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Displaying 373–384 of 526

International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care (IAHPC)

Mission Our Mission is to collaborate and work to improve the quality of life of patients with advanced life-threatening conditions and their families, by advancing hospice and palliative care programs, education, research, and favorable policies around the world. We achieve this by: facilitating and providing palliative care education and training opportunities for care providers acting as an information resource for professionals, health care providers and policy makers developing collaborative strategies for hospice and palliative care providers, organizations, institutions and individuals

Fundacion Helping Hands-La Paz (Bolivia)

The mission of the Fundacion Helping Hands-La Paz (Bolivia) is to open up educational opportunities for marginalized and vulnerable Bolivian youth of scarce economic resources so that they may complete a programme of studies to become technicians or university graduates. Education is the focus of the Fundacion Helping Hands -La Paz (Bolivia), and we hope to broaden the horizons of our young people by providing new experiences and activities. Helping Hands works with several orphanages, social projects and international organizations to give these young people the opportunity to educate themselves and become more productive and responsible citizens. In particular we work with girls who, traditionally, have been marginalized as far as upper education is concerned. Our project began in an informal way in 2004 to give support to the 48 boys who had to leave the state boys' home at the age of 18 and they had not yet finished high school. We provided rent support, school materials, moral support and help with documentation so that the boys could finish high school. The project grew to include studies in technical schools and universities when the boys had finished high school and in 2006 we expanded to include girls from the many social projects in La Paz and El Alto. In 2014 our project was formalized with the creation of the Fundacion Helping Hands - La Paz (Bolivia) and we now support 100 students from the ages of 15 to 25 of which 65% were girls in 2017. The Fundacion Helping Hands-La Paz (Bolivia) also provides medical and dental care for the students to insure their permanency in their programmes of study. There is no universal health care in Bolivia, and the costs of health care can be devastating for those lacking economic resources. Students are required to attend monthly meetings where we provide talks on many themes of interest to young people in order to provide a more integral personal development. We invite speakers in the areas of education in reproductive health, the environment, values, general health, living without violence, and written expression. We organize outings to museums and other cultural activities. We feel that in order for an underdeveloped country to progress it must provide education for all of its citizens. Education is one of the keys to eradicating poverty.

The Fregenet Foundation

To provide early educational opportunities to needy children and to create conditions that will help them succeed in life. To promote early education as a means to overcome poverty, reduce AIDS, gender inequality and political oppression. To setup schools to be used not only as centers of education, but as community resources and health centers for the benefit of students, their families and the community in which they are located. To establish bonds between our students in Ethiopia and children all over the world by sponsoring music, travel, language and cultural education programs.

The GOD'S CHILD Project

The GOD'S CHILD Project's mission is "to break the bitter chains of poverty through education, housing and healthcare." While GOD'S CHILD is rooted in education and health-care, we aim to support the communities we serve at every level of development. Through our wide range of programs, we help children and families living in extreme poverty to meet their basic needs and find a restored sense of hope, self-worth and human dignity. Religious affiliation is not a requirement for any program services.

Concordia Welfare and Education Foundation

MISSION: Concordia Welfare & Education Foundation is a Hong Kong based non-profit organization founded by Lutheran Christians and dedicated to improving the lives of impoverished rural communities in Asia through education and service. We partner with local communities, organizations and governments to identify sources of poverty and implement programs in the areas of education and community health. We believe education creates opportunities for people to change their lives and create a new future. VISION: Thriving communities, serving and inspiring hope in others.

Changing Tides Foundation

CTF was born from the idea that the world would be a better place if we were all given the opportunity to give back. Established by a group of water women, we feel it is our calling to help others by teaming up with local organizations globally to raise awareness and address social, environmental, health and safety concerns in the places we visit. We aim to bridge the gap between the traveler and our projects enabling travelers to add a life-changing experience to their journeys and add purpose to travel.

Dunyoi rushdi jomea

Our vision is: Each individual is a contributing member to a thriving society The main goal of the organization is to assist rights-holders (people with disabilities) access all rights as ensconced in the UNCRPD The main objectives are: • to improve the social well-being of the population • to provide assistance to vulnerable groups • to assist in the development of resilient civil society through education • to assist in promoting human rights, public health and social and economic development. These aims are in accordance with the National Development Strategy of the Republic of Tajikistan for the period up to 2030.

Charitable Organization Youth Charity Fund NEXT

We strive to build a world that respects the rights of every person, where all young people, regardless of their differences, have the opportunity to reach their full potential, and where their abilities and positive contributions as leaders of change are recognized. Help those who need it the most! Basic goals Expanding the economic rights and opportunities of young people Access to education and health services for young people Improvement of young people's access to a good and productive employment Countering and preventing cases of domestic and gender-based violence

Artists for Literacy

Artists for Literacy: AFL’s mission is to influence community, public, and private sector support for literacy. We engage artists in the issue of literacy and channel their contributions into effective awareness and education tools. We advocate for literacy as defined by the capacity to understand, interpret and communicate effectively in order to participate in one's community and wider society. This includes our commitment to advocating life-long learning, reading comprehension, media literacy, health literacy and financial literacy. Arresting Knowledge is our current project.


Gruppo Aleimar is a non-profit voluntary organization that deals with children and families in need both in Italy and abroad, through the Distance Support, projects of development and awareness-raising and human development activities on the Italian territory. The main areas of our development projects are: 1. Education: taking charge of children in family (natural or adoptive), in foster homes and shelters, schooling and vocational training. 2. Health and hygiene awareness: support to clinics and / or hospitals, funding of surgical operations, seminars for young mothers. 3. Women promotion: start-up of agriculture and livestock, creation of production cooperatives, micro-credit financing. 4. Rural villages' development: water well, kindergarten, solar energy for light and water pumps. 5. Women' refuge and social housing for families in temporary need. The Aleimar Group is active today in 12 countries (Benin, Brazil, Colombia, D.R. Congo, Eritrea, India, Italy, Malawi, Palestine, Kenya, Lebanon, Zambia) with more than 50 projects and takes care directly of 600 children (what we call distance support) and, indirectly, of other 2,500 children that we follow within our projects. The Group comprises Aleimar for overseas project; Tuendelee for Italian projects and Prema, a cooperative for mentally disabled youth. The Group hires five people and relays on the voluntary service of 140 people. Its annual turnover is abt.1,2 million euro and overhead cost is less than 10%. Its balance sheet is checked and approved by internal auditors. We have been granted a seal of quality "Donare con fiducia" by the Istituto Italiano Donazione. Its web sites are: and In 30 years of activity the Group has helped more than 10.000 children/families, has built more than 100 foster homes, orphanages, schools and water wells.

American Friends of the Spafford Children's Center

The mission of the Spafford Children's Center (SCC) is to bring healing, hope, and prosperity to Palestinian children and their families in Jerusalem and the West Bank by offering programs and services that increase health in mind, body, and spirit. The mission of the American Friends of the Spafford Children's Center Fund (AFSCCF) is to support the SCC by raising funds in the United States. AFSCCF activities are implemented by a volunteer board of directors. AFSCCF pays no staff salaries and no overhead so that all funds, minus direct expenses like printing and postage, can be sent to SCC.

Dragon Divas

The mission of the Dragon Divas is to demonstrate that a full and active life is possible following the diagnosis of breast cancer. The organization provides an opportunity for members to connect with other breast cancer survivors in a supportive environment to enhance their physical, emotional, and spiritual health. The Dragon Divas are dedicated to promoting the early detection of breast cancer and raising awareness in the community of the importance of physical fitness in fighting this disease. Through our message and action, the Dragon Divas honor the memory of those who have died from the disease and the blessings they have bestowed on our survivorship.