural University of Athens and the American College of Agriculture. In October 2020, the initiative evolved into a Non-profit Civil Law Company based in Greece, expanding its activities and partner network while maintaining close collaboration with Rutgers University which is our strategic and technical advisor. We are a catalyst for innovation in the Agrifood ecosystem in Greece. We enable empowerment of youth and support the revitalization of the sector through. We build capacity, expand advisory networks, nurture innovation, support business development, and encourage collaboration and dialogue through programs and initiatives which focus on four major pillars: 1. Workforce Development, 2. Entrepreneurship and Innovation Support, 3. Rural Development (Programs restarting agricultural economy in disaster-stricken areas and stimulating regional development), 4. Strategic Initiatives (Initiatives addressing and mitigating climate change effects on the agrifood sector). We have built a wide network of partners, embracing the entire ecosystem of knowledge, entrepreneurship, and innovation across the agrifood sector in Greece. Furthermore, we work closely with all the Greek Academic Institutions and Research Centers, institutional, public, and private bodies. Our dynamic role in the agrifood ecosystem is acknowledged through our participation in several advisory groups to the Greek Ministry of Rural Development and Food, as well as in relevant working groups and committees of the Hellenic-American and the Hellenic-German Chamber of Commerce & Industry. Since 2018, we have empowered more than 29.600 young farmers, producers, entrepreneurs, graduates and other professionals, through our capacity building, entrepreneurship, and regional development programs as well as through natural disaster relief initiatives (Fire relief initiative for Northern Evia, Initiative to support the stock farmers of Karditsa, affected by Cyclone Ianos). We have implemented more than 50 capacity building programs and we have supported more than 100 SMEs, family and start - up businesses and cottage industries, and over 300 professional trainers, mentors and advisors. Our socioeconomic and environmental impact: 94% of our beneficiaries have improved their existing farming and technical processes, more than 44% of our beneficiaries have invested in the development of new products and services, more than 36% of businessowners/self-employed beneficiaries reduced their environmental footprint, 16.8 million is the total value created from our operations and 10.9 million created from our beneficiaries in the Greek economy. Our estimated economic leverage effect in the real economy is x3.6 (for each 1 euro spent by the organization, 3.6 is generated in the Greek economy). Furthermore, our organization has adopted 13 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), while our activities are aligned with ESG criteria. We offer unique value to the ecosystem and we are a trusted and effective ecosystem builder: 1. Transferring knowledge from the best. Capacity to mobilize the best scientific and professional resources from Greece, Rutgers University and other international institutions. 2. Building communities of dynamic young farmers and agrifood entrepreneurs Developing sector- and location-based synergies across Greece. Goodwill and capacity for collaboration with our alumni. 3. Developing and implementing in-house expertise and unique Methodologies Supporting rural development by empowering the agrifood economy in business and entrepreneurship support. 4. Extensive, active network of knowledge providers. Impactful current collaborations with all academic and research institutions in Greece, top industry professionals and consultants, and thriving businesses and cooperatives. 5. Credibility. Trust and support from renowned and respected international organizations, such as the Stavros Niarchos Foundation, Folloe Foundation, ActionAid. 6. Flexibility. Capacity to respond to the sector's needs in an agile, transparent and effective way. 7. Competent team. Combining different disciplines and knowhow, ability to work well in collaboration with other organizations, domestic and international. 8. Positive reputation. Good awareness of the organization across the sector and positive reputation In 2022, NANG has been: 1. Acknowledged as best practice by the European Commission DG Agri and invited in the "Vocational Education and Training for Agriculture in Transition" event in Brussels. Also, NANG was represented in the "Workshop on Young entrepreneurs - Engines of innovation in rural areas" in Dublin. 2. Selected among the top 30 non-profit organizations in 10 countries to collaborate with 3M / PYXERA Global within the 3M Global Impact Program, for "Integrating ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) principles with the strategic vision and operational sustainability of NANG"; 3. Selected for collaboration in 2023 with the Iraq-based, newly established MERG Foundation, implementing women empowerment programs focused in rural areas of Iraqi Kurdistan; 4. Acknowledged for its impactful work in Greece by the General Fisheries Commission of the Mediterranean (GFCM), Food and Agriculture Organization, United Nations (FAO), and invited to attend the International Workshop on Algae Cultivation and Innovation in Saudi Arabia; 5. Exploring synergies with GFCM, regarding developing programs in the Mediterranean, locally adapting NANG methodologies on knowledge transfer and community building, collaborating and empowering local stakeholders.

Chattering Children

Established in 1999, Chattering Children's mission is to equip children with hearing loss and their families with a foundation for lifelong learning through listening and spoken language, and to integrate them into a hearing world. Chattering Children currently serves children with hearing loss (some of whom also have visual, motor and/or learning disabilities) who in live Washington, DC, northern Virginia and the Maryland suburbs. Chattering Children provides ongoing educational and clinical services to children with hearing loss throughout their growth and development, as well as coaching and education to their families. Left untreated, hearing loss in early childhood causes a cascade of other delays in language, cognition and social development. Early intervention is imperative if children with deafness are to overcome the challenge posed by the lack of access to sound early in life. Universal newborn hearing screening was heralded as a huge advancement in treating hearing loss because age at intervention is clearly linked with improved outcomes. But, each year the CDC reports that approximately one-third of all children identified through universal newborn hearing screening are lost to follow-up. Those children who do not receive early intervention are destined for a lifetime of poor outcomes. We would like to reach more infants and children who are in need of our services due to limited access to diagnostic testing centers and long waits at centers properly equipped to test infants. Chattering Children is pursuing funding to upgrade audiological equipment that will enable us to provide diagnostic testing for newborns and young children with complex cases who have been identified to have hearing loss, but lack access to timely intervention. The equipment we hope to acquire is portable, enabling Chattering Children to work with local agencies and clinicians to provide screenings across the metropolitan area, meeting these children and their families where they live, eliminating access, travel and transportation obstacles.