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Hope for Limpopo, Inc.

Hope for Limpopo, Inc. promotes women and children's safety, education and well-being through support of projects and capacity building programs dictated by the needs of the local community in and around Limpopo Province. Activities consist primarily of financing works that provide education, basic diet and nutrition counseling, public awareness, and medical care for impoverished children and adults living in the rural areas of South Africa. An emphasis is placed on children orphaned or otherwise adversely affected by HIV/AIDS and their caregivers.

Changing Tides Foundation

CTF was born from the idea that the world would be a better place if we were all given the opportunity to give back. Established by a group of water women, we feel it is our calling to help others by teaming up with local organizations globally to raise awareness and address social, environmental, health and safety concerns in the places we visit. We aim to bridge the gap between the traveler and our projects enabling travelers to add a life-changing experience to their journeys and add purpose to travel.

Biosphere Expeditions

Biosphere Expeditions is an award-winning not-for-profit conservation organisation, and a member of IUCN and the UN's Environment Programme. For us successful conservation is the collective effort of individuals. We invite everyone to join us on our wildlife and wilderness projects all over the world. Whether young or old, become a citizen scientist for one or two weeks, or more. The foundation of our work is science and local need. We focus on sustainable conservation projects that target clearly defined, critical issues that humankind has the power to change. You, our international volunteers, work hand-in-hand with local biologists and communities to drive positive outcomes for biodiversity - the creation of a protected area for snow leopards in the Altai is just one recent example. Biosphere Expeditions is a member of the IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature) and of the United Nations Environment Programme's (UNEP) Governing Council & Global Ministerial Environment Forum. Achievements include the implementation of our conservation recommendations and species protection plans by numerous national and regional governments and NGOs, the creation of protected areas on four continents, scientific and lay publications, as well as capacity-building, training and education all over the world.

Associazione pro Terra Sancta

pro Terra Sancta is committed to preserving the cultural heritage and supporting the local communities in the contexts in which it operates, supporting the work of the Franciscan Friars of the Custody of the Holy Land, and local charitable works at the service of the weakest. In addition, the Association is committed to providing humanitarian aid to all those who join find in need, operating with the desire to meet everyone regardless of all religious affiliation, social status and ethnic origin. Participating in the work of pro Terra Sancta means, in particular, loving and live a lasting bond with the Holy Places and the ancient Christian communities, involving itself in the various religious, historical-cultural and social aspects. In particular, the works of the Association must be constantly supported and guided by the following principles: (1) love for the fate of each person you meet; (2) constant dialogue with all those involved in the on-site projects in order to get to know the reality of the place and identify needs and opportunities, so from define possible development processes; (3) sharing of decisions regarding strategies to adopt and projects to implement; (4) promotion of initiatives identified as priorities; (5) involvement of supporters, so that they can significantly contribute to the work of pro Terra Sancta.

Nepal Village Foundation, UK

The advancement of education for the public benefit, in particular among girls from poor families in rural Nepal who would not otherwise receive a formal education The prevention or relief of poverty in rural areas of Nepal by providing or assisting in the provision of education, training, healthcare projects and all the necessary support designed to enable individuals to generate a sustainable income and be self-sufficient To develop the capacity and skills of the members of socially and economically disadvantaged communities of rural Nepal in such a way that they are better able to identify, and help meet, their needs and to participate more fully in society

Haligi ng Bata, Inc.

Haligi ng Bata, Inc.'s Mission is to: *Implement responsive programs based on spiritual and life values geared towards the total development of children, families and communities. *Facilitate the awareness of every individual towards the realization of social issues that affect their lives thereby empowering them to identify their potentials and resources that may address their needs. *Provide access to opportunities that may lend support toward a self-managing individual and community. *Enjoin active participation of project beneficiaries in the exercise of the helping process to achieve maximum impact on their lives.

Develop Armenia Socio- Educational NGO

Organization's Programs and Mission Organization's Programs: The program is called "Caps for help". As Develop Armenia our formula is very simple bottle caps for wheelchairs or supporting devices. This program support three intertwined programs. First Educational: Bottle caps are collected from different educational institutions and companies. At this stage, we stress the danger of plastic in our environment, and the importance of sustainable development. This is through different sessions where we talk about the danger of those plastics, the time it takes for their disintegration, and most importantly that plastic is not waste. Second Environmental: Those plastics are recycled in a recycling company. We also organize field trips for the students to show them the recycling process. Thirds Social. With revenue, we help disabled people from different gender, age groups, religions, and regions. We provide them will wheelchairs and supporting devices to help them improve their lifestyle and become independent. Mission: The promotion of sustainable development, the integration of social and environmental consciousness into education, and the enhancement of the Armenian culture are just a few of the actions we believe will improve our society. Within the framework of the above objectives, we are developing actions such as events, campaigns, and partnerships with international and local partners for the implementation of strategic programs. Adhering to the principles of sustainable development, Develop Armenia encourages the sustainability and conservation of the natural environment and enhances awareness campaigns to preserve nature. We are working on implementing socio-economic projects in the different rural areas in Armenia within the framework of job creation, self-sustainability, and development. This will help to reduce urban migration. - To provide public opportunities through socio-sustainable projects. - To educate our youth through projects and educational sessions by professionals. - To value and mobilize the youth to participate in environmentally increased sustainable livelihoods. - To conduct research and studies concerning issues socially and economically.

OBAT Helpers Inc

OBAT Helpers works for the welfare, support, and rehabilitation of displaced and stateless people by providing programs to alleviate the daily suffering and burdens of thousands of Urdu speaking people (known as "Biharis") who are stranded in makeshift camps in Bangladesh. OBAT Helpers implements projects in education and vocational training, self- empowerment through micro-financing, health care with clinics, drinking water, proper sewerage, and emergency relief projects. The Biharis have been stranded in Bangladesh since it achieved independence from Pakistan in 1971. Referred to as, astranded Pakistanis,a this community was supposed to be repatriated to Pakistan after the two countries separated but most of them could not due to political complications. They are presently citizens of nowhere, unclaimed by either country and marked by the UNHCR as refugees, yet deprived of the rights of refugees. They still live in the camps/slums that were supposed to serve as their temporary shelter forty years ago. This population is scattered across sixty-six camps which house around 300,000 people. Anyone visiting these camps would see a family of 7-10 people sharing a living space of 8x10 ft.; open sewers and overflowing drains; a single toilet or two for one hundred or so people; innocent six or seven year olds who should be in schools, working for a living; high-infant mortality rates due to absence of medical facilities; lack of clean drinking water; terrible or no sanitation facilities and nothing but abject poverty. OBAT Helpers is the only organization in North America which is committed to helping the Biharis to become self-reliant and empowered through proper education, health care and micro financing projects. OBAT started with providing help to one camp in 2004, and now, it is improving the lives of people in more than 30 out of the total 66 camps, after just six years. This is almost half of the total number of camps in Bangladesh.

STG International

Our mission is to provide technical, financial and intellectual support, assistance, and training to projects and organizations focused on bringing sustainable energy technologies to communities across the developing world. Critically, access to an affordable, distributed, renewable form of energy generation can improve productivity and quality of life in rural villages, clinics, schools, and organizations without increasing their carbon footprints. We are focused on the development of a solar technology that can be locally customized, manufactured, and distributed to local economies and provide local jobs while extending energy access beyond the traditional electricity grid.

Institute for Socio-Ecological Research

ISER Caribe is committed to working directly with local communities through a transdisciplinary approach by conducting participatory research and engagement. This is achieved by integrating efforts between government institutions, academia, civil society, and community organizations. Our team studies the interactions and dialectic relations between the environment and humans in order to develop alternate ways of managing anthropogenic and natural systems. Through our collaborative projects, we build the consensus that allows us to develop participatory actions, capacity building and horizontal knowledge transfer through local outreach activities and education.

Child Rescue Kenya

CRK mission is to assist children in need while developing communities to better care for their own children. Our vision is a world where children enjoy all their rights, especially the right to be a child BACKGROUND INFORMATION. Child Rescue Kenya is an organization operating in Trans-Nzoia County in Kenya. The Organization assists vulnerable children and families through integrated development initiatives.CRK facilitates the rehabilitation of street children, and other abused or neglected children, by encouraging close links between community -child, project-child, and project - community. Multifaceted activities combine child rehabilitation centers with community development initiatives such as: a. Community Health clinics - both preventive and curative services. b. Training in home based income generating activities. c. Sports facilities in identifying and nurturing talents among the youths. d. Advocacy campaigns on Family health and HIV/AIDS, children rights, domestic violence and substance abuse among the youths. e. Bio- intensive farming activities targeting vulnerable families. f. Vocational training and formation of associations for youths. Vision, A society where children are enjoying their basic rights and leading a dignified life. Mission. To assist children in need while achieving positive change through initiatives that empower families and respect for children rights. Our Objectives are as stated here below;1.Child Rescue and Support. The strategic holistic approach emphasizes on improved child welfare under the projects through well coordinated interventions. The strategic objectives and strategies under this pillar are; 1. Continued Rescue and Support of vulnerable and unaccompanied Children. These strategies ensures that rescued children access basic necessities. Provision of shelter and meals. Clothing and toiletries. Psycho-social support and Counseling. Medication both preventive and curative Sports and recreation. Remedial education. 2. Increased Early Street Interventions. These aims at curbing the influx of children on the streets. Daily identification of new street arrivals. Referral to Child Protection Unit at the police and local administrators. 3. Increased advocacy on child rights. We hope to see a reduction on child abuse cases and advocate respect for children's rights. Carrying out advocacy campaigns Attending network meeting Holding sensitization workshops. Children's participation in awareness creation. 4. Increased access to education. These strategies will enable children to access education at Primary and Secondary schools. Enhance early childhood education through enrolment in public schools. Provision of school requirements and levies. Refurbish libraries for remedial studies at all project centres. 2. YOUTH EMPOWERMENT. Through this pillar CRK seeks to empower youth; those living and working on the streets and those in the slums, through formation of self -help groups or associations, facilitation to vocational training and formal education to improve their livelihoods. 1 Increased access to formal and non formal education and training. Support youth for enrolment in public schools and vocational training. Peer to peer counseling on abuse of drugs. Support the youth to form self help groups / associations. Nurturing of talents through sports. Health education on HIV/AIDS, STIs and testing. Capacity building on enterprise development. 2 Youths engaged in micro businesses. Support trained youth with business start up kits. Routinely monitor the progress of the started ventures. Encourage and assist the youth to get national identity cards for opening bank accounts. Link the supported youth to government development funds e.g youth fund. 3 FAMILY SUPPORT. Through this pillar CRK works with families to build therapeutic relationships, addressing issues affecting children at home, helping families initiate income generating activities and practice bio-intensive agriculture for those with small farms to improve their food security. 3.1. Enhanced family relationships. Routine family visits. Counseling families. Conducting advocacy campaigns on domestic violence Educate families on HIV/AIDS and reproductive health. Provision of subsidized medical services Referral linkages for support. 3.2. Improved household incomes. Identify vulnerable families to support (with a child or children). Training on micro - business initiatives and marketing. Support the trained beneficiaries with business start up kits. Routine business progress monitoring 3.3. Improved food production through organic farming. Identify and train families on organic farming. Provision of start up farm inputs Setting up demonstration plots as resource centres. Sensitizing and training on environmental conservation. Organizing exposure tours as learning tools. Promote proper soil management practices through modern farming methods. 4. ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT. This objective endevours to make CRK a strong and effective organization delivering its mandate within its core areas of operation. This will be achieved through: .4.1. Strong and effective organization delivering its mandate. Enhance staff motivation and performance Review the Human Resources Policies and Procedures. Management team at the Head office to enforce and implement the policies. Development of Contingency and disaster plans. Recruit professional staff for core functions such as Human Resource and Resource Mobilization. Strengthen and sustain policy on HIV/AIDS. Staff Capacity building in relevant project areas. Board development and policy formulation. Redefine roles and responsibilities of staff to enhance performance. 4.2. Improved record keeping. Put in place a back up system for all organization documents. Routine information dissemination to staff and partners. 4.3. Increased Resource Mobilization. Diversify proposals seeking for funding. Put in place a donor profiling system both locally and internationally. Engage in consultancy services. Initiate income generating activities Develop partnerships. Set up a resource mobilization team (staff members). 4.4. Improved service delivery in project areas. Adequate funds for administration and project coordination. Routine monitoring and evaluation of projects. Encourage transparency and accountability in the management of resources. Continuous documentation and reporting of progress. Routine reviewing of targets and objectives. Staff appraisals to ascertain performance. Procure a vehicle for project use in the rural terrain.

Empower And Help Inc

Empower And Help is a 501(c)(3) NPO – On a mission to Empower And Help our Youth, Build future leaders with integrity through service, social good projects, challenges to solve and raise awareness on global issues, positive mindset development, emotional awareness, and value-based education. If you want your child to be a leader of this life, have a positive can-do attitude, and unleash their highest potential, then you are at the right place. Have your child join Empower And Help Global Awareness Challenge, Empower And Help Ambassador program, Group workshops, One-on-one coaching, and Volunteering Opportunities