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Zartonk-89 strives to support community development, help single parent, parentless and needy children, teenagers and youth to solve their educational, social, health, juridical problems, provide them with mental, physical development and life improvement.

YFU Bulgaria

YFU Bulgaria's mission and aims can be enlisted as follows (non-extensive list): - promoting the development and affirmation of spiritual values, education, and culture; - supporting social integration and personal fulfilment - nurturing the traits for a new system of values and consciousness of world citizens in young people; - providing assistance in overcoming barriers to communication and helping quality professional realization; - expanding the opportunity for young people to rediscover the importance of family and homeland and its spiritual values and national traditions; - developing in young people the ability for initiative, civic and social responsibility; - promoting the development of a sense of belonging.

B.U.O.Y. Foundation

B.U.O.Y. Foundation is a faith-based, non profit, 501(c)3 organization that exists to help youth in Prince William county and surrounding areas develop into well rounded, positive, contributing members of society. Utilizing educational, professional development and spiritual resources we endeavor to provide academic support to supplement the education youth receive in the public school system. Our program offerings include private tutoring, college preparation seminars, college tours, academic summer programs and other educational and social services that will build and develop youth academically, spiritually, and socially.

Academy Of The Pacific Rim Charter School Foundation

APR's mission is to empower urban students of all racial and ethnic backgrounds to achieve their full intellectual and social potential by combining the best of the East - high standards, discipline and character education with the best of the West - a commitment to individualism, creativity and diversity.

Achvat Amim - Solidarity of Nations

Achvat Amim ("Solidarity of Nations" in Hebrew) is a unique five month volunteer program based in Jerusalem, for participants ages 21 to 30, that directly engages with the reality of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through grassroots human rights work and critical education, based on the core value of self-determination for all peoples. Our vision is a reality of peace, justice, and self-determination for all peoples in this land, within a framework where the full human, civil, and political rights of all people and peoples are recognized and actualized. As experienced community organizers in Israel-Palestine, we know that the best way to approach challenging social and political problems is to engage people in meaningful processes of self-examination, empowerment, and relationship building. In parallel, we need to create spaces for communities to develop shared goals and strategies for positive social change, rooted in their unique identities and traditions. Our mission is to build a movement to support self-determination for all peoples, starting with an empowered and educated Jewish community which acts in partnership and solidarity with Palestinians and Israelis. As Jewish educators and activists, we have identified three strategies: 1. transform our own Jewish community to act from a place of empathy, compassion and meaningful identity, 2. bring more people into the movement, in partnership and solidarity with Palestinians and Israelis, and 3. develop leaders within the movement for self-determination for all people and peoples. Achvat Amim's methods - sustained processes of living, learning, and working in partnership across various divisions - allow growing relationships of trust and solidarity to emerge between participants, partner organizations, and staff, between Israelis, Palestinians and others.

Teach First Danmark

Teach First Denmark is a non-profit association founded in 2013 We work to give children in Denmark the opportunity to get an education, regardless of social background. We do this by engaging even more skilled teachers for the primary schools and students who need them the most. Our two-year program is a career in elementary school and in education. It is a community for people who want to contribute to strengthening the future opportunities for all children in Denmark. We work closely with primary schools, vocational colleges, municipalities and foundations. We are independent of political, economic and religious interests and are financed by foundation funds for non-profit purposes. A society where no children and young people are excluded from the communities Teach First Denmark works for a society where all children and young people have the opportunity to develop their full potential, for the benefit of themselves and the community. We mobilize civil society in the belief that positive change is created by engaging and uniting people who want to be something for someone and who want to contribute to the community. We are present where the need is greatest, and we always have the children's interests at the center of what we do. We emphasize building our activities around a broad collaboration, because we are never the whole solution, and because together we can see more nuances and create greater changes. More skilled teachers at primary schools with a large proportion of vulnerable pupils A program that attracts the brightest and most motivated university candidates with the talent to motivate and learn from them in primary school. A thorough selection of candidates who have the potential to become skilled teachers and who, in the long term, can also create solutions in a career outside primary school. More professionally skilled and well-connected teachers, not least in vulnerable residential areas. A strong community and network of graduates who support and inspire each other. A steep learning curve through a close link between theory and practice and feedback from a teaching mentor.

Society for Scientific Advancement

The Society for Scientific Advancement (SoSA, is dedicated to increasing scientific literacy and capacity in developing countries in the Caribbean, as a means for social advancement. We accomplish this by delivering educational programs, workshops and conferences for students at all levels, and local science personnel.

Julie Helping Hands Foundation (JHF)

To pragmatically facilitate the provision of quality health, quality education for children, skill acquisition and training for Women and Young Girls, complemented with life-enhancing infrastructures and social amenities towards improved lifestyles for the Less Privileged in sub-urban and Rural Communities.

Words Alive

Words Alive connects children, teens, and families with the power of reading. Our mission is to open opportunities for life success by inspiring a commitment to reading. We envision a world where everyone is connected to the power of reading and the innumerable ways that it enriches our lives. We also know that empowering experiences turn individuals into agents of change and advocates for their own education, and that when everyone can read, whole communities thrive. At Words Alive, we believe that the world we envision is made possible through the simple, essential, and effective act of reading together.

The Advocacy Project

The Advocacy Project - A Voice for the Voiceless The Advocacy Project (AP) helps marginalized communities around the world take action against the root causes of their disempowerment in a way that benefits society as a whole and produces social change. To do this, we partner with community-based advocates who represent these communities and share their problems. Our support for partners is innovative and effective. First, we deploy Peace Fellows (experienced graduate students) to help partners tell their story, launch campaigns, and strengthen their organization: we have deployed 274 Peace Fellows since 2003, and in the process given our Fellows a unique experience. Second, we help partners to raise funds and manage their campaigns: we have raised over $2.5 million for partners, and are currently seeking funds through Global Giving for exciting projects in Nepal, Vietnam and Uganda. Third, we promote the work of partners internationally, using new methods of story-telling such as advocacy quilting: over 300 women have produced embroidered panels for our quilts, which have been shown throughout North America and Europe. AP is a 501(c)3 organization, based in Washington DC. Visit us at

JAAGO Foundation UK

At JAAGO Foundation UK our aim is to prevent poverty in Bangladesh by supporting education and community development projects which provide quality, free-of-cost education, medical support, nutritious meals and hygiene products for socially and economically disadvantaged children and families.

Academia FC Mexico

Academia FC Mexico's mission is to offer high-quality school education to socially disadvantaged adolescents while being part of an amateur and / or professional football team, developing their unique personalities and helping them become value-based societal role models.