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Green land Group

The program mission is well dedicating to the well community informed, community with free from poverty and community with green climate. The project which is named as the forest restoration and food production is the mission which is investing in poverty alleviation in the community and food production through restoration of both forest landscape and agricutural lands which belonging to the small holder farmers in the community of Lushoto district. Due to the presence of deference deforestation activities in the community of Lushoto district especially at the one among of forest reserve which is known as the Magamba forest reserve which is the reserve that has been degradated and received massive deforestation due to the presence of huge charcoal burning, presence of lumbering industry at the forest has resulted to the degradation of the Magamba forest reserve which more than 12 Hector's each year is loosing due to these activities. These has therefore affected the agricutural activities in the community of Lushoto district where by 25% of agriculture activities has been decreasing since 2017. The problem has seems to cause poverty and hunger due to the reductions of soil fertility and reductions of the land productivity at the farmers plots. Through this problem has caused hard difficult to more than 1000 woman's at the community of Lushoto district where by 55% of woman's at three villages are widows and adults who are suffering from this poverty and hunger which has been caused by these actions of soil degradation and deforestation of forest landscape and agricutural lands. Due to these problems the program has been invest the energy to remove this action such as: The project has decided to combat these activities through production of fruits tree and hard woods trees to the farmers especially more woman's who are widows and adults where we are going to produce more than 50000 native trees .The 30000 trees will be produced and planted to the Magamba forest reserve which has been degradated to restore it's biordevesty and allow proper soil strength. Also 20000 is going to be produced as fruits trees such as avocados fruits, apples, macadamia nuts, peaches, which is going to be supplied to the more than 1000 woman's at the Lushoto district community to increase the soil fertility of their agricutural land and to increase land productivity for the purpose of develop their agricutural harvesting and generate their income. Also this program is going to engage establishment of organic food gardens to the 500 disability woman's at their farms land such as spinach, carrots, tomatoes to increase the nutrition and to develop their economic situation due to the fact that the gardens are economic favorite to the community nutrition. Since the project is aiming to reduce poverty and allow the food production we are also going to develop irrigation system at the farmers land to those who we will develop the vegetables gardens to enable them access easy irrigation system through trapping of flowing water and collection of dams which are around the farmers plots. The project is also going to make sure that it's develop the mission through the training and awerness rising to the farmers where by farmers are going to be trained on: Well crop rotation Well crop diversity Well crop management Agroforestry development Water harvesting and animals husbandry Through this it will provide education and learning to the farmers who will turn there behavior and applied these well method of farming without destroy the natural resources. Also through this program the project is engaging the groups like youths, local schools,land owners. Through engagement of school students the project is going to engage more than 10 schools which will touch more than 500 students to train them on how to produce seedlings and how to maintain then. The project will opening different micro nursery trees in the 10 schools for more education and learning to increase the restoration knowledge to the students and their teachers where by 1000 trees are expected to be produced in each school for more Plantations at their school surrounding and some will be taken to their home for more agroforestry plantations. Also the program is going to use 4 workshop annually and opening 10 environment and food production clubs at school and frequently debates to increase the skills and scaling up the idea of forest landscape restoration and food production. The project is also using conference with land owners, government authorities and other stakeholders who we are discussing on how to cover the problem which is covering our community. Also this is dealing with discussion with land owners on how to practice sustainable use of land during their land consumption. Also water resources conservation is the project mission where by the project is generate and contribute to the 3 water resources which has been degradated and which are dependable by farmers for their plots irrigation and their vegetables irrigation through this fact the project through the partnership with global giving is going to conserve 7 water resources which has been degradated by different calamities including allowing of livestock passing and cutting down of the natives trees that surrounding the water resources . This will be through removing of invasive speceis and plastic materials and bags at the farmers water resources to develop the irrigation system to their agricutural plots and the whole community. Through the population engagement in this project activities such as tree planting, awarness and education provision will help to alleviate the poverty and develop the agricutural activities through empowerment of woman's in agroforestry empowerment.

Asd Sportinzona Melina Miele

Sportinzona Melina Miele is a sport association that was born in 2010 in order to promote social inclusion trough sport. It was founded by people that want to make a change in their community. The founders, the board members and the staff have in common the passion for sports and a background as social workers or civil right's activism or as a volunteer of the organization. CONTEST ANALYSIS In Milan there are nearly 114,000 young adults between 11 and 20 years old, around 24,000 among them come from a foreign country. A large portion of it does not have access to sport for economic, social and cultural reason and this build higher barriers on the path of integration and cohesion, especially for migrant young generations. Moreover, in the last years it has been noted a serious abandonement of sport practice in younger generations, with negative consequences on their health and socialization with other young people and opening to disadvantage bringing in some cases to the increase of negative behaviours. (From the 2017 Special Eurobarometer on Sport and physical activity emerged that Italy is not one of the best perfomer. The 62% of the of respondents never exercise or play sport and just the 1% are the most likely to exercise or play sport regularly, which is the lowest rate in EU.) There is a real need to promote sport not just as a way to improve physical appereance, as it is perceived for the 33% of respondents of the report, but as a vehicle of well being, inclusion and social values. The organization aims to convert this perception through a series of communication and empirical activities that will impress the audience. It aims to demonstrate the positive effects from which people can benefit (making sport/physical activity a part of their everyday lives, spending time with disadvantage people and new citizens) as individual and part of a community. One of the aim of our projects is to develop an exchange relationship between sport societies and socio-educational subjects which will have the following effects: - creating more sport opportunities for young generations living in the city, especially disadvantaged urban areas, in order to foster their access to social rights; - breaking down access barriers to sport societies for disadvantaged young people and encouraging the creation of a varied context from a social and cultural point of view; - innovating the sport associations and societies approach by enhancing the educational and inclusive feature carachterising the relational dimension of sport. In the last years we found on the field that in order to do an ficient educational work with kids, playing soccer, volleyball, rugby or basketball is the first step for the beginning of a important human relationship. MISSION SPORTINZONA seeks to address the main Milan's city urban challenges of the inequities, polarized communities,as well as micro/macro segregation emerging in all the Milanese areas. For this reason, sport could be identified as a complementary and integrated means to face them. To furtherly implement those aspects, there is a need of three types of experienced professionists: sport technicians, educators and volunteers specifically trained on those aspects. Generally speaking, according to the Agenda 2030 of the United Nations , the practice of sport and the incentivation of sports through the event will contribute to sustainable development and to the establishment of a climate of peace, tolerance and respect among people. vertheless, the entire event will support the rising of awareness among younger generations on the social potential that sport practice can generate bringing to: new and more traditional ways of socializing, creation of a greater sense of ownership to the community, respect and knowledge of different cultures, respect of common rules and civic engagement, incentivation to volunteering actions, affirmation of new non-formal places and methods of educating youth. In particular sport will allow to raise awareness on the importance of policy geneder toright the message that sport is accessible to everybody: man, female, disadvantaged and disabled people and new citizens. As indirect effect our projects tackles the issues of: early school drop out, cohesion and fight against racism and xenophobia, respect of civic obligations and rules avoiding disaffection to institutional life, alongside with the topic of healthy standards of life (avoidance of drug abuse, healthy eating habits, healthy non web based socialization options). OBJECTIVES The main objectives of the projects are: 1. Experimenting an integrated and multidisciplinary practice combining different fields of intervenction; 2. Encouraging the development of a methodology that allows the enhancement of sport as an educational opportunity that contaminates both the skills and knowledge of the educators and sports technicians; 3. Organizing events; 4. Encouraging the development of "sport as a means of social inclusion city policy" with the public administration-private ngo's stakeholders network 5. Offering opportunities for sports to people who are usually excluded due to access barriers; 6. Support social inclusion processes by promoting the possibility of creating new groups in which subjects from different cultural and social backgrounds meet and compare sport as a cross community action and instrument. ACTIVITIES Sportinzona would like to be an infrastucture to fill the gap. The organization is working with professional educators, pedagogists, sociologists, psichologists, trainers, with specific formal training and certified sport skills with the following activities: 1) build networks for social projects that use sports as a tool and opportunity for a better reach of kids with disadvantage backgrounds. 2) organization of sport activities such as team trainings, tournaments events in the outskirt areas of Milan's city. 3) setting a No League sport-educative methodolgy that has an important educative impact, using sport has the main efficienct tool. 4) acrivities in order to promote a change in the grassroot's sport culture where the differences can be a richness for all. Meetings, trainings workshops, conferences. 5) activities thet promote innovation in the working methods, giving voice to the actors and to the the participants in the evaluation process. European projects, multi tasking events with music, culture, sport engaging the No League community in the organization. 6) engage the trainers, educators, kids and family in a community path where everybody is important and connected trough links over the sport field into other life's fields 7) active citizenship activities for the community, involving the actors of the projects in different and changing roles during the different phases of the projects. From being an athlete and player, kids can become trainers and referees as soon as they get older and they still want to support the organization's programs. The organization will provide trainings and tools in collaboration with the national and local sports federations, universities, schools etc. Our organization has one main umbrella project: No League, with different targetted projects: No League social games, No League all star, No League@school, sport4trotter. The project NO LEAGUE, use sport as a tool to promote positive values such as inclusion, equality, cooperation, respect and solidarity. Within an integrated public-private system, we seek to see a change in the approach to sport by breaking down silos and taking a more streamlined and holistic method, especially for what concern the creation of an integration between social service and sport. The idea is to develop a multidisciplinary board combining the capacity building of the public stakeholders, the academic know-how and the expertise of sport and social-educational territorial subjects. Being together is the prerequisite for a better inclusion, because it is evident now more than ever that it is possible to overcome challenges only if "no one is left behind". To do this it is necessary to create a network that aggregates the most relevant players in Milan, not only in sport field.


Teen-Turn addresses the numbers of third level qualifications, particularly those related to STEM, attained by women from disadvantaged and underrepresented communities. Teen-Turn achieves this by providing--from when participants are teenagers--ongoing hands-on experiences, exposure to consistent, invested role model mentors and long-term support through alumnae career development opportunities. ***** Teen-Turn aims to influence course decision-making processes, inform participants on education and career options, and combat stereotypes by strategically changing how girls from disadvantaged and underrepresented communities identify with STEM career environments through mentored summer work placements, after school activities and alumnae opportunities. Programming begins with a work placement in the summer after Junior Cert, during which participants are exposed to projects, introduced to role models and begin to blog about their time so that we can evaluate the effect of the experiences. From there, the girls have the option to join after school activities which include science projects for BTYSE/SciFest, the creation of a social enterprise and app development for Technovation, homework/grinds clubs, or related events like learning camps and incubators with company partners. Once participants have completed secondary school, they enter into our alumnae network--which offers numerous events to meet with fellow Teen-Turn participants, mentors who are women working in STEM roles, and career advisors all there to help with qualification completion and to build a professional network. What we do is empower our participants-to identify a STEM interest, to be supported in the pursuit of mastering skills and gaining qualifications related to that interest, and then provided the connections and social capital and ongoing reinforcement to develop a STEM career from that interest. We call it our 'Junior Cert to Job' commitment. ***** Our proposition is that more girls acquiring in-demand STEM skills will result in more women employed in STEM careers, addressing skills shortage, gender ratio and social inclusion challenges. This is done by initially introducing STEM careers through work experience, followed by after school STEM activities including science projects and app development, then bolstered by STEM club involvement and ongoing STEM learning, exam support, discussion and debate events and career workshops. NOTE: All activities, other than work placements, were successfully brought online during COVID-19 restrictions and can again if the need arises. Core Project Elements Summer Work Experience: girls in the summer after Junior Cert (aged 15) are introduced to STEM career environments at companies located near their homes; during this experience they are introduced to female role models, work on an actual project, learn to visualize themselves in a STEM workplace, and gain an understanding of the companies flourishing in their neighborhood thereby crossing what is often a corporate/community divide. After School Activities: (1) Project Squad, 13 weeks in autumn, participants learn about the scientific method, research methodology, experimentation, data collection, results reporting and visual presentations while mentored on projects of their own design by industry and academic women-in-STEM; (2) Technovation, 13 weeks in spring, participants learn how to build a business plan and develop a mobile app that addresses a community problem, including design thinking, scrum/lean methodology, market research, pitch and demo presentations, and computer programming principles such as loops, conditionals, variables, and databases again while mentored on projects of their own design by industry and academic women-in-STEM. Clubs: (1) Grinds, year round, senior cycle and exam support is provided on a fortnightly basis by university students imparting techniques for studying and improving habits and following NCCA curriculum materials; (2) Groundwork, year round, participants engage in ongoing person centered planning activities through monthly sessions conducted online by trained mentors who work with beneficiaries to develop plans that establish individual goals and what is needed in terms of support to achieve them with additional quarterly personal development workshops-this activity is particularly effective with those from our cohort who have disabilities. Term Break Camps (1) Incubators, during autumn and winter mid-term breaks, teams from our afterschool who produce work that could go into production/to market or, at the very least, be developed into a minimal viable product learn about and work on a strategy for commercializing their inventions or apps; (2) Devising Week, during Easter break, 'devising' for participants means to plan or invent for a four day period when learning skills, mentoring and career experience are combined to deliver instruction in using technologies to problem solve in ways that are relevant to and currently being done in industry. Alumnae Opportunities: girls who have completed secondary school can participate in offerings that are designed to be social and enable the building of support and professional networks including debate and discussion events, scholarship information and application workshops, CV, job hunt and interview training, study habits bootcamps, and "give-back" mentoring days. Teen-Turn works with school representatives, including school completion officers and guidance counselors, to identify girls with promise who lack the confidence or are challenged by home circumstances, learning difficulties, or other obstacles (including ASD) that prevent them from performing in school as well as they potentially can. Conscious that these at-risk girls have high attrition and low post-secondary education progression rates, our approach is both immersive and followed up with reinforcement along what we call the 'Junior Cert to Job' route. An important component to this intervention is that each girl interacts regularly with women-in-STEM mentors as learning in the presence of female role models has been shown to impact girls' self-image and confidence, encouraging them to see themselves in new ways and stimulate new interests. We also provide recurring skill training and personal development opportunities. ***** Teen-Turn seeks impact over impression, distinguishing itself by committing to support participants through multiple stages--secondary school, third level, and career--to combat the high drop-out rate which affects our beneficiary group. Teen-Turn focuses on long-term results through its 'Junior Cert to job' support system. We are on track to increase the number of disadvantaged girls entering third level/acquiring jobs by 1,000 by 2021 and expect to continue at a rate of at least 300 per year. Within five years we will have provided a significant number of disadvantaged girls in Ireland the social capital and skills experience necessary to acquire STEM qualifications and career opportunities. The impact is this development of a local talent pool of skilled women who can thrive in a STEM career environment from whom companies can hire. Resultant, too, is the knock on effect of their presence as role models to girls from their own communities. Our Theory of Change envisages this impact as reaching even further than broadening inclusion in STEM. In addition to the likelihood of participants finding meaningful employment in STEM, changing their own and possibly their families' standard of living, there are other possibilities. Because of the enterprise programming to which the participants are exposed and the frequent feedback reiterating an interest in starting a business, some Teen-Turn beneficiaries will start their own companies, becoming employers themselves. The qualifications attained combined with the professional network developed should position these individuals to succeed. Also, as a factor of a skills shortage is staff turnover, employee retention will be improved by there being a talent pool from which to draw who has ties to the neighboring communities. Lastly, studies indicate that when those from disadvantage are empowered to become active citizens, they also become powerful self advocates. It is our expectation that future policy makers and community lobbyists will emerge from our cohort, already evident on a few of the girls' blogs.

Nightline France

1. Contextual elements The actions deployed by Nightline address issues relating to students' mental health, not only in terms of psychological well-being, but also academic success and, ultimately, socio-professional integration. > French students, a population known to be at risk in terms of mental health - 1 in 5 students in France is at risk of psychological fragility ; - in 2021, 36.6% of students reported depressive symptoms, compared with 20.1% of the general population - outside the context of the health crisis, analyses show that students are already a particularly vulnerable population when it comes to mental health problems: even before the health crisis began, 22% of students in France had suicidal thoughts, and 6% of these had already attempted suicide ; - In France, suicide is the second leading cause of death among young people aged 15-25; - in 2022, emergency room visits for suicidal gestures, suicidal ideation and mood disorders increase among 18-24 year-olds, compared with the already high levels observed in early 2021 ; - 62% of 18-24 year-olds say they have had suicidal thoughts since September 2021, compared with 34% of the total population > Mental health and academic results The links between mental health and academic results are proven: for students, an untreated psychiatric disorder can indeed lead to a significant drop in academic results and increase the risk of dropping out of school, as well as difficulties with long-term social integration, such as obtaining or maintaining employment. The results of the Observatoire de la Vie Etudiante (OVE) health survey in 2016 indicate that students presenting a depressive episode or having had suicidal ideations had to stop working or studying for almost two months (on average) because of their symptoms, and their chance of passing exams is reduced by at least 16%. Early intervention and follow-up strategies to deal with psychological issues in the university environment enable direct prevention that benefits students' mental health, as well as making a significant contribution to their academic success. > Enabling young people to realize their potential, and promote the professional integration of young graduates The WHO's definition of mental health includes the world of work, employability and individual productivity, and indicates that depression has been the second leading cause of illness and work stoppages since 2020; the OECD, for its part, points out that people suffering from mild to moderate mental health problems - such as anxiety or depression - are twice as likely to be unemployed. In addition, mental health problems in the workplace (stress, burnout, psychosocial risks (PSR), psychological disorders, mental health disability) have become one of the main causes of absenteeism from work: more and more employees under the age of 30 say they are stressed at work, or exhausted (52% in 2022, compared with 47% and 43% respectively in 2018), and more and more are taking sleeping pills or antidepressants (22% in 2022, compared with 9% in 2014). 2. Nightline's mission: to promote and support student mental health and engagement > The creation of Nightline It was during his university exchange year in Paris in 2016 - after noting the absence in France of mental health support systems focused on primary prevention - that an Irish student (himself a volunteer with Niteline Dublin) wanted to respond to this lack, and import the "nightline" concept to France: a free, anonymous, confidential helpline staffed by trained student-volunteers), which originated in the English-speaking world in the 1970s and is now present in many European countries (as well as Canada). Thus was born Nightline France, an association dedicated to supporting student mental health in France, for students and by students. France is under-resourced in terms of psychological support for students: today, there is 1 psychologist for every 15,000 students in the University Health Services (SSE), whereas international recommendations state that there should be 1 for every 1,500. The SSEs, the Centre Medico-Psychologiques and the University Psychological Aid Offices are thus largely saturated, requiring weeks or months of waiting before a young person can meet a professional. At the same time, students feel they have no access to existing resources (lack of knowledge, saturation of services, etc.), and are distrustful of mental health issues (even one year after the introduction of psychology vouchers for students, only 0.70% of psychologically fragile students had used them). What's more, approaches to health care are still conceived on a thematic basis (addictions, sexist and sexual violence, etc.) rather than on a population basis. However, the way in which we address students (and therefore the "young public") needs to be specific (we don't address "young people" in the same way as we are used to addressing the general public), while at the same time refining the "young" category, still considered in a very general way, as a single, homogeneous entity. > Peer support and community health In this sense, Nightline's actions are based on two innovative concepts in France, which postulate the interest of doing things with the beneficiaries, and not just for them: peer support and community health. Community health is the process whereby individuals and families (on the one hand) take charge of their own health and well-being as well as that of the community, and (on the other) develop their capacity to contribute to their own development as well as that of the community. This process therefore includes representatives of the target audience - in this case students - in the identification of priorities and their implementation. This makes it possible to : be as close as possible to the mental health needs of the target community ; support the empowerment of individuals and the community (through a participatory dynamic); encourage empowerment (the process of strengthening the ability to act autonomously and gain greater control over one's life); complement prevention approaches focused on the individual and on the treatment of mental disorders; bypass the limitations of traditional prevention initiatives for students (mistrust, feeling stigmatized, need for peers); benefit the whole community (peers helped and peer helpers, through the development of their listening, empathy and support skills). Given the credibility conferred on volunteers by the fact that they have lived through an experience similar to that of the person seeking help, and the existence of a real taboo associated with going to see a psychologist, peer support also has many advantages, and can be both a gateway (or an intermediate step, a springboard) to care for those who might need it but are reluctant to ask. The diversity of mental health needs calls for a range of resources and interventions to meet them: not all students need to consult a psychologist, so peer support programs are positioned to provide accompaniment, support and, if necessary, a springboard to care via referral. Peer support thus has benefits for the people it supports ... : peer-help programs help to combat the stigmatization of mental disorders and mental health, in particular by creating a space for open dialogue where people can talk without taboo or fear of being judged ; as a form of support based on a two-person relationship, peer support also strengthens social cohesion within the university community ; because of its central position in student life, peer support helps to anchor the notion of well-being in everyday life, clarify the available care options, and potentially reduce the risk factors that lead people to seek medical attention ; peer support programs also reduce recourse to the traditional health care system and more costly care - such as psychological consultations and hospitalization - resulting in significant savings: the Mental Health Commission of Canada refers to "millions of dollars" saved thanks to peer support. ... and for the supported peers themselves: the literature also points to numerous psychological and social benefits for those who help (at Nightline, we're talking about student volunteers) ; providing help to others increases volunteers' confidence, sense of self-efficacy and well-being volunteer activities also help improve interpersonal and communication skills, such as empathy and acceptance - often thanks to the principles of active listening, non-directiveness and non-judgment advocated by many initiatives by empowering students to take action for their own health and that of their peers, peer support reinforces the sense of self-determination and self-esteem of both volunteers and those supported.

Frauen helfen Frauen EN e.V. - GESINE Intervention

GESINE Intervention, in Traegerschaft des Vereins Frauen helfen Frauen EN e.V., ist das Zentrum fur Praevention, Information, Schutz und Unterstuetzung bei Gewalt gegen Frauen im Geschlechterverhaeltnis im Ennepe-Ruhr-Kreis - arbeitet aber auch immer wieder weit uber den Kreis hinaus. Neben Schutz und Beratung fur Frauen bietet GESINE auch Interventionsangebote fur Maenner sowie Unterstuetzung fuer all die Menschen, die in ihrem Beruf oder Privatleben mit von Gewalt betroffenen Frauen in Kontakt sind. Seit den spaeten 80er Jahren setzt sich der Verein Frauen helfen Frauen En fuer den Schutz und die Unterstuetzung von Frauen und ihren Kindern im Ennepe-Ruhr-Kreis ein. Mit dem GESINE Frauenhaus, der GESINE Frauenberatung, dem GESINE Netzwerk Gesundheit und dem Programm fuer gewaltaktive Manner hat der Verein eine breite Infrastruktur zur individuellen Unterstuetzung und zum Schutz von Frauen und ihren Kindern geschaffen. 1992 konnten wir das erste Frauenhaus im EN-Kreis eroeffnen. 1996 wurde mit der Frauenberatungsstelle in Witten ein Angebot fuer Frauen in schwierigen Lebenssituationen geschaffen. Lebenskrisen, Trennung/Scheidung, Mobbing, Stalking und auch seelische, koerperliche oder sexuelle Formen von Gewalt sind haeufige Beratungsthemen. Mittlerweile haben wir in drei weiteren Kreisstaedten Beratungsstandorte: In Schwelm, Hattingen und Herdecke. Das GESINE Netzwerk Gesundheit mit seinen vielen Akteur_innen setzt sich seit 2004 fuer eine gute gesundheitliche Versorgung gewaltbetroffener Frauen und ihrer Kinder ein - eine wichtige Voraussetzung fuer eine Zukunft ohne Gewalt. Dieses Ziel verfolgt der Verein seit 2007 auch mit unterschiedlichen Forschungs- und Praxisprojekten. So etwa von 2012 - 2019 mit dem Kompetenzzentrum Frauen und Gesundheit NRW - finanziert vom Gesundheitsministerium NRW. Seit 2006 war GESINE Intervention Partnerin in 7 EU-Projekten und zwei bundesweiten Projekten. Seit 2015 wird mit TONI ein Programm fuer Manner und Frauen angeboten, die in ihrer Partnerschaft zu aggressiven verbalen oder koerperlichen Uebergriffen neigen und ihr Verhalten aendern moechten. Weitere Schwerpunkte sind regionale Projekte zur Verbesserung des Gewaltschutzes fur Frauen und Manner mit Behinderungen sowie fuer Frauen in Fluchtsituationen. Dies alles sind Angebote, die von uns kontinuierlich weiter entwickelt werden. Zur Praevention von und Intervention bei Gewalt gegen Frauen hat der Verein eine Gesamtstrategie entwickelt. Ueber individuellen Schutz und Unterstuetzung hinaus zielt diese auf die grundlegende Veraenderung der Bedingungen, die Gewalt gegen Frauen erst moeglich machen. Mit dem Internetportal GESINE Intervention bietet der Verein eine digitale Anlaufstelle fuer Gewaltbetroffene, ihr Umfeld, Fachpublikum und Engagierte. Dort sind auch die von GESINE Intervention entwickelten Materialien fuer von Gewalt betroffene Frauen (auch Jugendliche und Maenner) sowie fuer das Fachpublikum eingestellt - Flyer, Broschueren, Plakate, Dokumentationsboegen, Filme. Viele Materialien liegen in mehreren Sprachen sowie in Leichter Sprache vor. Mit GESINE Campus bieten wir Fortbildungsangebote fuer verschiedene Berufsgruppen sowie die Entwicklung von Gewaltschutzkonzepten fuer verschiedene Einrichtungen an. GESINE Intervention kooperiert mit vielen Institutionen und Verbaenden. So z.B. mit dem Dachverband der Frauenberatungsstellen NRW, der Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Autonomer Frauenhaeuser NRW, dem Bundesverband Frauenberatungsstellen und Frauennotrufe (BFF), der Zentralen Informationsstelle Autonomer Frauenhaeuser (ZIF), der Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Taeterarbeit Haeusliche Gewalt, der BIK = Bundesweite Initiative der NGOs zur Umsetzung der Istanbul Konvention, dem Arbeitskreis Frauengesundheit in Therapie, Medizin und Gesellschaft (AKF) sowie auf der internationalen Ebene u.a. mit WAVE = Women against Violence Europe und dem Verein Autonome Oesterreichische Frauenhaeuser (AOF). Ganz aktuell fuehrt GESINE Intervention ganztaegige Schulveranstaltungen zum Thema "Und das soll Liebe sein?"" durch. In geschlechtsgetrennten Gruppen arbeiten Schueler_innen der 9. und 10. Klasse zum Thema Partnerschaftsbeziehungen und moegliche Warnzeichen fur Gewalt bzw. zu der Frage, wie Beziehungen gewaltfrei und partnerschaftlich gelebt werden koennen. GESINE Intervention, under the auspices of the association Frauen helfen Frauen EN e.V., is the center for prevention, information, protection and support in cases of gender-based violence against women in the Ennepe-Ruhr district - but it also works far beyond the district. In addition to protection and counseling for women, GESINE also offers intervention services for men as well as support for all those people who are in contact with women affected by violence in their professional or private lives. Since the late 1980s, the association Frauen helfen Frauen En has been committed to the protection and support of women and their children in the Ennepe-Ruhr district. With the GESINE Women's Shelter, the GESINE Women's Counseling Service, the GESINE Health Network and the Program for Violent Men, the association has created a broad infrastructure for the individual support and protection of women and their children. In 1992 we were able to open the first women's shelter in the EN district. In 1996, with the Women's Counseling Center in Witten, an offer for women in difficult life situations was created. Life crises, separation/divorce, mobbing, stalking and also mental, physical or sexual forms of violence are frequent counseling topics. In the meantime, we have counseling locations in three other county seats: In Schwelm, Hattingen and Herdecke. The GESINE Health Network with its many actors has been working since 2004 for good health care for women affected by violence and their children - an important prerequisite for a future without violence. Since 2007, the association has also been pursuing this goal with various research and practical projects. For example, from 2012 - 2019 with the Competence Center Women and Health NRW - funded by the Ministry of Health NRW. Since 2006, GESINE Intervention has been a partner in 7 EU projects and two nationwide projects. Since 2015, TONI, a program for men and women who are prone to aggressive verbal or physical abuse in their partnership and want to change their behavior, has been offered. Other focal points are regional projects to improve the protection against violence for women and men with disabilities and for women in refugee situations. These are all offers that we are continuously developing. The association has developed an overall strategy for the prevention of and intervention in cases of violence against women. In addition to individual protection and support, this strategy aims to fundamentally change the conditions that make violence against women possible in the first place. With the internet portal GESINE Intervention, the association offers a digital contact point for people affected by violence, their environment, experts and committed people. The materials developed by GESINE Intervention for women affected by violence (including young people and men) as well as for the professional public - flyers, brochures, posters, documentary sheets, films - are also posted there. Many materials are available in several languages as well as in easy-to-understand language. With GESINE Campus we offer further education for different professional groups as well as the development of violence protection concepts for different institutions. GESINE Intervention cooperates with many institutions and associations. For example, with the umbrella organization of women's counseling centers in North Rhine-Westphalia, the state working group of autonomous women's shelters in North Rhine-Westphalia, the Federal Association of Women's Counseling Centers and Women's Emergency Calls (BFF), the Central Information Center of Autonomous Women's Shelters (ZIF), the Federal Working Group on Domestic Violence, the Federal Initiative of NGOs for the Implementation of the Istanbul Convention (BIK), the Working Group on Women's Health in Therapy, Medicine and Society (AKF), and at the international level with WAVE = Women Against Violence (WAVE), among others. among others with WAVE = Women against Violence Europe and the association Autonome Oesterreichische Frauenhaeuser (AOF). GESINE Intervention is currently conducting day-long school events on the topic "And that's supposed to be love? In gender-separated groups, students of the 9th and 10th grade work on the topic of partnership relationships and possible warning signs of violence, or on the question of how relationships can be lived in a non-violent way and in partnership. Translated with (free version)


femLENS' mission is to visually educate and make technologically aware the most vulnerable and resourceless women of our society through documentary photography made accessible by mobile phone cameras and cheaper point and shoot cameras.

Women Deliver

Women Deliver is a leading global advocate that champions gender equality and the health and rights of girls and women. Our advocacy drives investment—political and financial— in the lives of girls and women. We harness evidence and unite diverse voices to spark commitment to gender equality. And we get results. Anchored in sexual and reproductive health, we advocate for the rights of girls and women across every aspect of their lives.

Nubian Foundation Services

Nubian Foundation Services, Inc. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 agency design to provide comprehensive services and treatment to African American and Africans of West Africa, Ghana.

I Civics

iCivics creates innovative and free educational resources that teach young Americans to be knowledgeable, curious, and engaged citizens. Our mission is to reimagine civic education, both in and out of the classroom.

MAITS - Multi-Agency International Training and Support

MAITS is an international disability charity whose mission is to improve the lives of some of the world's poorest people with developmental disabilities and the lives of their families, through better access to and quality of health and education services and support. We provide education, training and support for those working with and caring for persons with developmental disabilities such as cerebral palsy, autism and global learning disabilities to ensure they are able to achieve their full potential in a way that is sustainable and inclusive. We support people with disabilities in the following ways: The training of healthcare and education professionals, community workers, families and carers- to better understand their conditions and build their skills and knowledge to ensure persons with disabilities have better access to and improved quality of services. The development of training materials and resources on disability- the training materials are tested out and adapted to the local context, and when needed, translated into the local language, to ensure high quality care for those with disabilities. Linking organisations that need training with those who are able to provide it- through our website and through our database of 208 volunteer therapists and educators. In addition to facilitating face-to-face training, MAITS has an ongoing programme of resource development, designing tools that assist in the support and inclusion of individuals with particular needs, whether it be at home, school, in healthcare provisions or elsewhere in the community, in low-resource settings. We have a small team of specialists who create resources and we connect those looking for training with those who can provide it. Our mission is to improve the lives of some of the world's poorest people with developmental disabilities and the lives of their families, through better access to and quality of health and education services and support.

Child and Family foundation uganda

excellence in empowering families and communities to end disease, disability, illiteracy and poverty in urban poor and rural communities to enable children, youth, women and disabled persons attain full potential in life: through community interventions and development programs, capacity building, service delivery, research, policy development and advocacy

Waypoint Adventure

The Waypoint Adventure mission is to challenge people with disabilities to discover their purpose, talents and strengths through the transforming power of adventure.