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After School Buddies

THE MISSION of After School Buddies is to* provide leadership development opportunities for teens and young adults * prepare young girls for the social and academic challenges of middle school – or in simple terms - to “survive & thrive".After School Buddies are mentors (Big Buddies) – female teens, young adults and older — passionate about helping 4th-8th grade girls (Little Buddies) prepare for the difficult social and academic challenges experienced in middle school. Encouraging girls to “survive and thrive" Big Buddies serve as encouragers, mentors and friends in once a week after-school sessions. ASB offers girls unconditional love and acceptance by surrounding them with inspiring teens and adults promoting inter-generational communication, respect and friendship.

Pivotal Point Enterprises

Pivotal Point Enterprises, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization that has been providing academic assistance and character education since 2003 in the Big Bend area. The mission of Pivotal Point Enterprises, Inc. is to promote individual and community empowerment leading to positive behavior change. Pivotal Point Enterprises, Inc. currently operates two distinct programs - The Character Center and Character Kids. Our organization serves over 500 students and families a year with a mission to help them become self-sufficient, contributing members of society by teaching, showing, and preparing them in the areas of: A. Academic Excellence; and B. Behavior Modification; and C. Character Education.

Global Vision International Charitable Trust

Working with local grassroots charities and NGOs in 13 countries across the globe, the Global Vision International (GVI) Charitable Trust manages and raises funds for numerous long-term programs. These funds are used to support our local partners with the aims of alleviating poverty, illiteracy, environmental degradation and climate change. We do this through education, nutrition, conservation and capacity building. Our work focuses upon 3 key objectives: awareness, impact and empowerment. The aim is to create awareness of global issues, have a direct impact on those issues locally and empower our alumni, be they volunteers, donors, staff or community members, to continue impacting local issues on a global level.

Hoffnung fur Uganda e.V.

Suubi means "hope" and that's what it's all about: We try to significantly improve the lives of teenage mothers in Uganda and change them sustainably. Why Teenage Moms? Because in Uganda 25% of all births are to women under the age of 20. These women are often victims of abuse and end up in extreme poverty. And since they have no money for school fees, their children have little or no chance of escaping the cycle of poverty. Our concept is to empower the women by offering education and vocational training to become able to support themselves and their children. We started in 2017 by been running a vocational school in Kampala, Uganda and are now building up a vocational training center outside of Kampala.

Stichting International Sports Alliance (ISA)

At ISA, we believe in the potential of the largest ever young generation. When young people have the motivation, the skills and the opportunities they will be able to make the change they want to see in their lives and in the places they live, study and work. Our programmes do exactly that. Why is this needed? Young people in the underserved communities we work, often lack safe spaces where they can team-up, there is a limited supply of positive activities to engage in, and there are few opportunities for young people to attain quality education or income opportunities. Together with community organisations, (youth) coaches and mentors, we're turning tables and by providing opportunities for young people to make a future for themselves and that of the entire community.

Tekeshe Foundation

The Tekeshe Foundation is a 501c3 non-profit organization which focuses on empowering and restoring dignity and hope to the people in the rural areas of the Chipinge district in Zimbabwe by providing and promoting economic empowerment, advocating literacy and higher education for both boys and girls, while assisting AIDS/HIV patients and their families with social-economic help

Associacao Pluralis Em Defesa Da Diversidade E Respeito Humano

Insertion of vulnerable people into society. The Pluralis Association is an institution that fights for a society with more respect, equality and social inclusion. The organization is not aimed at profit, but rather to exercise altruism and to make public policy laws specifically aimed at the rights and duties of LGBTQI+, women and people with intellectual or multiple disabilities, are in fact contemplated with regard to them.

Yongping County Siyuan Experimental School

Based on the philosophy of "creating education suitable for students and laying the foundation for their lifelong development and happy life", we are striving to build a modern and high-quality school with "students' love, teachers' happiness, social satisfaction, first-class in the county and well-known in the state" by taking excellent quality of education and teaching as the foundation of the school. "

Girl Scouts of Central Maryland, Inc.

Mission: "Girl Scouts build girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place." The Value proposition is that Girl Scouts is where girls find their voices and make them matter. The Girl Scouts of Central Maryland has served the Metropolitan area since 1962. In the ensuing five decades, the neighborhoods and communities of Baltimore City and certain surrounding counties have changed. The GSCM has endeavored to change to be responsive to these changing demographics and keep current with the needs of girls in Central Maryland. GSCM conducted extensive research into the needs of girls and young women who live in Baltimore City. The families in these areas are typically single-parent families with income levels near the poverty line. Many parents work more than one job to make ends meet. And then there is the special group of girls, often forgotten, who are separated from their mother for reasons over which they had no control. Delivering the extra-curricular activities that are necessary for girls to achieve later in life is a founding principle and goal of Girl Scouts of Central Maryland. This includes learning the real meaning behind the Girl Scout Law of "I will do my best to be honest and fair, friendly and helpful, considerate and caring, courageous and strong, and responsible for what I say and do, and to respect myself and others, respect authority, use resources wisely, make the world a better place, and be a sister to every Girl Scout. In underserved communities there is a lack of availability of programs, and lack of transportation. GSCM intends to continue to fill this void with its Beyond Bars program and needs your support to assure we can continue to transport girls from their neighborhoods to the facility which houses their mother. Overall, for the entire council, the goals for 2015-2018 were established for a target population of girls in kindergarten through 12th grade, the goals and are: (a) to empower a culturally diverse population of girls through engagement in a Girl Scout leadership pathway; (b) to increase the reach of GSCM's programs and unique experiences by enrolling an increased number of girls, particularly girls from underserved communities, as members of the Girl Scouts of Central Maryland; and (c) to recruit, screen and orient new and existing adult volunteers, who are guided and trained to mentor a culturally diverse Girl Scout population.

John Carroll University

A John Carroll education is distinguished by respect and care for the whole person (cura personalis), innovative teaching, and integrated learning throughout the entire student experience. A commitment to excellence and academic rigor animates JCU's way of proceeding - graduating individuals of intellect and character who lead and serve by engaging the world. John Carroll University, founded in 1886, is a private, coeducational, Catholic, and Jesuit university. It provides programs in the liberal arts, sciences, education, and business at the undergraduate level, and in selected areas at the master's level. The University also offers its facilities and personnel to the Greater Cleveland community. As a university, John Carroll is committed to the transmission and enrichment of the treasury of human knowledge with the autonomy and freedom appropriate to a university. As a Catholic university, it is further committed to seek and synthesize all knowledge, including the wisdom of Christian revelation. In the pursuit of this integration of knowledge, the University community is enriched by scholarship representing the pluralistic society in which we live. All can participate freely in the intellectual, moral, and spiritual dialog necessary to this pursuit. Within this dialog, in which theological and philosophical questions play a crucial role, students have the opportunity to develop, synthesize, and live a value system based on respect for and critical evaluation of facts; on intellectual, moral, and spiritual principles which enable them to cope with new problems; and on the sensitivity and judgment that prepare them to engage in responsible social action. In a Jesuit university, the presence of Jesuits and colleagues who are inspired by the vision of Saint Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus in 1540, is of paramount importance. This vision, which reflects the value system of the Gospels, is expressed in the Spiritual Exercises, the source of Jesuit life and mission. To education the Jesuit spirit brings a rationality appropriately balanced by human affection, an esteem for the individual as a unique person, training in discerning choice, openness to change, and a quest for God's greater glory in the use of this world's goods. Commitment to the values that inspired the Spiritual Exercises promotes justice by affirming the equal dignity of all persons and seeks balance between reliance on divine assistance and natural capacities. The effort to combine faith and culture takes on different forms at different times in Jesuit colleges and universities. Innovation, experiment, and training for social leadership are essential to the Jesuit tradition. At the same time, John Carroll University welcomes students and faculty from different religious backgrounds and philosophies. Dedicated to the total development of the human, the University offers an environment in which every student, faculty, and staff person may feel welcomed. Within this environment there is concern for the human and spiritual developmental needs of the students and a deep respect for the freedom and dignity of the human person. A faculty not only professionally qualified, but also student oriented, considers excellence in interpersonal relationships as well as academic achievement among its primary goals. The University places primary emphasis on instructional excellence. It recognizes the importance of research in teaching as well as in the development of the teacher. In keeping with its mission, the University especially encourages research that assists the various disciplines in offering solutions to the problems of faith in the modern world, social inequities, and human needs. The commitment to excellence at John Carroll University does not imply limiting admissions to the extremely talented student only. Admission is open to all students who desire and have the potential to profit from an education suited to the student's needs as a person and talents as a member of society. The educational experience at John Carroll University provides opportunities for the students to develop as total human persons. They should be well grounded in liberalizing, humanizing arts and sciences; proficient in the skills that lead to clear, persuasive expression; trained in the intellectual discipline necessary to pursue a subject in depth; aware of the interrelationship of all knowledge and the need for integration and synthesis; able to make a commitment to a tested scale of values and to demonstrate the self-discipline necessary to live by those values; alert to learning as a life-long process; open to change as they mature; respectful of their own culture and that of others; aware of the interdependence of all humanity; and sensitive to the need for social justice in response to current social pressures and problems. Our partner in Honduras is Sociedad Amigos de Los Ninos, whose mission is to: Improve the quality of lives of children, adolescents, mothers, families and communities according to their specific needs, implementing programs that provide protection, education, health, training, financing, spiritual orientation, and housing, involving them in achieving their own development. Enable our supporters and volunteers to join this labor of love where they have the opportunity to fulfill their own dreams in favor of the less fortunate.

Asociacion Civil Ingenieria sin Fronteras Argentina

ISF-Ar develops engineering projects aimed at the fulfillment of fundamental human rights such as water and sanitation, education or work in urban and rural communities in vulnerable situations in Argentina. Its mission is to collaborate in the construction of a just, inclusive and caring society through the participatory elaboration of comprehensive technology-based projects; promote engineering geared towards sustainable human development, the fulfillment of Human Rights, the care of nature and the strengthening of populations in vulnerable situations; and promote a space that integrates diversity and mobilizes citizen participation. The problems to which ISF-Ar responds are situations of social vulnerability in communities characterized by isolation and the absence of the Government. These situations are answered with infrastructure works, whether it be construction and expansion of community infrastructure, such as kindergartens, community spaces and schools, or water supply systems. On the other hand, a response is given by convening the state and other social actors in order to make visible and articulate work networks that strengthen these territories. The strategic priorities of the next three years include 1) Deepening the impact on local development, professionalizing territorial work and coordinating with other social organizations, municipalities and public bodies 2) Increasing the scope and scale of the water access program in rural communities 3) Promote the strengthening program for organizations through community infrastructure and advisory programs 4) Design and implement an intervention strategy in confinement contexts 5) Promote advocacy on public policies and participation in spaces for debate and decision-making in the areas of interest of the organization 6) Systematize and produce knowledge about the experiences, methodologies and topics addressed such as engineering social impact, gender perspective, Infrastructure and human rights, participatory design and climate crisis. The challenges to achieve the objectives are the formation of a professional interdisciplinary team to address social complexity, as well as the economic sustainability of the organization to be able to engage in long-term projects in the territories in a stable way as well as to expand the scale of the interventions. Another great challenge is the articulation with the State, which in many cases depends on the current political scenario. For the objective of producing knowledge and influencing spaces for debate, one challenge is to obtain funds that allow for further study in this regard.

Adyan Foundation

Adyan is a foundation for Diversity, Solidarity and Human Dignity. It was founded on 6 August, 2006 by members from different professional and religious backgrounds. Adyan is registered in Lebanon as an independent, non-profit and non-governmental organization (NGO), under registration number 1103 by a ministerial decree dated 18 September 2008. Adyan works on valuing cultural and religious diversity in its conceptual and practical dimensions, and on promoting coexistence and diversity management among individuals and communities, on the social, political, educational and spiritual levels. Adyan implements its projects in cultural, educational, media, policymaking, social, and spiritual fields. Besides the support of its members, the foundation also benefits from the commitment of its networks of youth, volunteers, ambassadors, families, social activists, and honorary members, in addition to its qualified professional team. Adyan operates in Lebanon, as well as, regionally and internationally (via partnerships), through its five departments: The Institute of Citizenship and Diversity Management, The Community Engagement Department, The Media Department, The Rashad Center for Cultural Governance and The Administration Department. Adyan envisions a world where diversity between individuals and communities is lived as enrichment, generating mutual understanding, inclusive citizenship, creative development, sustainable peace, and spiritual solidarity.