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Our mission is to connect driven and determined students from low-income families with the people, preparation, and possibilities to succeed in college, create their future, and change the world. We strive to equip high school students with the tools to gain acceptance to a four-year university and navigate the financial aid process. Through these efforts, we help our students develop as individuals. We introduce them to a world of opportunity outside their neighborhoods and comfort zones. They are more confident of their abilities, and are eager to succeed. Minds Matter works with motivated students because we believe that no student dedicated to earning a college education should be limited by socioeconomic status.

Bernasol Educational Foundation

The Bernasol Educational Foundation is driven by a single goal; to do our part in making the world a better place for all. Our decision-making process is informed by comprehensive empirical studies and high-quality data evaluation. We strive to build productive relationships and make a positive impact with all our pursuits. We want to inspire success through principles, education and mentoring. Providing economic opportunities and help develop sustainable communities. Our purpose is to provide resources to creative but overlooked individuals. Those who are trained will train others and continue the cycle to transform other lives, changing the entire nation and eventually the world.

InterVolve - International Volunteers

InterVolve is a Greek grassroots NGO of dedicated team members committed to creating a culture of resilience, and providing individuals with resources to access their human rights. In January 2018 InterVolve created Irida: a safe, welcoming, participatory space where refugee and migrant women have a voice, agency, and the opportunity to receive information and support. Mission: To create safe, equitable, more inclusive, communities within Greece, by contributing to the empowerment of refugee and migrant women. We work to create a society that reflects our community center: a warm, inclusive, participatory space, where women are empowered and become agents of change within their lives, families, and the community at large.

International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation

The IBC, International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation was founded in 1999 to provide input in improving the lives of the people suffering, especially the most disadvantaged section of the world population and this initiative turned into foundation, which is officially registered to Turkish Laws and Regulation as NGO permitted for international activities with registration number 4820. IBC's strengths upon three core elements; - General Assembly's and Board of Director's vision embracing all human beings without discrimination and awareness of the necessity for the civil society to actively contribute in the healthy development of the society itself. - Existing cooperation schemes with local, national and international actors and the willingness to improve and enlarge these ties. - IBC's organizational structure characterized by transparency and accountability, flexibility, open to communication and cooperation, functional and cross-functional working and considerable autonomy in decision-making. In the years, with the aim and intention to increase its effectiveness internationally, IBC became a member of ICVA International Council of Voluntary Agencies having its headquarters in Geneva on April 2003. On the 13th General Assembly held on March 2006, IBC was elected to the Board of Directors of the organization. IBC has applied to UN Economic and Social Council to have Special Consultant Status in order to contribute to the work of ECOSOC and its subsidiary bodies in cooperation with other NGOs. The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) serves as the central forum for discussing international economic and social issues, and for formulating policy recommendations addressed to Member States and the United Nations system. "The Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations" of IBC has been approved on July 2006.

Associacao de Fomento ao Empreendedor Socio Cultural Educacional Sauva

Sauva is a non-profit association that works in networks, promoting sustainability, autonomy, projects and business circularity; it is motivated by the environment's regeneration in its entireness; by reducing social inequalities; by knowledge exchanges with Brazil's indigenous peoples and traditional cultures; by the practice of auto education and by the cocreation of other kinds of economic relations.

Princeton Blairstown Center

Princeton-Blairstown Center serves young people, primarily from historically marginalized communities, by nurturing their social-emotional skills through experiential, environmental, and adventure-based programming. Developing these skills enables our participants to engage in self-discovery and transform their communities to create a more just world

Fundacion Andres- Bello

Provide the necessary care and support for people with disabilities in a state of vulnerability, focused on preventive dental care, as well as on the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of oral and maxillofacial pathologies of children, youth, adolescents and adults with limitations, to improve their quality of life, and integration social. Brindar la atencion y el apoyo necesario para personas con discapacidad en estado de vulnerabilidad, enfocados en la asistencia odontologica preventiva, asi como tambien en el diagnostico, tratamiento y seguimiento de patologias bucales y maxilofaciales de ninos, jovenes , adolescentes y adultos con limitaciones, para mejorar su calidad de vida, e integracion social.

Foundation for Agrarian Reform Cooperatives, Inc.

VISION - Sustainable communities of happy farmers. It commits to deliver reliable and highly effective organic agroindustrial technology and allied services to stakeholders. ItsCORE VALUES are: Honesty and Integrity, Social and Economic Justice, Competence and Professionalism, Teamwork and Participatory Process, Quality Products and Services, Cooperative Ideology and Practices, and Gender Equality.

Impact Stories
Humanity and Community Development Foundation

HUMANITY AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION is a non-governmental, non-profit organization advocating for humanity and community development by initiating ideas, programs and projects that aimed at providing solutions to the critical areas of sustainable development that include access to clean water, good health, quality education, peace and ensuring accountability and social justice.

Parakaleo e.V.

Parakaleo e.V. accompanies people in prostitution in the German cities of Nurnberg, Furth and Erlangen and wants to reduce the vulnerability of its clients, accompany them into stable living conditions and enable them to integrate into society. The association contributes to giving people in prostitution more equal opportunities in society, regardless of their background or social circumstances.

Mensajeros de la Paz

Our mission is to achieve social integration of the most disadvantaged individuals and help them regaining their rights, namely children and elderly people. Mensajeros de la Paz was founded in 1962 in Spain and reached Argentina in 2002 after a serious economic crisis that has had lasting influence on the people throughout the country.

Hitching Post Education Center

The Hitching Post Educational Center, a non-profit organization serves students from the elementary level to post graduation through advocacy, tutoring, social skills training, life skills training and Pre-Employment training through our partner company, Hickory Trading Company (an artisan gift and coffee shop).